It Started with a Crush by Piper James

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Thanksgiving Eve

Me: Are you ready for some turkey and stuffing tomorrow? Belle’s cooking up a storm.

Chase: More than ready. I’ve been binge eating all week, prepping my stomach for a feast.

Me: I thought you were looking a little bloated.

Chase: I most certainly am not.

Chase: Am I?

Chase: I just looked in the mirror, and I’m as fit as ever.

Me: Did you check for love handles?

Chase: You’re so mean. I’m going to go eat my feelings now.

Me: Kidding! You’re as hot as the day I met you.

Chase: Don’t patronize me.

Me: You should see how wet I am right now.

Chase: …

Me: I just gave Thanos a bath for Belle, and he shook himself off all over me. So I’m wet.

Chase: You’re evil.

Me: I’m also about to head home. Meet me there?

Chase: I’m on my way.