Savage Tracker by Maggie Cole



Liamand I step outside the cafe. Darragh's car pulls up, and we get inside. Maksim is there, and I look at him in question. Darragh goes into a coughing fit, and the vehicle is several blocks down the road by the time he catches his breath. His handkerchief has specks of blood. Liam tries to get him to drink some water, but he waves it off. He rolls down the window and takes a drag of his pipe. "Maksim, I keep telling you to get your house in order."

I clench my jaw. It isn't something we can deny. There are severe issues we need to solve. Darragh pointing out Ivanov problems doesn't make Maksim or me happy. But I'm not in the mood to deal with his I told you so lecture. "What do you know, Darragh?"

He scratches his beard. "Did you ever learn the reason why Lorenzo Rossi had the mayor sell him the plot of land you needed for your development right under your nose?"

Maksim taps his fingers on his thigh. "Darragh, whatever you know, spit it out. You know damn well we still don't know why he targeted us."

For months we've tried to figure it out. We understand why the Petrovs and Zielinskis want to take us down. We employ Russians and Poles and give them above-average wages. When men work, they don't need the assistance of either mob family. We made it harder for them to recruit men. It makes sense why they want to destroy us. The Rossis coming after us is still a mystery. They are Italian and we don't employ a lot of men in their community.

Darragh takes another puff of his tobacco. He slowly exhales, and the cloud of smoke streams out the small crack of the window. "Maria Rossi."

"Lorenzo's twin sister? What about her?" Maksim asks.

"Seems that ex-wife of your brother's gets around."

"I told Adrian she was trouble," Liam mutters.

My hands curl into fists. "What did that snake Dasha do?"

"She's kept tabs on your activities. She and Maria seem to be very close," Darragh states.

My gut drops, and Maksim and I glance at each other. Anything to do with Dasha is bad news. We've been looking for her and can't find her. It's bad enough she got involved with Zielinski. Did she really insert herself into the Rossi family, too?

Maksim scowls. "Get to the point, Darragh."

"They met in Italy. Dasha made a deal with Maria. She sold her information on all the properties you own and what you were buying."

"You kept this from us?" I accuse.

"No. I just found out," Darragh replies.

"Why would the Rossi's want to take us down? What's the motive?" Maksim asks.

"Giovanni was going to put his brother in charge when he went to prison. He didn't think Lorenzo was capable of leading or earning money. Maria convinced Giovanni to let him earn it. She saw your properties as the avenue. Lorenzo's plan was to take millions from you so he could show his father he was capable of stepping into his shoes," Darragh informs us.

Silence fills the car. I try to process that our war with the Rossis is due to Dasha. If she hadn't put us on their radar, we wouldn't have started this conflict between the Rossis and Petrovs.

Darragh's next words send a chill down my spine. "It's not all."

Maksim's fingers dig into his thigh. "What else?"

Darragh leans forward. "When Bruno Zielinski visited Giovanni Rossi in prison to create an alliance, Maria formed it. Dasha helped her. She introduced Bruno's son to Maria."

Jesus. This just keeps getting worse.

"Dasha knows no limits," Liam states. "She's playing with two crime families. And now that we pinned the Zielinski prison murders on Rossi, her head is going to be on a platter."

"Good. Let them take care of her," I state. I'm tired of having my hands tied where Dasha is concerned. She's a woman, so it limits our ability to deal with her in our normal ways. The Ivanovs don't torture or kill women or children.

"Wishful thinking," Maksim mumbles.

"You need to take care of her. She's a liability and problem," Darragh orders.

"We're dealing with her," Maksim states.

"Not hard enough."

Maksim speaks before I can. "Trust me. No one wants her taken care of more than we do."

"Why isn't she already taken care of? She has come into town, made deals with Zielinskis in your name, and almost killed your tracker. Loose ends aren't something you should feel sympathy for," Darragh warns.

"What are you suggesting, Darragh? You want us to take her to the garage and spend days doing to her what we do to men?" I bark.

He sits back in his seat. He lights his pipe and takes another drag. "When your house is at risk of catching fire, you put it out."

Tension fills the air. Even Liam can't cover the horror that flicks across his expression. We haven't come to any conclusions about what to do with Dasha, but she's still a woman. We've never killed or hurt a woman.

Maksim shakes his head. "Ivanovs have boundaries. There are lines we don't cross, and this is one of them."

"Sometimes, there are exceptions to rules." Darragh blows another mouthful of smoke out the window. "We have people who can handle this if you don't have the balls."

My skin crawls with the thought of hurting any woman, even someone like Dasha.

The car stops. "No one puts our family at risk. This problem you have, it's not going away. A threat to the Ivanovs is a threat to the O'Malleys. Decide what you're going to do about it and let me know. If you don't take action, I will." Darragh opens the door, and we all watch him get out.

The door shuts, the driver continues, and Maksim and I scowl at Liam.

"This is why we should never have created an alliance. Our values don't align. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a killer of women. I won't torture and kill her like she's a man. Count me out on crossing that line. I didn't sign up for that, and I sure as hell didn't sign up to take orders from Darragh," I angrily bark out to Maksim.

