The Devil and I by Kay Alastor

Chapter Twelve


I lay there for over an hour, waiting patiently for Rayna to drift deeply into sleep. As much as I want to stay and hold her all night long, keeping her safe and warm, I need to find out what I can about the man I intend to kill.

That means I've got to get out of this insanely comfortable bed without waking her up, and spend some time in my office. I won't be able to sleep until I have the information I need. The monster in me needs a plan, a promise that vengeance will be mine. That is the only way to keep the darkness at bay tonight.

I'll need to come up with the right strategy, one that ends up with Mark tied to a chair somewhere no one will ever find him. This small hunting cabin of mine is located far from civilization, deep in the heart of bear country. It's another hour North from here, but it is far from any busy road and not easy to find.

This wouldn't be the first time I brought a man to my uncharted cabin. He would be the seventh man to bleed into the ground out back, quickly becoming food for the big population of predators surrounding the place. Neurons fired in my brain, igniting a pathway of memories I didn't often dwell on for long. Three pedophiles who were outsmarting the police force, one scum bag who kept getting away with brutal domestic abuse, one man feeding drugs to troubled kids on the streets of Toronto, and an incel with plans to murder as many women as he could manage in one day.

My cabin is the one place I can really let the devil in me out to play, unrestricted by anyone that may have an opinion about my extracurricular activities. I bought the small cabin with cash from a man on his death bed, trying to get some extra money in his wife's pocket before he left her alone in the world. Nobody knows I own it, and very few know that it even exists. I can have it demolished when I need to, and the bodies I leave for the wild pigs and bears disappear so quickly they don't even have time to rot. There's nothing for my fellow officers to find, even if they got a tip to go looking.

Soon, Mark will become pig food too. I just need to figure out who he is and how I want to get his worthless sack of meat to my cabin.

That's why I can't stay in bed, holding this perfect girl in my arms while she sleeps soundly. I don't want her exposed to the deepest depths of my sickness. I'd rather keep her happy, safe and deeply satisfied. I'm sure with enough time, I can chase her darkness away with my own... in the form of multiple orgasms, over and over, until she can't focus on anything but the devil who owns her luscious body.

So I reluctantly slip away from her with a silent curse. As soon as I lose the warmth of her body, I instantly regret having to leave the bed. I'm quick but quiet, and she doesn't stir as I leave her alone in the sheets. I grab my discarded sweat pants from the floor on the way out the door, closing it soundlessly behind me. I walk across the dark corridor into my office, leaving the door ajar so I can listen to any sounds Rayna may make while I'm in here.

I get myself situated in my office chair, hoping to get this over with as quickly as possible so I can get back into bed with my girl. I hit a random key to wake my computer up, logging in and opening up the main database I utilize when digging for information on a guy. I plug the man's full name in and search for him, and after thirty seconds I am satisfied when records beginning popping up in a list down my screen. The man is obviously a problematic civilian, but there's nothing vile enough to have caught my attention without already knowing what he has done off the record.

There are several reports of fights in bars and at outdoor events, which tells me the fucker has a temper and a serious lack of self control. He has had a few overnights in jail for drinking and fighting, and there is a report detailing an instance when he was detained for carrying a small amount of marijuana and a smaller amount of cocaine. He made bail and got nothing but probation. There is a mugshot, but I don't recognize him. Regardless, looking at his smug face fills me with a burning hatred that I can't ignore.

I take a steadying breath before I read through the details of the reports, allowing the devil in me to slip to the forefront and begin formulating a plan to get this man alone. I pull up an encrypted browser and begin searching through his social media accounts. Mark is clearly active online, sharing far too many obnoxious photos and blatantly racist posts. I scowl at my computer, suddenly feeling more like a saint for planning to rid the world of this sorry sack of shit. Some people really need their social media activity limited for the sake of humanity.

I lose track of time as I work out a plan, browsing through his socials and any information the databases can provide me with in order to figure out his whereabouts. I am so engrossed in my work that I don't even see the movement at my office door when a body steps through it.

“Lucas?” Rayna's voice is soft, reluctant, like she is hesitant to make herself known to me. I'm sure I look completely focused on whatever is on my screen. She probably just doesn't want to disturb me if she thinks I'm working again. Electricity ignites along my nerve endings in warning at the unexpected intrusion, but I don't startle. Calmly, I close down everything on my monitor before rotating in my chair to face her.

“Hey beautiful. You alright?”

“I woke up, and you were gone,” she tells me with that soft voice of hers, watching me curiously from the doorway.

“Just as I was about to fall asleep, I remembered something important I forgot to include in one of my reports from last week,” I lie, suddenly feeling really guilty about doing so. This will be the first and last time, I wordlessly vow. “Come here, baby.”

I watch her walk over, her arms around her middle as if trying to keep herself together. My hands reach out for her once she is close enough, and I sit her up on my desk. “You feeling okay?”

