Feral Wolf by Caroline Peckham

45 hours until the FIB arrive...


We made it to Cell Block D and Rosalie howled to a bunch of Oscura Wolves in greeting who were standing guard outside the entrance.

“Alpha!” Esme broke through the pack with her large tits bouncing and Brett and Sonny hurried up behind her. Rosalie hugged them in greeting then Esme caught her hand, drawing her close to speak in a whisper. “Amira has reasserted dominance in our pack. She says you betrayed us. She says-”

“I said that Ethan Shadowbrook is your mate,” Amira’s voice boomed across the space and low whines and yaps of discomfort sounded from the Wolves as she walked out of the cell block and raised her chin at Rosalie.

I raised my chin right back and slid a rock from my pocket, picking one from the collection I had in there. I launched it at Amira while her gaze was fixed on Rosalie and it smacked her in the forehead with a plap.

“Ow – what the fuck?” Her head snapped toward me and I pointed at Cain, batting my eyelashes innocently.

Cain pursed his lips, his eyes sliding to me with disdain but he said nothing, which meant we were officially teammates. Maybe old grumpsalot had a fun side after all. And maybe I wanted to tickle him a little to coax it out some more.

Rosalie took the opportunity to drop the concealment spells on Cain and he cursed, looking to her with a growl.

“Is that a guard?” Amira gasped. “Do the rest of you see this?”

The Oscura pack shifted closer, their heads cocking with interest though I didn’t see much violence brewing yet, mostly there was just a lot of adoration for my wild girl in their eyes.

“Yes and he’s under my protection. No one will harm him,” Rosalie’s voice cut the air to ribbons as more of her pack gathered in the entrance, looking excited by her return.

She was so fucking hot right now, authority pouring from her. It made me want to dom her down, make her mine in ways that only a few other Fae in this prison had the right to. Or maybe I’d let her dom me down this time, tie me up and ride me like a carousel.

“Is this what you’re going to accept of your Alpha?” Amira cried angrily. “She’s come here mated to that filthy Lunar and has befriended a guard who’s made our lives insufferable in here.”

“Pipe down, Forty-Two,” Cain said irritably and Amira bared her teeth.

“I am showing you his true face because I won’t deceive my loyal pack.” Rosalie side-stepped in front of Cain as plenty of the Wolves turned furious eyes on him, but Officer Grump didn’t look remotely fazed.

“She’s a traitor!” Amira cried. “She’s come here with a guard and her mate who’s the Lunar King!”

“Cain is my prisoner,” Rosalie snapped, stalking toward Amira, the crowd parting for her as she went. “And Ethan is my mate chosen by the moon. Are you saying the moon has chosen poorly? Are you doubting the divine being which rules our Order?” She held a hand to her chest, looking appalled and the rest of the Wolves all turned to Amira in horror.

My wild girl was a clever sausage with sauce on.

“She’s a moon doubter!” Sonny shouted, pretending to throw up a bit in his mouth. Or maybe he actually did.

I chuckled. Wolves were fun.

“Moon doubter, moon doubter, moon doubter!” I started chanting, jumping up and down and more and more of Rosalie’s pack picked up the chant.

“It’s not – that’s not what I-” Amira spluttered, and I grinned darkly as Rosalie advanced on her.

“I beat your ass and kicked you out of my pack once, moon doubter. The only traitor here is you,” Rosalie spat. “So are you sure you want to face that kind of humiliation a second time?” She got so close to her that they were nose to nose, only my wild girl was taller so Amira had to tilt her head right back to keep eye contact. Rosalie’s tits pressed to Amira’s as she growled and arched a brow at her rival, waiting for her to reply. It was a tit off. Survival of the tittest. And my girl had the best tits in town so it was obvious who would win. Even Esme’s grapefruits didn’t have a nipple on Rosalie’s mangoes.

Amira suddenly dropped her head with a whimper and tears glistened in her eyes as she shoved through the pack and ran off down the corridor with a furious howl. Ha, tit shamed bitch.

I took another rock from my pocket, tossing it up and down as I moved to Rosalie’s side. “Want me to catch her and push rocks down her throat until she can’t make any more peeps, sex pot?” I murmured and she shot me a smirk.

“Nah, I’m hungry. Let’s eat.” She led the way inside to a chorus of victorious howls and we were swept along within the Oscuras’ embrace. I leaned back as their arms brushed over me, touching and nuzzling and sniffing and I laughed loudly at their ticklish touches.

I glanced around, finding Cain being apprehended by Sonny and Brett, his arms pulled behind his back. He had magic, but I guessed even he knew that the sheer number of prisoners around him equalled his end if Rosalie ever stopped offering him her protection.

Roary hugged and greeted many of the Oscuras from his old cell block while Ethan kept close to his side, looking between all of his enemies with uncertainty in his eyes. They didn’t touch him, but some were moving closer, baring teeth and sniffing the air like they wanted to close the gap but were uncomfortable crossing that line. Ethan snapped his teeth any time one of them glared at him too long and they ran away with their metaphorical tails between their legs.

I drank in the attention, feeling like a warrior coming home from war with his queen as the Wolves surrounded me, and as someone started singing Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie, I began strutting and dancing to the beat, putting on a show for my new audience. I was usually avoided by everyone in Darkmore, so this was perfect. Instead of them wrinkling their noses at me or hurrying away when they made eye contact, they cheered and clapped as I put on a show for them. When a bunch of them lifted me into the air and I started crowd surfing across the sea of Wolves, I was pretty sure I’d just peaked in life.

“Rosalie!” I shouted. “Look, Rosalie, look at me!”

She turned her head, meeting my gaze in the crowd as she smiled before she was lifted up too, joining me on the sea of hands and I reached for her as they guided her my way. Laughter tumbled from her throat as her fingers interlinked with mine and I felt like the emperor of all the lands in Solaria.

“They like me,” I said with a bright smile.

“They like anyone I tell them to,” she said with a laugh and my smile stuttered out.


“But I’m sure they like you anyway,” she backtracked. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

My fingers slid from hers and I let the tide of hands carry me away from her.

“Sin!” she cried, like I was Wilson and she was Tom Hanks in Castaway. I frowned back at her, my mood descending as I folded my arms and dropped my head backwards so I slid down to the floor through the throng of bodies, disappearing from sight.

I hit the ground awkwardly and remained there as the Wolves danced over me and headed away, a huff leaving me. I shoved myself upright, taking out my pocketful of rocks and starting to count them. Five and a piece of lint I’d named Clint. I lifted them to my mouth and whispered, “Do you only like me because she told you to as well?”


“Well?!” I roared at the obnoxious rocks and that cocky piece of lint. Nothing. Even Clint didn’t have anything to say. “Fuck you!” I threw them all as hard as I could and took a big guy down who was hanging laundry up on his cell bars.