He stares at Liam. He quietly asks, "Is this how you want to run your empire?"

Liam's face hardens. "I didn't say I agree with my father."

"No? You sure as hell didn't interject," I accuse. "You going to be the one who kills her?"

He glares at me. "No. I'm not killing a woman, either."

"No? You going to call upon your thug in your clan?"

Liam sniffs hard. "Don't discuss my clan and thugs in the same breath."

"What would you call it?"

"I'm losing my patience with you, Obrecht," Liam threatens.

I scoff. "What are you going to do, Liam? Fight me? Kill me? Bring what you got. I won't hold back."

"Enough!" Maksim orders. "Jesus. You two need to figure out this shit between you. It's getting old."

No one speaks for several moments. I stare out the window, fuming once more we're tied to the O'Malleys. The landscape changes from the city to abandoned buildings. I ask, "Where are we going?"

"To see Finn," Liam claims.

"Why out here?"

"We need to pick him up."

I heavily sigh. I'm used to being in charge, and this little field trip to wherever we're going reminds me I'm not. It also doesn't solve my other issue with Liam. I order, "Tell me why I have to wait until Jack's company goes public."

Liam grinds his molars before answering. "I told you. I'm getting the O'Malleys out of the drug and gambling trade."

I scoff. "You think your family is magically going to stop all the things they've done to get ahead their entire life?"

Liam shakes his head. "You don't get it, Obrecht."

"Fill me in," I sarcastically reply.

In a firm and arrogant voice, he says, "They'll do what I say. I'm the head—"

"Did you forget about dear old dad?"

Liam blinks hard. "My dad's dying. Did you not see the blood on his handkerchief? Do you think we've made it up? I can assure you, he's already past his due date."

And I'm an asshole.

It's Liam. Proceed with caution.

"The power is shifting. The clan will be taking orders from me. And what I'm making happen for my family isn't going to leave anyone in need of anything."

I snort. The O'Malleys, minus Liam, Nora, and her brothers, reproduce like rabbits. Most of them have a minimum of four kids. There's a ton of them. It would take a large fortune to financially take care of them so they don't have to resort to drugs and gambling anymore.

The car stops outside of a dingy hotel. It's the type that rents rooms by the hour. I'm sure you'd find STDs and other germs all over every inch of each room. Finn shoves off the brick wall he's leaning on and walks over to us. He gets in the car, and the driver takes off.

"This is where you hang out?" Maksim asks.

"Haven't seen you for twenty years, and this is the welcome I get?" Finn smirks.

Maksim nods and smiles. He holds his hand out. "How've you been?"

Finn holds his hand out with the tattoo that first made me take notice of him. Adrian was trying to find dirt on Jack. He was in the photos, and the snake slithered between bones inked on his hand is the first thing I noticed in the multiple pictures Adrian had of Jack.

"You've aged," he says to Maksim.

"Prison wasn't the fountain of youth for you, either," Maksim teases.

Finn shrugs. "Women still love me."

Maksim chuckles. "I bet."

"You two know each other?" I point between them.

The two men stare at each other. Maksim nods. "Yeah. We used to spend a lot of time together. You were still in Russia. Finn, this is my cousin, Obrecht."

Finn pins his green eyes on me. "The tracker."

I stare at him, not sure if I like him or not. Until I can trust him, I'm erring on the not side. And I don't like him knowing information about me when I don't know anything about him, except his jail record and that his last name is O'Malley. "You have information for us?"

He scoffs and turns to Liam. "He gets right down to it, huh?"

Liam replies, "His mother is a lovely woman. She taught him manners, but he must have forgotten them."

"Don't talk about my mom," I warn Liam.

He holds his hands in the air. "Your mom loves me. I saw her the other day, and we had a nice chat over coffee."

The blood boils in my veins. "You did what?"

His eyebrows furrow. "I ran into her. She was on her own at the cafe, so we had coffee. Is there a problem with me talking to your mom?"

"Stay away from my mother," I snap.

Shock and hurt fill Liam's face. "You think I would hurt your mom?"

Do I?


She's my mom, and I don't trust Liam as far as I can throw him.

"Fuck you, Obrecht," he snarls.

"Enough!" Maksim repeats.

"No. I helped his mom learn English. I used to eat dinner at their house at least three times a week. She's like a second mother to me, and if I want to buy her a cup of coffee and talk to her, I will," he insists.

I scowl at him. Liam would never do anything to hurt my mom, but I still don't like it. The O'Malleys are in our lives enough. He doesn't need to be hanging out with my mom.

"Finn, can you tell us what you know before these two kill each other?" Maksim asks.

He nods. "Sure. Is there a reason Aleksei would be meeting with Igor and Gavriil?"

The blood drains from Maksim's face. "Aleksei? Boris's trainer?"

Finn nods. "Yeah. I had to double-check it was him. He didn't have gray hair before I went inside. But it was him."


