Demon Discord by M.J. Haag

Author’s Note

After the overwhelming response to Demon Design, I sat down and started the next “audio pot” novella (more info about that below). Don’t worry. I kept to my writing schedule for the main series and filled in idle time (aka when I stay up too late) with Terri and Azio’s story.

This one isn’t as light hearted, but I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the same characters. And for everyone who wants to punch Wayne in the balls…don’t worry, you’ll see him again in Demon Fall. ☺

Just like with the last novella, all the proceeds from this one will go toward the “audio pot” for the Resurrection series. As of writing this note, we are so close to the $2k goal needed to produce Demon Escape’s audio. I’ve even polled my fans in the MJ Haag Facebook group to see who they’d like to see narrate Eden. It should be fun!

All proceeds from this book will be used to bring the next book in the Resurrection series, Demon Deception, to audio (it’s a cost prohibitive endeavor). As before, this book was posted for free via weekly chapters in my fan Group. Newsletter subscribers were also notified that they could/can download it for free via the book-extras link on my website. For those reluctant to exchange their email address for some free reading material, the book can also be purchased directly from Amazon or read via Kindle Unlimited.

Whatever method you chose, I hope you enjoyed this additional glimpse into the Resurrection world. I have a few more ideas if this one resonates well!

Be sure to subscribe for my newsletter via my website so you keep up on all my writing news. I only send monthly, so I won’t spam your inbox.

Until next time, happy reading!
