Fated By Starlight by Krista Street

Chapter 15


Somehow, Wyatt and I ended up outside under the stars an hour later. The sponge cake layered in buttercream and raspberries sat between us. The remainder of the six-pack lay in the grass, and a blanket was spread out underneath our legs.

Thanks to the beer, I was still tipsy.

We’d wandered to one of the far training fields, near the woods, and away from the barracks and main building lights. A thousand stars shone above.

I settled back and clasped my hands over my stomach. “Do you know that whenever I look at the stars, I always think of Democritus.”

Wyatt propped himself up on his elbow, looking down at me. In the dark night, I could barely make out his features, but his scent swam around me. “Democritus?” he said with amusement.

I slugged him playfully. “Yes, Democritus. He was an ancient Greek philosopher who, purely by using his mind, solved the mystery of how all things are created.”

He cocked his head. “And you know this how?”

I laughed at his boyish grin. “When I was a kid, I lived in Greece for a year. During that time, my father took me to the ancient ruins in Athens, and that inspired me to learn more about Greek culture. Naturally, you can’t study Greek culture without learning about the ancient philosophers.”

“Naturally.” He chuckled. “So tell me, what did Democritus discover by using only his mind?”

My lips parted in a smile since Wyatt seemed genuinely curious despite his amusement. “Democritus was the central figure in the atomic theory of the universe. In fact, he even created the term atomon, which we now call an atom. And by using only observation and common sense, Democritus hypothesized that everything in the universe was composed of tiny building blocks, or atoms, and those tiny atoms formed everything we see around us.” I waved at the dark trees in the forest, the blanket beneath us, the stars in the sky. “He reasoned that all life and objects were created of atoms joined together, and when something died or burned, that those atoms broke apart only to reform into something new.”

His eyebrows rose, his earlier lightheartedness evaporating. “Are you serious? He knew that everything was created from atoms before scientists did?”

“He did.”

“But how is that possible?”

I shrugged. “He had a great mind. You could even argue that he was the very first scientist. I’ve always wondered what he would have contributed to the world if he’d lived in the modern age.”

Wyatt’s brow furrowed, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he found this as mind blowing as I did. The first time I learned about Democritus’s theory, I’d literally been speechless.

Wyatt scratched his chin, and his playful grin returned. “So seeing the stars reminds you of this ancient philosopher?”

“It does.”

“You’re gonna have to explain it, ’cause I’m not seeing the connection.”

I laughed again. “Okay, so every time I look at the stars, I’m reminded of how small we all are. Seeing those tiny specks of light, millions and billions of light years away, makes me realize how truly vast the universe is, and how miniscule life is on earth. And naturally, the next line of thought is, why? Why are we here? Who are we? How did life start? How was the universe created?” I ducked my head when that glow formed around his irises again, and his amusement melted away. “Or maybe it’s just me and everyone else sees the Big Dipper.”

“No, it’s . . .” He took a deep breath, his brow furrowing again. “You’re right. That should be what people see when they look at the stars, all of the ancient questions of life that many of us forget on a daily basis.”

I nodded and picked at a thread on the blanket. “I know it’s easy to forget those questions. This week, all I’ve thought about is surviving and not face planting on a daily basis. I certainly haven’t been questioning the meaning of life.”

He chuckled, the warm sound making my insides sing. “Well, I can honestly say that you definitely have one of the most active and curious minds I’ve ever encountered. I can’t remember the last time I contemplated the meaning of life on a Saturday night, but now, thanks to you, I don’t know how I’ll think of anything else every time I look at the night sky.”

I scrunched my nose up. “Hopefully that’s not a bad thing? Because, you know, all of this conversation could just be the beer talking. Alcohol always makes me contemplative.”

“And here I thought it just made people fall over and have hangovers.”

I laughed.

Wyatt cut another piece of cake for himself, then took a big bite. When he finished the piece, he lay back on the blanket.

I lay next to him but made sure to keep some distance between us. More than anything, I wanted to feel the heat from his body, but he was my commander. Hooking up was against policy, even if nobody could see us out here.

The minutes passed, and the cool night air blew around us. “So what do you think the Institute will be like when you arrive?” Wyatt propped his head in his hand.

