The Alien’s Reward by Luna Kingsley

Chapter 10


She’s morethan I’ve ever wanted. And now she’s mine. I lay her down in the softest part of the grass where there’s a canopy of trees providing coverage from above. Not that I mind if anyone else sees what I’m going to do to her.

Let them look. Let me see what is mine.

But she is apprehensive about this intimacy. I can see the way it tears her in two—one side of her wanting all I can give while the other part of her seeks the mental clarity to deny me. Her scent envelops me as soon as I spread her thighs. It’s stronger than any mind-altering drug because it’s seeping through my pours and oxygenating my blood.

She’s pink and soft so I dive in with my tongue, licking as much of her as I can cover in one swipe. She groans with pleasure, her fingers diving into my hair and holding my head to her cunt. A shiver courses through her body, starting at her toes and moving like the flow of water until it reaches her chest. I press my nose into the soft curls that rest at the top of her mound, inhaling her scent like it’s the air I need to breathe.

Then I lick again, parting her pink lips and sucking them one at a time into my mouth, nipping her sensitive skin with my teeth. She squirms while my hands wrap around her thighs, kneading her soft skin and keeping her pliable to my mouth. “I’m going to make you come in my mouth,” I say, focusing my licks to her hard, erect bud. “And then we’re going to do it again.”

She groans from deep inside her chest, her mouth open and gasping while one of her hands pulls on my hair. The other hand grips onto my hand that’s holding her thigh, squeezing as her hips press against my face.

“Tell me when you’re going to come,” I say, pulling my sloppy mouth away from her swollen lips. “I want to hear it.”

A desperate sound leaves her, strangled and intense—so much so that I want to take my cock in my hand in order to relieve some of the pressure. But that would mean taking a hand off her body and I can’t do it. Not when she’s so close to unraveling. Her back arches off the ground as she screams, her thighs pressing into my shoulders as her orgasm tears through her. I feel the throb of pleasure in her pretty, pink cunt as I continue to lick because while this enjoyment was for her, she gave it to me willingly. I pull her pleasure bud into my mouth and suck it while it throbs.

When it slows, I raise my head to find her watching me. Her limbs are relaxed, her brown eyes bright. “Again,” I say with authority.

Her fingers slide through my hair while she lies still, only her chest rising and falling as she struggles to regulate her breathing. The gesture is affectionate, and it seems for the first time that she’s getting over her fear of me.

I place kisses along her spread thighs and belly, unable to stop myself from touching her now that I’ve started. When she doesn’t say anything, I continue with my intent to make her submit to me again and again when I hear the familiar sounds of wings cutting through the skies above. My ears tip upward to track their path, the safety of my female at the front of my mind.

She notices them a moment later, still circling us from the skies.

“Vah’all,” she says, pushing at my shoulders. When I don’t move back fast enough, she twists her legs trying to close them while maneuvering out from underneath me. I don’t want to let her go but when the sounds from above get closer, I give in. She scrambles to cover herself moments before a group of males lands one at a time surrounding us.

These aren’t alphas and they’re not elders either. They’re warriors, like me. Given their orders and expected to follow them.

“The rumors are true,” Aeh’ers says, his eyes going to Sarah as soon as his feet land. The jagged scar above his right eye tugs the skin back, giving him a menacing leer that causes me to impulsively move in front of Sarah to block her from his full inspection.

“What do you want?” I ask, suspicious of his hostile tone. Allowing the human females to remain on the island won’t be a popular decision with everyone, but it was the council’s decision so it will stand. At least for now.

“This is an abomination,” Uveat says. “It should never have been allowed.”

Uveat’s grandfather is an elder but he’s not part of the council. The dynamics are complicated among the families on Bameh. Families like Uveat’s cling to the traditional ways and look down on mixing our DNA with other species. How they expect our species to survive without procreation…that is unknown. In the past, I might have even thought the way he did…until I saw Sarah. After her, everything changed.

“The council agreed on allowing her here. You have no say in the matter.” I extend my wings, posturing to get them to back off. For one moment Sarah’s fear began to ease and now it is thick around her again.

There’s one more, Sadhaih. The three of them using their bulk as intimidation to show their displeasure. Sadhaih, with the streak of black cutting through his silver hair, is the only one to make the mistake of stepping toward Sarah, his curiosity too strong.

I’m on him in a split second, my talons sharp as I latch on to his throat, using my legs to kick him back and land on his chest. With my wings wide, the other two can no longer lay eyes on what’s mine. “Make no mistake,” I say, my voice dripping with the malice I carry in my soul. “She is mine to protect and I will kill to do it.”

“All three of us?” Aeh’ers asks. He’s testing me to see how committed I am to the promise I made. As warriors, we do whatever the alphas tell us to do, without question, for the betterment of our species. It has been a long time since any of the younger warriors have claimed mates so my commitment to her could conflict with the oath I’ve given my alpha. So far, it hasn’t been tested.

“You’d do the same for your mate. It would be as easy as breathing.” The air shifts around me as the warriors remain in place. Their current indecision over their next move the loudest sound for miles. “This is the reason your family hasn’t established a place on the council, Uveat. Your impulsiveness is disappointing.”

My comment cuts enough for him to want to retaliate. The assassin in me wants him to push me over the edge so I have a reason to snap. But for once, he swallows his pride and backs off.

“Let’s go.” He takes off into the sky with Aeh’ers right behind him. Only then do I release Sadhaih so he can follow.

The meadow is quiet once they leave, aside from the chaos in my head and the staccato breathing of Sarah’s trembling body behind me.

“It looks like not everyone is on board with having us here,” she says from her crouched position. Now that they’re gone she rights herself, physically pulling herself together again. It takes a moment for my rage to cool. She’s right but I didn’t want her to have to deal with anyone’s indecision while she’s still getting used to the idea of being here. While she’s still getting used to the idea of me.

“Don’t worry about them. They won’t bother you again.”

She doesn’t bother to hide the disbelief written on her face. “You can’t possibly know that.”

“They wanted to get a look at you. See what everyone must be talking about. They won’t go against a decision the council has made. And I’ve told you, I’ll keep you safe. You must not worry about them.”

She allows me to get close enough to touch her again, which I take as a good sign. I haven’t known her long but she’s determined and strong for a female. She’s not one to crumble at my feet and fall apart because things aren’t going her way. It’s one of the reasons my heart swells with pride knowing she’s the one my soul wants.

“Come. There is much more I wish to show you before we return. If you’re feeling up for it?”

I stare into her eyes, giving her the chance to say no.

But she doesn’t. She nods, accepting me. So I take her in my arms once again, carrying her off into the sky.