Original Sins by Faith Summers



Georgiou touches my face as he kisses me and pulls me flush against his hard solid body to close the space between us.

I’m filled with so much elation just for seeing him that tears sting the backs of my eyes.

My heart spills over in my chest with every stroke of his fingertips on my skin, and I can’t believe he’s really here.

Georgiou is really here with me.

His kiss makes every part of my body awaken with life, love, and hope I never thought I would have again.

Not when my father proudly informed me yesterday of the name of the next prick he’d chosen to give me to. In the same breath, I was told he’d moved the wedding I was supposed to have with Peter to December, and I’d be marrying William Reviello instead. I wasn’t even given an explanation of what happened to Peter. It was like I wasn’t important enough to be given one, and I was the thing again.

I force the thought from my mind as the beautiful man in front of me continues to make love to my mouth.

His touch sends shivers of delight through me and strengthens the invisible web of attraction running between us into a tangible entity.

He pulls away for a moment to look at me, and my heart sinks when I think he’s going to stop now and tell me he has to leave.

“No, don’t stop touching me, please don’t stop,” I beg, and my heart skips with joy as he shakes his head.

“I don’t plan to, Bellezza,” he replies in a husky voice that speaks of his desire for me. “I’m going to fuck you all night.”

My heartbeat skyrockets, pounding in my chest as he picks me up and carries me over to the bed.

We fall on to it together, and then we fall into passion’s arms, becoming its slaves once more.

Our clothes come off layer by layer, and when he slams his massive cock into my pussy to fuck me hard, my body vibrates with liquid fire.

The sensation burns into me as possessively and violently as he is. It clouds my brain, and I’m flooded with raw ecstasy that makes my entire being bow to him as he owns me.

It crosses my mind then that this is us with a contract. This is Georgiou Giordano and me without the terms and conditions. That part is over, and he would have wanted me without it.

We stay like this all night, and I fight sleep. I fight hard but fail as he holds me in the early hours of the morning, and I drift away.

I drift into dreams and a calmness I haven’t had in so long I can’t remember. I’m lulled into memories of the Sicilian sunset, and when I open my eyes and feel for my lover, he’s not where my hands seek.

My eyes fly open, and my eyes dart around the room.

“I’m here,” he says, speaking from the corner of the room.

He’s standing shirtless by the window toward the corner of the room, smoking a cigar.

He looks sexy as hell standing there with his body on show and his hair a wild mess from a night spent with me.

He puts the cigar out, and as I stare back at him, I wonder what will happen now with the dawn of a new day.

“Please tell me you aren’t leaving me,” I say.

“Come here to me,” he says, and I wrap the sheet around me as I get off the bed.

I walk over to him, and he catches my waist so he can pull me into his lap as we sit on the bay.

“I can’t leave you because I love you,” he says, and my breath stills.

“What did you say?”

“I said I love you. I’m sorry I never told you first. It’s not like I didn’t feel it long before I knew it. I should have at least said it when you told me last week. I love you, and I hope that you still love me too.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “I do love you. I never stopped. I’m so sorry I lied to you.”

“I don’t care about the lie or any of that. I care about now, and I can’t let you go and marry someone else. Not when I want you. I want you, and Henry wants you. I always have to be mindful of him, but I’m speaking for myself here.”

“And I want you too, both of you. What… are we going to do?” I honestly don’t know.

Dad will never be okay with us being together. My plans were still to run away, but that was when I thought I’d lost everything. Now I can’t leave Georgiou and Henry.

But if I stay and stay with them, then that means fighting my father.

I can’t fight him, and it’s not fair to ask anybody else to either.

Now I ask myself, what is the price of love?

Georgiou breaks eye contact with me for a moment, then levels his stare.

“Are you supposed to be here with Cordelia while your father is away?” he asks, and I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding on to

“Yes. That’s the drill. I always stay with her. He doesn’t know what she gets up to, Georgiou. To him, we wake with the sun, and we’re in bed by sundown.”

Instead of questioning how my father could believe such a thing about Cordelia, I thank my good graces my cousin covers her tracks so well enough that she can fool him. It’s definitely to her credit that she can.

“Pack a bag. You’re going back with me,” he answers, and my eyes fly open.

“Pack a bag?”

“Just do it, baby.”


When he glances away from me, I’m not sure if that’s because he’s doesn’t know what we’ll do either to get around this.

I don’t think he does, but I’m going. I’m going wherever he wants me to go.

I rise and start getting dressed.

Grabbing my clothes from last night, I drag them on while he puts on his pants. I reach for one of my overnight bags and throw what clothes I can inside it. I’ll have to come back for the rest of my things because I can’t think right now about what I need.

When he reaches for his shirt, the door flies open, and a bewildered-looking Cordelia rushes in.

“There’s a car parked on the….” The words die in her mouth when her eyes land on Georgiou.

Her mouth falls open, and I can’t blame her when her eyes are glued to his muscular torso, and she does a full sweep of his body before meeting his daring eyes.

That’s when she schools herself and looks from me to him, knowing exactly what we did in here.

“Georgiou Giordano,” she mutters.

He holds up one finger, and for the first time ever, she looks cautious. “Don’t you breathe a word—”

“I would never. My lips are sealed,” she promises him, and he drops his hand.

Her gaze shifts to my bag on the bed, and understanding comes into her eyes.

“Duchess, let's go,” Georgiou says to me, pulling on his shirt and jacket.

I pick up the bag and rush into Cordelia’s arms.

“Be safe,” she whispers into my ear.

“Thank you for everything.”

“Don’t mention it.”

I pull away from her, and she cups my face briefly before letting me go.

Georgiou takes my hand, and I realize this is the first time that he’s done so like this. As if we’re an actual couple.

We get into his car and drive away, never looking back.

Henry is home when we get back, which is odd for the daytime since he’s usually at work.

When he sees me walk in, he freezes, and all I want to do is run to him too.

He looks at Georgiou like he’s lost his mind, but when he sees my bag, his face softens.

“I’m keeping her. Are you in or not?” Georgiou says to him. “I won’t fault you if you’re not.”

But it would break my heart.

“Like fuck, of course, I’m in,” Henry replies, never taking his eyes off me.

“Then we keep our secret until I figure things out.”

“You?” Henry raises his brows.

“Yes, me, because I know what Donatello Ricci is like.”

I know, too, and for all the power Georgiou might have, I’m not sure what the hell he’s going to come up with to make this right.