“To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. I’ve only visited the Institute with my parents and have never worked for them before, but I imagine . . .”

And just like that, we fell back into easy conversation.

The hours ticked by as Wyatt and I talked about our dreams and plans for the future. In all the time I’d known him in Ridgeback, we’d never connected as intimately as this, and my heart wondered what my future would have been like if we had.

Would we have kept in touch after my parents and I left for France? Perhaps texted one another as I drifted around the globe? Maybe we would have become true friends and seen each other for occasional trips as we explored our love of new places.

But that was something I’d never know, and those questions would only drive me crazy.

Back then, I’d been too shy to do anything other than watch Wyatt from afar, cherishing those moments he and I spoke like precious gems.

I’d always known there was something special about him, though. I’d felt it since the first moment I laid eyes on him in that ice cream shop.

What it was about him that called to me, I didn’t entirely understand, but one thing I knew for certain—Wyatt had grown into the man I knew he would become.

Kind. Strong. Noble. Caring.

He could so easily capture my heart again.

If he hadn’t already.

“Do you want another piece of cake?” I asked as I wrapped the blanket around my legs. It was near two in the morning, and the six-pack was long gone.

Wyatt grinned devilishly. “Do you really need to ask?”

I laughed and gave him another slice.

He downed it in three bites. “Damn, woman. You really know how to cook.”

“Maybe I’ll fatten you up too.”

He grinned. “You’re more than welcome to try.”

We both laughed again, then he set his plate down and fingered a lock of hair from my face, as though he wasn’t even aware he was doing it.

I froze at his touch, and the laughter died between us.

I suddenly became aware that only inches separated us and we were truly alone out here. Nobody could see us. If each of us leaned forward, our lips would touch, and right now, I wanted to kiss him so badly. This was the Wyatt I remembered—the laughing, intoxicating, drop-dead gorgeous boy that had turned into a virile man.

Shallow breaths filled my chest. His lips looked so firm, and his pine and oak scent made my head spin.

The light around his irises grew, and his nostrils flared.

I crept forward more, my body moving on its own accord.

A low growl came from Wyatt as he did the same.

Before I could second-guess my actions, Wyatt moved the last inch and slanted his mouth over mine.

The feel of his firm lips made my breath hitch, but then instinct took over. I threaded my fingers through his hair, loving the feel of the silky strands, as he deepened the kiss.

The cool air breezed over my skin when he snaked his arm around my waist. He hauled me closer to his chest. Heat from his body enveloped mine, sending meteors of pleasure straight to my core.

I moaned, unable to help it.

A deep rumble vibrated in his chest, and his hand splayed across my lower back, pushing me flusher against him.

I felt every hard inch of him, the steel of his thighs, the ridge of his abdomen, the planks of his chest. Fuck, he felt so good.

“Avery,” he whispered, his breathing ragged.

I kissed him back, dancing my tongue with his. He tasted like beer and man, and I couldn’t get enough of him.

His kiss turned more urgent, and our lips molded together as we hungrily sought one another.

His leg drifted between mine, parting my thighs. The miniskirt rode up. Cool night wind brushed over my skin, making me shiver, but when his knee ground against my core, I gasped.

Liquid heat filled me, my sex already wet and willing for him. I moaned again, and he tore from my mouth only to press desperate kisses down my neck.

The feel of his mouth devouring my skin was heaven and hell wrapped into one. I wanted him even though hooking up could lead to repercussions.

But fuck it. I needed him. All of him. Inside me. On top of me. Around me. Owning me.

I wrapped my legs around his thigh when he rubbed against my core again. My thin panties didn’t stand a chance against his onslaught. The friction made me gasp as lust shot through me.

“Fuck, you’re responsive,” he groaned.

“Wyatt,” I whispered. “I need . . . I want—” But I couldn’t continue. The sensations shooting through me ceased any coherent thoughts or words.

“I know what you need.”

His hand slipped under my top, working its way up my stomach. When he reached my breast, he cupped it. My nipple ached, standing prominently for him to tweak.

Another moan slipped from my lips.

He growled and kneaded my flesh. “Fuck,” he whispered. “I want to do everything to you.”

