The Alien’s Reward by Luna Kingsley

Chapter 7


I knew tryingto get to my friends tonight was a long shot. I never expected to make it as far as I did. But I was filled with a restlessness inside of me that wouldn’t just let me accept this new situation without doing something about it. “I want to make sure my friends are okay,” I say once we’re back inside his house. He doesn’t need to know the rest of my plans to get out of here.

“Your friends are in our medical facility. They’re doing well, receiving treatment. Resting now, in fact. Something you should also be doing.” He’s not giving me any freedom now. His expression is stern, all hints of warmth or kindness gone. He points to a chair at the table and instructs me to sit which I do without hesitation. I don’t need to be reminded of what he’s capable of. I should’ve thought of that before I let myself act so impulsively tonight. So far, he’s treated me fairly well. But do I really want to push him and find out what his alternative treatment would look like?

He sets a bowl in front of me and my stomach rumbles again. It doesn’t look like anything familiar, but it smells decent and that’s good enough for me. The utensil has three tines instead of four, but the thick round noodles wrap easily around them. After blowing a few times to make sure I don’t burn myself, I take a big bite, not afraid at all of what it’s going to taste like. “Are you going to eat?” I’m a few bites in before I realize Vah’all hasn’t had a seat or helped himself to a bowl.

“There was not much food in the house tonight. I will have a chance to prepare more tomorrow.”

I set down the three-tined fork and finish chewing the bite that’s already in my mouth. “You gave me the only food you have?” This gesture of kindness floors me while making me feel incredibly guilty for trying to escape.

“It is fine, Sarah. As soon as you finish I’ll show you where you can sleep for tonight. Then tomorrow,” and he makes a point to emphasize tomorrow, “I’ll take you to see your friends.”

I’m left feeling like I’m the one who’s done something wrong in this situation. Still, I nod in agreement, all the fight I felt as I snuck out the back window gone, leaving me exhausted mentally and physically. It was the kiss that spurred my flight in the first place. His intentions are clear every time he looks at me and I’m embarrassed to admit how good it felt when he kissed me. It shouldn’t feel good. Not unless I have an issue like Stockholm syndrome where I find myself becoming attracted to my kidnapper.

The fact that the elders were talking about the two of us procreating and then he decided to kiss me…well, it freaked me right the hell out. I saw the opportunity to sneak out and I took it, even if it doesn’t make a lick of sense. I know there’s no getting off this sky island unless we can find some sort of ship. And I haven’t seen any ships since we arrived. All of these aliens can fly on their own but they still must have a need for ships when they travel longer distances. If I can find one, we can get off this rock and get back to where we need to go. It’s a waiting game now.

“I’ll share this with you. I don’t need to eat the whole thing.” I push the bowl across the table and offer him some food.

“No, eat until you’re full. You need your strength for tomorrow.”

After making that ominous comment, he leaves me alone to finish my food. I leave a few bites for him even though he turned my offer down and set off to find him. Now that I’ve eaten, I can barely keep my eyes open. Vah’all’s kitchen area connects to a small sitting room with a fireplace, the shower area off the back of that room and then the bedrooms must be somewhere around here. It isn’t that large of a space but it’s clean and surprisingly modern for looking like a cabin in the woods from the outside.

“Finished?” I startle again, whipping around to find Vah’all has returned. He moves so quietly for such a massive alien…I don’t know how I’ll get used to it.

“Yes. I left you a few bites.”

He stares again and I’d give anything to know what he’s thinking. His eyes widen when he takes me in, devouring me which forces me to break the stare and look away. “If you’re ready to go to sleep, I’ll show you where my bedroom is.”

He just said my bedroom. As in his bedroom. So whatever else he’s made accommodations for, a separate bedroom isn’t one of them. After running away tonight and being rescued from almost poisoning myself, I’m not in the position to argue with him. So, I go along with it.

His bedroom is on the other side of the shower room. It’s plain with a large, comfortable-looking bed in the center of the room. Maybe it should bother me that I’m about to sleep with an alien who wants to eventually impregnate me but tonight I don’t have the energy to care. I head straight to the closest side and climb in, hoping I haven’t chosen the place where he sleeps. Maybe that’s a human problem, though? I get the impression he takes up the entire thing when he sleeps by himself.

