The Alien’s Reward by Luna Kingsley

Chapter 9


“So,what do you have in mind?” He doesn’t seem to be in any hurry as we leave the medical facility even though he practically forced me away from my friends. Whenever I’m around Vah’all, my heartbeat increases until it’s normal that the palpitations make it feel like it could beat right out of my chest.

If I had the time to sit down and process this situation—I’d be struck with the absurdity of it all. I came willingly to this planet but was abducted by a different alien species before we could reach our destination. The only logical thing to do next is take advantage of our time together to learn about his home and figure out how to get out of here.

In my next breath, before he answers my question, he sweeps me up in his arms and we’re suddenly in the air again. “What are you doing?” I ask breathlessly while clinging to him as he uses his power to lift us above the mountains.

“Showing you around,” he answers simply.

“From up here?” My voice has risen an octave because while I’m not afraid to fly while inside a spaceship, this experience is completely different and definitely outside my comfort zone. Unlike the last time I flew with him, I’m clear-headed, completely aware of my surroundings and the fact that we’re floating above the ground at a considerable height has me coming unglued. “I’d rather walk for this tour.”

“I prefer holding you in my arms.” His steel-like arms tighten around me, pressing me even closer to his warm chest. Unlike in bed this morning, his wings are extended behind him but our bodies are still entwined like the roots of a tree that has grown for hundreds of years.

We’re floating like this, above the trees and hills, the expansive fields of green full of colorful blooms. He doesn’t move quickly or fly me anywhere in particular. Instead, he holds me above everything while I look down. “The quickness of your pulse tells me you don’t mind being held like this.” When I turn to meet his eyes instead of staring down at the sights below us, he’s gazing at me with intense heat. Before I can respond, he leans close and licks the skin that covers my pulse sending goosebumps over my body as I suck in a sharp gasp of air.

“Let’s go down, Vah’all.” He smiles but does as I ask, slowly descending while never taking his eyes from mine. Our feet meet the ground in a soft meadow but he doesn’t release me. He keeps me wrapped in his arms, his gaze piercing mine like I’m the most extraordinary thing he’s ever laid eyes upon. I try to wiggle from his grasp but he doesn’t want to let me go. “This isn’t how things work.”

I’m shaking my head, trying to get him to understand my apprehension while he looks at me with his brows furrowed, clearly confused. What I should really explain to him is that good girls like me don’t jump into sexual relationships with men—or aliens—they’ve just met.

“I do not understand,” Vah’all says.

“You are a stranger to me, yet you claim to want to be with me. I don’t understand how you could know that when you don’t really know me.”

“I wanted you before I ever saw you,” he says as if he doesn’t understand why I don’t believe him. “It was the feeling that you were meant to be mine. Then when I saw you, I understood.” His fingers trail over my skin, his sharp talons retracted but his words tearing through the shield I’ve put in place to keep him at a distance. Because our plan is to get out of here and back to where we belong. Which means I can’t fall for him. No matter how sweet he sounds or how sincere he seems when he looks into my eyes.

“It doesn’t work that way, Vah’all.” I clear my throat and repeat what I’ve already said. I speak over the pounding of my heart and the flood of endorphins rushing my system from his confession. Or maybe it’s the way he’s still holding me so our bodies touch while his fingers gently brush over my skin.

“Understand, my female, we do things differently on my planet.” He presses his mouth to mine before I can object, though I’m starting to think fighting this is pointless. He’s determined but that’s not the only reason. His kiss is all consuming like it comes from a secret place inside of him that he only shares with someone deserving.

The softness of his lips surprises me because the rest of him is rough and scaled—a warrior built for the sole purpose of battle. His tongue presses inside my mouth while his hand locks around the back of my neck, holding me in place while he explores. I should be terrified of what’s happening between us. He’s forward, not hiding his intentions or desires but maybe that’s what makes it so appealing in the first place. I’ve never had someone so directly, unabashedly attracted to me. He shows no shame or hesitation in going after what he wants.

