It Started with a Crush by Piper James

Chapter Forty-One


Chase: It’s done.

Me: What’s done?

Chase: Perry Brothers Construction has officially changed locations from Southern California to East Texas. Ethan found an office space, and we bought two new trucks today so we don’t have to share anymore.

Me: That’s great!

Chase: Oh, and Ethan is moving out. He bought an old fixer-upper out near Belle and Ryder’s place.

Me: Good for him. Is Noah looking for a place, too?

Chase: Not yet. Our lease isn’t up on this house until February, so we have some time to decide if either of us wants to renew it, or not.

Me: Dakota could help you guys out when you’re ready.

Chase: Yep. I already talked to her about putting the ranch on the market next month.

Me: You could always keep it and live there.

Chase: We talked about that, but decided it was too big for either of us. We’ll sell it and find something that suits us better.

Me: I think Daniel would be happy out there.

Chase: Maybe. But it’s not exactly right. I have something very specific in mind.

Me: Oh?

Chase: Enough about that. How’s BOB these days?

Me: You have a one-track mind.

Chase: You know you love it.

Me: I do. And I love you.

Chase: I love you, too, my little peach. Always.