Feral Wolf by Caroline Peckham

My hyper mood descended into sadness as we all headed to the stairwell and Rosalie crept ahead using her invisibility powers to make sure the way was clear. Because there was a real tragedy that had happened in the past few days. One I wasn’t sure how to rectify. Well, I knew how, I just didn’t have the whats and the whens figured out yet.

The sad thing was, it had been way too long since Ethan had had anything shoved up his butt. And shrinking down into G-spot Joe and taunting him with a butt crawl experience had reminded me of the games we used to play together. The laughs, the wrestles, the accepting look in his eyes when he realised a nevercot plum was going in his anus whether he wanted it to or not. It was our thing. We’d bonded over it, but with all the breaking out and death descending on us from every angle, there’d been no time for any object-up-the butt fun. I didn’t even have an object in mind. A lemon maybe, but for what purpose? If he didn’t need to put it up his butt, then where was the game? The fear of being caught? The awkward waddle as he passed a guard? If we escaped from Darkmore, that game would be no more.

“Sin,” Ethan snarled in my ear. “You need to move.”

“Okay,” I sighed, shuffling along as he shoved me.

Rosalie had made me some little leaf boxers to cover my cock and I had to say they fit like a dream. I was ready to change my lifestyle to leaf boxers only, because these were like a silky dove’s wing wrapped around my piece.

“Now, asshole,” he growled and I realised the others were already jogging down the stairs after Rosalie.

I took his hand, threading my fingers between his. “You waited for me, shadow man.”

“Yeah, well – you’re one of us,” he said with a shrug,

“Really?” I asked, perking up like a chicken with a fox knocking on her door.

“Of course. But listen, man.” Ethan tugged his hand free of mine as he glanced at the rest of the group and quickly cast a silencing bubble around just me and him to keep what he wanted to say private. “Watch out for Cain. He has an issue with letting you escape because he thinks you’ll murder a bunch of people once you’re free.”

“And that’s…bad?” I asked, arching a brow.

Ethan swiped a hand down his face then sighed. “Yeah dude, it’s not ideal. I mean, we all know it has to be done from time to time, but I think the way you clearly enjoy the bloodshed just gets him on edge – like right now you’re kinda covered in blood and stuff so that’s sort of making his point.”

“It’s sparkly blood,” I pointed out and he sniggered before using some of his water magic to clean it off of me.

“There. Now you look less…deranged. Anyway, don’t worry about it because me and Roary have your back. Just be ready to shift or hide or do whatever you have to when the time comes because he plans on stopping you. I’m just giving you a heads up.”

They had my back? Oh wow. Wow on a cow. They loved me.

I closed my eyes and leaned in for a kiss, but I stumbled and opened them again when I found nothing there and spotted Ethan striding away after the others. I grabbed his hand again as I caught up to him, wondering if now was a good time for some skipping, but he didn’t seem keen.

He yanked his hand free and shoved me along and we both started running together down the stairs. Rosalie wasn’t invisible now, leading the way at the front of the group and I started thinking about what it would be like to fuck her while she was invisible. Would I see my own cock inside her? It’d be like fucking a ghost. Dammit, why had no one ever fantasied about fucking a ghost before? I could turn invisible too if they had. I’d have to try and make it someone’s new favourite fantasy.

“Ethan,” I hissed.

“What?” he grunted.

“How cool would it be to fuck Rosalie while she’s invisible?”

“Not the time, you idiot,” he snipped, seeming on edge about something. I mean sure, the FIB were here and sure, certain doom lurked around every corner, but when life gave you danger lemons you had to make danger lemonade. And I knew a lot about that. I had lemons stashed all around the prison for every occasion. Mostly for Belorian related occasions, but the fight with the guards had proved a lemon could be a deadly weapon as well as a juicy friend.

“When I get out of here, I’m going to plant a lemon tree and call her Big Bel after my friend who died.”

“What friend?” he asked in confusion.

“Don’t be ridiculous, shadow man, you know exactly who I mean. We all said goodbye to him.” Stupid shadow man.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said in frustration.

“Would you shut up?” Cain snarled over his shoulder at us and I rolled my eyes dramatically.