“Why?!” he wailed as he rubbed the places the rocks had hit him, but if he wanted answers he needed to take it up with Clint and his rock band.

I walked over to Cain who was being marched along at the back of the group and I tugged him from Brett and Sonny’s arms.

“I’ll watch him,” I muttered, taking hold of his hand and pulling him along.

“Are you sure?” Sonny asked, his gaze moving to Brett excitedly and I got slammed with a wave of lust from the two of them. No prizes for guessing what they’d be doing with their newly freed up time. The little happy grins on their faces said I’d just done them a massive favour by freeing them of their duties.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure,” I agreed and they hurried off with horny howls.

Cain tried to yank his fingers free with a snarl and when that didn’t work, he sent a flash of heat into his palm that forced me to let go. I twisted around, fisting my hands in his jumpsuit and yanking him nose to nose with me as a wild smile spread across my face. “Don’t fight it, fang boy. You and me are all there is now.”

“What are you talking about?” he demanded.

Rosalie’s light laughter carried back to me and I watched her as she was led to a long table which must have been taken from the Mess Hall. Ethan and Roary sat either side of her and the Wolves gave them some space as they ran off to fetch them food.

“Look.” I took hold of Cain’s face, angling it toward them. “Look at them.”

“I’m looking,” he snarled.

Ethan and Roary started whispering to Rosalie and brushing their hands over her and each other too, sharing smirks and jokes that Cain and I weren’t a part of.

I elbowed Officer Grump in the side. “You see it now?”

“What?” he grunted dismissively, but his gaze hadn’t left them either and I could see the glimmery green jewels of jealousy in his eyes.

“We’re the outsiders. The unmated.” I ground my teeth. “You know what that means, right?”

“No,” he said flatly. “But I think you’re going to tell me.”

“We’re the disposable ones.” I yanked his face around to look at me. “We’re like a bag of peanuts on an airplane.”

“You’re not talking sense, Eighty-Eight,” he growled in frustration.

“It makes total sense,” I snapped. “We’re small, salty balls, floating in a bag. Once we’re torn into, we’ll fly everywhere, getting under the seats and lost between people’s shoes. And no one cares. No one’s gonna go searching for a peanut.” I shook Cain, trying to make him understand. “But Ethan and Roary are cashews. The premium nut. The kind of nut you go searching for, the kind you blow the fluff off of when you find it on the floor so you can still eat it. But we’re peanuts, fang boy, peanuts!”

“You’re fucking batshit. Let go of me.” He tried to pull away, but I wrapped my arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder.

“Once we get out of here, they’ll forget about us. But I don’t wanna be a peanut, Mason, I wanna be a cashew.”

“Do not call me Mason,” he snarled, trying to prise me off of him, but I had the grip of a limpet on a ship’s hull.

The scent of food wafted past me and my head snapped up as I spotted platefuls of mashed potatoes, cooked veggies and all kinds of fucking goodness heading past me to the table.

I released a manic laugh and chased after those potatoes with a skip in my step, sitting my ass down opposite Rosalie and snatching up a knife and fork. I pounded them up and down on the table, bouncing in my seat. “Feed me!”

Rosalie chuckled, smiling at me and I smiled back, burying my jealousy for now as hunger took priority. My stomach was so empty it felt a beehive with one bee in it, buzzing around and smacking into the walls as it begged for honey.

Cain was escorted over to us and Rosalie directed him to sit beside me. Plates were passed out as the rest of the Wolves joined us at the table and the feast was laid out for us to devour. I piled my plate high with scrumptious things, wolfing through every bite, starved from going so long without it.

“Dalle stelle,” Rosalie groaned almost sexually as she ate and my gaze fixed on her, my own food instantly forgotten.

The bench I was on suddenly bounced beneath me and I looked to my left, finding Pudding had dropped down next to me, forcing a Wolf along to make room for him. He was so big and hairy, a big old hairy bear.

“Hello, hound,” he spoke to Rosalie.

“Pudding!” she gasped. “Finally. Where the hell did you get to?”

“I have been waiting for your arrival.”

Rosalie flicked her fingers to cast a silencing bubble around us. “We need those transmitters, I thought you were going to come back with them.”

“Come back where exactly? We made no arrangement to meet again, hound,” Pudding said in his slow, deep voice. I was always hanging on every word he said because it seemed like he was about to say something really, really important. He hadn’t yet, but it was coming. I just knew it.

“Oh right, well…have you got them?” she asked.

“I do,” he said with a long nod. “Here.” He slid a couple of stacked pudding cups across the table to her and she leapt to her feet.

“I’ll be right back,” she whispered.

“I’m coming.” I got up, stepping onto the table and walking straight over it before jumping down beside her.

She snorted a laugh then tugged me along by the sleeve, heading upstairs to a cell she told me was hers. Once we were inside, I looked around the space, taking in the photos on the wall beside her bed, including the one of her in the arms of the infamous Storm Dragon, Dante Oscura.

“Do you think your cousin will let me ride his ass?” I asked hopefully.

“Ew, Sin, what the fuck?” She turned to me.

“In his Dragon form,” I said with a smirk. “You told me he lets you ride him. I bet you get the best view sitting on his ass.”

“Oh,” she burst out laughing. “Of course he will. We can go together.”

“Promise?” I snarled like a beast, suddenly grabbing her arm as she went to make the call, forcing her to face me as my heart ticked like a time bomb in my chest. “Do you swear we’ll do things once we get out, you won’t just…leave?” A dangerous energy was rising in me that I’d only ever experienced when I was about to hunt and kill.

But this was different to that, more volatile, deadly to me as well as anyone close enough to feel it. If this was love, it wasn’t like the thing talked about in poems and romance novels. This feeling was as potent as poison and as unpredictable as the wind. If I’d been a monster before, it was nothing to what I could become because of this barbaric emotion. Killing had been simple before. Clean cut. I took a job and gutted the bad guys, making a show out of it for funsies. But there would be no morals when it came to killing for Rosalie. There were no depths I wouldn’t stoop to if her life was under threat. No, if I’d been a monster before then love would make me natural disaster, sweeping through the world without warning or care for who it destroyed. But I didn’t want to be evil. I just wasn’t sure I’d be able to draw a line if she was ever in trouble.

Rosalie’s brows stitched together and she searched my eyes for a moment before moving into my arms and placing a soft kiss on my lips. “I won’t leave you, Sin. Do you really think I would?”

“You’ve got your mates.” I shrugged stiffly. “And your family.”

