Dungeon Master by Golden Angel

Chapter Twenty-Four


Before Gavin arrived at her house, Leah texted Esther. She’d been trying to give her friend space but was getting worried she hadn’t heard from her.

Hey, hun, I wanted to check in and see how you’re doing today.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long for Esther to text back, or else Leah probably would have spent all night fretting. She was already worried she hadn’t done the right thing, especially after hearing Gavin’s plan. It would have probably been better for Jax to talk directly to Esther.

She had the feeling she was angrier at Jax than Gavin was, which irked her a little, but she understood it didn’t mean Gavin didn’t care about Esther, but he assumed Jax had some kind of good reason for lying. Leah wasn’t so trusting.

I’m fine. Everything is normal. I’m going to wait and see.

The desire for action—and answers—made Leah’s skin itch, but it wasn’t her life. She didn’t have two kids in high school. Yeah, she’d ultimately divorced Gavin when Mitch was still in high school, but that had been a long time coming at that point. While Esther hadn’t exactly been blindsided by finding out Jax had been lying to her, it wasn’t as if they’d had ongoing issues for years.

I’m here for you, whatever you need.

Leah typed out the response, keeping it vague the same way Esther had, and sent it before heading to the kitchen to start dinner. Oliver wandered in, and she fed him before she started cooking, which made him happy. She’d decided to keep things simple tonight—tacos, rice, and salad. Taco night had always been one of both her and Gavin’s favorites. Plus, it gave her plenty to do since she liked to make her guacamole fresh.

She knew some of her nervousness came from having Gavin come over, but it was the right step. If she kept putting it off, keeping him out of parts of her life, trying to protect herself, she wasn’t really committing to giving him a second chance. Despite the setback, he really had been making a real effort.

She was also anxious because she wanted him to punish her. They’d both been right, but they’d also both been wrong, and Leah truly wished she’d waited to talk to Gavin before talking to Esther. She’d completely cut him out of the decision-making—what she’d felt he’d done to her—and the hypocrisy didn’t sit well with her. Neither did feeling like a part of the reason she’d told Esther had been to prove something to Gavin. Yes, she’d truly felt Esther deserved to know, but she also knew her rush to tell her friend had been motivated by her reaction to how she’d felt Gavin was treating her.

That wasn’t okay.

Thankfully, BDSM gave her both a way to purge her guilt and soothe her conscience. Eventually, she’d need to apologize to Esther for her less-than-generous motivations behind why she’d insisted Esther come over that night.

The doorbell rang while the meat was still sizzling, and she hurried to answer it.

“Hey! Come on in. Sorry… cooking.” Giving a surprised Gavin a quick kiss before rushing back to the kitchen, she was far too aware of all the nervous butterflies fluttering through her stomach as if they were having a rave. Picking up the spoon, she gave the meat a quick stir.

“Smells great,” Gavin said as he followed her into the kitchen. “Mmmm, tacos.”

Coming up behind her, he pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, making her shiver. Hand on her hip, he leaned over to see what she was doing, the heat of his body behind her sending all sorts of tingles up and down her nerve endings.

Yes, please.

Except he was making it hard to concentrate. Giggling, Leah bumped him with her hip.

“Be useful and make the salad.” She tilted her head toward the pile of vegetables on the counter.

“Yes, ma’am.” Chuckling, Gavin gave her hip one last caress before moving to do her bidding. A little smile curved Leah’s lips as she watched him out of the corner of her eye. While she’d changed from her work clothes into something more comfortable, he was still in his, but she appreciated a man in well-fitted jeans and a t-shirt, especially when they looked like Gavin.

* * *


Dinner was comfortable. Some people might not think it was exciting, but to Gavin, it was as though he’d found his favorite old pair of jeans and discovered they still fit perfectly.

They veered away from heavier topics, like Esther and Jax or their past issues, and focused on the day-to-day issues—business at the Outlands, Leah’s current project at work, and the other regular things that made up their days. It was wonderfully normal, making him realize how much he’d missed meals like this with her.

Not just because she was a damn good cook, either.

“You inhaled that. Did you even chew?” She raised her eyebrow, laughter dancing in her eyes.

“It was good.” He shrugged, unapologetic. Leaning back, he patted his stomach. “I rarely cook for myself, mostly eat at the Outlands, so I don’t get home cooking often.”

“Well, that can’t be healthy.” A note of scolding entered her voice. “You’d better be eating some salads now and then.”

“More of them the older I get.” Chuckling, he studied her as she pushed the last bits of lettuce around her plate. “I can’t eat the way I used to if I want to keep my girlish figure.”

“Oh, please.” Leah snorted laughter, shaking her head. “You look great, and you know it.” She was clearly enjoying herself, but there was an odd edge to her demeanor.

