Feral Wolf by Caroline Peckham

Sin and I stared at each other with wild, panicked eyes as we stood in the elevator beneath the Order Yard. The sound of the FIB racing towards us while prisoners screamed and panic filled the air sent fear spiralling through me.

Why now? Right as we’d been about to finish this, why was our luck so fucked all the star damned time?

We’d had another day to escape this place before the FIB showed up – I’d been relying on that like it was a fact. But I realised now how fucking dumb that had been. Protocols and plans laid in place for theoretical situations couldn’t be relied upon in a volatile situation like this. The guards had come down to try and force us back under control and had found us waiting for them where we had no right to be. We’d fought them back and they’d been forced to create a barrier to contain us – it was no wonder the FIB had decided to step in. I should have seen this coming dammit.

“Are we fucked?” Sin asked. “Fucked up the ass with a chocolate sundae and a batch of sprinkles on top?”

“No,” I breathed, but every fibre of my being screamed yes. “We can...we just have to...I’ve got it.” I snapped my fingers and Sin perked up like I held the answer to every question ever asked.

“I’m gonna use my moon gifts to hide and you have to shift into that Tiny Tim form so I can carry you.”

“G-spot Joe?” Sin asked excitedly, bouncing on his toes.

“Yeah. That one. Hurry.”

The sound of pounding boots and screaming inmates were drawing closer and my heart pounded with fear as I called on the moon to shield me and felt my body fading out of sight.

“Catch me, wild girl,” Sin cried excitedly, jumping towards me with his arms outstretched before shifting in mid-air into a tiny naked version of himself with a little D swinging between his thighs.

He slapped against my cheek then kicked off of my face and grabbed a fistful of my hair with a tiny whoop of triumph right in my left ear.

“Hold on tight,” I breathed, casting a silencing bubble around us as I opened the elevator doors before taking off down the stairs as fast as I dared.

Inmates were charging up towards us, crying out in panic as they ran and I had to dart to and fro to avoid them while they couldn’t see me.

We raced down one flight of stairs, then another and another before I skidded to a halt above a group of Fae who were all kicking and stomping on an inmate who was trying to shield his head from their blows on the ground beneath him.

“One last kill before we’re taken down!” Sparkle cried enthusiastically, urging her herd on as they whinnied and snorted in violent excitement.

They were blocking the entire stairwell and I couldn’t risk bumping into any of them as I passed by in case someone started shouting about an invisible Fae running through the halls. The FIB couldn’t catch onto us. We needed every advantage we could get to execute this plan before they managed to lock this prison down again.

“Throw me in her mouth!” a squeaky little voice yelled in my ear and I frowned as I plucked Sin out of my hair so that I could look at him.

“In her mouth?” I hissed, wanting to stay quiet despite my silencing bubble.

“Yeah. I got this, wild girl. Trust me.” Sin winked and I almost tossed him in the opposite direction, but I sucked up my doubts, turned my aim towards Sparkle and as she opened her horsey mouth wide to whinny, I threw Sin’s little naked body straight between her lips.

A tiny shout of, “Geronimo!” sounded as he flew towards her and Sparkle suddenly doubled over, heaving and coughing before straightening and looking around at her herd in disgust.

“I think I just swallowed a bug,” she said half a second before her entire body exploded and a mixture of bloody, rainbow-coloured glitter splattered the walls and every single member of her gang.

A full sized, blood covered, butt naked Sin Wilder stood where Sparkle had been just moments before with his hands on his hips as the herd all stared at him in horror.

“Boo,” he said dramatically and the Pegasuses whinnied in fright, all of them turning and racing away with screams of horror.

I gaped at Sin in shock as the Fae they’d been beating to death crawled into a corner and placed his hands on his head to await the FIB.

“Thank you,” he breathed though he looked like he wasn’t certain that was the right thing to say.

“No time to stand around, kitten,” Sin called. “Catch me and let’s fucking go!”

He took a running jump in my direction, shifting into G-spot Joe once more and forcing me to lurch forward to catch him before he could fall to the floor. I tucked him down the front of my shirt and started running again while he giggled in my cleavage, taking two steps at a time as I raced down towards the Belorian’s holding cell.

As we reached the fifth floor, I skidded to a halt, my insides clenching with fear as a whole platoon of FIB agents stalked up the stairs shoulder to shoulder with magic crackling in their hands and inmate cuffs hanging ready at their belts.

I fell still, glancing back up the stairs and wondering if I should try and hide until they passed, but a furious roar made me whirl around before I could make up my mind.

“Nigel!” Sin called excitedly in his tiny voice half a second before the huge Vampire I’d released from the isolation block came shooting around the corner and went crashing into the platoon of FIB agents.

He carved a path right through them with his Vampire strength and shot away down the stairs as half of the agents fell to their asses with cries of fright and blood spilling. There were at least four corpses among them, their throats ripped clean out and I thanked my stars that that guy was on our side before taking off down the path he’d created through the agents.

“I thought you said that guy in Psych was called Nigel,” I hissed at Sin while I ran.

“Everyone’s a Nigel if I can’t remember their name, kitten, duh.”

“That’s not a thing,” I shot back, making it beyond the agents and racing downstairs even faster than before.

“Of course it is. There are no real Nigels, sex pot. That’s just a myth the government want us all to believe. It’s a damn conspiracy and I refuse to buy into it.”

I opened my mouth to question that logic then decided to forget it. We needed to focus on getting the hell out of here, not the real or mythological existence of Nigels in the world. Especially as I knew for a fact that Pudding’s real name was Nigel.

I made it to the seventh floor just as more FIB agents came charging up the stairs and I darted into the corridor, thankful that none of them bothered to head this way as I sprinted for the Belorian’s cage at the far end of the hall.

I ripped the door open as I made it inside, releasing my moon gifts and reappearing between our group, spotting Pudding and my Wolves amongst them too.

“You made it!” I gasped in relief while Roary and Ethan both grabbed me and crushed me between them.

“Where’s Sin?” Ethan asked and a tiny giggle followed his question as I felt Sin clambering out of my cleavage.

He jumped away from us and shifted back to a normal size, grinning from ear to ear while placing his fists on his hips and standing there fully hard while smeared in blood and glitter from head to toe.

“I’m right here, baby, but I’ll have to wriggle on up your butt later - because we’ve got a prison to bust out of first!”