“Yes,” I panted. I arched against him more, straining for more, more, more.

He lifted my shirt, and then it disappeared. His shirt got whipped off, too, and his glorious naked chest was suddenly visible for me to admire.

“Damn, woman. You’re gorgeous.” Wyatt breathed heavily, his chest heaving as his gaze devoured my breasts. A strapless bra barely covered my nipples and left little to the imagination as the heavy weight of my boobs spilled over the top of the flimsy material.

Heady power filled me as Wyatt’s erection pressed firmly against my abdomen.

He wanted me. Really wanted me.

He kissed me again, his hands going behind my back.

With a deft flick of his fingers, my bra came undone, my breasts freed. Another rumble filled his chest when he gazed at my peaks, my nipples taut in the night air.

His breath was so ragged now, his chest heaved. He bent his head and lifted one tit to his mouth. The second his hot mouth closed over my nipple, I bucked.

He growled in approval and swirled his tongue, licking and nipping.

“Wyatt,” I breathed. Desire shot through me, as he continued to grind his knee against my core, my panties slipping over my slick folds.

I tangled my fingers even more through his hair, holding him at my breast and demanding that he continue.

He suckled and licked before moving to the other, all while his hands continually roamed up and down my back, kneading my flesh.

When my tits felt raw and aching, he released them to move up and kiss me again.

We kissed and licked relentlessly, tasting each other until both of us were panting. His knee continually rubbed me throughout it all, and I cried out again, but he swallowed the noise in his mouth.

I was about to come right there, half-dressed, while Wyatt knee-fucked me in the middle of a field.

As if sensing what was about to happen, he lowered his leg, but my sex was so swollen that I’d turned mindless, unable to stop a snarling protest.

He chuckled, then whispered, “I want to be tasting you the first time I make you come.” He tilted my head to the side and kissed down my neck again. His tongue trailed along my skin creating goosebumps and a never-ending ache in my core.

When he reached my collarbone, he paused, his grip on me tightening. For a moment, he just stayed there until I felt the graze of sharp teeth on my tender skin.

But he abruptly pulled back, a harsh groan escaping him, before he continued his journey south. I didn’t realize where he was heading until he kissed a trail down my abdomen and my skirt rode up and over my hips.

But when his hand curved around my thigh to tickle my clit, I nearly came undone.

A deep growl of pleasure rumbled from his chest as he tore my panties aside.

He slid a finger into me, my wet folds easily parting for his touch. He groaned. “Fuck, Avery,” he whispered. “So wet. So sweet.”

He brought my legs up, and his head disappeared between my thighs as he pulled his finger out and repositioned himself.

I whimpered, missing the feel of him, but when his tongue grazed that taut nub, my world exploded.

I moaned in ecstasy as he settled in to taste and suck. A throbbing need in me took root, and it wouldn’t abate.

I needed more, more, more.

“Wyatt, please, please,” I begged.

He groaned again, his licking increasing, and then his finger slipped back inside me. He added a second, and then a third digit, until I was stretched so full with him that I could no longer think.

His mouth latched onto my clit like a man intent on sucking me mindless while his fingers pounded into me, rubbing and sliding, hitting that deliciously deep spot inside me again and again.

He didn’t let up as his tongue rubbed me harder and faster, lapping at me like a man dying of thirst.

The waves inside me kept building and building. I moaned continuously at the sheer strength of my impending orgasm that was climbing to a mountainous peak.

And when I finally came in an explosion of ecstasy, I screamed his name.

Wyatt’s deep rumbles of satisfaction filled my ears as he continued to lick and torment me.

My orgasm went on and on, my moans filling the quiet air around us. He continued to lap and thrust, as I rode the never-ending waves from a climax that refused to end.

The night air continued to swirl around my bare flesh, and I shivered when I finally came down from my high. I couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t understand how something that exquisite had just happened.

I’d never come like that in my life.

Wyatt slowly slipped his fingers out of me and then licked them clean one by one. His eyes glowed so brightly when he climbed over me, it looked like two candles lit his irises.

His dick was a prominent ridge against my thigh. I still panted, my mind numb, my skin on fire, as I lay a hand against his cheek, unable to find words.