“You can be a part of all that…if you want to?” she asked, her eyelashes fluttering a little. I reached out, gently brushing my fingers over each of those soft lashes and smiling at my wild girl. It was the sad kind of smile though, because I knew what this meant. I was never going to have her like her mates had her, and she’d never crave me like she craved them, but if she wanted me at all, even one percent of how much she wanted them, then I’d stay until that want of hers waned.

“If I’m doomed to love the sun from all the way down here on Earth, then at least give me wings so I can fly close enough to burn,” I murmured.

Her eyebrows arched. “My Aunt Bianca used to read me that story to help me sleep.”

“When I was in foster care, there was an old lady who used to stop by the home once a month and read us some books. The Wingless Harpy was one of my favourites,” I admitted then inched closer to her. “Can I tell you a secret?” I breathed and she nodded, her fingers moving to press to my chest and graze up to my neck. “I can’t read or write, kitten. No one ever taught me to. I’ve picked up a few things here and there to get by, but put a book under my nose and it’s all just swirls on the paper. I always liked the idea of leaving messages in blood on the walls once I killed though, so I get my victims to do it when it suits.” I pressed a finger to my lips before lowering my voice further. “The carers at my foster home were supposed to home school us, but they never tried that hard with the naughty kids and can you guess who was the naughtiest, honeycomb?”

“Sin,” she breathed, her fingers sliding up to my jaw and caressing my stubble.

“Well technically I was Whitney Northfield back then, but that’s another one of our secrets, right kitten?” I grinned through the sadness of my past but she didn’t smile.

“No one ever taught me to read when I was a kid either,” she said. “I taught myself after my Aunt Bianca took me in. I know what it’s like to be neglected, for no one to care what kind of life you’ll have without basic skills.”

“You have so many skills,” I said. “Your smile is a skill no one in this entire world could master but you. It’s a thousand riddles waiting to be solved, and sometimes you make me feel like I can find the answers.”

She kissed me, her lips sugary sweet and tempting, but as she tried to prise my mouth open with her tongue, I held back.

“Do you think I’m stupid because I never learned that stuff?” I whispered and she pulled away with a sharp frown.

“No, I think you’re incredibile. You’re different and wild and you don’t think like anyone else. I fucking love that about you, Sin. Do you know how many people in this world are clones of each other? You’re smart in a way so many other Fae are dumb. Because most people see grey when they look at the world, but you see a rainbow, and you make me see it too.” Her thumb ran along the line of my cheekbone and I leaned into her fingers, not used to being touched like that.

“Fuck, you sure know how to make a violent murderer feel like a king, wild girl.” I grinned twistedly at her and she chuckled, stepping back and using one of the pudding cups to make a call. She kept a silencing bubble tight around us and I inched closer as she held the cup between us so we could both listen.

“Rosalie? Tell me it’s you,” my foster brother Jerome answered and my chest puffed up with air.

“Hey, Jeromeo,” I said, teasing him with the nickname I’d come up with for him when we were kids.

“Holy shit,” he laughed. “I’ve been losing my mind out here. Are you alright? How’s my little breakout artist doing?”

“I’m all good,” Rosalie said lightly. “I mean, apart from the fact that we’re still locked a mile underground surrounded by certain death that is.”

“You’ve got a plan though, right?” Jerome asked, an edge to his tone.

“She’s got a plan,” I answered for her. “She always has a plan.” I knocked my knuckles against her cheek.

“Well you’ve got less than two days to pull it off, that enough time for you?” he asked anxiously.

“Yep, I might need a little help from my cousin though,” she said. “Just sit pretty topside and let me do the work.”

“Not much else I can do, is there sweetheart?” he chuckled.

“Thanks for sending this sex pot down here, brother. Did you pick her because she’s my perfect wet dream or was that just a coincidence?” I asked with a grin and Rosalie prodded me in the ribs with a smirk.

Jerome barked a laugh. “By the stars, of course you’re fucking her.”

“I’m the one doing the fucking, stronzo. Sin just goes along for the ride, don’t you baby?” Rosalie teased.

“The ride, the rodeo, the whole carnival,” I agreed.

“Well don’t get too distracted,” Jerome warned. “I’ll be waiting to greet you the second you’re out of there, brother. Prepare for your bones to be crushed when I hug you.”

I laughed. “Fuck, I missed you, bud.”

“Missed you too, Sin,” he said, releasing a heavy sigh. “I’ll see you soon.”

“See you soon, baboon,” I agreed and the call died.

Rosalie smiled hopefully at me and electric energy hummed through my veins as I got a boost from speaking to my foster brother. I’d be breathing fresh air with Jerome at my side soon while sipping on a pina colada with a little pink umbrella in it. I didn’t know where I’d end up after this and honestly, I wasn’t ready to let go of the current company, so if she’d have me, I planned on following her around like a stray cat outside of here.

Rosalie used another pudding cup to call her cousin and Dante’s voice sounded through it a beat later.

“Rosa?” he asked immediately.

“It’s me, Dante,” she said brightly.

“Grazie alle stelle,” he sighed in relief. “Are you alright?”

Rosalie gave him a quick rundown of everything that had been going on in here while Dante listened attentively. I took the time to have a thumb war with myself and Lefty won two rounds against the reigning champion Righty.

“So what’s the plan?” he asked when she was done and I zoned back in.

“We’re gonna attack the main elevator and fight our way out of here,” she said.

“Fuck yes we are,” I whooped, karate chopping the air. “It’s gonna be all pew, pew, pew, pow, pow, pow. Yippe – ki yay mother-” Rosalie pressed a hand to my mouth to stop me as she went on.

“Are you sure that’s the best way?” Dante asked in concern. “That sounds like a fight you might not win.”

“We can win it,” she growled determinedly.

“Rosa…” Dante said in concern.

“You trust me, right Dante?” she asked, a plea in her voice and he sighed.

“Yes, I trust you. But that doesn’t stop me worrying about you, piccola alfa.”

“I can pull this off. I just need you and the family to be there when we get out.”

“Alright,” he conceded. “But it’ll have to be at night. I can’t conceal my approach in the day. I’ll be ready in my Order form. I’ll bring the pack and be ready for a fight.”

“Stay out of sight until I call to tell you I’m there. We don’t want the guards to catch onto us and call the FIB in.”

“Don’t worry, Rosa, I’m a professional at this kind of thing,” Dante teased.

“By the moon,” I whispered. “The Storm Dragon is gonna fight with us.”

Rosalie elbowed me with a smirk, finishing up the call with her cousin before crushing the pudding pot in her fist. “That’s it then. We’ve gotta wait until the middle of the night so we may as well get some rest.”

“And by rest you mean have an orgy in this cell, right?” I guessed and she laughed.

“Aren’t you exhausted?” she asked.

