Stolen Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Inever believed that post nut clarity really was a thing until now. But after seeing Tess’s sweet little mouth wrapped around my cock and finally getting to cum in her, I can think much more clearly. She stayed on the floor where I left her, and I wandered into the kitchen to get something to eat.

Grabbing a plate and some chips, I throw together some nachos, then wait while they heat up. My phone dings and I’m not surprised to see that it’s a message from the movers letting me know that they’re on their way here. Apparently Tess has a fish and they want to know if they should bring it or flush it.

Bring it.

I hate animals in the house, but it’s just a fish, and I have a feeling that it will go a long way to building some good will with my sweet little kitten. Even though she may think that she’s going to get out of here or be able to drive me crazy enough to release her, that’s simply not going to happen.

She lives here now, whether she likes it or not, so if she wants a fish for company, she can have a fucking fish.

The microwave beeps and I grab the plate and two beers, taking them with me to the living room. My leather sofa is a mess, which pisses me off a little bit, but there are still plenty of other places to sit and eat.

“Come get something to eat,” I say to Tess as I walk by her. She’s still on the floor and she looks up at me when I walk past her, but she doesn’t move. “Or not. If you want to waste away then that’s fine too, but I brought you a beer.”

I settle myself down in a chair and put the plate of nachos on the coffee table before cracking open the beers and taking a long pull from mine. Fuck. That was just what I needed.

In a moment, after I’ve had a few bites, I see Tess hovering at the door. She’s still as naked as the day she was born and even though she just sucked me off, I feel my cock thicken again a little at the sight of her. Fuck, I’ve had a semi since she moved in and it doesn’t look like that’s going away any time soon.

“Come get a beer,” I tell her. It’s not an offer and even though she hesitates for a moment, I can see from the look on her fact that she knows I expect her to join me. “Now, Tess.”

This brings her into the room. Before sitting down she grabs the blanket from the floor and wraps it around her under her armpits like a towel. I take a sip of beer as I watch her, a smile curling my lips. Even wearing a fucking blanket she looks hot as blazes.

Her hair is messed up from where I grabbed it and her lips are a little puffy and bruised. I want to fuck her sweet mouth again right now but instead I hand her a beer. “Drink this.”

She takes a sip then sits down across from me, perching on the edge of her chair like she’s going to make a run for it at any moment. Carefully, like they’ll bite her instead of the other way around, she eats one nacho, then another.

“Good?” I ask her, taking some for myself. Fuck yeah, they’re good. They’re loaded with steak tips, cheese, beans, and peppers. I wanted something that was totally addictive to get her to come in here and eat with me and it looks like I chose the exact right thing.

She nods. “You said that I could have one piece of clothing. Do I get to pick it?”

I eyeball her. She’s got something up her sleeve and I think I know what it is, but I still want to hear her say it herself. Tess probably feels like she needs to have a little control in her life right now because she sure as hell doesn’t have very much.

“Yes.” Let’s see what she comes up with. Worst comes to worst, I can always take whatever she chose from her and give her something that I want her to wear instead. If I can’t have her walking around the house naked all the time then I’m sure that I could find some lingerie that would work for me.

Hell, it will be like having my own little sex doll in the house. Fantastic. Even as I think that, though, I know that it’s not entirely true. Tess is hot as fuck and I do want to put my cock in her every moment of the day, but there’s more to her than that. She’s stronger than any woman I’ve ever met.

She’s simply not afraid to stand up to me. I love her sassy little mouth and how she’s willing to verbally spar with me even when she knows that it’s a losing proposition. I took Tess in the first place because I didn’t want to kill her after she saw me murder the baker, but now that I have her here, I want to keep her for much more than that.

More than sex, too, which makes me a little uncomfortable, because I’m not sure that I’ve ever felt that way about someone before.

“Good.” She bites another nacho in half, the crunching sound loud in the room. “You can’t take back what you said, you know. I get to wear whatever I want.”

I stare at her for a moment, shaking my head. “How old are you?” I know, of course. I know everything that there is to know about Tess. As soon as I took her, I researched her, wanting to make sure that I could find out anything and everything that would give me an edge over her.

Mostly, I wanted to make sure that there wasn’t someone who was going to be looking for her. Part of me was actually afraid that someone would try to take her back from me, but from what I’ve seen, there isn’t anyone in her life who would care enough. One friend, but that’s it.

Even her job didn’t seem concerned when I told them that she quit. No family, not real support system.

Well, I know how I’d react if someone tried to take her from me. I’d burn the world looking for her. Whoever took her would die and I’d bring her back here where I could keep her safe.

“I’m twenty-two.” She’s telling me the truth. That’s another reason I asked. “You?”

“Older.” It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’m the right man for her. She may not realize it yet, but I’m the only person in the world who can really give her what she needs. I’m the only person who can take care of her and there’s no way in hell I’m ever going to let her go. “No family?”

A slight pause, during which I wonder if she’s going to lie to me. If there was ever a time to lie about something, it would be now, but I’m pleased when she shakes her head. “No family.”

“You’re all alone.” It’s not a question but her head jerks up and she looks at me like she’s thinking about how to answer it. “Or, you were. Until I brought you here.”

“Until you kidnapped me.”

“We’ve been over this. Would you rather I have killed you?” I drain my beer then reach across the table and take hers from her. She’s barely tasted it and I take a drink, enjoying the way it flows down my throat. “That’s still an option, you know.”

This makes her lean forward, her elbows on the coffee table. I notice the way the blanket shifts a little under her arm like it’s about to fall down, but it doesn’t slip from around her body. Not yet, anyway.

“What’s the end game here, Marcelo? You think that you can just...what? Keep me here until I fall in love with you? It will never happen. You’re a murderer, in case you forgot. You kidnapped me. I don’t give a shit if you know about my past or how much you try to pretend to care. There’s no room in your heart for kindness, you know that? You’re rotten to the core.”

She spits the words at me like I haven’t heard worse but I rise to her bait and stand anyway. “You think that?”

It’s what she wants to think. She wants to think that I’m a monster so that she doesn’t feel so guilty about opening her legs for me.

Tess stands up, her eyes bright with anger. There’s a red flush creeping up her chest and she locks her eyes on mine, leaning forward a little, like a prize fighter getting ready. Her fingers are twisted in the blanket to keep it from slipping, even though I know full well that I could still pull it down and expose her.

“I know it. Someone like you, Marcelo? You don’t get love. You don’t deserve it. You’re going to spend your life alone and you’re going to die alone.”

“I won’t.” Moving faster than she can, I grab her by the arm and pull her to the stairs. It’s a long fucking way back up to her room, but that’s not where we’re going. I gave Tess the opportunity to have a halfway decent life here and to live with me in this house, but she just threw it into my face.

Let’s see how long it takes her to realize that she made a big fucking mistake.

“Fuck you. Let me go!” She pushes at me, letting go of the blanket at the same time. Even as her hands rain blows on my arm, I watch as the blanket falls to the floor, then I grin at her, picking her up and pulling her to my chest.

“This is how I’ll carry you into our house on our wedding day,” I tell her.

“Fuck you!” She screams, trying to get me to let her go. “I won’t ever marry you, Marcelo! You’re fucking insane!”

Going up the stairs with her acting like this is dangerous, but I want to get her locked up safely so that she doesn’t hurt herself. Tess is too perfect for me to risk anything bad happening to her. I know that she thinks she won’t ever be mine, but she’s wrong.

She doesn’t get it yet, but she will.

She was mine from the moment that I saw her.