Savage Tracker by Maggie Cole



Selena'sasleep in my arms. The darkness of the night is breaking into the morning. I didn't shut my blackout shades. The faint glow lighting up the sky has a brilliant pink hue to it. There's a loud knock on my bedroom door. Selena stirs, and I jump.

The door opens. Matvey comes flying in. "We have an issue."

"You couldn't call me?" I ask and pull the blanket over my dorogaya's shoulders.

"It's going to voicemail."

I reach for my phone. My battery is dead. I forgot to put it on the charger last night. My gut twists. If Matvey is here, the issue can't be small. "Give me a minute and I'll be out."

He nods and closes the door.

Selena opens her eyes. "What's going on?"

"Something with work, baby girl. Close your eyes and go back to sleep. I'll be back in a few minutes." I kiss her forehead and slide out of bed then tuck the covers around her.

"Is everything okay?"

I smile so she doesn't worry. "I'm sure things are fine."

She doesn't look convinced.

"Go to sleep. It's an order," I tease.

She bites on her smile and turns on her side. "Yes, sir." She shuts her eyes.

I throw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt then step into the main room. Matvey is staring out the window. I ask him, "What's going on?"

His face is solemn. He shakes his head in disgust. "Boyra Petrov kidnapped Sergey and Kora. Maksim, Liam, and Killian got there and took them to the hospital."

My stomach pitches. Earlier this morning, we found out about Boyra being in town and threatening Sergey and Kora. "Are they okay?"

"Yes. Kora shot Boyra and Igor. She was unconscious for a while but just woke up. Sergey has minimal damage from the incident. Maksim said you need to get to the hospital."

"Igor?" I ask in shock. He's been Sergey's trusted driver for as long as I can remember.

Matvey's face fills with red rage. His Russian accent comes out thicker. "He's a traitor, working for the Petrovs."

The blood drains down my body, and a chill takes its place. "For how long?"

"We don't know. He died too quickly."

Another one of our guys. How do we keep missing this?

"Tell Maksim I'm on my way. Have my driver ready when I get down to the lobby," I instruct.

"Obrecht, we need a clean sweep," Matvey states.

As much as I don't want it to be possible, we can't be naive and think we don't have more traitors among us. Whoever they are, we need to find them before something else happens. "Agreed."

He nods and leaves.

I scrub my hands over my face then go into the bathroom. I turn on the shower, undress, and wait for the water to warm.

How do we have these traitors among us?

Who else don't we know about?

Selena's arms slide around my waist. "Penny for your thoughts?"

I put my arms over hers, debating what to tell her.

She's going to find out sooner or later.

I spin. "There was an incident. Everyone is okay, but Kora and Sergey are at the hospital."

She gapes at me then composes herself. "What happened?"

"I don't know all the details. To be honest, I'm not sure if I can tell you once I find out. It might not be safe for you to know things," I reply.

She tilts her head. "Are you ever going to tell me what you're involved in?"

My mouth goes dry. I've been telling Adrian to disclose to Skylar what our situation is since it's been a huge issue between them. I don't want to hide things between Selena and me, but I also have never told anyone. Certain aspects of my work, I don't want to horrify her with. I choose my words carefully. "I don't want to keep things from you or give you any reason to think I don't trust you with my truth. Things in my life aren't..." I exhale, trying to find the words.

Selena reaches up and cups my cheeks. "I know you're capable of bad things, Obrecht."

My stomach flips. "Define bad things, baby girl."

She drags her thumb over my lips. "You want me to say it out loud?"

My chest tightens. I could say no, but unlike my brother, I don't want Selena not to understand who I am and the lengths I'll go to protect her or anyone I love. After everything she experienced, I don't think it's right to hide my truth from her. "Yes. Tell me exactly what you believe I won't hesitate to do."

The green in her eyes swirls against the brown. She calmly moves her hand down my neck and over my heart. "If someone hurts you in here, you'll show no mercy."

My heart pounds faster against her palm. It's the exact words I used when I told her I was a sadist. "What does that mean to you?"

She strokes my hair above my ear. "You'll kill them."

The water hitting the tile is the only sound as she keeps her gaze pinned on mine. She has no misconceptions about me. I'm unsure whether I should celebrate or be upset she can see my ruthlessness. I finally ask, "You're okay with what I'm capable of?"

She slowly nods.

I can't help myself and ask, "Why?"

She scrunches her forehead. "I vowed to love, cherish, and honor until death do us part a man who everyone sees as an upstanding citizen. For ten years, I lived in fear of that same man killing me. I'd rather know what the man I'm with is capable of than be left in the dark only to discover it down the road."

I weave my fingers through her hair until I'm firmly holding her head. "I would never hurt you."

She smiles. "I already know that."


"When I first met you, I couldn't understand how you could have any of the traits Jack does."

My body tenses. "I'm not anything like him."

"You're both powerful men. I didn't understand how you could be so dominant yet kind. Then I realized you were nothing like him. He's sinister and twisted. Your violence comes from a place of protection. So I don't need to know every little detail or about things you deem unsafe for me. I've lived with someone who did anything they could to hurt, degrade, and weaken me. I know the difference. I'd rather be with a killer who avenges wrongdoing than one who creates evil for fun."

I stay silent, taking in her words and their meaning. She's so accepting of me and who I am. Any worries I had about how my truth may affect her view of me, she squashed in an instant. It adds calm and gratitude to the rage I always feel whenever I think about Jack abusing her for ten years. I attempt to contain it so I don't upset her.