“I’m an Incubus, muffin, I can literally fuck for days,” I said, prowling toward her, but she yawned and I could see she was dead on her feet. “But you are a sleepasaurus rex. So get on the bed and let me spoon you. Or you can spoon me if you’re feeling your big spoon energy today.”

She shook her head, but yawned and I walked her back towards her bed, pushing her down onto it. “Sleep.”

“But the others,” she complained.

“I’ll handle the others.”

“Cain will have to be locked up somewhere. I don’t want the other Wolves able to reach him while I’m sleeping.” She tried to get up again, but I pushed her back down.

“I’ll deal with it, cherry drop. Just shut your fluttery eyes and sleep,” I commanded, tugging the covers over her.

“I need to see he’s safe.” She got up like a stubborn little moth and I sighed, tugging her out the door by her hand and whistling sharply.

“Wolves, bring Officer Cain up to your queen!” I cried and a chorus of baying Oscuras replied. It only took half a minute for them to appear with him and Rosalie directed him into the cell beside hers and stationed Brett, Sonny and Esme there to guard it.

“Follow me,” Rosalie said, directing me, Ethan and Roary after her into the cell with Cain. She hung a sheet and cast a silencing bubble, giving us four some privacy – wait, no there was five of us. Six if you counted my cock. Which obviously you did, you dirty fucker.

Who am I talking to? Oh the people in my head. Shh, I need to pay attention.

Rosalie slipped something out of her pocket and Cain snarled as his eyes locked on the remote for the magic blocking cuffs.

“Oooh,” I cooed, stepping closer as the shiny object called to my inner magpie. I swiped for it but Rosalie held it out of reach, only making me hunger for it more. That’s gonna be my shiny thing.

“You need to release Roary’s magic,” she told Cain and Roary took a step forward, his desire for that clear in his golden eyes.

“Hell yes,” Roary purred.

“Fuck no,” Cain snapped predictably. Did he ever say yes to things? I said yes to all the things. He should try that sometime. I reckoned it would cheer him up a bit.

“We should give all of the prisoners their magic back,” I said excitedly and everyone turned to me with horrified expressions.

“What? That’s a terrible fucking idea,” Ethan balked.

“Name one thing that’s terrible about it.” I folded my arms and arched an eyebrow.

“Every psychotic motherfucker in here would suddenly have the power to do whatever the hell they liked to us or anyone else,” Ethan growled.

“And they could put our whole plan in jeopardy,” Rosalie added.

“The body count would be unimaginable,” Cain hissed.

“It’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said, and that’s saying something,” Roary snapped and I bristled at the word stupid, dropping my arms to my sides as anger rolled freely through me and my spine prickled with deadly intent.

“Don’t. Call. Me. Stupid,” I warned and Rosalie stepped toward me, cupping my cheek.

“You’re not stupid, but that idea is. So listen very closely when I say that under no circumstances will we let any other inmate’s magic free apart from Roary’s. Repeat it back to me.”

There was a sparkle in her eye, the kind that spoke of our secret language and my mood picked up as I nodded, a mischievous grin pulling at my lips.

“Under no circumstances will we let any other inmate’s magic free,” I said, winking at her and she frowned.

“Why did you wink?” she hissed.

“I didn’t.” I winked again.

“Stop it,” she snarled. “You’d better listen to me this time, Sin. I swear to the moon, if you fuck up our plan by doing something as reckless as letting the Belorian out again, I will never forgive you.”

“Alright, candy cane,” I promised and as she turned away, I winked at her, causing Roary to snarl.

“I’ll kill you if you do anything to ruin this,” he warned in a hiss.

But he didn’t know anything about mine and Rosalie’s secret language. It was all done through eyebrow twitches and lip movements that his little mind could never comprehend.

“I’m the only one who can use the remote,” Cain said as he glared coolly at me. “So I’ll be sure to keep it out of his hands. Just give it back to me.” He held out his palm and Rosalie twirled it between her fingers.

“I’ll give it back once you release Roary,” she bargained and Cain’s jaw ticked as he looked to the Lion puff.

“No,” he said simply.

“If you don’t, I’ll have the guys hold you down and tickle you until you use enough magic to get a reading on it,” Rosalie said, arching a brow at him and Cain glowered. “Does that sound like something you’d prefer?”

“Can we do it naked?” I asked and Rosalie laughed.

“Yeah, I think we will, Sin. All of us can oil up too,” she said and Cain growled furiously.

“Fine. Give me it,” he demanded and Rosalie tugged Roary close to Cain as she held the remote out to him, but kept a tight hold on it.

Cain scowled his way through the process, but a second later the light on Roary’s cuffs went out before they unlocked and fell to the ground. He released a heavy breath and cast a ball of ice in his palm. Rosalie flicked a finger and a bush started growing at his feet, bigger and bigger until strawberries started sprouting on it and she plucked some off, squeezing the fruit all over his ball of ice until it was red. He took a savage bite out of it and I leapt forward with a hungry snarl, taking as bite of it myself before falling on the strawberry bush.

“Hey, leave some for everyone,” Ethan said as he dropped down, trying to fight me for the strawberries I already had bundled in my lap. I started pushing them into my mouth, filling it up to the maximum so he couldn’t get his hands on them, leaves and all.

“Mine,” I said around the succulent fruit and Rosalie laughed, growing a few more so Ethan could have them too.

“I’ll leave the bush for you to munch on, Mason,” she told Cain before handing him the magical remote as promised then leading the rest of us to the exit.

“I’m good,” he muttered, though his eyes drifted to those strawberries with a thirst I knew he was going to sate the second we were gone.

Cain glared out between the bars as Rosalie yanked the sheet down to cover him and he was left like a lonely turnip in his own cell.

I kinda pitied him, but I was also too excited for the spoon party about to go down as I dragged Rosalie back into her cell. Before I could get her on the bed and take up prime spooning position, a knife and fork walked in with intention in their eyes.

Rosalie pulled out of my grip, going to them as I knelt on the bed alone. She hugged Ethan while Roary kissed her neck and she shivered between them. I sank back onto my heels, waiting for them to pay me attention, but they just kept cuddling and nuzzling each other.

I slid off the bed, shrinking into the shadows and pressing my back to the wall as they caressed each other’s mate marks and my heart crushed like broken glass in my chest.

They moved to the bed, snuggling down together in a dog pile with Rosalie curled up in the middle of them so the entire single bed was full to its limit.

A mournful howl pitched through the room and I realised it was coming from me before I strode out of the cell and shoved past the Wolves on guard outside Cain’s cell, heading back into it.

Cain looked up from where he was perched on the bed and I fell down beside him, wrapping my arms around him.

“Hold me,” I said against his neck, but he shoved me off with a snarl.

I curled up on his bed, looking over my shoulder at him. “Spoon me. Or fork me if you prefer. I just need to be cutleried.”