“What’s going through your mind, love?” He leaned over to put his hand on hers, stilling its nervous movement. “I don’t have to stay over tonight. We can keep it to dinner for now.”

“No, that’s not…” Letting go of her fork, she took a deep breath and met his gaze. “I want you to punish me tonight.”

Gavin blinked. That wasn’t what he’d expected.

“Why?” He asked more of a way to buy time, so he could get his thoughts in order. Now that she’d said what she wanted, he had his suspicions why, but her desires didn’t line up with what he’d been thinking for the evening. While he’d brought his toy bag and a change of clothes, he’d left both of them in his car, so she wouldn’t feel pressured. If she didn’t change her mind, he’d been anticipating a night of fun, sensuous play to reconnect, not a punishment scene.

“You were right. I should have waited to talk to you. I let emotion and our past overrule my common sense. I was also a hypocrite since I did what I was accusing you of. While I still think Esther had the right to know, she didn’t have to be told immediately. I could have waited. Should have waited.” Her voice was tight, unhappy. The atmosphere in the room had changed, becoming heavy with emotion.

Damn. She really did feel guilty. Gavin’s brain was already shifting gears, restructuring the scene he’d planned in his head to fit what his submissive needed.

“You weren’t the only one letting your emotions and past behavior rule you,” he pointed out. “I gave you an order without even realizing it. I also didn’t take the time to ask why you were so adamant about it or listened to you at the moment.”

“Yes, and you feel bad, I can tell.” Leah seemed calmer now that she’d stated what she needed. Her blue eyes were filled with certainty that he would give her what she craved. “I need more. Please, Master.”

Bloody hell.

That was a punch right to the gut. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he took the time to savor the sound of her calling him ‘Master’ again. It was more than unexpected—it was something he’d never really expected to hear again.

“Alright then, naughty girl. Let’s get this kitchen cleaned up so I can deal with you.”

* * *


Completely naked and bent over the edge of her bed, waiting to be spanked, Leah probably shouldn’t feel quite so Zen. She felt calm. Ready. Eager.

Strong fingers caressed her buttocks before giving her right cheek a little slap, hard enough to make her shiver. The sting of the pain zinged pleasantly through her.

“What are you sorry for, mo chridhe?”

The endearment made her heart sing, as much as calling him ‘Master.’ Yes, she knew ‘happily-ever-after’ wasn’t as easy as deciding to commit to each other—if it was, they would already be living theirs after getting married—but she really thought they had a chance. Their second chance, which made it even more meaningful to her. After being hung up for ten years on the man she’d divorced, she knew how precious chances like this were. So many things had lined up exactly right in order for them to have this one.

As she started to speak, she felt the tip of a plug nudging against her anus, and it made her shiver.

“I’m sorry for not waiting to talk to you.”

The plug pushed in, stretching the entrance, the tight ring of muscles burning in protest.

“I’m sorry for telling Esther without giving us a chance to talk more about what to do.”

The toy delved deeper, stretching her wider, and Leah groaned. Her fingers flexed on the bed, toes trying to curl as the plug filled her, burning pleasantly with every centimeter. She panted for breath as it moved, trying to concentrate on what she was saying, despite the physical distraction.

“I’m sorry for reacting, rather than thinking through what I really wanted.”

The plug settled firmly inside her, the widest part pushing past her entrance, and her muscles clenched around the little gap between the base and the bulb. Leah moaned, shuddering, cheek pressed against the soft comforter on her bed as her body finished adjusting to the intruder.

“Good girl,” Gavin said, tugging gently on the base of the plug, so it pressed against her from the opposite direction. “Now I’m going to spank you, and when I’m done, I’m going to fuck this pretty little arse.”

She whimpered. She loved it when he talked dirty, but there was something about anal sex that always made her feel particularly naughty, and he knew it. For them, funishment usually meant anal. It didn’t matter how many times she’d had his cock in her ass, every time she still felt like a ‘dirty girl.’ Just the thought made her pussy throb in excitement, which was fairly ironic.


The hard slap of his hand against her ass made her jerk forward, though there was nowhere to go because of the bed. It might be more on the ‘funishment’ than the ‘punishment’ end of the scale, but it still hurt. Her ass clenched around the plug, which suddenly felt twice as invasive because she knew what it would be eventually replaced with.

His hand came down hard on the opposite cheek, the crisp swats moving back and forth between them in a stinging chorus of pleasurable pain. Gasping, Leah’s hips moved, pushing up to meet his hand, crying out when his palm landed on her ass. The skin of her bottom warmed, heating her blood and ramping up her libido with excitement.

The slaps moved up and down, making sure to cover every spot of her curvy mounds. When his fingers flicked against the base of the plug, the vibrations ricocheted through her. A hard slap on her pussy made her cry out, pushing her onto her toes as her tears began to soak the comforter beneath her, then she was needily, eagerly, arching her back, slightly begging for more.