She speaks first. "Can I go to the hospital with you?"

I don't debate long. In all reality, I'd rather she be within my eyesight. "Okay. But I may need to send you home without me. Matvey will come with us."

She scrunches her face. Her eyes glisten. "Will you promise me that you'll be careful? Whatever you have to do about this, will you take extra precautions?"

I kiss her and step back, taking her with me until we're in the shower. When I end our kiss, I state, "You don't ever need to worry about me, baby girl."

"Easier said than done, right?"

"I promise. You don't."

She smiles. "I'll try to remember that."

We take a quick shower, get dressed, and are soon at the hospital. Maksim, Boris, and Dmitri are in a corner talking.

"Where have you been?" Maksim asks.

"I forgot to put my phone on the charger." My cousins glance at Selena. "This is Selena." I point to the men. "These are my cousins, Maksim, Boris, and Dmitri."

They each kiss her cheek and say hello.

"How are they?" Selena asks.

"They're both doing fine. Kora is awake, too. They're resting right now," Maksim states.

Selena lets out a sigh of relief, and I tug her closer to me. I scan the waiting room. The seats are empty of anyone I recognize. I turn back to my cousins. "Are your wives here?"

"Anna and Aspen went to get a coffee. Nora's home with the baby," Boris confirms.

"I'll try to find them. I haven't met Anna, but I know Aspen," Selena states.

I nod. "Matvey will go with you."


I motion for Matvey, and he leads Selena away.

"What happened?" I ask as soon as I can't see her anymore.

Maksim's eyes turn to slits. "Igor was working for Boyra. He picked Sergey and Kora up from Adrian's and drove them to an abandoned warehouse. Sergey killed him. Boyra and his other thug strung him up and tortured him when Kora grabbed the gun from Boyra's pocket and shot both him and his goon. The thug fell on her when he went down."

"Matvey said you showed up with Liam and Killian?"

"Yeah. Sergey called and put it on speaker before he got out of the car. They were with me when I got the call."

I shake my head in disgust. "I can't believe Igor did this."

"Good thing the bastard is dead," Dmitri scowls.

"We need a clean sweep. This is too close to home. It's not one of our construction workers falling prey to the Petrovs or Zielinskis. If we have more traitors in our house, we need to take care of it now," I seethe.

"Talk to Finn," Liam says from behind us.

I spin and glare at him. "Finn? Why would we talk to your guy? Are you watching us?"

Liam crosses his arms. "Always thinking the worst of me, aren't you?"

I seethe, "What am I supposed to think?"

He raises his eyebrows at Maksim. "Do you think you could explain to Obrecht what the same side means?"

I step closer and point at him. "Don't waste my time, Liam. Either spit it out or shut up."

Maksim puts his hand on my chest, pushing me back. "Calm down."

I'm still reeling over my last meeting with Liam, and I don't need him playing the guessing game with me. Our family has once again been infiltrated by Petrovs. First Annika. Then all the workers. Now Igor. We need to get back to where Ivanovs didn't hold secrets from each other. I turn to Maksim. "Liam's pulled Boris into whatever shit he has going on with the O'Malleys. I think it's time we handle Ivanov matters on our own again."

A haughty expression lights up Liam's face. "He already knows. What do you think Killian and I were doing at his place when we got Sergey's call?"

My gut drops. I want to punch his arrogant face. I contain my anger and address Maksim. "Someone want to fill me in on what the fuck is happening? Especially since my woman's tied into whatever scenario you're all involved in?"

Maksim shakes his head. "We can't discuss it here."

I spin to Boris. "Maksim knows everything?"

"Yeah. But next time you want to rat me out, we're going to have issues," he warns.

"Next time you want to keep information from Ivanovs, we're going to have more than issues."

He sniffs hard and steps forward. "If—"

"Enough!" Dmitri barks so loud, the other people in the waiting area jump. His eyes turn to ice. "This isn't the time or place to have these conversations. Liam, whatever you're here to say, do it now."

Liam grinds his molars. He finally says, "Talk to Finn, Obrecht. If you want more intel on who he saw Igor with, then you talk to him."

"If you know—"

"I don't have all the details. My dad just called and said to tell you to talk to Finn. Jesus. Give me the benefit of the doubt for once. This shit is getting old," Liam sputters and turns to walk away.

I ignore Boris's scowl. "Where's Adrian?"

Maksim lowers his voice. "He left several hours ago with Killian and Darragh. The police chief needed to go through a few things at the crime scene."

"Like what?"

Maksim glances around us. "Keeping Kora and Sergey's name out of it."

I don't inquire anymore. Darragh has the police chief in his pocket. I don't know how or why, but every issue we have seems to suddenly disappear since our alliance with the O'Malleys. I'm not going to argue or dig further into it. The most pressing thing I need to find out is who else in our house is a traitor.

I turn to Boris. "Where can I find Finn?"

He shrugs. "Not sure. You'll have to ask Liam."

I groan.

Boris leans closer. "I get why you don't trust Liam, but you need to let go of old shit. He's doing the best he can. So far, he's making the right moves."

"Yeah? Well, it would help if you didn't leave us in the dark and if you remembered you're an Ivanov first."

Boris gives me a look of death. "I don't have any issues remembering I'm an Ivanov."

I say nothing and leave to find my dorogaya. Too much is happening. The only thing clear is I need to get a handle on it before things get worse.