Feral Wolf by Caroline Peckham

The lights flickered and a shudder ran through the prison, the floor trembling violently beneath my feet. I held my breath, waiting it out and not releasing it until I was sure we weren’t going to end up fired like Cain had predicted.

We all shared looks and Rosalie’s eyes glinted with excitement as she stared up at the ceiling like she could see through it right to where Dante was soaring through the sky.

“A morte e ritorno. He’s done it,” she breathed and Cain’s throat bobbed as we all moved toward the tunnel.

“This isn’t gonna work,” he muttered, but he didn’t sound at all convinced of that anymore.

“Well why don’t you go cuddle Hastings while we get on with our break out?” I suggested, pointing at Hastings out in the corridor who was sat on the floor with his face buried in his knees. It would be a hell of a lot easier if we could ditch him now rather than having to worry about him trying to stop Sin from escaping once we were up there.

“I’ll be coming with you to the bitter end, Shadowbrook,” Cain snarled and I glanced at Sin, not liking what Cain was planning to do when this all came to crunch time. But I couldn’t worry about that now. We needed to go. And I had faith that between me, Roary and Rosalie we’d be able to get Sin out of here despite what Cain thought.

Rosalie moved to the place where we’d chosen to tunnel, beckoning us to follow and I headed after her as magic built in her palms.

“We’re gonna move fast,” she called. “Plunger, when you’re ready start burrowing as quickly as you can for the surface, making sure you’re careful to search for the hidden explosives in the ground with your nose powers.”

“Absolute-lai, Miss Rosalie,” he said and I got an eyeful of his naked ass wiggling back and forth as he revved up his Mole engines or whatever the fuck he was doing.

“Ready?” she breathed to us all and we nodded as one. “Sin, start shielding us.”

“Sure thing, hot stuff,” he said, flicking up an air shield as we all gathered close together and my shoulder pressed to Roary’s.

“See you on the surface, love,” I purred as I looked to Rosalie and she grinned, nodding in agreement.

A boom sounded further away in the guards’ quarters and Hastings screamed like a girl out in the corridor, leaping to his feet and running towards us just as an ice ball slammed into the wall above him and exploded into a shower of sharp shards.

“Holy fuck, what’s happening?” Esme gasped, clutching her tits which were still as bare as the dawn.

“Gustard’s here!” Hastings yelled as he collided with Sin’s air shield and the Incubus quickly let him into it before closing it up again.

“Plunger - go!” Rosalie yelled, leaping into the tunnel behind him as he smashed through the wall and started digging. Rosalie widened the hole behind him and everyone tore after her just as Gustard and a group of his Watchers appeared. A bunch of them had Order suppressant antidotes in hand, driving the needles into their veins and I swore under my breath as I sprinted into the tunnel.

Rosalie continued to widen it with her earth magic as she chased after Plunger who disappeared off into the dark ahead of her. The air became cool and damp, the scent of soil surrounding me as we travelled deeper into the earth.

Blasts of magic collided with Sin’s air shield from behind us as The Watchers took chase and I cursed the stars for offering us bad luck yet again.

“Hurry after them! Don’t let them out of your sight!” Gustard ordered his people and Roary and I worked to freeze the tunnel behind us to keep them back, but we had to focus on speed over stopping them and we couldn’t waste the time it would take to properly strengthen it.

Fire bloomed through the wall we’d built followed by a tumult of combined magic which ripped the ice to pieces. We couldn’t keep wasting time looking back so we just pressed on instead.

A rumble within the ground around us told me death was headed for us and Roary confirmed it as he shouted, “The worms are coming! Get ready to fight!”

My pulse thrashed as Esme wailed, stumbling along while grasping her tits like they might save her and Pudding kept hold of her arm so she didn’t fall.

The rumbling grew closer and closer, and the path grew steeper and steeper beneath our feet as we raced for the surface.

We were so close to freedom, but there was so much danger standing in our way that I feared dying down in this dirt without ever seeing the moon again.

But as my gaze fixed on my mate up ahead, I knew I’d claw my way out of it if it was the last thing I did. Because Rosalie was leading the path to all that was good in the world, and she needed me out there as fiercely as I needed her. So we’d run from this hell together no matter what it cost tonight.