A satisfied smirk lifted his lips, and a rush of his power rolled over me. He lowered his body, until his weight pressed comfortably on top of me, then kissed me tenderly and reverently on the lips.

“Wyatt,” I managed to breathe.

“Yes, Little Flower?” he whispered.

I paused. “Little Flower?”

The side of his mouth kicked up, his expression sheepish. “It’s how I thought of you in high school. As beautiful as the lilac flower your magical witch scent carries.”

“No one’s ever told me my witch magic smells like lilacs.”

He growled. “Good. Then that means you’ve never dated another werewolf.”

“No. I haven’t.” I shivered at the knowledge that he’d harbored a secret endearment for me all these years. Damn, I was falling hard again. “Wyatt, I need to touch you.”

For a moment, he just looked at me, then he blurred to the side so I could move my hands.

“Yeah. Of course. Whatever you want. Fuck yes.” His breath sucked in as my hands wandered south, and his jaw snapped closed when I dipped my hand into his pants and encircled his length.

My eyes widened at his width. “Whoa,” I breathed. He was huge.

“Avery,” he said hoarsely.

I stroked his length, marveling at his long, velvety steel. His breaths grew shallow, and I quickly undid his jeans and shimmied them down his hips.

He rolled onto his back, then I climbed on top of him. My boobs dangled in his face, and he growled and nipped at them.

I laughed, the sound playful, before I began to explore his chest. With each kiss, every bite, and every lustful slide of my tongue, the power around him grew and grew.

His body strained under my touch, his erection standing on end for all the world to see.

He groaned and clenched, his fingers threading through my hair as I made the slow tortuous journey down his body, over each rippled muscle and sinewy plane, as a sense of power grew in me that I could make him so crazed with lust.

And when I wrapped my lips around his cock, his hips jolted, flying off the ground in an uncontrolled buck as a primal groan tore from his throat.

I slid his entire length into my mouth, loving the taste of him.

His breath stopped, his body rigid as I picked up my pace, sucking his cock up and down in rhythmic movements.

“Avery.” His muscles tensed, his thighs turning to steel.

I increased my tempo as I turned into a siren intent on ensnaring this man with my touch.

He strained again, his fingers curling so tightly in my hair they fisted. And when I brought my hand to the base of his shaft, to encircle and rub him while I swallowed him whole, his roar of release blasted my ears.

His hips shot off the ground, his cock buried in my mouth, as his seed poured into the back of my throat. I swallowed and moaned while continuing to stroke him as his orgasm rocked his body.

It was only when his dick eventually started to soften that I released him from my lips.

He panted, his eyes closed, his grip in my hair loosening. I gazed down at him with a feeling of absolute power that I’d been able to bring Wyatt Jamison to his knees.

When he finally opened his eyes, he smiled at me lazily before hauling me up his chest. He rolled, pinning me beneath him before he kissed me deeply and slowly, his calloused hand cupping my jaw.

“Did you like that?” I asked tentatively when he released me from his kiss.

Wyatt scoffed, his eyes going wide. “Did I like that?” He chuckled. “Like is an understatement. You made me see stars, woman.”

My cheeks heated as a flush of satisfaction rolled through me. And it was only then, as I lay nearly naked in his arms, with him in a similar state, that I realized what we’d done.

We’d broken protocol.

We’d allowed our passion to supersede our judgment.

Consequences may arise, but in my mind, it had all been worth it. I’d wanted this for so long.

I cuddled into him, loving the feel of his hard body. He lazily stroked my back up and down, a low grumble of contentment filling his chest.

Minutes of blissful, sated silence passed between us. The air began to chill my back, not to mention, my boobs were still fully naked for the world to see, so I grabbed my top and pulled it back on. That got a glower and low growl from Wyatt.

I laughed, unable to help it, then settled back down beside him, leaning up on my elbow so I could ask him what we were going to do from here. We couldn’t very well advertise our feelings for one another, but we could carry on a secret relationship until my training was done.

But then a distant shout rose in the distance. “Avery? Are you out here?” A door banged back by the barracks.

Wyatt’s head snapped up, his eyes growing wide.