“Mason’s so moody,” I stage whispered to Ethan.

“Don’t you dare call me Mason, inmate,” he snapped.

“Shh,” Rosalie hissed, beckoning us closer to her and I felt a silencing bubble wrap around us as we grouped together.

“Is it time for the potatoes to be used, ma’am?” Plunger asked.

“No,” she growled, pressing a finger to her lips and her Werewolves whimpered a little as they pressed closer together.

Pudding cracked his knuckles and I zoned in on a pudding cup stashed in his pocket. One that looked unopened. I licked my lips, suddenly hungry and desperate for pudding so I sidled closer.

“Is there a problem, hound?” Pudding asked in his booming voice as I crept up beside him.

“My moon senses are trying to tell me something,” she breathed, then shut her eyes all mysterious like and I dipped my fingers into Pudding’s pocket.

“What is it, Rosa?” Roary asked anxiously as he moved close to her, but she didn’t answer.

Pudding’s fingers latched around my wrist and I growled in frustration as he pushed my hand back against my stomach.

“Do not take my pudding, Incubus. That is my victory pudding for when this is all over.”

“Well maybe I want a victory pudding, did you ever think about that?” I snarled, lunging for it again, but he slapped my hand away, giving me a flat look.

“Then you should have brought your own,” he said simply. He had a point. But I could have a point too if I just found a sharp stick and poked him with it.

“Sin,” Ethan snapped, taking my arm and drawing me away.

“He has pudding,” I hissed at him.

“That’s really not our priority right now,” Ethan warned. “Just stay quiet and wait for Rosalie to tell us what to do.”

I chuckled at him, laughing harder and harder until I was roaring with mirth. He was so whipped I bet he had strike marks on his ass. Ooh, I wanna whip it too. I love domming down an Alpha.

“Would you shut him up?” Roary groaned.

Cain shot towards me, slamming a hand over my mouth and glaring into my eyes.

“Enough,” he warned and Hastings glared at me over his shoulder with an expression that said he’d back up his guard buddy if it came to it. Oh looky how the guards had gathered like a band of merry ravens. Maybe he’d try and stop me from escaping here too, but they’d never catch me, I was a sneaky ninja and they didn’t have half my skills.

Rosalie snapped out of her reverie and jerked her head in a command, moving faster and faster down the stairs.

“Hurry,” she barked and Brett, Sonny and Esme yipped in agreement as they sprinted after her. Brett and Sonny kept stroking their hands over each other reassuringly, sharing looks of fear as we all jogged along after our Alpha queen. There was a lot of lust shared between the two of them and it helped stoke my magic like a tiny cock fire burning inside me.

We made it to level eight and Rosalie beckoned us on. We ran past the corridor and I threw a glance down it, catching sight of three FIB agents there detaining several inmates. One of the prisoners got to his feet, releasing a blast of air magic with a cry and an FIB agent took him down in a fiery blaze, the guy screaming and screaming as he was killed.

Fuck a cuckold in the ass. Let’s get the hell out of here.

We raced on down to level nine and Rosalie cried a warning, turning invisible half a second before an FIB agent stepped out into the corridor.

“On your knees!” my wild girl screamed, dropping the silencing bubble and we all staggered to a halt and dropped to the floor on the stairs.

The agent held fire, snatching a radio from his belt. “Back up required on level nine.”

He strode towards us, his dark eyes skipping between each of us as he scowled, no sign of fear in his eyes at facing so many dangerous inmates with their magic intact.

“I’m a guard!” Hastings piped up and the agent frowned at him in his orange jumpsuit, but he did have that earnest little face and I guessed it was pretty convincing.

“Alright. Get over here, I’ll scan you in to check your identity then you can assist with the detainees. You pull anything though and you’re dead.”

“Of course. Officer Cain is with me too,” Hastings said, pointing at him. “We had to conceal ourselves as inmates.”

“Very well. Up,” the agent beckoned them over to him and I watched as the two guards headed towards the man, wondering if they would spread us wide and fuck us now they had an out. I’d be diving on the murder train before that happened though.

