Feral Wolf by Caroline Peckham


“Ruuuuuun!” Sin cried, turning and grabbing Rosalie, throwing her over his shoulder like he planned on carrying her away to safety as if she were some kind of damsel in distress.

“Sin, let me down!” she yelled in an Alpha tone and he immediately did as she said.

She moved back to the edge of the doors, pointing up the elevator shaft with a growl in her throat. “Sin, use your air magic to hold that elevator up there. Right now.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He saluted her, hurrying forward like an obedient soldier and did as she asked. “Ethan, suck my dick to keep my magic reserves up,” he commanded seriously.

“Hell no,” Ethan snapped.

“Come on, be a hero,” Sin commanded, unbuttoning his jumpsuit at the crotch. “Don’t ever stop sucking or we’re all dead.”

Ethan punched him in the arm with a snarl and I looked over at Rosalie with panic warring in my chest. This was it. They were all going to fucking die if they were caught here by the guards and didn’t immediately surrender. I just knew how stubborn Rosalie was, and that fucking terrified me. She’d never bow. She’d fight to the death if she had to, and I couldn’t let that happen. But I didn’t know how to stop it.

“Ethan, Roary, freeze the pulleys!” Rosalie commanded and they did as she asked, standing shoulder to shoulder with Sin as they worked to immobilise the cables that were bringing that elevator closer and closer to us. She cast a thick web of vines in the shaft to try and block the guards from getting all the way down, but that elevator was made for shit like this. My colleagues could activate a forcefield inside it which would tear through any magic in its way and if that failed, they could open the exit hatch at the bottom and start casting themselves.

I clawed a hand over my hair, my gaze fixed on Rosalie, then I shot to her side with my heart thrashing frantically.

“Listen,” I commanded. “You’ve got to surrender. They’re going to get down here, and they’re not going to be merciful to anyone attacking them. They’re authorised to kill in situations like this.”

“Shut up, stronzo,” Rosalie barked, but I pulled her back from the shaft and darted in front of her, making her look at me.

“Please,” I rasped. “Don’t do this.” I can’t watch you die.

The curse seemed to agree with my inner thoughts because it hummed and purred and begged me to save her.

Fire suddenly shot up from the trap at the bottom of the shaft again, rearing up like a giant snake and burning through the vines Rosalie had cast.

“If you wanna help me, then how about extinguishing that fire before it spreads out here,” she suggested with a savage glint in her eyes.

“You’re not listening!” I boomed as Sin cursed, his back bowing a little as a splintering noise sounded up in the shaft.

“They’re getting through,” Roary hissed.

“We can’t hold them, love,” Ethan called, his brow creased with tension as a boom rang out and he hissed between his teeth, his usually styled hair falling forward into his eyes.

I moved to the edge of the doors and looked up, finding the forcefield glowing around the elevator and shattering the ice magic which froze the pulleys in place.

“Ethan!” Sin bellowed. “I’m gonna have to fuck you in the ass. It’s the only way.”

“Would you shut up?” Ethan barked.

“Maybe he’s got a point,” Rosalie growled as she fought to keep casting vines across the bottom of the elevator to try and keep it from descending, but they snapped again and again.

“I swear to the moon, if someone doesn’t get me off right now, we’re doomed,” Sin said through his teeth.

I snarled, hooking my arm around Rosalie’s waist and pressing my mouth to her ear. “I can’t protect you from them. It’s over if you stay here.”

She shoved my hands off of her, turning a furious glare on me. “Help me or get away from me, Mason.”

Her magic started succumbing to the fire again and Sin pushed one hand into his boxers, jerking himself off as he kept his other hand raised, keeping his magic reserves filling.

“By the sun,” I cursed, throwing out a palm and extinguishing the flames working to eat away Rosalie’s earth magic. I hadn’t been planning on helping them, but standing here and watching her kill herself felt like a worse fate than any other I could imagine.

“I need both hands,” Sin groaned. “Ethaaan, you’re our only hope.”

“Fuck it. Fine. But don’t any of you bring this up, ever again,” Ethan snapped then dropped to his knees in front of Sin. But before he could start sucking him off, Rosalie threw a hand to her throat, her voice amplified and stretching away from us across the prison, far and wide.

“The guards are coming down in the main elevator! If we don’t rally together, they’ll take the prison back!” she cried, her voice echoing into every deep, dark corner of Darkmore and I stared at her in complete horror. “Get your asses down here and help us fight to keep control of this place!”

“No,” I gasped, but she just gave me a look that said she was willing to do anything to ensure she escaped with these assholes.

A stampede of footsteps headed our way down the corridor and Sin whipped out his dick, accidently jabbing Ethan in the eye with it.

“Motherfucker!” Ethan leapt to his feet, shoving Sin in the chest. “Forget it,” he snapped and Sin offered his cock to me instead, the piercings catching the light as I couldn’t help but stare at the thing for a moment.

“Not in any lifetime, inmate,” I snarled.

Sure.” He winked at me and I growled, turning my back on him and raising my hands in preparation to defend myself from the oncoming storm of prisoners.

But before any of them appeared, I felt magic trickling over me as Rosalie ran to my side and her illusion rushed up to cover my features as she squeezed my arm.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you either, boss man,” she breathed.

I found myself dropping my hands as I got lost in the deep pool of bronze in her eyes and the silver flecks striking through them. And, fool that I was, I also found myself relieved that the prisoners were coming, because there wouldn’t be as much of a target on her head once the guards got down here if she was just one among the masses.

“The guards are almost here – move!” Roary barked, grabbing Rosalie’s hand and tugging her further away from the elevator shaft.

The rest of us ran after them as the elevator tore through the last of their magic and dropped smoothly into place in front of the entrance to the shaft, but the doors didn’t immediately open.