“Avery?” a woman yelled again.

Wyatt abruptly let me go and jerked his pants up before whipping his shirt over his head. “Shit,” he whispered. “It’s Charlotte.”

Swishing footsteps sounded in the grass heading in our direction. “Avery?”

“I have to go.” He gave me a quick kiss before standing. “She can’t find us. I’m not supposed to—” His gaze turned regretful. “I’m sorry. I need to go.”

I had just pocketed my bra when the air fluttered around me.

I blinked.

He was gone.

Jaw dropping, I surveyed the blanket and realized what it looked like. Wyatt was right.

It looked like we’d just fucked.

I quickly straightened the quilt before running my hands through my hair. The remaining cake still sat on the grass off to the side. I quickly chucked the beer bottles, Wyatt’s plate and fork, and the scraps of my shredded underwear into a nearby bush. Thank the Gods we’d gone to the edge of the field near the trees, or I wouldn’t have had anywhere to hide the evidence.

I muffled a laugh, all of this suddenly feeling funny. Evidence. As if we were teenagers terrified of being caught by our parents. But then I sobered, realizing our situation was actually graver than that. If Wyatt’s boss found out what he’d done—hooked up with a subordinate—he would be in a lot of trouble.

Biting my lip, I made a mental note to retrieve everything tomorrow so I didn’t leave our trash, aka evidence, in the woods.

A moment later, Charlotte’s footsteps picked up when she spotted me. “There you are.”

She dropped down on the blanket beside me, relief filling her features. “We haven’t been able to get a hold of you since you left, and when you weren’t in the apartment, Eliza and I assumed the worst and thought you got kicked out or something.” She eyed the cake. “But instead you’ve been gorging on cake and enjoying the night sky, hmm?” She nudged me when I remained silent, her teasing mood evaporating. “Hey, are you okay? Is everything okay with the Institute?”

I mentally shook myself, feeling thankful that female werewolves didn’t have the olfactory powers that male wolves did. Otherwise, Charlotte would have scented exactly what had taken place out here. “No, I mean yes, everything’s fine.” I flashed a smile for good measure.

Charlotte eyed the cake again. “Any chance I can have a piece of that?”

“Oh, yeah. Of course.” I fumbled with the dessert but managed to cut her a slice while my mind still reeled from the surreal night I’d had with Wyatt.

With flushed cheeks, I handed Charlotte a piece of the sponge cake. Sweet jam ran down the sides. She took one bite and moaned.

“Girl, you really know how to cook.” She forked another large bite and added, “Screw calories. I’m finishing this entire piece and maybe another.” She leaned back and continued to chew. “How long have you been out here?”

“Um, a few hours.” I glanced around the field, searching for Wyatt, but he was nowhere to be found.

“Nice view,” Charlotte commented when a small meteor blazed across the sky. “But what made you come out here?”

I settled back next to her, not knowing what else to do. “I needed some fresh air. Sometimes our apartment feels so small. I wanted to get out in the open.” The lie slipped off my tongue so easily.

Charlotte snorted. “Oh, I get that. I feel like that every day.”

“So how was the rest of your night?”

A grin stretched across her face as Charlotte began telling me all of the details after I’d left.

I tried to pay attention and managed to comment at the appropriate times, but my attention kept drifting to Wyatt.

I knew now without any doubt that he wanted me, but what we’d done . . .

It was against policy.

But then I reminded myself that Wyatt was a werewolf. And when a wolf wanted a woman, rules didn’t apply—not even rules made by the Supernatural Forces.

A feeling of giddiness swam through me as Charlotte continued to chat. The boy I’d had a crush on during my teenage years, the one I thought would never give me a second glance, had just kissed me endlessly, gave me a mind-blowing orgasm, and had come in my mouth.

I fingered my lips. I could still taste him. My heart sang again because Wyatt liked me. Really liked me, and he wanted me with a hunger I hadn’t felt from a man in, well, ever.

Around three or four in the morning, Charlotte and I finally stood to head back inside, but the entire walk back all I could think about were smoldering moss-green eyes, muscled shoulders, chiseled abs, and a mouth that I couldn’t wait to taste again.