Heart and Soul by Carrie Elks


“Happy birthday, dear Isla, happy birthday to you!”

Meghan grinned and hunkered down, holding the cake out to her daughter. Isla puffed out her cheeks and blew the nine candles out.

It was the perfect day for a birthday party on the beach. The sun was shining, the ocean sparkling like sapphires, and they were surrounded by all their friends. Families, too.

Belle was using her new Sandrider wheelchair with its oversized wheels that made getting across the beach so much easier. She’d bought it with the proceeds from her art sales. She was currently working on a new show – this one would be held in L.A., thanks to her new agent.

Meghan’s parents were there, too, sitting on chairs her father had carried from his car, and sipping gingerly at the lemonade they’d put on the catering table.

Then there were all their friends. Harper and James, Autumn and Griff from the pier, along with the other couples in their group that Rich and Meghan had gotten to know since they’d officially started dating. Gloria was sitting between Grant and Kevin, looking amazing in her flowered kaftan. She was due to have a pacemaker fitted next month, and was already planning a cruise once she recovered. Next to her, Jeannie was talking to the women who’d become Meghan’s friends – Ember, Brooke, and Ally.

Dylan and Natasha were there, too. He’d told his security guard to take a break and grab a coffee from Déjà Brew while they celebrated Isla’s birthday. Luckily, even Ger had accepted there weren’t any security risks in Angel Sands. Especially since Carlyn had sold the gallery a few months ago – the last they’d heard she was running a new gallery in Sacramento. They’d breathed a sigh of relief when they passed The Sunshine Gallery and seen the sign ‘under new ownership’.

It felt like everything was finally slotting into place.

Dylan had come back from his tour a month ago, and Isla had already been to stay with them once. She’d go again next month, and Rich and Meghan were planning a trip away to make the most of their alone time together.

“Is it gift time?” Isla whispered. Her friends from school were here, too. They’d had a magic show earlier, followed by ice cream from Meghan’s shop.

“Yeah, I think it is,” Meghan said, ruffling her hair. “You want to see what Rich and I bought you?”

Isla nodded, her eyes wide. They got even wider when she saw Rich carry over the gift wrapped guitar. “Is that what I think it is?” she whispered.

“Yep. Dylan told us you love playing his instruments when you stayed with him. Especially the guitar. So we thought you’d like one to practice on at home, as well.”

Isla threw her arms around Meghan. “Thank you, Mommy,” she whispered. Then she reached for Rich, who lifted her up with a grin. “I love it,” Isla told him. “Thank you, Dad.”

“You’re welcome.” His voice was gruff. He’d gotten so emotional the first time Isla had called him that, she’d seen tears roll down his cheeks. He’d insisted on talking with Dylan to make sure he was cool with Rich having the name. Dylan had shrugged and told him the more the merrier.

“You have to wait until you come to our place to see your present in real life,” Natasha told Isla. “But in the meantime, we bought you a few more things.” Natasha and Dylan were getting married next month, and they’d asked Isla to be their flower girl. They’d also invited Rich and Meghan to come to the ceremony and party afterward.

It felt as though they were settling into a rhythm that worked for all of them, especially Isla. She was blooming in all the extra love she was receiving from Rich, Dylan, and Natasha. It made Meghan’s heart feel like it was going to burst.

Two arms circled her waist. She leaned back, a smile pulling at her lips as her head rested against Rich’s shoulder. He was her safe place. Her harbor. The one man who’d pushed until he knew the real her.

“You okay?” he whispered in her ear, his words tickling her skin.

“I’m good.” She smiled, loving the way he felt.

“Dad!” Isla called out, grabbing his hand. “What about my other present? Is it time?”

Rich let Meghan go, and ruffled Isla’s hair. “Yeah, it is.”

Isla looked up at him, her eyes shining. “So say it.”

The corner of his lips curled. There was a collective silence, as though everybody but her knew what was going on. Then Rich dropped to his knee, his broad body only a breath away from hers.

“Meghan Hart. Love of my life. The first person I think about in the morning, and the last thought I have at night. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

She blinked, her heart lurching as she saw him hold out a box, a pear-shaped solitaire glinting in the California sun.


Isla grabbed her hand, jumping as though unable to stand still. “Do you love it, Mom?” she asked, breathless. “We chose it together. Remember when you were working a few weeks ago? We went shopping.”

Rich smiled. “You wouldn’t believe how hard she found keeping the secret. She deserves a medal.”

Meghan looked at the people surrounding them. Everybody was smiling. Not just Isla and Rich – though their smiles were enough to light everything up. But Dylan and Natasha, Harper and James, Gloria, Kevin and Grant. Heck, even Meghan’s parents were smiling.