I tried to catch sight of Rosalie, even though she was invisible, but if anyone could see her it was definitely me. I squinted, trying to use my radioactive squinting powers to find her.

Found her. She’s right there by that crack on the wall. Yup. Hey, wild girl. I see you. Oh you like that do you? Wanna take your clothes off for me, sex pot? By the fucking stars, your tits are nice. But this isn’t the time. Oh what are you doing now? Touching yourself for me? Rosalie, you dirty girl, you need to focus. We’re in trouble, baby. Oh fuck it, okay.

I slid my hand into my jumpsuit, my cock hard and ready for her as always.

“Sin,” Roary growled from beside me. “What the fuck are you doing?”

I winked at the crack on the wall where Rosalie was, ignoring the Lion puff and stroking my thick length.

The bleep of radios further up the stairs said the FIB backup were heading this way so I worked my cock faster, knowing we didn’t have much time. Rosalie you are one filthy fuck of a Werewolf. You want this? Yeah, you do. You always want it.

Rosalie appeared right behind the FIB agent, nowhere near the crack – wow she moves fast - and cast a thick vine around his mouth to gag him as well as leaves over his eyes. I twitched my fingers, stealing the air from his lungs even though that was technically unFae and technically I was a bad boy for it. But Rosalie liked me being a bad boy.

Rosalie bound the agent’s arms to contain his magic and Cain shoved him onto the ground as my girl gestured for us to run.

“Oh my stars,” Hastings cursed as we all leapt up and started running.

“Halt right there!” a booming voice came from behind and I let go of my cock as I swivelled my head and caught sight of five agents racing after us.

“I’m a guard!” Hastings cried but this bunch clearly didn’t believe him as they spotted their little buddy all tied up on the ground and a fireball was shot at his head. He squeaked in alarm as he ducked it and Cain gave him a shove to make him run with the rest of us as they all opened fire.

The wall was blasted apart as we ran down the winding stairwell as fast as we possibly could and I threw up an air shield behind us to slow them down. The others did the same, casting as many obstacles behind us as they could to keep them back, but the agents were fiercely powerful and we didn’t have time to stand there and cast anything stronger to hold them off.

The sound of our magic tearing apart carried to us and Esme screamed in fright as a fireball whizzed overhead and the wall exploded above her.

Rubble cascaded down and I leapt forward out the way of it, but Brett and Sonny were knocked to the ground along with Ethan.

I caught hold of Ethan’s arm, tugging him up and out of the rubble with a lurch of all my strength as the agents appeared behind us.

Brett and Sonny scrambled to get up too and I cast air magic to try and blast away the rubble that was holding them down.

But as I tried to get them free, Pudding was struck in the back with a blast of water as he was lumbering his way down the steps and he collided with me so that we all started falling in a tangle of limbs. I kept hold of Ethan while I fell, making sure he was with me for every bounce down the concrete stairs. I won’t let you go, pickle. Just ride me like a pony.

“Brett!” Sonny howled just before fire consumed them in a blazing inferno that billowed down the entire stairway, filling it up as it flared towards us like an unstoppable beast.

I threw out my hands, air magic exploding from it in a wall that guttered out the flames before they could touch us and Rosalie released a noise of anguish as she looked back to see Brett and Sonny lost to the raging inferno. Oh no.

Ethan clapped my shoulder as he looked to me. “Thanks,” he panted. “You fucking saved me.”

“Move!” Cain barked, encouraging Rosalie along who blinked back the pain in her eyes while Esme started baying like her heart was hurting and sadness washed into me too.

“Wait. We need to make a better barricade here to give us some time to escape – we can’t risk them seeing where we’re going,” Ethan called, starting to cast a thick barrier of ice in front of my air shield, the flames continuing to batter it. When those agents stopped the blaze and realised we hadn’t died in it, they were gonna be a bunch of moody Mandys for sure.

Everyone who could help hurried back to cast a wall in place while Hastings clawed at his hair and stared around anxiously at the situation he was in. Not much he could really do about it now. He was on the rollercoaster and he couldn’t get off the ride until it was over.

As Rosalie stood beside me casting her magic, I leaned close to her, pressing my lips to her cheek, wanting to banish some of that pain I saw her in her eyes.

