Strong Mafia Daddy by Scott Wylder










I was seated in the back of my car with Zoe next to me. She was curled up as close to the window as possible, away from me. I couldn’t see her face, but she hadn’t stopped shaking since her brother pulled her out of his car. I didn’t blame her for being scared of me. Of course, she would think I was a monster.

Anger flared up in me at her brother betraying her like that. I can’t believe he would throw away his own family like that. And for what? Thirty grand?

After her brother drove off, my bodyguards got in the front seat and started the car. “You’re very brave, Zoe,” I said.

She didn’t look at me. “What will you do with me?” she whispered.

“I don’t know.” I wasn’t sure. Despite what her idiot brother thought, I didn’t make it a habit to kidnap terrified women and force them to work in my clubs. I wasn’t a good man, but I wasn’t a monster either.

After I killed her brother, I would have most likely let her go. She would be too terrified to tell anyone about me, and she had done nothing wrong. But she proved herself to be loyal to her family, even though he was horrible to her. It made her intriguing at the very least.

Not to mention, she was clearly in a bad situation. Her jeans and tank top were ragged, she was too thin, and she had bruises on her skin. I didn’t know what her story was, but I wanted to learn it.

Queensville was boring. So Zoe would at least provide some entertainment for me. And no one would hurt her as long as she was in my care. I would make sure of that.

Once we left the parking garage, Zoe looked around at what passed for a downtown shopping area in Queensville. “Where are we?” she said.

“A small town in the middle of nowhere,” I said. “It’s called Queensville. Have you heard of it?”

“Jack lives here,” she said. “I’ve never been to Queensville. I live in the city.”

“Were you close with your brother?”

“What do you think?”

I cracked a smile. “And you were still willing to save him.”

She shrugged. “We never got along, but he’s the only family I have left.” She hugged herself and seemed to curl up.

“Are you cold? I can turn on the heat.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Would you prefer it if I was a brute?”

“No, I… never mind. I’m sorry.”

“Zoe, look at me.”

She slowly turned her head. Her eyes were wide with terror, and she was biting her lip. It looked like she was on the verge of tears. I didn’t like women being afraid of me. In fact, I hated it.

“I won’t hurt you,” I said. “I know you don’t believe me. But I swear it. You’re safe with me.”

She shook her head. “Why would I be safe with you? You were about to kill Jack.”

“He betrayed me.”

“Who are you? And what are you doing in a town like Queensville?”

I sighed. That was a long story and not one I was willing to get into right now. “My name is Tony.”

She sighed. “You know what I mean.”

“I come from an interesting family. I guess you could say I’m part of the mafia.”

“What?” She slumped back into her seat. “My brother owes money to the fucking mob?”

“Owed. I want nothing to do with Jack anymore.”

She shook her head. “This is insane.”

I looked out the window and saw we were reaching the edge of Queensville. I lived in one of the few mansions right outside the town limits. I came to Queensville to lay low, but subtlety was never one of my strong suits. “We’ll be home soon,” I said. “I’ll answer more of your questions later tonight. Maybe over dinner?”

She looked down at her lap. “Whatever you want,” she said. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”

We pulled into my driveway. She gaped at the four-story house with a fountain out front. A thick hedge bordered the entire property to keep out prying eyes. I smiled a little at her look. “Do you like it?” I said.

“The place is beautiful,” she whispered.

Once the car stopped, we both got out. She had her arms crossed protectively over her chest. She looked so tiny and frail. I wanted to pull her into my arms and tell her it was going to be all right. But I knew she would just be more scared if I tried that.

It didn’t matter. Something about Zoe brought out my Daddy instincts. I wanted to protect her and take care of her.

I wouldn’t force her to be my Little. But it would be entertaining to take care of her nonetheless.

I led her inside, and Ingrid, my housekeeper, greeted us. Ingrid raised her eyebrows at me. “I didn’t realize we were expecting company,” she said.

I had known Ingrid since I was a child. She was like a second mother to me. And I knew I was going to get an earful as soon as we were alone for bringing home a bruised, terrified woman. “This is Zoe,” I said. “She’ll be staying with us for the time being. Can you please prepare the room next to mine for her?”


“Thanks, Ingrid.”

After she left, I turned to Zoe. “Do you want anything to eat or drink?”

She shook her head. “I’ll feel a lot better once I know what you want me to do, honestly.”

“I just want your company. That’s all.”

She frowned. “What does that mean, exactly?”

“I’m not used to the quiet life in Queensville, and frankly, it would be nice to have someone new to talk to. All I want is to talk to you, take care of you, and spoil you.”

She bit her lip. “I’m not that interesting.”

I smiled. “That’s where you’re wrong, little one.”