She shakes her head solemnly. “Sometimes at night I get really anxious.” Her apologetic shrug makes me think someone important to her has invalidated her feelings at some point in the recent past.

“Why don't you lean back so I can make you feel good?” I offer, rolling my chair closer so that I can overwhelm her with my proximity.

“Are you trying to kill me, Lucas? Death by orgasm?” she asks with a shy smile, and I don't stop the wicked grin that spreads across my face in response.

“Seems like a good way to go,” I joke, and she laughs in response as I begin pushing her body gently until she's laying flat on her back in front of me. I move my monitor and keyboard aside, allowing her the space she needs to safely indulge in the sensations I can force on her here in the safety of my office.

With all thoughts of my next target draining out of my head, I let the sultry scent of Rayna invade my senses and steal my focus. With her splayed out in front of me looking like temptation made flesh, it's impossible not to take another fix of my newest addiction.

Wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts, I push the material up past her hips and force her thighs apart slowly to expose her sex to my hungry gaze. That sensual mouth of hers parts slightly on a sigh as her breath quickens, her thick black lashes descending as her eyes drift half-shut. I groan at the sight of my wanton girl. Her thighs spread open and quivering ever so slightly in anticipation.

I drag my fingertips up the outside of her thighs, letting my nails dig shallow red welts into her skin. The sensation causes her head to drop back as a moan filters up from her throat. I am completely enthralled by the woman before me, suddenly feeling unable to sustain any of my carefully maintained self-control. “You make me fucking crazy, Rayna... I'm already so addicted to you; I feel like I can't breathe when I'm not touching you.”

Her eyes drift closed as another shudder passes through her, clearly aroused by the declaration of my obsession with her. “So fucking perfect,” I groan, one hand dropping to adjust the painfully hard cock contained within my pants. “You were made for me, baby.”

I shift closer until my mouth is hovering above her sweet little slit, my eyes trapping hers as she pants in anticipation. There's a sheen of moisture between her silky folds, and it calls to me like blood calls to a wolf. This close to her, with her ambrosial scent in my nose, there's not a single soul in the universe that could pull me from her.

My mouth descends on her, and her response is a wicked moan as her body jerks from the impact of my lips. I devour her gently, with tongue and teeth and lips. The heat between us feels feverish, but it only drives me higher. I flick my tongue through her drenched pussy lips, dragging it up roughly to swirl around her clit before taking it between my lips and sucking. She agonizes where she lay across my desk, and I quickly use my arms to anchor her down. She writhes as she begs me for more, the sight of her losing all control to me making me feel like I need to spend the rest of my life finding new ways to make her come undone beneath me.

I take my time with her body, teasing her higher before changing pace to bring her back down again where she can sizzle and burn for me without risk of explosion. I am tireless as I kiss and bite the sweet and tender skin around her sex, before diving back in with the kind of skillful passion that has her legs trembling while she begs for me to let her come.

By the time she has slipped into a state of frenzied madness, I'm not even sitting in my chair anymore. With my face buried between her thick thighs, and one of her legs hooked over my shoulder, I slip two fingers into her pussy and curve them upwards until I find her slightly swollen g-spot. I pump it hard as I suck on her clit, and she explodes underneath me with a scream. A rush of fluid spills from her beautiful pussy as she spasms around my fingers, her hands gripping me and leaving bloodied trails where she rakes her nails down my arms.

The sounds she makes give me the greatest high I've ever known, but I don't ease up. I let her ride out her orgasm until her body is a limp, sweaty mess sprawled out helplessly on my desk. When I gently release her, I stand up between her legs so that I can stare down at her. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing the rapture on her face as she tries to regain control of her breathing and her body. After a few long moments, her eyes open wide and she stares at me in disbelief.

“What did you do to me?”

I laugh darkly, an arrogant grin on my face.

“You're incredible, Rayna. So sensitive and responsive,” I tell her, leaning down to scoop her up in my arms. She can't resist, sapped of all strength, and I cradle her in my arms and begin making my way back to the bedroom.

“I've never... I didn't know...” she mumbles, still fighting to catch her breath.

“Good oral should leave you speechless,” I say with a chuckle, still holding her as I walk into the bathroom and open the shower door to get the water running warm. A quick shower to clean us up, and I can get my beautiful girl back in my bed.

“You really are the devil,” she says suddenly, making me laugh a little harder. “No mortal man would know how to do the things you do.”

She laughs too, and the sound is heavenly. I was right about my earlier thought. Enough orgasms and I can conquer her demons and bring light back to her eyes.

I get us into the shower and bathe her gently and quickly before toweling her off and getting us both back into bed. With her body beneath mine and sweetly pliant, I make love to her and force another orgasm from her willing body. We finish together, with enough intensity to have us falling asleep in minutes.