“What’s the matter with you? Get out of here,” he snapped.

Rosalie appeared with a whine in her throat and I rolled over, stuffing my head under Cain’s pillow.

“Sin, come back to my cell,” Rosalie said, taking my hand and trying to pull me up.

I went dead weight, shutting my eyes and pretending I was asleep already. She cursed as she heaved my whole body off the bed and I never broke character, hitting the floor hard and letting out a soft snore.

“For the love of the sun.” Cain grabbed hold of me too and they heaved me out the door and around into Rosalie’s cell. I remained convincingly asleep before I was lifted up and dumped on the single bed on top of Roary and Ethan.

“By the stars,” Roary cursed, shoving me as I spread out like a starfish and continued to feign sleep.

I cracked an eye, peeking on Rosalie as she pulled Cain closer and brushed her lips against his cheek. “I’ll see you in a few hours. You can’t stay here.”

He grunted in answer and she led him back to his cell while Ethan elbowed me and tried to get comfier.

“This bed is too fucking small for all of us,” Roary complained, shoving me too.

“Bet you want me to turn into G-spot Joe right now, don’t you Ethan?” I murmured in my sleep.

“Yeah, so I can crush you in my fist,” Ethan growled.

“Around your cock,” I added and he punched me in the head.

Rosalie returned and I opened my eyes with a loud yawn. “Oh, how did I get here?”

She planted her hands on her hips. “This isn’t gonna work.” She marched outside, barking orders at her Wolves and a minute later she reappeared followed by a bunch of her pack mates carrying several mattresses, pillows and blankets from the other cells. They arranged them all on the floor then ushered us out of the bed and carried the frame away before placing Rosalie’s bedding in its place, adding it to the big nest they’d made.

I whooped, diving into the middle of it and rolling across it as the Wolves hung a sheet over the bars to give us some privacy then left us to it. Not before they shot Ethan a few anxious looks and a couple of growls echoed in their wake, but they clearly weren’t going to undermine Rosalie’s command over the Lunar King. Which was sexy as fuck.

“Move over. Rosa goes in the middle,” Roary insisted, kicking me in the side as I dominated the whole bed.

“She can go in the middle. But I’m also in the middle, so she’ll have to lay right here.” I patted my chest with a smirk.

Rosalie stripped down to her underwear, walking across the bedding and laying down beside me while we all stared at her sexy ass body.

Ethan and Roary dove forward to try and claim the space on her other side, falling into a wrestle that both Rosalie and I watched with intrigue as their muscles flexed and they nipped and savaged each other. Safe to say, between Rosalie’s perfect flesh on show beside me and those two putting on a show worthy of the infamous Black Hole fetish club in Alestria, my cock was as hard as a mast on a ship. I just need to tie a little sail to it and all I’d need is a strong breeze to send me sailing off into the sunset.

The two of them were so evenly matched that every time one of them made it into the spot beside Rosalie, the other one managed to drag them away and get into it instead.

“Enough,” she said at last, slamming her hand against Ethan’s chest as he fell down beside her once more. She bared her teeth at Roary who had his fingers knotted in Ethan’s hair and Roary sighed as he let go.

Ethan smirked triumphantly, unbuttoning his jumpsuit and stripping it off, tossing it away with his shoes and socks. Roary did the same next, falling down beside Ethan with a huff as he gave in to Rosalie’s demands.

I pulled my own jumpsuit and shoes off and Roary’s eyes widened as they landed on my boner.

“Don’t look so surprised, Lion puff, it’s more of an event when I’m not hard. This is my reality ninety nine percent of the time. I once saw a pussy-shaped leaf that got me going, and honestly all I need is for my boxers to chafe my cock the right way and I’m raring to go.” I shrugged as I dropped back down beside Rosalie and finally took up prime spoon position.

I tugged her against me as Ethan rolled forward and caught her hips, yanking her back towards him. I tightened my grip and Ethan growled at me, his fingers locking around her even firmer.

“Guys, I’m not a chew toy. I need to breathe,” Rosalie warned and I reluctantly loosened my grip but still kept my arm around her waist.

Roary cupped his head with his hands as he lay on his back beside Ethan and stared moodily at the ceiling.

“You win some, you lose some, Lion puff,” I said.

“I’m her mate,” he gritted out and his words struck me like a slap.

“Sin’s a part of this too,” Rosalie insisted but Roary remained silent and my grip on her eased a little more. I didn’t have any real claim on her. I only had tiny little claws in her which could be broken off anytime she fancied.

“I miss that big bad Vamp who killed all those guys in the Magic Compound that time. He wasn’t like this,” I said, releasing Rosalie and rolling onto my back. “He always included me in stuff.”

“The Vampire in isolation?” Ethan asked in confusion.

“Yeah, me and him had a bond. We had jokes. I used to call him names and he’d swear at me and threaten to drink all my blood while choking me out with my own intestines.” I chuckled. “Good times.”

“He literally ripped a guard’s face off and ate it,” Ethan said with a grimace.

“Yeah, and then he ate his own face,” I said with a smile. “I think he regrows it then re-eats it actually. That’s probably how he’ll survive down there. No one’s feeding the isolation prisoners.”

“He eats his own face?” Roary deadpanned. “That’s ridiculous.”

“Not when you’re hungry,” I pointed out. “He told me all about how he’s so desperate for blood that he’s gonna eat everyone when he gets out one day. Especially Gustard since he was one of the reasons he got put in the hole.”

“I thought the guy just flipped after he failed some appeal?” Ethan said.

I nodded. “Yeah, buddy, and Gustard had a guy on the outside who was supposed to help get the appeal to go through after my Vamp friend paid him a butt ton of money. But Gustard never even had a guy. So no wonder he felt face rippy after the appeal got rejected.”

“Can we stop talking about some face eating Vampire?” Rosalie asked, looking disgusted.

“Sure, pickle. You wanna talk about a face eating llama instead? Or a face eating goat? I once knew a goat called Simon who-”

She reared up and kissed me, her hand sliding down onto my cock and making me groan hard into her mouth.

“Fuck, mentioning Simon doesn’t usually get people this hot. I’ll have to write him a letter to thank-” She kissed me again, pressing her tongue into my mouth and swinging her leg over me as she pinned me down beneath her. I took hold of her hips, grinding her over my cock and smirking at her. “Is it just goats that turn you on or is it all kinds of hoofed creatures? I’ve got a Sheep Shifter in my collection if you’d like to see?”

“Oh my stars, shut up,” she growled, kissing me again and I wrapped my hands around her waist, losing myself to her soft flesh as my hands slid up her spine.

“I’m getting mixed messages,” I said against her lips. “Do you like hooves or are you anti-hoof?”

