Knocking on Helen’s Door by Eve Langlais


The Dark Lordreally didn’t have time to be going to the mortal plane to save a stupid reaper who’d broken a cardinal rule. However, Julio and Helen still had a role to play, so despite the loss of half of his eighth ring overnight, and a riot in the sixth as it got overrun by the encroaching refugees from seven and what remained of eight, he made the time to help a minion in need.

And was the fucker grateful?

“Get the fuck out!” Julio bellowed, while the angel squeaked and buried her face against his chest.

“Are you sure you want me to do that? Because you’re about to have company. Angels to be exact. Here to arrest Helen. Hi, Helen,” Lucifer added just to hear her squeak again.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Julio gently set her aside and stood, a bristling alpha male.

Lucifer had a preference for tough people as reapers. They better handled the sobbing when they encountered a reluctant soul.

“You were ratted out, and now they’re coming for the girl.” No need to mention the fact he’d called in the tip himself. He needed to create a sense of urgency.

“We won’t answer,” Julio growled.

“As if they won’t break in.” The devil couldn’t help but play his own advocate. “Did I mention they have permission to use force to apprehend the disgraced Helen? Rumor is they’d prefer she not return alive.”

“How many?” Julio shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. We should go.”

“Go where?” Helen asked.

That was Lucifer’s cue. “If you go anywhere on Earth, they’ll just follow. Chase poor Helen here until, during a struggle as she resists capture, she is ‘accidentally’ killed, her spirit sent to the great beyond.” Lucifer flung a hand, and sparkles erupted for effect. No one admired his excellent theatrics. Nope. Julio and Helen only had eyes for themselves.

Selfish fuckers.

Julio’s cloak wrapped around Helen protectively. “Let’s go somewhere.”

“You still haven’t said where,” she reminded.

“I’d get going if I were you, before they have the place completely shut down.” Lucifer waited.

Julio tried to do his thing. “Why can’t I open a portal?”

“Because they’re jamming your signal.” Lucifer shrugged. “Guess you waited too long.”

“Fucking great. Now what are we supposed to do? Jump out the window?” Julio snapped.

“I can fly us to safety,” Helen offered.

“I doubt you’ll get far. They have someone stationed on the roof.” Lucifer couldn’t stand the anticipation as they slowly came to the realization they were fucked.

“Then we’ll use the emergency stairs,” Julio suggested.

“Too late. Tick. Tock. Time is almost up.” Lucifer held up a massive pocket watch on a chain of tiny skulls.

Julio’s jaw clenched as he muttered, “Could you help us rather than taunt?”

“Help? I’m the devil. I don’t just do things for nothing.”

“How about if I owe you a favor?” Julio offered.

“Now you’re talking. But I want a favor from her, too.” Lucifer pointed.

“I won’t—” The cloak slapped over her mouth as Julio answered for her, “Helen agrees.”

Lucifer heaved a long sigh. “A Dark Lord’s work is never done. Lucky for you, thwarting Heaven is my jam. Here’s what we need to do.” He told them his brilliant plan. They both said no.

A knock came at the door. along with a bellowed, “By order of Charlie, Elyon’s only true and recognized son, open this door and hand over the rebel known as Helen.”

The next time Lucifer posed his question, “Who wants to get married?” they both said, “I do.”