The Devil and I by Kay Alastor

Chapter Ten


I am undone. I am ravenous devil that crawled its way out of hell and managed to somehow find an oasis in the endless darkness of my existence. Heaven. That's what Rayna is. My heaven, and everything inside of me, demands that I stop pretending to be human and empty her out of everything that existed before me so I can fill her in with me. Only me.

Madness crashes through me as I watch her writhe beneath me, my resolve to be gentle fractured as I witness this wild girl quivering beneath me. Her hands shoot up to claw at my chest, her sharp fingernails leaving bloodied trails in their wake as my sickness slips inside of her and makes her mad, too. I can't stop myself as my body surges forward, burying my cock to the hilt inside of her impossibly tight, wet heat. She cries out, coming up off the bed to wrap her arms around my neck and find a way to keep from falling apart under me.

“That's it, baby. Take this big cock,” I growl into her ear, my hips unbidden as I pull back and slam myself into her. Pleasure shoots up from the base of the spine into my brain, making me shudder in response. The moan that rumbles up from deep in my chest is that of a starved beast as I lose myself in her body, thrusting roughly into her like some thoughtless psychopath desperate to find peace in her chaos. My chest aches from her vicious fingertips, my heart burns with my obsession, my brain is on fire, and I cannot stop myself from rutting inside of her like an animal.

Rayna's sweet, broken moans only encourage me to give her everything I've got. The orgasm I've been nursing settles at the base of my spine as I fuck her like a man possessed... and I am. Possessed, like a devil that doesn't give a damn about what's right or wrong. If I have to commit the ultimate sin to keep this girl, I'll fucking do it with a smile on my face. She may think I'm some kind of hero, but heroes won't do the things I'll do. Men like me, forged in the fires of hell, will do things others won't. I'll tear this world apart for her. I'll steal, I'll destroy, and I'll kill for her.

It won't be the first time I take a life, but it will be the most satisfying kill of my career. With that knowledge settled in my twisted heart, I let go. I slide an arm beneath her hips, angling her so that as I let go of my humanity and fuck her like the devil I am, and she cannot escape the violence with which I claim her body.

She nearly screams at the change of angle and pace, my much bigger body driving into hers with a force I fear may shatter her. And shatter her, I do. I watch her face as it contorts from the intensity of the orgasm I force from her body. I tear the pleasure from her because it belongs to me. “That's it, baby, come all over my cock,” I growl, feeling myself careening towards my own climax. My eyes roll back and I groan as her pussy grips my cock so hard it feels like strangulation, milking me as she pulsates and ripples around it. She whimpers my name like a reverent prayer as her body submits to the onslaught of pleasure I force upon it, and that sweet submission pushes me over the edge.

“Fuuuuccckkkk, Rayna. I'm going to come so goddamn deep inside this pussy, you'll never be rid of me,” I moan roughly as my cock jerks and begins to empty itself inside of her, heavy spurts of cum splattering against her cervix and filling her to overflowing. The feeling of my seed overflowing from her battered pussy must be too much for her, because she convulses beneath me as another orgasm rips through her.

I rock against her, letting her ride it out until her body shudders and goes limp.

My arms begin to tremble from the force of my orgasm and holding myself above her that I feel like I'm about to collapse, so I quickly tuck her against my body and roll myself to the side, pulling her with me. The sudden silence in my bedroom would be deafening, if not for our heavy breathing as we come down from what just happened between us. I hold her tightly to me, my hand stroking up and down her spine to soothe her.

“You came inside me,” she whispers against my damp chest, still quivering from all I've done to her body.

“I did, and I'll spend the rest of my life doing it over and over again.”

Rayna wiggles ever so slightly to settle harder against me, her head tucking itself beneath my chin. I let my arms wind tighter around her and she lets out a satisfied sigh.

“Did you mean what you said...” she starts, pausing as if to choose her words carefully. I know what she's referring to, so I put her out of her misery and answer her before she can push out the rest of the question.

“Yes,” I tell her simply, one hand traveling up so that I can stroke her hair. “I just need his last name.”

She whispers her response against my chest, her voice so small that I strain to hear it. I don't make her say another word, however. I let my new target's name settle itself into the darkest reaches of my mind. I'll use my resources to find him, and then I'll hunt him down and put an end to his miserable life.

“Close your eyes and rest, baby. Your body needs it.” Killing her rapist isn't on my to-do list for today. Taking care of this beautiful girl and learning all I can about her is, however.

“You'll stay with me?” she asks, her voice heavy with exhaustion. The question breaks my heart, but strengthens my resolve in the same instance. She's obviously been through so much pain during her short life, and the frailty in her voice makes me want to keep her locked away from the world where nothing can hurt her ever again. Safe here with me, I can keep her happy and find out every detail of her life and who she really is. Nobody would dare enter a devil's home and harm his most prized possession.

“I'm not going anywhere. Sleep, then we'll watch a movie or something,” I tell her, but she's already drifting to sleep. I am just as tired, so I give myself permission to drift off too. For the first time in my entire life, I fall easily and deeply to sleep.


