Stolen Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Marcelo has me pinned so tightly up against the wall that it’s almost impossible for me to breathe. I suck in a gasp and feel like I’m choking on it. He’s all around me, and when I take a breath, I feel his presence sliding down my throat.

I feel his essence in me, coiling in my stomach like a snake getting ready to strike. Even if I were to get away from him now, I think that I’d still feel him with me whenever I took a breath. It’s unnerving and I hate it.

It feels like my body isn’t my own anymore. He looks at me, his dark eyes locking onto mine, and I suddenly feel warmth and desire flowing through me. Longing and heat burn between my legs when our eyes meet. He licks his lower lip while staring at me and I have a sudden urge to pull him even closer to kiss me.

It’s insane, and I know it, but that doesn’t mean that I’m able to push the thoughts away. He’s magnetic, even though he’s not good for me. Marcelo is more like a caged animal than anyone that I’ve ever met and I’m afraid that letting him get too close to me is going to be my downfall.

But right now I have no choice in the matter. I’m well aware of his huge, hard cock pressing into my hip and the way that he’s staring down at me like I’m a meal and he’s starving. I can try my best to hide the fact that I want him as much as I want. He’s not making the same effort. Marcelo wants me and he’s the type of man to always get what he wants.

“You’ve lost clothing privileges,” he tells me flatly. Confused, I blink up at him, trying to understand the words that he just said.

Separately, they all make sense. I know what they mean, but I can’t seem to understand them strung together in a sentence. There’s no way that he honestly means the thing that I think he does.

“I’ve...what?” I manage.

A small grin curves the corners of his mouth and he reaches up, lightly tracing his fingers along my lips. They part instinctively even though I hate the fact that I respond to him the way that I do. “Clothing privileges. You’ve lost yours. Until I can be sure that you won’t behave like a wild animal again, then you don’t get to wear clothing around the house. Just the collar.” He reaches up and tugs on it, reminding me that I don’t really have a choice in the matter.

“But you said that my stuff was on its way here,” I manage. “You told me that my clothes and all of my things were coming from my apartment.” I don’t have a lot of stuff, and none of it is as nice as anything that he gave me, but it’s still mine and I still want it here with me. I don’t want someone like Marcelo to tell me that I can’t have it.

“It’s coming. In fact,” he says, glancing down at his watch, “it should be here pretty soon. But you don’t get to wear any of it, Tess. Not until l know for sure that you’re sorry.”

I’m not sorry. I’d destroy it all again if I had the chance. As soon as he leaves me here again I’m going to find something else that his crazy ass loves and then rip it to shreds, consequences be damned. He hasn’t hurt me yet and I don’t get the feeling that he will.

If he’s going to keep me here, he’s going to regret it. I can cause just as much damage to his precious belongings naked as I can fully clothed.

“How will you be able to tell that I’m sorry?” I blink up at him through my lashes, trying to ignore the heat pouring off of him. When I allow myself to forget for a moment just how fucked up this all is, then I want him.

God help me, I want him.

“Oh, you’re a smart girl. I’ll bet that you can think of a way to start convincing me.”

Instinctively, my eyes drop down to his crotch. Since he made me cum I’ve wondered what the fuck he has packing in his pants. Swallowing hard, I manage to drag my eyes back up to his face. His expression hasn’t changed one iota and I get the feeling that he’s letting me decide on my own.

I don’t have to do what I’m about to. I could step away from him right now. He has me pinned, but he’s not hurting me. He’s not forcing me to fall to my knees in front of him like I’m ready to worship him, but that’s exactly what I do.

Looking up at him, I try to gauge the expression on his face as I carefully undo his belt and unzip his jeans. His eyes are dark pools that I can’t read and I wonder what the fuck he’s thinking about me in front of him, ready to worship his cock.

He had to know that this was what it was going to come to, right? He had to know that I would end up on my knees for him, my mouth actually watering at the thought of what he’s going to taste like.

My body is such a fucking traitor.

“You think that this is going to get you your clothes back?” Marcelo’s voice is softer than I would have thought it could be and I look up at him in surprise, my hands still gripping the waistband of his jeans.

“Yes.” My voice is just as soft. It’s also full of hope. I wonder if he can pick up on that.

He shakes his head. “No. You get back one article of clothing after this. Choose carefully.” His huge hand lands on the back of my head, his fingers pressing hard into my skull. When I don’t move right away, he digs them into my skin and grabs a fistful of my hair, pulling me back so that my neck is exposed and I’m looking up at him. “Bite me and I will kill you. I’m dead serious.”

I manage a nod and he lets me go. I know that I should fight this and do whatever I can to get away from him but I carefully tug down his pants, my mouth actually watering. I shouldn’t want him this badly, but I’m suddenly filled with need. I need him on my tongue, in my mouth. I want to make him feel good, not because he makes me feel good, but just to sate some burning desire deep in my core that I can’t name.

His cock is huge. My eyes widen when I see it and I glance up at him, but he still hasn’t moved. His eyes are locked on me, his fingers still pressing into the back of my head. With both of my hands I reach out and grab him, running them up and down his smooth shaft.

Carefully, like I’m afraid that it’s going to hurt, I take his bulb in my mouth. The soft head is thick on my tongue and I lap at it, running my hands up and down his length at the same time. Marcelo shifts, thrusting forward into my mouth, and I relax my throat, trying to keep from gagging as he goes deeper.

But then I realize that I don’t want him to be in control. I pull him from my mouth, wetting him with my spit. With one hand I grab the base and squeeze it tight, then slip the other one around him run it up and down his shaft. A small moan escapes him and I actually smile before licking him.

When I suck hard on his bulb I feel him try to push the back of my head to go deeper, but I won’t allow it. I want him to know that I’m in control here, even if it’s just for a few minutes. My hands work on him, dragging the spit up and down his shaft as I suck harder on his bulb, then I flick my tongue along the sensitive spot on the bottom of his head before taking him back deep into my mouth.

He sucks in a breath and thrusts forward, but I pull back, holding him tightly in my hands so he can’t force himself into me.

“Tess,” he growls, a note of warning in his voice, and I feel a stab of triumph. I can’t get out of here and I don’t have much control over him, but now he knows that he can’t have everything his way all the time.

“Going too slow for you?” I ask, pulling his cock from my mouth with a pop. I want him. Fuck, I want to make him cum right now but I love the look on his face. When he doesn’t answer me I grin, then suck on him again, this time letting him go deeper down my throat.

All of the gentle pressure on the back of my head is gone. Marcelo slams his cock into me all at once, pushing it deeper down my throat and I gag, tightening my grip on his cock. His head is so thick that I’m choking but if he notices, he doesn’t care. He keeps thrusting into me and all I can do is hang onto his cock and try to keep breathing.

I feel him twitch in my mouth then release, his warm cum filling my mouth.

“Swallow it all,” he commands, and I do, tears burning at the corners of my eyes.

I’m not angry at him, even though I’m sure that I should be. I should hate myself for liking this, for enjoying the way it feels to have his cock in me. I would have swallowed it all even if he hadn’t told me to.

What the hell does that say about me?

When he finishes, he steps back, leaning down to press a rough kiss to my forehead. “One article of clothing,” he reminds me, then pulls up his pants and walks away.