Original Sins by Faith Summers



I’ve been on edge all week.

I’m supposed to see the guys in an hour, but here at Cordelia’s. That means I’m not going back to the house again tonight.

They also haven’t said when I’ll be going back.

I know I have to play the situation by ear, but I feel safer when I’m with them.

Being here makes me feel more vulnerable. It’s just because I feel safe with them.

Cordelia comes into the room dressed up to go out, and I doubt she’ll be back for the night, which is good because I don’t like having sex in the house when she’s here.

I always think she can hear me, and the guys have been here twice this week already.

“Just coming to check on you. You look like you’re going to go crazy,” she observes and shakes her head.

“Maybe because I am.” I had to tell her what happened, that someone saw me with the guys last weekend.

“It’s been a few days, and nothing has happened. That’s a good sign in my book.”

I bring my hand up to my head. “I know, but that’s not the only thing I have to worry about. I’m getting engaged to this guy next month, and I’m nowhere near where I need to be. The situation is still the same. I’m in the same spot I was in months ago, Cordelia.”

She bites the inside of her lip. “I know, sweetie. I know it doesn’t really help to tell you not to worry, but I’m going to do it anyway. Please, try to stay calm. Just try. No one has any answers yet, and I won’t try to offer any either. But I’m rooting for you.”

“Thank you.”

She gives me a quick hug then goes.

I do my best to take her advice and stay calm. I feel better when the guys get here, and the instant I get lost in their kisses, I forget, and I’m taken to a place where my world is just filled with them.

They are all I want and need.

We don’t have long together, and they haven’t been spending the night with me while I’m here, so I block out everything as I’m sucked into the thrall of being with them.

They both take me ruthlessly, and it feels like they do so to make up for the time we have to spend apart.

While I’m on my hands and knees with Henry pounding into me hard from behind and Georgiou’s cock in my mouth, I swear I hear a noise outside the door.

The guards don’t come up here at all, and they definitely don’t when they know the guys are with me.

I hear the sound again, and this time the door spins open.

I was already too late when I heard the sound the first time. Nothing would have prepared me for seeing my father standing in the door frame with Peter next to him.

My father’s skin goes alabaster white, and the smug expression on Peter’s face brightens.

Georgiou is the first to move away from me and cover himself. Henry next, but Dad’s eyes are glued to him.

Of course, Dad would look at him. Henry was the one fucking me, but Georgiou is by no means exempt. Neither am I because I look like a slut.

A whore.

I grab the sheet to cover myself while Henry and Georgiou snatch their clothes from the ground and jump into them.

“See, just as I told you,” Peter proclaims. “I sent you the evidence from the auction. Your most trusted associates bought your daughter at the virgin auction, and they’re still fucking her. You can thank me later.”

Peter taps Dad’s shoulder and walks away, leaving us in this horrendous scene of confrontation and conflict.

Georgiou steps forward first. “Donny, I can explain—”

“You?” Dad roars. “What the fuck are you going to say to me? What? Tell me.”

“I’m sorry I never talked to you about it. I’m in love with your daughter—”

Dad throws a punch that connects with his jaw.

He hits Georgiou so hard he stumbles but doesn’t fall.

Dad pulls out his gun, and that’s when I move, throwing myself in front of Georgiou.

“Please, no, Dad, please don’t do it!” I scream.

His cold eyes meet mine with an inner glow of a savage fire.

“No? How could you disgrace me like this?” Dad throws it back at me.

“I didn’t disgrace you. I didn’t mean to. Please put the gun away. Dad, if you have any love left for me, please… put the gun away. I’m begging you. If you hurt either of them, I will never forgive you. I will hate you forever.”

I don’t know how I manage to reach him. Maybe it’s the talk of hate. Maybe it’s how I look as I beg for Georgiou’s life.

Maybe it’s the fact that Georgiou is doing nothing but standing behind me with his hand at my waist, ready to move me in case my father fires that bullet.

Georgiou is also standing there, giving the appearance that he’s waiting, but we all know he could do more than wait.

Dad lowers the gun, but he doesn’t look away from Georgiou.

“You, I think I trusted you the most,” Dad says to him. “This is my daughter, not one of the cheap whores you usually pick up on the street.”

“Donny, we're sorry,” Henry steps in.

“Don’t talk to me, don’t you fucking talking to me,” Dad snarls, shaking his head. “I will grant you your lives for your help in saving my business, but I’m pulling out every motherfucking contract I have with each of you and your families. I will destroy you both for doing this shit to me.”

Everything we feared is happening right before my eyes.

Dad did exactly what we thought he would do, and there’s not a damn thing either of us can do about it.

“You two, get the fuck out of my niece's house.” Dad points to them both then looks at me. “Get your fucking clothes on, Evie.”

My heart sinks into the chasm of despair as I watch Georgiou and Henry grab the rest of their clothes and walk past my father.

Both glance back at me with defeated expressions when they get out the door, and then they're gone.

I put my clothes on quickly and face my father for the rest of the punishment.


“Don’t, don’t fucking explain anything. You have no idea how disappointed I am in you right now. Evie, you sold yourself at an auction. You sold yourself. What the hell were you thinking!”

“I was trying to escape you,” I blurt, and shock replaces the rage glowing in his eyes. “I was trying to escape you, and I needed the money to do it. Dad, you can’t just rule my life and choose my path. Why the hell would you think you should do that when that wasn’t even what you and Mom did?”

“Don’t bring your mother into this. She would be ashamed of you.”

“Maybe so, but Dad, Peter beat me and tried to rape me. You were told what he did, and you still wanted him to marry me. You still planned for him to be my husband. She wouldn’t have done that. She also wouldn’t pass me around like a piece of meat without feelings. I don’t even know who this William person is.”

“You think just because you don’t know him, it’s okay to whore yourself out to Georgiou and Henry?”

“I love them.”

Now he looks shocked and more furious than he previously did. “Them? Did you say them? As in the two of them?”

My cheeks burn with the weight of what I just confessed, but I summon bravery and steel my spine. I have to see this through and tell him how I feel.

“Yes, the two of them.”

A crude mocking laugh falls from his lips, and he shakes his head at me. “You don’t know what the hell you’re saying. You are young and foolish.”

“I’m the same age Mom was when she met you.”

“Stop it, Evie. Being with an older man isn’t the fucking same as being with two men. There’s no way you’re going to tell me you think it’s the same thing. It’s not. Get your things we’re leaving, and you’re coming back to Italy with me. You will never see Georgiou or Henry ever again.”

Words dictating my fate.

My lungs burn from the tightness in my chest, and my body locks in on itself.

My God, he means it, and I know he’ll make sure he makes good on his word to stop me from seeing Georgiou or Henry again.

How will I live the rest of my life without seeing them?

This is it.

It’s really all over, and now I can’t even escape.