When I awaken, I'm pulled slowly from my dreamless sleep. There's an explosion of colour behind my eyes, and when I open them the first thing I see is the sky through the window above the bed. Vibrant hues of orange, pink, purple and blue are splattered across the cloudy sky overhead, announcing night fall's rapid approach. My eyes wander down to the woman in my arms, sprawled across my chest and still breathing deeply as she sleeps. The sheets have slipped down to reveal her pale, silky skin, and like a canvas she seems to be painted in the light of the setting sun.

The sight of this frail woman in my arms, looking peaceful for the first time, makes my heart ache. I don't want to wake her up, but I need to check her arm and get some more food into her. Her wound isn't deep enough to need layers of stitching, thankfully, but she is still susceptible to infection.

My hands begin to roam her body, coaxing her gently from sleep. Waking up slowly, she starts to stir against me as I rub small circles across her back. Her eyes flutter open and I offer her a smile, my free hand lifting to move heavy strands of dark hair away from her face.

“What time is it?” she mumbles sleepily, rubbing at her eyes before peering up at me through those beautiful thick lashes of hers.

“Not sure, but the sun is going down.”

“Do we have to get up?” she asks, her small voice coaxing another smile out of me. I can't get over how cute she is when she's tired. It makes me want to stay right here in bed with her.

I shift slightly to deposit a kiss on her forehead. “We should get something to eat, and I still need to check your arm out.” I know she's tired, and she really needs the sleep after everything her body has been through, but I also need to get more food into her. I have to make sure there isn't an infection brewing in her arm. I don't want to have to utilize the hospital. Taking her there will result in her being kept away from me, and possibly forced to stay for 72 hours of psychiatric treatment.

“Okay.” She shifts around until she is sitting up next to me in the bed with the sheets pooling around her generous hips, that incredible head of thick, dark hair spilling around her. I stare at her in awe, unable to fathom how I managed to find this beautiful little vixen.

“You're so beautiful.”

A blush, stunningly crimson, erupts across her cheeks. I bite my lower lip to stop myself from reaching for her. If I do, we'll never leave this bed. “You're the only one who thinks that,” she says, her voice still small.

“I doubt that, Rayna. Not that it matters. My opinion is the only one you should consider,” I grunt, rolling slightly so I can climb out of my plush bed. “You're perfect. In every way,” I state firmly, offering her my hand to help her out of my big bed. She takes it, letting me pull her close enough to grab hold of her hips and get her on her feet.

“You're too good to be true,” she mumbles as I disappear into the adjoining bathroom momentarily. I call out to her, not wanting her to have any misconceptions about me. I am an excellent liar, but the last person I want to deceive is her.

“I'm not good, Rayna. I never have and I never will be. My father once told me I was the devil made flesh,” I tell her from the other room, getting my personal needs out of the way as quickly as I can. “But I can promise you I'll love you more than I love hell.”

I step out of the bathroom to see her standing by one of the bedroom windows, looking out into my expansive backyard. “I find that hard to believe.”

“That I'm really the devil I tell you I am?”

“That you'll love me.”

It's not lost on me that she skips over my attempt to reassure her I'm no hero. I am not surprised that she focuses entirely on her perceived inability to be loved. I walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her in close.

“I'm happy to spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

She wraps her arms around herself, despite my hold on her. I can tell she's thinking hard, with her eyes narrowed and her bottom lip falling victim to her worrying teeth.

“We just met, Lucas. How can you say any of that?” she asks honestly, and I can tell she is used to doubting any good thing that enters her life. That thought makes me feel angry at the world for damaging this girl, a girl who deserves safety and happiness.

“Whose expectations are you trying to live by, Rayna?” I dip my head so that I can place a few calming kisses along her neckline. It works, because she relaxes in my embrace and her arms drop to rest along my own, where they stay wrapped around her middle. “Society tries to tell us how a relationship should develop, but society is shit. We obviously have a pretty special connection, and I think we should do what comes naturally.”

She laughs softly, briefly. The sound startles me.

“You sound very philosophical.”

I chuckle, because I've heard that a few times before. “I was pursuing psychology before I made the switch to law enforcement,” I admit, shrugging slightly when she turns slightly to face me.

“That explains a lot.” Her voice betrays her, and I can tell she is gently poking fun at me.

“Does it now?” I say, my voice light with amusement. I give her a squeeze and kiss her throat as she squirms and giggles in response. I step back and give her curvy ass a swat, causing her to jump a little.

“Come on. Let's go find something scary to watch and order some pizza.”

It's a relief to see bits of her personality continuing to show now that she has some distance from her suicide attempt. The more I can make her feel comfortable here with me, the faster she can heal from what was done to her. Rationally, I know it's going to take a ton of work to get this girl comfortable in her own skin again. I don't care how long it takes, though. I'll gladly spend every second of the rest of my life putting her broken pieces back together.