Until Kelly by Vera Quinn

Chapter Nineteen


I have been waiting too long for answers from Sage Mayson. I haven’t received a call or even a text. I’m not a patient man. I need results. Trask has been gone from the ranch for too long and every day that he is gone that woman has her claws in him just a little bit more. Skeeter has been on my ass every day. Today I get some answers, or I hire someone else. I don’t doubt my decisions often but I’m thinking I should have hired someone local.

I have used Mayson as a private detective a couple of times and even though he is located in Tennessee, it has never interfered with him getting the job done. This Kelly woman said she had lived all over so I thought she would have a trail that would be easy for anyone to follow.

I pick up my phone and dial Mayson’s number. I hear the phone ringing.

“Mr. Stillman, I told you I would call when I had information for you. I need time to work.” Mayson answers the phone sounding impatient. This man doesn’t know who he is dealing with.

“I pay you to get results and I need that information yesterday.” I get to the point.

“You gave me next to no information on this woman. I am starting from scratch. I have some information, but I would rather give you the entire rundown at one time after I verify everything. I don’t get paid to give you false information. Everything I have is general information and some of it isn’t adding up, so I need to check it out. It takes time and leg work. I’ll be in Texas by the end of the week to get some photos of the woman to compare with some I have found. I’d hate to give you information on someone the woman isn’t. You had no old addresses, no relative’s names, and no idea where all she’s lived. I’m doing my due diligence to make sure everything I give you is correct.” That makes sense to me.

“I expect some type of results when you arrive. This woman is getting her claws into my son more every day. If you need help to get the results I want, then put someone else on it with you. I’ll pay for the extra help. Time is of the essence.” I hear the rattling of paper on his end.

“If you’re not happy with what I get you by the end of the week, then I will go at this from a different angle. I may need to make contact with this woman to get information from her.” Mayson sounds confident. He’s always done an excellent job.

“Very well. I will see you by the end of the week.” I hang the phone up. It’s time to bring Trask back home one way or another. If Mayson can’t bring me information to use against this woman, then I will manufacture some. Whatever Mayson brings to me should be enough to know where to lead Trask to find out about a past that he can’t forget. Everyone has skeletons in their closet somewhere. I just need to find one or two to exploit. It’s for Trask’s own good. The boy doesn’t know what is best for him. I do. I won’t have some interloper come in and take my son. I will cut her off at her knees and send her packing. I know trash when I smell it and this Kelly woman is nothing but trash.