“Well?” Rich asked, his fingers curled around hers. “What do you think?”

“I think yes,” she replied, breathless. “I want to be your wife.” She wanted their future. Because she knew it was everything.

“Yay!” Isla shouted, clapping her hands. “We’re getting married.”

Yes they were. And Meghan couldn’t think of anything she wanted more.

* * *

Rich wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to waking up next to the woman he adored every morning. It was the most amazing feeling. He turned in his bed, pulling her closer until her soft breath feathered against his chest, her auburn curls tickling his skin.

Meghan and Isla had officially moved into his apartment two weeks ago. Isla was ecstatic that her bedroom was twice the size of the one she’d had next door, and she’d wasted no time in making it her own. Rich had bought her a princess bed with a voile canopy that elegantly fell to the floor, lit with fairy lights that made Isla squeal. She insisted on him reading to her every night, and he loved their precious moments together.

“Mmm.” Meghan sighed softly against his chest. It was Dylan’s weekend with Isla, so it was just the two of them in their apartment. He looked down at the ring on her finger, his chest tightening when he saw it sparkle in the shaft of light shining over their bed.

“Babe?” he said, kissing her brow. Her skin was soft against his lips.

“Yeah?” Her voice was full of sleep. Her cheeks were pink and warm as she nestled against him.

“Shall we make it a short engagement?”

She opened her eyes and looked up at him. A soft smile curled her lips. “Why do you say that?”

“Because I want you to be my wife.” He stroked her hair. “And I hate all this waiting shit. Why bother? You know you want to be mine.”

She shook her head, biting down that smile. “Is that right?”

“Yeah. Because I know I want to be yours, too.” He wanted it in writing. Preferably in lights, too. Everybody in Angel Sands needed to know that Rich Martin loved Meghan Hart. Sure, this thing between them had started out slow. But now it was burning bright.

And he never wanted it to stop.

“Why don’t we take out an ad in the Angel Sand Gazette?” she suggested. “Oh, I know. They’re going to make that movie here soon. Why don’t we put our names in the sand so we can record it for posterity.”

Everybody in Angel Sands was talking about the Hollywood movie that was about to be filmed in the small town. Word had it that the uber famous Christopher Vaughn had been to visit. Pretty much every single heart was aflutter right now.

“An ad sounds, good. Then everybody will know you’re mine.”

Meghan rolled to her side, and trailed her hand down his stomach. “They already know that.”

She was as crazy about him as he was about her. She’d made that clear. It was almost impossible for them to keep their hands off each other, though they tried for Isla’s sake. Right now she found it cute. Rich was pretty sure that in a few years she’d find it mortifying.

“They do.”

“Yeah.” She pressed her lips against his chest. “And if they don’t, then give it a few months. Then they’ll know for sure.”

“A few months?” He tipped his head to the side, running his fingers through her silky hair. “Why then?”

She looked up at him, her green eyes sparkling. “Maybe I won’t be able to hide it then.”

“Hide what?” Was she deliberately being obtuse.

Meghan bit her lip. “I took a test yesterday.”

“What?” Rich sat straight up. They’d talked about adding to their family. Even gone as far as stopping birth control. But he knew these things took time. He was a doctor, after all.

Meghan’s smile was as wide as the ocean. He felt his chest tighten, as he ran his fingers along her jaw. “You’re pregnant?”

“Yeah. I took another test last night to confirm.”

For a moment he was speechless. Because this was everything he never knew he wanted. For so many years he’d thought he was okay. Being alone, being a brother, a friend, a doctor. But he’d lied to himself because that wasn’t living, it was surviving.

And Meghan was the one who’d shown him what living really looked like.

He blinked back the tears, running his fingers down her chest, marveling at her flat stomach. Beneath her taut skin, their baby was forming. Growing cell by cell. His chest felt full at the thought of it.

“Sweetheart…” he shook his head, because he couldn’t form the words he needed to say.

She smiled at him, her face so full of love it made his heart burst.

“I love you,” he whispered, pressing his lips to her brow. Her and Isla and this tiny little thing inside her.

“I love you, too,” she told him. “So much.”

And that was all they needed. He’d spent half a lifetime telling himself that love led to pain. That he didn’t have enough to give.

But the truth was he had too much. And this woman, laying in his arms, deserved it all. Along with their children and their future.

And he couldn’t wait to give it to them. Every single day of their lives.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed Rich and Meghan’s story. The next book in the Angel Sands series is LOST IN HIM. Find out what happens when a single-dad movie star arrives in Angel Sands, sending local hearts soaring!


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