Her Inconvenient Groom by Niomie Roland



Two Years Later

“You’re the most amazing woman I know,” Dustin said affectionately as he sat next to Chantelle’s bed in a large armchair. In his arms, he held his newborn son, Renaud Arthur, who was wrapped in a blanket, brown eyes closed. Chantelle was nursing his twin sister, Ivy Elodie, who was already looking like she would be the bossier of the two. Their children had been named after box sets of grandparents.

He couldn’t believe it had been a mere three hours since she’d delivered their twins, determinedly refusing any drugs because she wanted “the full experience”. He had to give her kudos; there was no way he’d have that much courage!

She looked up at him and smiled sleepily. The labor hadn’t been terribly long, but it had been exhausting. “I am amazing, aren’t I!” she joked back. Her eyelids fluttered shut.

His precious Art began wriggling, probably smelling his mother’s milk and insisting that he have his share, so Dustin tenderly placed him at Chantelle’s other breast, where he latched instinctively. They’d decided to refer to their children by their middle names. Art and Elie.

Dustin sat back, surveying the perfect scenario, just a tiny snapshot of his perfect life. He couldn’t believe how much had happened in the past two years. Couldn’t believe that he was finally a father. Predictably, Jen’s baby had turned out not to be his. Further proof that she had been cheating on him with multiple men throughout their relationship. It hadn’t hurt as much as one would have expected, because by the time he received the proof of what he already knew for a fact, he’d already allowed his mind to be completely consumed by the life he and Chantelle were planning.

In his pocket, his phone buzzed. It had been vibrating all day, as their many friends messaged to find out how things were doing. He glanced at the screen; this time, it was Liam and Naisha. Comment on va, là? How is it going?

He tapped out a response, mighty pleased with himself that he was doing so in French. Since he and Chantelle had returned to Aix for the long term, he’d signed up for conversation classes, and was doing rather well, if he did say so himself.

Liam and Naisha’s message was immediately followed by a text from Sienna, who had camped out in the waiting room throughout Chantelle’s labor until he’d sent her home. Dustin responded to it, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude that Chantelle had such good friends, such loyal support.

After all, they’d helped catch Samantha, who was now looking at fifteen years in prison. Dennis had promptly divorced her, and recommitted himself to serving at the family business. The relationship between the siblings was much stronger now, with the three of them sharing more of the responsibilities. The risk of scandal brewing over the family that had unfolded back then had been quickly squelched, and their standing in the eyes of the public continued to be stellar.

As if the Clark’s had sensed his thoughts, another message came in on his phone. He read it and then tilted the phone in Chantelle’s direction. “Your brothers are flying over tomorrow. They’re dropping in as soon as they land to see their new niece and nephew.”

Chantelle smiled tiredly. “Sounds good.”

She reached down and touched her Elie’s tiny feet, ensconced in the smallest pair of socks Dustin had ever seen. Then she murmured, almost as if she was musing to herself, “I wonder how soon I can get that tattoo.”

“What tattoo?”

“Of our babies’ footprints. We talked about that one time, remember? When I was first pregnant.” The memory of the sweet angel they had lost still brought her pain.

“The baby tattoo,” he said wonderingly. “I can’t believe you remember that.”

She chuckled. “I can’t believe you forgot.”

“I’d put that on the back burner for now,” he advised. “Maybe when you’re back out to work again.”

“Yeah. I can just walk across the street to your shop and get it.”

“Yes,” he warned sternly, “but you’ll have to make an appointment with my assistant.” Dustin had managed to get a space in a nicely appointed building kitty-corner to the building where Chantelle’s French offices were. The proximity made it easy for them to meet up for lunch most days. It was a perfect arrangement.

“I hope I get the friends and family discount.”

“I dunno. We’ll have to talk about that. I’m a businessman, after all.” Gingerly, he climbed into bed, stretching out next to her so he could embrace them all, his entire family, at once. “But considering you’ve presented me with two beautiful legacies, and have been making me the happiest man on the planet these past couple of years, I’d say I can offer you a fairly good price.”

She began to laugh, and then he held her close until both his wife and his babies settled into sleep.