Original Sins by Faith Summers



My God in heaven.

This is the man. It’s him. I’ll never forget that cruel look on his face.

That’s what I remember most about him. He had a cruel soulless look of someone who killed for the thrill of it.

I’ll never forget the way he shot my brother.

It just happened so quickly. Before I could blink, Dante was shot.

Moments later, he died.

God knows how many looked for this bastard based on the descriptions I gave, and no one could find him.

But here he is.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“He was at the resort the other night,” Henry explains.

“He’s a guy who’s well known underground and sly as fuck,” Georgiou adds. “He works with Peter.”

“So I was right?” My voice quivers. “I was right that Peter led my brother into a trap?

“It’s looking that way.”

Oh my God.My heart squeezes, and my hands tremble with the knowledge.

It’s strange. Although I knew the truth, it’s hard to get confirmation. As much as I hate Peter, the sting of betrayal still pricks me. He came into our home, took advantage of my father’s kindness, and killed my brother.

Peter must still want the business then. Dante’s death must have definitely been about that too.

Now that I see this man and know he’s working with Peter, it makes sense. Everything makes sense.

“This was always about the business,” I say. “He was so jealous of Dante. Jealous enough to kill him.”

Peter wanted the business, and he wanted me.

Wasn’t that basically what he said weeks ago at that horrible lunch meeting after he tried to rape me?

Georgiou takes my shoulders. “I’m going to see your father. Something is still going on that we don’t know.”


“Yes. I need to talk to him about everything. Where is he now?”

“He’s at the resort. He’s supposed to be there for the rest of the day.”

“Alright. You should get back home now.”

“But I just got here.” I know the clock is ticking, and I barely had any time as it was.

“I know, but we can’t risk you getting back late and being found out.”

I pause for a beat and look at both of them. “I feel like I’m never going to see you guys again?”

“That’s not going to happen,” Henry says.

“It’s not,” Georgiou promises. “Go back now, and we’ll figure out the rest.”

I nod and savor the kiss he gives me.

Henry gives me a quick kiss, too, and I find strength from somewhere to make myself walk away.

It was only by chance Tony was working today. Marcus was summoned away and got Tony to cover for him. It opened the door of opportunity to see the guys, and of course, the arrangement didn’t come without a price.

I had to bribe Tony with twenty grand. I was desperate and going out of my mind, but I only asked because I knew he would do it for me and keep his silence.

He’s been loyal to Cordelia since she was born. Of course, since I have no access to any money at all, I had to get him to settle up with Cordelia. Thankfully she has access to my account with the money Georgiou put in there for me. That was how I pulled off this stunt.

Tony looks relieved as I rush back down the stairs.

It’s clear he thought I was going to take longer than I promised.

“I’m ready,” I tell him.

“Cool, let’s go.”

I jump in the back seat of the car, and we take off down the driveway.

As we go, I look back to the house, and despair fills my soul.

What if this is it?

I was barely able to see the guys and talk to them.

The car speeds onto the road, and as the house gets further away from me, I have that unsafe feeling again from the loss of being without the guys.

I try to keep my tears at bay and tell myself things will work out.

Just as I do, the piercing sound of a motorcycle fills my ears.

Tony glances behind us and frowns.

I do, too, when I see not one but two motorcyclists coming our way—fast.

Suddenly one of them pulls out a gun and fires a shot at the car, and I scream.

Tony guns the engine and drives faster, but they catch up to us.

Oh my God, what the hell is this?

“Get your head down, Evie!” Tony cries, but I double over, covering my head.

More bullets come, loud and deathly. Tony’s about to say something else to me, but his words are stolen away when a bullet lodges in his head and blood sprays everywhere.

I scream and scream and scream.

The car smashes into the side of the road so hard the impact ripples through my entire being. I’m flung against the door, and I hit my head hard.

Blood runs down my face, and my body feels broken.

I will myself to move because I know this is an attack to get to me. Whoever I see next will either kill me or keep me.

When I see Peter’s face looming before the crushed door window with a bright smile on his face, I get my answer.

“Hello, Bellezza. Miss me?”