Crazy Love by MINK



Iwatch as Ted takes off, getting back to his run. I know I’m not the only girl on the block that steals peeks of him working out. All the ladies talk about him. Even the married ones. I mean, I can’t blame them based on how handsome he is. And there’s also that toned body, and don’t even get me started on those thick, muscular thighs. But that doesn’t mean I have to like the way their eyes roam all over him. It always irritates me, which I know is irrational considering I barely know the man.

A few of the girls have asked me in the past if Ted has ever asked me out. They said they figured he would have since I seem to be the one he talks to the most on the street, but I’m sure that’s only because we live right next door to each other.

As if Ted would ever ask me out. I mean, he’s surrounded by all of these dolled-up women. The complete opposite of me. I spot Becky a few doors down as she steps out of her house and walks down her driveway. She’s in a tiny, silky, dark teal nightie. I can see her freaking nipples poking through the fabric from here. Somehow, she’s still in her pajamas but her hair and makeup are all done.

I watch as she calls out to Ted to get his attention when he’s about to pass her house. I huff a breath, turning and going back into my place to get ready for work. Ted must think I’m a giant dork with my kitten pajamas. They’re comfy and adorable, but I’m guessing they’re not what others would consider sexy. I love them, and that’s all that matters.

I push my insecurities aside. Ted and I will never be a thing. I have to stop allowing my thoughts to drift there. I’m far from his type. Not that I actually know what his type is. No one ever comes and goes from his place. He must pick up his dates and take them back to their places or something. I mean, come on, there is no way that man isn’t dating.

My mind lingers on him as I get ready for work. I don’t have to be super dressy, but I don’t think kitten pajamas will fly with my employer, Mr. Foley.

I’ve been with Mr. Foley for a few months now. It’s the longest I’ve ever been at the same job. With the temp agency, I normally get shifted around every two or three weeks. I prefer it that way. I can never find anything I enjoy enough to do for longer than that. I keep hoping that one of my temp jobs will help guide me down a path I want to stay on, but no such luck yet. I hold out hope that it will happen sooner rather than later.

I find Walter by the front door pouting. He knows I have to go to work, and he’s reminding me he’s not okay with it. When I’d first gotten Walter a year ago at the shelter, I could barely get him to come out of his crate when we got home. It had taken a few days for him to warm up to me. Now, he barely lets me out of his sight. Half the time he wants me to carry him around like a baby. I mean, when he was younger it wasn’t so hard, but now he’s gigantic. Even so, I swoop down and pick up my puffy fur baby. I give him kisses on the top of his head before I leave.

“You be a good man while I’m gone.”

He meows, not agreeing. I carry him back into the kitchen and give him a few treats before I sneak out. I think a dream job would be taking care of kittens all day. People have dog sitters. What about cat sitters? That should be a thing.

When I make it to the office, I don’t even have time to get settled, because the schedule is so busy today. It's one meeting after another. They all start to blend together—rich people and their lawyers talking about investment deals and golf. Mr. Foley always has me sit in his office and take notes over freaking everything.

I think some of the time they forget I’m here, and their conversations will turn to their last poker game or the women they’re sleeping with. I’ve been uncomfortable more than a few times. Especially when one of Mr. Foley’s business associates decided to go into great detail about getting a blowjob from some waitress.

The day flies by before I know it, thankfully. As each day passes, I know without a doubt that being an office assistant is definitely not the right fit for me long term. I’m grateful to have a job, though, and a steady paycheck. My bills aren’t going to pay themselves. When the last appointment is done, I log out of my computer and gather my things to head out. My stomach growls, reminding me that I haven’t had anything to eat today.

“Bunny,” Mr. Foley calls after me. I inwardly groan, hoping I don’t have to stay later. When I get out late I miss my chance to see Ted come home. He’s usually getting home at the same time I am.

“Yes, sir,” I respond. Sir is the only thing he’ll let me call him for some strange reason. Every time I say it, he smirks. It’s a bunch of crap. Everyone else around the office calls him Foley.

“I prefer my assistants to wear dresses. No more pants.” His eyes drop to my legs.

Heat rushes to my face. Embarrassment fills me that I’m not up to whatever standard he has.

This isn't my first time wearing these. I have on a pair of wide-legged white pants. When I wear the slacks, I can get away with flats. I don’t hate heels, at least not at first, but wearing them for eight hours is pushing it. Why is he commenting on it now?

“Sorry, sir.”

“Just don’t do it again.”

I nod, hoping I can leave now.

“We skipped lunch. Let's head over to Oaks Steakhouse and get something to eat. We can discuss some things. I’ll grab my coat,” he says before I can come up with a reason to get out of this.

“Ready?” he asks, coming back out of his office a moment later.

I can’t wait until his assistant Barbara finally comes back from maternity leave. I sigh, knowing there is nothing I can do at this point but to accept his invitation. At least I might get a good steak out of this.

“Yes, sir.” I pull my purse out from under my desk. Mr. Foley’s hand goes to my back as he guides me out the front door. I don’t miss the stares we get from some of the staff who are still working.

Great. Now everyone is going to think Mr. Foley and I have a thing going on. I know he cheats on his wife, but I want no part of that. Not even a rumor, which I’m betting has already started.

When I get home tonight, the first thing I’m going to do is email the temp agency. I’m starting to get uncomfortable here. Or maybe I’m being paranoid. John from across the street has also been giving me the same creepy vibes as Mr. Foley is now.

The world is filled with creeps. Except for Ted. He’s one of the good ones. Too bad for me all he sees me as is the girl next door.