The Alien’s Reward by Luna Kingsley

Chapter 8


We flyto the medical center so I have an excuse to hold her in my arms again. She’s quickly becoming an obsession.

She’s all I can think about.

Last night, I tried to keep my distance but as soon as she began to shake from the cold, I was compelled to wrap her in my arms and give her my warmth. Sleep came sporadically while I fought my desires. By morning I couldn’t fight them any longer. I had to taste her and feel her. I had to know where she would experience the most pleasure from my touch.

Now I know the soft, slippery feel of her sex. The wetness and warmth against my fingers as she pressed into my palm, seeking the pressure she needed for the ultimate gratification. It was good she escaped me when she did, otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself from claiming her completely.

We reach the medical center and she won’t meet my eyes. She’s such an interesting creature. I want to possess her and make her mine. But I need to learn more about her.

We reach the door of the hospital room where her three friends are being treated. She knocks and begins stepping inside but pauses when I go to follow.

“I’d like to talk with them privately, please.” She blocks the door so I can’t see past her. This secrecy makes me want to force the issue but knowing I’ll be able to hear whatever they talk about from the hallway anyway, I agree to remain outside the door.

She disappears inside, letting the door shut behind her. At first, they greet each other and make sure they’re all okay. While they’re busy doing this, the doctor who has been in charge of the females since their arrival appears.

“How are the women recovering?” I ask.

“Well. All three of them will make a full recovery. Only one of the women had wounds that were life threatening and they’ve already healed enough that she’ll be able to leave with the rest of them when she’s ready.”

“Have you been given information on where they are to go once they’re discharged?”

The doctor shakes his head. “I was told to keep them here until we received word from Stux’an.”

“That’s what I thought.” I pause to listen in at the door. The women have grown quiet but they’re still speaking to one another. “I’ll find out what the plans are and let you know.”

“Thank you. I’ll return to check in with them once they’re alone again.”

With that, he moves off down the hallway to tend to other patients while I focus back on what’s being discussed behind the closed door.

“He seemed to get on board with the idea when he believed I’d be able to become impregnated. If that happens, he’ll definitely allow you to stay.” Sarah’s voice is quiet but my hearing is excellent.

“That’s crazy!” Another female voice says. “We’ll find a way to get out of here.”

At the mention of them leaving, my calm mood begins to shift. I’m not going to let Sarah leave…even if her friends decide to go. She’s mine and soon she’ll want me as much as I want her. She’ll realize I’ll do anything for her.

“Are you okay, Vah’all?” Kraal appears by my side. I’ve been so caught up in the conversation going on I didn’t pay attention to what’s going on around me. “You look angry.”

I take a deep breath and relax my muscles, releasing the tight fists I’ve been gripping by my side. “I’m fine. Any word from Stux’an? What has he decided with the females?”

“They stay for now. He realizes their importance.” The image of Sarah round with my child makes me realize how much I want that. Not just a family, but her. I was drawn to her by her scent. It beckoned to me through the sky, A consuming calm aura that surged from her to me and settled in my bones until she became an obsession. I’ve spent too much of my life fighting the darkness that threatens to consume me by keeping secrets. I had my first experience with the light when I looked down upon her exotic, petite face through the hole in the metal of the ship.

My hands have only been used for harm. The sharp tips of my claws are able to pierce through metal or puncture a creature’s throat until its blood drains from its body with every strong pulse of its heart until all that remains is a lifeless form.

Until now.

Now the desire to use my fingers to stroke through Sarah’s long, dark hair is stronger than any urge to end another’s life. She is enticing and desirable in a way I’ve never experienced before. In a way I never thought possible.

“Vah’all? Where did you go?” Kraal asks.

I snap back to attention, staring into Kraal’s face currently marked with concern.

“I apologize, Kraal. I was consumed with my thoughts.” It’s true but I won’t give him details about how obsessed I am over Sarah. What would the others think if I told them I knew from the moment I saw her that I wanted her to be mine? “Stux’an’s decision is a good one. With the current state of our kind, we can’t turn females away. Once Sarah is finished visiting with her friends, I will show her Bameh. Introduce her to her new home.”

“Her home as long as you can impregnate her,” Kraal says, reminding me of Stux’an’s original agreement. My cock twitches at the thought of claiming her in such a way. I’ll do whatever is needed of me to make sure this woman can remain by my side.

Ignoring his last statement, I move toward the door, having grown tired of waiting for Sarah to emerge from the room on her own. “I’ll see you later, Kraal.” With a nod, I open the door and turn my back on him, having grown tired of our conversation.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the sight of them,” one of her friends says, shaking her head as I walk right up to Sarah. “The wings are unexpected. They’re so much larger up close.”

“Ah, this is my friend Maren,” Sarah says, indicating the female who has been speaking since I entered. “Also, Trinity and Willa.” She keeps our basic introductions simple. “This is Vah’all. It seems I’m staying with him for the time being.”

Forever. The urge to correct her is strong, but I keep it to myself for now. The women haven’t had a lot of time to get used to this sudden change in plans.

Then she leans closer and lowers her voice. “I thought you were going to give us time to talk in private.”

“I didn’t want to be away from you any longer.” I don’t bother hiding my words from the other females. “You’ve had a chance to see your friends. Now I’d like to show you around my home.”

“Okay.” Sarah looks apprehensively at her friends and then back to me again. “Are they staying here for a while? If they’re being moved somewhere, I want to know where.”

This spark of authority causes me to reach out and place my hand on her body, right in the curve where her shoulder meets her neck. My talons are retracted so there’s no chance of hurting her when I gently stroke my thumb over her strumming pulse point. She’s frightened but fighting it, the defiance shining in her eyes, and it makes my cock hard. Not because I want her to be afraid of me, but because she’s stronger than she knows.

“They’ll be moved eventually but not yet. For now, they’ll keep them here until they’re certain their wounds have healed. Nothing will happen to them while we’re gone.”

She’s satisfied with my answer. After meeting my gaze, she nods hesitantly. That’s when I realize she’s concerned for her friends but apprehensive about going off with me again. I’ll have her all to myself and we both know what happened the last time we were alone together.

“Nothing will happen to you either. You are safe with me.” Her eyes widen and her cheeks flush a deep red. Whether she realizes it or not, her lips part and her pink tongue darts out to wet them. The urge to lean forward and pull her plump bottom lip between my teeth is strong but I fight it because of where we are.

She quickly clears her throat and tears her eyes away from me, stepping out of my touch and severing our connection. After saying goodbye to her friends, she walks through the door like she’s ready to get the next part of this day over with.