Ethan thumped me in the arm, grabbing Rosalie from my lap and pulling her onto his instead.

“Ignore the idiot, love,” he said through an arrogant grin, pushing his hand down the back of her panties and reaching all the way around to her pussy. Her head fell back as she moaned and his fingers worked within her panties as I fed on all of their lust, watching the show as Rosalie rocked her hips to the rhythm of Ethan’s hand.

“So how are we doing this?” I asked as Roary watched Rosalie with a burning intensity that he was clearly about to act on. But they’d just go all animal on her and we’d played that game before. I could make this far more fun. “I count nine holes and three cocks, so some holes are gonna get left out, though I can bring out my dick squid if everyone wants their holes filling?” I offered.

“No one wants your dick squid,” Roary growled, shifting closer and pushing Rosalie’s bra up over her tits, squeezing and biting them. She gasped, her hips moving faster as she tried to take more from Ethan whilst gripping onto the back of Roary’s head to keep him against her chest. Hot but boooooring.

“Tell that to a man called Bert Lug,” I said with a shudder. That was a night I’d never forget. I’d even tried to take a memory potion to erase it, but there were some memories that not even magic could erase.

Rosalie moaned louder as her two mates brought her towards her ruin and I shifted closer, a predator awakening in me as I hooked onto their lust and started reading between the lines of their desires. Alright, they didn’t want me to shift. I could do plenty of other fancy things with my Order gifts that they would like though.

I reached out to Ethan’s back and ran my thumb down the length of his spine as it started to vibrate, my skin coming alive with electric energy.

“Fuck,” he groaned, pausing what he was doing to Rosalie as he looked over at me with lust in his gaze which I could feel pouring into me in waves.

“I call it the Devil’s touch,” I said with a smirk. “I told you I was a man-sized vibrator.”

“It’s more than vibrations,” Ethan growled as I dragged my fingers up the length of his back again.

“Yup,” I agreed. “It gifts pleasure wherever I touch. So if I touch somewhere good…” I pushed my hand into Rosalie’s panties alongside Ethan’s and circled my fingers over her clit. She gasped, her head falling back and heavy moans leaving her that made my dick twitch with need.

“Holy fuck,” she groaned. “Don’t stop.”

She fell into a string of Faetalian curses as my fingers vibrated harder and my touch gifted her so much pleasure she could hardly take it.

Roary tried to draw his head away from the nipple he was sucking but she clamped her hand down on the back of his head with a growl and Ethan’s hand pumped harder beneath mine as she fell apart for all three of us.

Lust curled around me like a warm hug and I sighed as I drank in every drop of it, withdrawing my hand from Rosalie’s panties and pushing her off of Ethan onto her back on the nest of blankets. She was all floppy post orgasm and I smirked at her as I gripped her panties and tugged them off of her as Roary caught hold of her bra and dragged that over her head. His shoulder butted against mine and he released a growl of warning which turned to a groan as my skin offered him a rush of pleasure.

“By the stars,” he cursed, pulling back and touching his shoulder as he stared at me with a frown fixed onto his face.

“You like that, Lion puff?” I taunted.

“No,” he said instantly, but his throat bobbed with the lie.

“Let him touch you, Roar,” Rosalie encouraged and we both looked down at her as she bit her lip, glancing between us hopefully.

I wiggled my brows at Roary enticingly and his jaw ground as he fought between wanting to please his mate and not wanting anything to do with me.

“He can’t handle it, wild girl,” I said with a smirk. “Ethan can though. Come here, shadow man.”

Ethan shifted in my periphery but Roary spat a curse, grabbing my hand and laying it on his chest, clearly not wanting to be outdone by Rosalie’s other mate. His muscles rippled beneath my palm as pleasure spiked from my flesh into his and a low groan rumbled through his throat. His gaze moved to Rosalie as I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck then pushed him down towards our girl.

He kissed her filthily, laying his claim and I ran my hand down the hard plane of his shoulders, making goosebumps rise over his flesh as he groaned once more. He kissed his way down Rosalie’s body and shoved her thighs apart as he ran his tongue over her clit and started feasting on her like the beast he was.

Rosalie’s eyes found mine and I caught hold of Ethan beside me, putting on a show for our sex pot as I turned my head towards his and drove my tongue into his mouth. He tried to dominant that kiss and I let him as my hands roamed over his abs and fed pleasure into his body, making his cock harden even further as it pressed into my hip.

“Yes,” Rosalie panted as she watched and her hand came up between us, stroking my cock before moving to Ethan’s, back and forth between us until my dick was desperate for her. Well, it was always desperate for her. But now it was double desperate with a hat on.

Rosalie’s hand caught mine and she guided it to Ethan’s cock, her fingers grasping my hand as pleasure skittered from my body, making her moan even louder as Roary continued to torment her pussy with his tongue.

I shoved my hand into Ethan’s boxers, taking Rosalie’s hand with me and together we wrapped our fingers around his huge length, making him groan into my mouth. I broke our kiss and looked down at Rosalie once more, drinking in her lust as she watched our fists rolling up and down Ethan’s cock in a fluid motion that made him swear under his breath. My palm buzzed with vibrations and I lowered it down onto his balls as Rosalie continued to work his shaft, making him hold onto my shoulder for support, his nails tearing into my skin as he enjoyed every second of our combined touch.

“Stop,” he panted when he was close to finishing, pushing our hands off of him just as Rosalie howled through her second climax and Roary lifted his head with a satisfied grin, wiping his glistening lips with the back of his hand before dropping over her like he was about to fuck her.

I caught hold of his hips before he could get carried away with that idea, shoving him onto his back beside her, able to get that advantage over him as my fingers poured pleasure into his body and caught him off guard.

Hey,” he snarled, but I grabbed Rosalie next, throwing her on top of him clumsily and Roary’s hand wrapped around her to caress her tits as she wriggled her ass over his cock. I spread her legs, moving between them before gripping Roary’s boxers and tearing them off of him, making him get all angry again as he cursed me out. But I was too enraptured with the creature between us to care as I took hold of his cock and drove it inside her for him.

“Motherfucker,” he snapped, but it came out all breathy and suddenly he was distracted by fucking her, driving into her pussy with firm strokes that made her back arch against him.

I leaned down and lapped at her clit with teasing strokes of my tongue then let her see why the Devil’s touch was fucking amazing as my tongue vibrated against her sensitive flesh.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned loudly. “Sin…Roary.” She reached for Ethan too and pumped his cock as he watched the perfect display of her body bucking and writhing as Roary pounded into her and I chased every one of his movements with my tongue on her clit.

She started coming again and I laughed as I counted three orgasms already, knowing we were far from done and that I was aiming for her pussy to be pushed to its limits this time.

