Demon Discord by M.J. Haag


Azio’s tongueslicked through my folds with slow deliberation, and I clutched his hair, lifting my hips in a silent request for me. He chuckled and untangled my fingers.

“So greedy.”

He flipped me onto my knees, running his hand over the slight bump in my stomach as he entered me from behind.

I groaned at the steady invasion of his thick length.

“I don’t want slow,” I said, pushing back on him. “I want fast.”

“Greedy,” he repeated. But he picked up the pace, his hand firmly on my hips, directing the smooth slide. My channel throbbed and twitched with the growing orgasm.

“Please, Azio. I need it harder.”

He grunted and jolted me back just hard enough that his balls slapped my clit.

“Yes,” I breathed.

He set a steady pace, hitting all the right spots again and again until I toppled over the edge with a loud moan. A moment later, his rhythm faltered, and I felt him jerk inside of me.

He grunted and continued to ring every last ounce of pleasure from me. Then he rolled us to our sides without withdrawing. While he gently stroked my folds, he slowly started thrusting again. It was the encore that I always needed these days.

At five months, I was ravenous for sex. And cuddles. And kisses. And everything that was Azio. My fears that I wouldn’t enjoy sex with him were completely unfounded. He continued to prove that the partner had been the problem, and he had been the solution.

His girth glided through my folds, caressing every nerve and coaxing more pleasure from me.

The second orgasm rolled through me slowly, and he came a few minutes later. He kissed my shoulder and nibbled his way up my neck while I caught my breath.

“The sounds you make are beautiful, my Terri. You shouldn’t quiet them.”

I snorted.

“I’ll use words to tell everyone how happy you make me. I’m sure Groth hears enough as it is.”

Azio grunted and trailed his fingers over the first grey spot I’d gotten from sleeping with him. A mark of immunity, hopefully. Not that I ever planned to test it.

“Brooke and Solin will be here soon. We should dress.” He didn’t pull out, though, and continued to caress my cooling skin. Those nimble fingers drifted to my breasts, where he tenderly hefted their growing weight.

He loved everything about them. About me. Especially a pregnant me.

The baby gave a fluttering kick, and Azio grunted.

“Now, we know we are done,” he said, lifting me and carrying me to the shower.

“For now. We might need to sneak away for another quickie before they leave.”

He withdrew slowly and set me on my feet in the tub. It was really the only clean way to handle things after two rounds. While he washed me, I played with his ears and flicked my tongue over his nipple.

“Solin said that Brooke is just as hungry for sex. He will not mind if we end the night early.”

I chuckled, knowing that Azio was right. I loved being pregnant at the same time as Brooke. We could share our aches and pains. Months ago, I would have never thought we would end up close friends. Definitely not close enough to share stories about our sex drives. But we did, and I was so glad for it.

Without her encouragement, I wouldn’t have known how good hard and fast could be. Or be open to the possibility of letting Groth watch. The idea still made my heart race and my face flush. I was so much more comfortable around him. I just wasn’t sure if I was that comfortable.

“I know we can end the night early. But the games and company are nice too. Besides, I want to show her the crib you found. It’s too perfect not to show off.”

From the moment we’d known I was pregnant, I started sharing all the dreams I’d had for the baby’s nursery. Azio and Groth had gone above and beyond to find me what I wanted. It was perfect now with the crib, which made the wait until the baby came even harder to endure.

They kept me plenty distracted. Azio and I spent a lot of time in the bedroom, and when we weren’t in there, Groth was a sweetheart, making me chocolatey treats and giving foot rubs. I’d been sad when neither Abi nor Danielle hit it off with him. He hadn’t been too upset, though. He was far too invested in the baby I carried.

Azio washed my breasts, gently rolling my nipples.

“That feels so good.”

He kissed me lightly.

“Have you given my idea any thought?” he asked.

My face was so hot it felt like it would melt. But I forced myself to meet his gaze.

“I know I said open and honest, but I’m not sure I’m comfortable with just having sex wherever and whenever in the house.”

“Angel allows all the fey to watch her breastfeed the baby, and many were able to witness the birth. If you are reading a man chest book and want me to lick your pussy, why do we need to move to the bedroom? It would be much easier to lift your dress while you are on the couch.”

“And it would be much easier for Groth to see everything we do that way.”

“No fey has been able to observe sex. We could learn much with Groth watching for other ways I could please you.”

“You please me just fine on your own,” I said, leaning in to lick his nipple while stroking his thick length.

He groaned and thrust into the circle of my fingers.

“I only want to learn every way to bring you pleasure, so you will never doubt that it’s possible. Even when you are not pregnant.”

The man had plenty of stamina to keep me satisfied, but I understood why he was worried about this. We both were. I loved sex with Azio but feared my libido would wither and die after the baby was born. I’d shared that concern with him, which is why he was being insistent about his request.

He kissed me hungrily, thrusting into my hand, before bathing my stomach with another release.

“I love you,” I whispered when he set his forehead to mine. “I’m not against displays of affection in our own home. I meant what I said about sharing, though. One fey is enough for me.”

“I love you, Terri. And I will never share you.”

“You are the sweetest man ever. Next time I’m horny, I’ll try not to drag you away to the bedroom, and we’ll see how things go. No promises, though, if you two make things weird.”

“Never. Wash. I need to share the good news with Groth. He will help us end the night early so he can watch.”

My core gave an involuntary clench at the thought.

When we finished with our shower, I slipped into a cute maternity dress Azio had found for me and went downstairs to set the table out on the patio. Outside, summer’s warmth enveloped me, and I soaked it in.

A cat meowed and came sauntering up to me.

“Hello, Pretty Kitty. Does Tasha know you’re out begging for food again?”

The door opened behind me.

“Terri, you are the kindest female I know. Thank you for allowing me to witness Azio sinking his—”

My hand covered his mouth, and he blinked at me. Behind him, Azio grinned at me.

“I’m fine with you both gaining knowledge. And I’m fine with you sharing that knowledge. But not all humans will appreciate what I’m about to allow as much as you do. So, perhaps, it’s best not to announce it for the world to hear, or I’ll need to end it before it starts. Anonymity is the key. Do you understand?”

They both nodded. I smiled and removed my hand.

“Good. Everything is set out here. As soon as our company arrives, we’re going to enjoy time with our friends and not rush them.”

The pair of them went back inside to check on the food, and I bent down to pet the cat.

My life before the earthquakes had been filled with hopeful dreams. Some had been crushed. Some I’d been working hard to fulfill.

All those dreams were my reality now. A family. A good home with two people who meant the world to me…in different ways. Friends that mattered. And most of all. Azio. The love of my life.

And I was living. Really living. Even at the end of the world.

I couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store for us.