“They were relying on me,” she gritted out.

“It’s not your fault,” I said. “And even if it was, that’s okay too because sometimes we do bad things even when we don’t mean to. But it wasn’t your fault, wild girl. If anything, it was mine because I got Ethan up and I could have got one of them up instead, but I chose him because he’s Ethan, and…I think I love him a little bit. Not like I love you, but like in a ‘I wanna suck his dick sometimes way’, you know?”

“You love me?” she whispered, turning to me with glistening eyes while Ethan looked over at me from beyond her with wide eyes.

“I think so,” I said with a frown. “It’s the biggest feeling I’ve ever had, so it must be that. It’s so big I’m surprised it stays in my chest actually.”

“Come on,” Cain snapped. “That’ll hold for now.”

Rosalie nodded, moving to wrap an arm around Esme as she drew her along and convinced her to stop crying. She glanced back at me though, her eyes full of a thousand questions and I was pretty sure they were the good kind.

We ran down to isolation and Cain opened up the door for us like a good boy before we tore along the corridor between the cells and raced down to the maintenance level.

I kept glancing back over my shoulder, but there was no sign of the FIB agents and I had to hope we’d lost them.

We gathered under the place where Cain could access a secret tunnel to the guards’ quarters and I bounced on the balls of my feet in excitement at the game.

“I can’t let you in there unless you all make a star vow with me not to kill the other guards,” Cain said firmly and Rosalie nodded in agreement, directing us all to make that promise.

When it was my turn to do it, I tried to do a secret handshake with Cain, swatting his hand left then right, then trying to hip bump him. He didn’t like that, so I sighed and slapped my palm into his while he glared at me and we recited the words needed to make the vow. Magic clapped between us and I yanked him closer before he could get away. “Thirsty, Officer Grump?”

“Let go of me,” he warned but I could feel his bloodlust just like I could feel all the other kinds of lust, and I knew I was getting to the bottom of that bitey look in his eyes.

“Officer Grump is thirsty!” I announced then tilted my head to offer him my neck, wondering if he might decide to let me run away without any drama after all if he got his kicks from me first. “Have a drink. I’ll jerk off to keep my magic levels high.”

He growled deep in his throat, trying to get his hand out of mine, but I wouldn’t let go. This was my chance to seduce him and that was my greatest talent.

“Are you thirsty, Mason?” Rosalie asked as she appeared beside us and I looked between the two of them, licking my lips as his lust went from a ten to a ten-hundred. Fuck yes. I was here for this show.

“Yeah, he needs to bite you.” I caught the back of his head, shoving it so his face smooshed against her neck.

“Stop it,” he jerked back but Rosalie caught hold of the back of his head too and held him there.

“Drink,” she commanded her voice all sultry sexy and the tension in his body slackened.

I chuckled as he gave in to the primal urge in him, slicing his fangs into her neck as a groan of need escaped him. My fingers twisted between Rosalie’s as we held him there and our eyes locked. Yup, this was fuck hot. And I had plenty of ideas about how I’d like to get Cain involved in some kinky ass blood play while he took bites from me and Rosalie. I could shift my canines into Vampire fangs too and we could play all kinds of twisted games with her. Mmm.

“Enough.” I knotted my fingers in his short hair, yanking his head away and he turned on me with a feral snarl, lunging forward like he was about to rip my throat out for interrupting him mid-feed. Woops.

I cast an air wall in front of me and he slammed into it as blood trickled from his mouth and rage coursed through his angry eyes. Damn, it didn’t look like I’d managed to seduce him after all.

“Open the hatch, Mason,” Rosalie said, yanking him over to the concealed button by the back of his jumpsuit.

He glared at me the whole time, but he did as she told him and we all looked up into the secret hatch as it opened and the ladder descended.

“Ready, steady, go!” I cried, running up it first with a laugh of glee as I made it into the tunnel above. I shuffled along into the crawlspace with a whoop of joy as I took the lead in the race. We were closing in on freedom and I could taste it in the air that was whipping against my skin. “Can’t catch me, bitches!” I called as the others came after me. “I’m a whippet with wings!”