I lifted my head and licked her sweet taste from my lips before gripping the base of Roary’s cock and yanking it out of her.

“Sin!” he barked, but I just lifted Rosalie’s hips and lined him up with her ass instead, using the natural lubricant of her body to ease him into her there instead.

“Fuck. You,” Roary gritted out as Rosalie gripped Ethan for support, her hips rising then falling as Roary gave in to my demands and pushed himself slowly inside her.

“I’d be quaking in my little cowboy boots if you weren’t enjoying yourself so much, Lion puff,” I teased and Rosalie laughed breathily, earning her a spank on the thigh from Roary. The lust washing from her said she liked that anyway, so it was another point to me and her. Sucker.

I grabbed hold of Ethan next, swapping places with him and smirking as they all did as I wanted, my pleasure filled touch making them putty in my hands.

Ethan knew what to do without me saying a word, guiding the tip of his throbbing cock to her pussy and meeting her gaze as she nodded her encouragement. He slid inside her with a torturously slow thrust as he and Roary started finding a rhythm between the two of them, driving into her at the same languid pace.

I stood up to watch the show, fisting my cock as I growled my approval of this perfection before me and Rosalie watched me with need in her eyes.

“You’re so fucking greedy,” I said with a twisted grin and she nodded, heavy moans falling from her lips as Roary and Ethan worked together to destroy her.

They didn’t need any of my help with that, the two of them were so in sync it was like they were one being working to claim her, and maybe that was what it was like to be her mates. Which made me fiercely fucking jealous.

I knotted my hand in Ethan’s perfect hair as I acted on that jealousy, wanting to steal myself a piece of their bond as I stepped closer and pressed the tip of my cock to his lips. Even that was feeding him pleasure and he couldn’t resist more of it as he gave in to what I wanted and took my length into his mouth, his hot tongue flicking over the tip and drawing a low groan from my lips.

My gaze found Rosalie’s again, sensing her lust rising further as she watched. Ethan’s hips bucked faster as he fucked her more ferociously and Roary growled as he rose to meet that challenge too. Rosalie’s cries filled the air as I fucked the mouth of the Lunar King and I loved how I was making this mighty Alpha Wolf mine, and not just him, but all of them. I was in control here whether they knew it or not and it was my new favourite place to be. I felt like I belonged here among them, like they were something more, something special. But I couldn’t quite put a name to it.

I drew my cock from Ethan’s lips as I felt them all heading towards a crescendo I really wanted to witness and I stood back as I jerked myself harder and harder, watching as Roary’s cock thrust into her from beneath while Ethan fucked her from above. Rosalie clawed at Ethan’s shoulders, moaning all of our names as she gave them orgasm number four and Roary finished with a Lion’s roar half a second before Ethan stilled inside her with a howl.

“Fucking animals,” I laughed as they panted, their limbs tangled in a sweaty mess as Rosalie grinned like a savage.

I didn’t give any of them long to enjoy their afterglow as I caught hold of Ethan’s hips and threw him off of Rosalie before catching hold of her waist and yanking her off of Roary too. I carried her to the wall, shoving her up against it and wrapped her tired legs around me as I slammed my cock into her without so much as a how-do-you-do.

“Sin,” she groaned like she couldn’t take any more but then my cock started vibrating and everywhere my skin touched hers fed her pleasure. She said my name again with much more reverence and I enjoyed the sound of that. “Sin.”

“I’m all seven of the deadly ones,” I said with a taunting smile, fucking her with a primal desire as I gifted her all the pleasure my body had to offer.

My pubic piercing ground against her clit and the vibrations of my cock juddered through it too, making her buck and moan and claw at me like the wild thing she was. Her pussy was soaked from Ethan’s cum and her endless arousal for us all and my thick cock slid in and out of her with ease.

Our mouths collided in a sloppy, filthy kiss as she groaned and begged for more, her body alive with this living, writhing pleasure that was all building to the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced. I knew it, she knew it, and my cock knew it as her pussy clamped down on it in a tight squeeze that made me come with her, her muscles convulsing around my length and milking every drop of my cum from my body as I finished inside her.

I bit her lower lip, chewing on it as I enjoyed the pleasure rolling through me, but I enjoyed her pleasure even more than that. The way she was continuing to claw at my back as her climax went on and on and her fingernails tore into the back of my neck was the best thing I’d ever experienced. Her body finally went limp and her head knocked back against the wall as she blew a lock of hair from her hooded eyes.

“That was wild,” she laughed throatily.

“Sin always makes it Wilder.” I winked and she didn’t deny that.

My cock stopped vibrating as I let my Order gifts withdraw and I carried her back to the nest where Ethan and Roary were laid out waiting for us, looking exhausted and hungry for sleep.

I placed Rosalie down between them and they immediately curled around her, the three of them snuggling together as I dropped down behind Ethan and he used his water magic to clean us all up. I was nearly asleep before he’d finished, a fat grin slapped onto my face as I drifted into rest with my magic reserves practically overflowing.

Hell to the yes, I was literally the god of sex. The king of the orgasm, the mayor of cocktown and pussyville. And I realised there was nothing more satisfying to me than pleasing this group of Fae who I’d somehow been lucky enough to find. Especially Rosalie. She was our queen and so long as she let me stick around, I’d be sure to make her fall asleep this satisfied again and again and again.




I woke as Ethan’s elbow drove into my gut in his sleep and he rearranged himself around Rosalie, holding her against him while resting his chin protectively over her head, a snarl on his lips in sleep. Roary held her from the other side, their foreheads touching as they surrounded her. Moony little furbags.

I yawned as I pushed myself upright, watching them for a while and turning my wrist over, wondering what it would be like to have their mate mark. I shifted into Roary so I could see that mark on my skin, my head cocking as I examined it.

Maybe I should kill off Roary and stay like this, tell them Sin ran away.

I could do it, wrap my palm over his mouth and snap his neck before any of them woke. Then I’d just have to figure out how to get rid of the body. I could shift into the Belorian and eat him? But as I stared at his peaceful expression, I found I didn’t want him to be chomped up in my jaws.

I liked Roary even though he didn’t seem very fond of me. And he made Rosalie happy in a way I’d never be able to mimic. Sure, I could try and come up with some childhood stories from when him and her were kids together, but she’d probably catch on when I spouted something that had never happened. Of course, I could use my dick to distract her any time the conversation went that way. But nah, the plan was falling apart. My dick was too fantastic to be mistaken for another man’s dick, no matter how nice Roary’s was. Nothing came close to mine. And I’d never be able to use its fancy dick powers again. That would be the biggest tragedy of all.