After pulling the blankets over me and snuggling down into the pillow, I glance back at him where he’s still standing by the doorway. “Well, good night, Vah’all.”

The lights go out and then I don’t hear anything. But eventually the bed dips and he climbs into bed. “Good night, Sarah.” He’s suddenly so close that all my muscles tense and I forget to breathe. Part of me was calling his bluff while he was calling mine. “Are you warm enough? I don’t know how your body regulates temperature yet. It gets cold at night when we lose the light.”

“I’m warm enough. Thank you.”

I don’t remember anything else because my exhaustion takes over and I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

* * *

I wakeup in the morning wrapped in the warmest nest of blankets. It’s a funny sensation because the tip of my nose is cold but the rest of my body is so warm I don’t want to move. But as I slowly come back to reality and shake off the cobwebs of sleep, another sensation becomes apparent. Tingling pressure between my thighs makes me squirm and that’s when I realize Vah’all has his hands on my breasts while he licks the skin along my neck. I freeze in his arms as he alternates licking with gentle sucks and kisses.

His massive palm gently squeezes my breast, sending tingles of pleasure straight to my pussy, making me press my legs together in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure he’s creating. This is wanton and wrong of me to lie here and allow it to proceed but in my sleepy haze—it feels really good. His fingers tug on my nipples as I suck in a sharp breath of air. His massive alien cock presses into my ass as his mouth continues to explore my skin, apparently at the same time removing any inhibitions I previously had.

His saliva must contain hypnotic properties or some kind of drug because I want what he’s giving me. As his hands slide over my skin, they ignite desires I didn’t know I had. Why can’t I think straight right now? All I can focus on is getting off. I need him to help me come.

“Don’t be shy,” he whispers in my ear. “Tell me where you want me to touch you. I want to know how to please you.” Vah’all’s wings are wrapped around me so that we’re lying together in a warm cocoon. Strangely, I’ve never felt so safe or free to explore my desires in this secret place he’s created for us.

Taking his hand, I guide it between my legs, spreading myself for him so he can feel where I’m wet. He groans, his fingers eagerly beginning to move and explore. “This is where you feel the most pleasure?” he asks.

My eyes are closed as I focus on how he’s touching me. I nod and try to guide him. “It feels good all over but you’ll make me come if you rub right here.” After showing him my clit, he focuses his attentions on that spot until he has me writhing and begging for release. My fingers dig into his thick muscled bicep as I approach orgasm and start to lose my inhibitions. I press into his palm, seeking the delicious friction that his rough, calloused fingers provide. I’m so wet from his touch, his fingers slide easily over my sex until he maintains a rhythm that makes me tremble from anticipated gratification. With a deep groan I come as his fingers rub continuously over my hard nub. I press my legs together as the waves of pleasure continue to ripple through my body.

He eases his rubbing but doesn’t remove his fingers. Instead, holding his hand firmly against my mound. I’m drowsy again from satisfaction but once the feelings pass, realization sinks in. In my sleepy state, I made out with an alien who kidnapped me and claimed me as his prize. As soon as he made me feel good, I gave in to him.

I work myself out of his arms and out of the bed completely. I’m already at the door when he speaks. “Where are you going?”

“I need to use the bathroom.”

My cheeks are still flushed so I can’t meet his gaze. Instead I flee the room and give myself a moment to pull myself together. When I return, Vah’all is up and dressed, unbothered by the state we were in only moments before.

“You became quite cold in the night,” he says as if he didn’t just have his hands all over my body. “I’ll make sure to turn the heat up. My body temperature helped keep you warm.”

“Thank you.” I still don’t know what to say about it and thank you doesn’t sound like the right thing to say. Why am I suddenly acting like it’s my first time being around a man?

“Once you’re ready, we’ll eat and then I thought I would take you to see your friends. I know you’re eager to make sure they’re doing okay.”

I glance up and catch him smirking.

“I would like that. Maybe you could show me around a little bit after. I mean, if this is going to be my home now too, I might as well get to know it better. What do you think?”

He studies me, his gaze intense and his words full of heat when he says, “I’ll show you anything you want to see.”