Eventually I press my palm to his chest and lean back, pulling away from his kiss. Emotions are pinging through my body like that tiny silver ball in an arcade machine. One moment I’m enjoying his all-consuming kiss and the next I’m questioning if I’ve lost my mind. “What did you want to show me?” I finally ask once I gather my thoughts.

“This is my home, as you know, but I thought you’d like to see it for yourself.” He begins walking and I follow, his massive silver wings extending wide before they fold in like an accordion, resting along his back. Now that I’m walking behind him I have the opportunity to take in just how colossal in size he really is. His shoulders are so broad they extend past his wings when they’re closed and resting against his back. He moves with a mindless swagger, his arms roped with muscles that flex and bend with every movement he makes. But it’s his legs that consistently draw my attention because of the sheer herculean size of his thighs and calves as he maneuvers over the gentle hills of the meadow.

He looks so out of place here. I see him as the sharp-taloned bringer of death who flies through space and peels metal from ships. Not the soft-lipped alien who kisses like it’s his forbidden passion and walks quietly through meadows.

“Do you have roads here?” Even from above when Vah’all held me high in his arms I didn’t see an intricate system of roads or anything similar where vehicles traveled.

“No roads. No need for them. Not here. We fly where we need to go. If we don’t feel like flying, we walk.”

“What about ships? You must have ships in case you want to travel further away from here?”

“We have a few ships but they’ve never been used. Our home is a secret and we plan to keep it that way. We don’t allow outsiders to come here and we don’t leave.”

“You’ve never left?”

“I’ve gone further than anyone else because of what I do. I’ve been through the cloud layer while the rest have not.”

“Why are you so worried about others seeing you? Do you really think everyone would want what you have?” Instead of taking in our surroundings, I’m more interested in the thought process behind why they do what they do here. It’s the reason my ship is a pile of twisted metal on the ground with most of our crew dead.

“It is the way things are. The way things have always been.” I wait for him to elaborate, for him to give me more but he doesn’t. Either he’s been spoon-fed the same excuse his entire life and he’s regurgitating it or he really does believe this is the only way things can be for him. How incredibly isolating.

For the entire time we’ve been walking, we have yet to run into anyone else. Occasionally I notice another streak of silver in the sky above but I’m still wondering what he wants to show me in these lands that look to be so isolated.

“Do you have a main city with buildings and homes? This area is all nature from the looks of it.”

“This is what most of Bameh is like. Homes are built throughout but not all in one place.”

“So they’re all like where you live? Private?”


“And you wanted me to see the beauty and experience the privacy of your home? Try to sell me on this place?”

Vah’all stares at me for a moment, something shifting in his expression. “I enjoy it. The quiet brings me peace.” He steps closer to me again and I instantly know where his thoughts have shifted. He can’t disguise the hunger on his face or the tension in his muscles. His desire for me is intense, enough that another crack appears in the armor I’ve worn since I boarded the spaceship. “I want to touch you again, like I did this morning. This time with my tongue. I want to spread you open and feast on you until you forget everything except who you belong to.”

His eyes flame with desire while my pussy throbs from his words. Arousal seeps down my thighs and I’m horrified by how wet I am for him. A few dirty words and promises of mind-blowing orgasms and my body turns on like a faucet. He already made me come once and he was barely trying. I’m imagining what it could be like if he really put in some effort and I almost have to take a moment and sit down.

No one is here. There’s literally no one around. We could mess around a little bit and no one would need to know. It doesn’t need to ruin my plans for finding a ship and getting my friends out of here. Just a little mindless pleasure to relieve some of the stress I’ve experienced since the crash.

So when his hands slide the oversized pants down my waist, I don’t fight it. Instead, I step out of them and let him settle me in the soft grass. It’s like I’m entertaining a swarm of bees in my stomach I’m so torn between nerves and excitement but as soon as he spreads my legs and sees my arousal glistening on my thighs, the look of satisfaction on his face calms my nerves. He swipes a finger through the wetness and licks it from his finger.

“I want to hear your pleasure as you shout it into the sky.” With a cocky smirk, my alien settles between my thighs.