I sighed, getting to my feet, longing to offload some of the heavies and the sads in my chest. There was only one person who could really get it, but he wouldn’t talk to me. Well…not when I looked like this anyway. A slow smile crept across my face and I shifted into Rosalie, appreciating my own tits for a moment before hooking up her jumpsuit and pulling it on. Then I crept out of the cell, nodding to her pack mates who were sitting around guarding the place before slipping into Cain’s cell, dropping the sheet down behind me.

I cast a silencing bubble around us as I approached his sleeping form on the bed, his brow drawn as something in his mind tortured him.

I perched on the edge of his bed, sliding my fingers between his and he woke with a jolt, his fangs snapping out on instinct.

“Hey,” I said softly and he frowned as he found Rosalie here, not Sin. But Sin was here. Sin was hiding.

“Is everything alright?” he asked, his voice rough from sleep.

“You tell me. You were the one twitching in your sleep.”

His brow descended further, his eyes shadowed and darkness brimming in his gaze.

“The past was a little closer tonight, that’s all,” he muttered, reaching out to brush a lock of hair behind my ear.

I found I liked his touch and if I’d been a Lion like Roary, I was sure I would have started purring. He wasn’t so big and bad when he was looking at Rosalie. In fact, he seemed kind of alluring like this, and I could see what she saw in him outside of his constant grumps.

I moved toward him and he shifted back against the wall to let me lie down and I snuck into his strong arms as he wrapped them around me, holding me like I was something precious to him. Yup, I could definitely see it now. This broken man was healing because of her, it was what he needed. But I wasn’t sure he deserved that.

“Tell me what you dreamed about,” I asked, resting my head on his pillow as he laid his head down too and his gaze roamed over my face.

I knew this feeling well, wearing the skin of another, becoming what they desperately wanted me to be. Cain’s perfect desire was Rosalie, just like Roary and Ethan’s desire was, and I played the role well, my body built for pretending.

He drew in a long breath like he was deciding whether or not to say, but eventually he did.

“I was dreaming about the moment I had my teeth in Benjamin Acrux’s neck,” he admitted. “His blood washing down my throat, his lifeforce in my hands.”

“The night he killed your friend?” I asked and his eyes narrowed.

“I didn’t tell you about that.”

“Oh um…Sin told me,” I said, batting my lashes and he nodded, his jaw pulsing and pain swirling in his gaze.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, caressing the skin beneath his hair in soft circles and he sighed like he needed that. I wondered if anyone had ever touched him like that. He’d had no parents to soothe him and I knew what that was like. It was something only an orphan could really understand, the craving for the touch of a parent, your skin constantly starved for it until it messed you up inside.

“My Vampire was freshly Emerged and though I drank him to the brink of death, unfortunately I didn’t finish the job,” he said bitterly.

“He got away?” I asked in surprised and he nodded.

“I left him there with his throat half ripped out, figuring the job was done. And I ran as far away from that place as I could, never to look back. But word of his survival reached me eventually and I’ve regretted that ever since,” he said.

I brushed my fingers over his shoulders as I gave him a sad look. “Couldn’t you go back and get the blood you were owed?”

“It was too late,” he said with a shake of his head. “I was at school when I found out. My life had taken a fortunate turn at last and I didn’t want to fuck it up. I moved to Applefield after I left Benjamin and eventually took a chance at joining Perseus High School there. The principal took pity on me, I think. I turned up outside his door in a creased suit I’d stolen off of some guy’s washing line, but my sneakers were a dead giveaway, worn through and grubby. He could see what I was. Just a thief making it by on the streets of his town. But the one thing Benjamin had gifted me was strength, and I’d managed to harness my magic in the time I’d had it better than Principal Sunfall expected for someone who’d been Awakened by the stars. It’s very rare to be gifted magic like that, and I think he sensed something bad had happened to me for the stars to offer it out early.” He shrugged and my heart squeezed like a tiny bear was crushing it in my chest.

“What made you even wanna go to school?” I asked curiously.

I’d never even attempted to get into education. I’d gotten my magic Awakened at the annual Offering Ceremony in Iperia. Every decent sized town held one of those for the poor assholes and rogues who didn’t get to have their magic Awakened at school. It was government run and kinda nice seeing as they gave out free cake and stuff, but there’d been a general air of ‘poor little street people’ about the place as we walked into their fancy town hall.

After that, I’d taught myself how to use my magic, then I’d met in with a murderer called Plunt who’d mentored me for a while. He’d been ruthless, cutthroat and in the end, I’d had to kill him because he was an even bigger monster than me. But he’d been a pretty good teacher before I cut his head off and kicked it in a river.

“I was on the verge of becoming the worst version of myself. I was hungry and alone and the only way I could have survived was by becoming a heartless creature just like Benjamin. So I tried for a different life and when I got my chance at one, I worked tirelessly to make the most of it,” he said.

“But the darkness in you drew you here,” I said mysteriously.

“Something like that, I guess,” he grunted.

“I like the darkness in you, Mason,” I whispered. “I’m glad you didn’t cast it all out.”

“If it draws you to me, then maybe I’m glad of it too,” he said, leaning closer and my eyebrows arched as I realised he was about to kiss me.

Well, in for a penny in for a pound.

I curved into his body and took his tongue between my lips, meeting it with my own as I drew him closer. He growled hungrily and his hard cock drove into me in a demand. A laugh snagged in my throat as I stole a dirty kiss from this mouth that belonged to Rosalie, knowing she would have loved to watch the whole thing. Shame he was so uptight really.

When he pulled back, I realised I’d released my hold on my Incubus powers and his eyes widened in horror as he realised who he’d just planted a wet smackeroo on.

“Hey, fang boy,” I purred and he threw me out of the bed with the strength of his Order.

I slammed into the wall across the room, laughing wildly as he shot forward and smashed a punch to my face that made blood rise in my mouth.

“You’re a dark, dark thing,” I laughed harder and he swung at me again, but I ducked that one, running for the door. I made it outside and as he came after me, the Wolves closed ranks, shoving him back. He glared at me over their shoulders, pointing at me with his fangs bared.

“Stay the fuck away from me, Eighty-Eight,” he snapped. “You do that to me again and I’ll kill you.”

“Calm down, it was just a little tongue in the mouth, Masey. It wasn’t like I stuck it up your butt,” I taunted and the Wolves looked to me in surprise.

“I’ll rip your tongue off and strangle you with it,” Cain growled, trying to get out again but the Wolves forced him back and he gave in to their demands, still glaring at me like he really did want me dead.

I wiggled my fingers at him in a mocking goodbye then headed back into Rosalie’s cell, sure I’d just made some progress with fang boy even if he did seem ultra angry. Maybe I was just fooling myself, but deep, deep, deep down, I had a feeling Mason Cain liked me. And I had a feeling I might just be starting to like him back.