A wave of Oscuras rushed around us followed by a swarm of endless inmates looking to help, a tide of orange jumpsuits swallowing us whole. The Shades were there, looking to Roary for direction and he barked at them to get them into order alongside the Oscuras. The strength of his Charisma was washing out around him and I couldn’t help but appreciate his strong jaw and the general aura about him that lured me in. Maybe I could just go over there and see if he needs anythi-NO! What the fuck am I thinking?

Rosalie cast a platform of earth beneath her feet, rising up and her voice boomed over them all. “The second that door opens, we’re going to shield you from their power while you push them back inside. Do not aim to kill them. Alright?”

A roar of agreement went up, though I didn’t have any faith in them listening. At least the guards had magic and these ruthless animals didn’t, but they still had sheer numbers on their side. I didn’t even know who to fucking root for because I couldn’t bear for Rosalie to get hurt in this fight.

Sin bounced up and down beside me as he waited for the battle to begin and Rosalie leapt off the platform of earth, casting it away in an instant before standing to the side of the elevator with Roary and Ethan.

Silence fell as everyone waited for the doors to open and my gut knotted as I looked around the snarling faces of the inmates, just happy they couldn’t recognise me because I was sure I’d already be dead if they could.

Fire sizzled in my palms and while everyone stared at those elevator doors, I stared at Rosalie Oscura, knowing with absolute certainty that the magic in my veins would be used here to protect her and nothing else. The curse hummed within me at that thought, seeming to coil around my heart like a warm cat instead of the destructive beast it usually was.

If it came down to a choice between her or the guards, my allegiance was clear now. I just didn’t know what the fuck that meant, because I couldn’t want that girl. She was the kind of trouble that could get me locked up in here myself. But the time for making smart decisions seemed long gone, because the more time I spent with her, the more I fell under her enchantment. Maybe I was a fool being danced on her strings for her benefit, but right now I knew that fool would die for her. And I knew he’d throw away every ounce of freedom he possessed to keep her.

The doors slid open and a tumult of deadly magic poured out of the elevator in a furious wave. It battered against Sin’s air shield as he directed it up and over the heads of the inmates and allowed them to sneak beneath it.

They shoved the guards to try and keep them back, but a huge blast of air magic crashed through them and suddenly the guards were spilling out into the crowd and chaos was descending so fast, I lost sight of Rosalie in an instant.

I pushed through the inmates, trying to get to her as a growl built in my throat and the need to find her tugged on a cord tethered to my soul.

“Rosalie!” I barked, but no answer came in reply.

Magic clashed in the air above me and inmates were thrown dead to the floor. Bodies mounting. Blood spilling.

I was knocked down by a gust of air magic and a huge guy fell on me, keeping me pinned there.

“Pardon my buttocks,” the inmate said, slowly rising to his feet while I drew in a lungful of air and I realised it was One-Twenty-One – the guy everyone called Pudding. His hands wrapped around me and he pulled me to my feet with such strength that my boots came off the ground for a moment. “There we are.”

He lumbered away, heading back into the carnage and I fought my way forward again, using my Vampire strength to shove inmates aside and get to the place where I’d last seen Rosalie. But she wasn’t there.

Ethan Shadowbrook was though and as a huge fireball whooshed towards him, I flicked my fingers and extinguished the flames a heartbeat before they collided with his head.

He glanced over to find his saviour, but I was already marching back into the crowd, not examining why I’d done that.

One glance around told me how fast this fight was going in the guards’ favour. The inmates might have had the numbers, but without magic they couldn’t win this battle. People were dying, screaming, running. And it was all going to end brutally for the girl who’d cursed me the moment this fight was won.

“Rosalie!” I called frantically and as two tall, tattooed guys parted in front of me, I saw her pinned to the wall by a guard called Peris. Her eyes locked with mine over his shoulder and she screamed my name just as Peris slammed a silver blade into her gut.

“NO!” I bellowed, shooting forward with the speed of my Order, knocking everyone down beneath me as I caught hold of Peris in a vice like grip.

I threw him away from her so hard that he hit the wall further down the corridor and I grabbed hold of Rosalie before she could fall to the ground.

I supported her against the wall, pressing my hand to the bleeding wound in her stomach and healing her with a rush of energy that left me in wave after wave.

“It’s alright,” I swore as she stared up at me, her lashes fluttering and adoration burning in her gaze. “Kiss me,” she begged. “I need you to, Mason.”

“Right now?” I asked in confusion, still letting magic pour from me as I healed that wound.

She nodded, and I couldn’t refuse her in that second, so I pressed my lips to hers, her tongue immediately meeting mine as she kissed me with a ferocity that had my cock hardening for her.

“This is really not the fucking time.” I drew back, and found her lips twisted in a weird smile that didn’t look right on her.

“Thanks for giving me your magical signature, hot stuff,” she said, holding up the remote that could unlock the prisoners’ magic.

The bottom dropped out of my stomach as I stared at it, realising she must have taken it from my fucking pocket. The screen was green, my magical signature clearly recorded on it and the yells of joy behind me told me exactly what she’d done even before I read the words flashing on the device. All prisoners released.

No. Fuck, no, no, no!

Her face changed before my eyes and suddenly I was pressing up against a very muscular, very smug Sin with my hard on driving into his own rigid cock. No – not again!

“Are you insane?!” I bellowed as magic blasted out behind me and inmates whooped as they were all unleashed, set fucking free to do as they pleased.

“No, baby cakes. I’m Sin Wilder.” He winked at me. “Thanks for the kiss. And the broner moment.” He ducked out of my hold, racing off into the crowd with a wild laugh and I stared after him as utter mayhem descended before my eyes.

I really hate that fucking Incubus.