"A month ago, they were at an underground nightclub. Two nights before Boyra Petrov showed up at Sergey's house, Aleksei and Igor met again. This time it was at a strip club on the Indiana-Michigan line. Zamir Petrov's son, Ludis, showed up. They were together all night."

"Aleksei was best friends with my father," Maksim states.

Finn's face falls. "I know. I'm sorry, but unless he can give you a hell of a reason why he was with both Gavriil and Igor, then with Ludis as well, he's involved with the Petrovs."

My stomach twists. Aleksei has been a father figure to my cousins and Adrian and me. He's Boris's trainer. The rest of us work out with him, too. I swallow down the bile rising in my throat. Maksim's pale face tells me he's having a similar reaction.

"I'll kill him if he betrayed us," Maksim seethes.

"There's one other thing," Finn adds.

"What?" I ask.

"Aleksei seems to be running the show. And he and Ludis, they seemed rather close."

I study Finn's face. "What do you mean?"

"Did Aleksei ever get married, or does he have a long-time girlfriend?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Maksim says.

Finn leans closer. "Ludis swings both ways. He keeps it under wraps, but I'm pretty sure Aleksei doesn't."

My chest tightens. "What are you talking about?"

Finn's face hardens. His next words are a bomb hitting Maksim and me. "Ludis is his boy toy."

Silence fills the air. It feels as if a bear is clawing my gut. I don't care what way Aleksei swings, but if he's involved with Ludis, there's no way he's not betrayed us.

Maksim clears his throat. "Thank you for telling us."

"Sure. I'm sorry to break it to you. I know he's like family," Finn states.

"You want me to pick him up?" I ask Maksim.

Maksim's eyes turn to slits. "No. I will. Get the others, except Sergey. Let him rest with Kora. Meet me at the garage."

"Is Aspen at work?" I ask.


"I don't want Selena waiting on her own. We don't know who else is compromised."

Maksim nods. "I'll direct Aspen to Boris's. Tell Dmitri to send Anna. Nora will be home with the baby." I knock on the window and give the driver Adrian's address. It's the first stop, and he can round up the others while I get Selena.

"You want us to do anything?" Liam asks.

"No. This is an Ivanov issue. Thanks for letting us know, but we'll handle it," Maksim replies.

"Okay. I'll talk to Killian and we'll keep an eye on the women while you handle it."

As much as I distrust Liam's ability to lead the O'Malleys, I do feel better knowing he and Killian will be another layer of security. Maksim and I both reply, "Thanks," at the same time.

Within a few minutes, I'm standing in Adrian's lobby. I get in the elevator, and when I step into his penthouse, I call Selena.

"Hi," she answers.

"Hey. Do you remember our conversation about staying with the girls?"

Her voice turns to worry. "Yes. Did something happen?"

"Yes, but nothing you need to worry about. Can you pack a bag? I'll pick you up in the next half hour or so," I tell her.


I sigh, relieved she isn't pushing me for more details and agrees without further conversation. "Thanks, baby girl. I'll be home to pick you up soon."

"No worries."

I hang up and yell, "Adrian!"

He doesn't respond, so I go into the bedroom. The sound of the shower hits my ears. I approach the bathroom door but stop before entering in case Skylar is with him. "Adrian."

"Jesus! You scared the shit out of me," he replies.

"Is Skylar with you, or are you alone?"

He turns off the water then comes to the door in a towel. "Skylar's not here. She left me."

I freeze. Adrian pushes past me and goes into his closet. I turn and ask, "What happened?"

"She won't let it go."

I shake my head. "Adrian, just tell her."

"I'm not—" His phone rings. He groans then answers. "Hey, Mom." He stares at the ceiling. "Tonight?"

"No. Nothing tonight," I tell him. He looks at me in question, and I mouth garage.

"Mom, Obrecht and I are going to be tied up for a few days. We'll set up dinner when we're back." He listens for a few minutes then says, "I need to go. I'll call you in a few days. Bye."

"There's a reason she wants us to come to dinner," I inform him.

"What’s that?”

I snort. "We should take her bridal magazines when we go."

He furrows his eyebrows. "Are you trying to encourage her?"

"Not for us."

"No? Then, who?" He puts a T-shirt on.

"Mom's dating a doctor named Stefano."

Adrian freezes. "Mom's dating?"

I cross my arms and lean against the doorframe. "Yep. Selena and I ran into them last night at dinner. She met him at the home where Aspen's dad lives. But that's not all."

Adrian raises his eyebrows.

"He told me he's going to propose."

He jerks his head back. "Propose?"

"Yep. Pretty sure Mom will say yes. And she's already met his daughters and grandkids," I add.

Adrian grabs his boxers and slides them on. "Did you run a check on this guy?"

"No. I just found out last night. He seems legit."

Adrian grunts. "We all know the mistake of assumptions."

"Yeah. Well, as soon as we get done with the garage, I'll start digging."

He slides a pair of black sweatpants on. "Who's at the garage?"

My pulse creeps up again. "Aleksei."