Until Kelly by Vera Quinn

Chapter Four


I see Cheryl, the new waitress, is still giving me sideways glances. Yes, I went there again with another waitress. I can’t help myself. They look so cute in the little waitress outfits and they’re always smiling and giving me glimpses of their cleavage when they bend over and give me my glass of iced tea. I never remember the morning after when I give them the brush off until it’s too late. At least I haven’t gotten a tea bath from Cheryl yet. Don’t laugh, it has happened more than once. Did I deserve it? Maybe, but then again, I never lie about my intentions and I never make promises in the heat of the moment that I don’t keep. I am a manwhore and I claim it. I’m a man, and I like the company of a beautiful woman. I like one-night stands. I don’t like or want a woman that thinks she is going to lead me around by my nose just so I can get me a little. I’m not a man that is going to send flowers the next day or to even call again. I might call, but I am just as likely not to. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a gentleman. I open doors for ladies. I will tell a woman that she looks nice, or she has a beautiful smile. My parents didn’t raise an asshole, but I don’t date just one woman. I don’t think the happily ever after crap is for me. I like variety and I am not too selective.

I wait for Botie to show up before I order my food. I should have known when he said he was going by his house to speak to Lyric first that it would take him a while. Those two can’t get enough of each other, and I am almost jealous. I can’t imagine being with only one woman for the rest of my life and liking it. I guess it takes all kinds. I am looking at the same menu I have been looking at for years. At least if I am looking at the menu, I don’t need to avoid Cheryl’s eyes. She’s shooting daggers at me from those eyes I loved so much last weekend. Maybe I will be lucky, and Aggie will take our order for us. She’s slow, but I won’t get anything in my lap or my face.

I hear the bell ring above the front door, and I look up to see if Botie is here, but my eyes see the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I swear I hear bells going off somewhere.

I stare with my mouth hanging open. I am speechless. I’m never speechless. I am on my feet and walking toward the beautiful vision in front of me. I just need to talk to her. I just need to be closer to her. I walk right up to her and take her hand, but she pulls it away.

“Back up, buddy.” Her voice is sweet, but no, I won’t back up.

“Have lunch with me,” I tell the woman.

“I don’t know you and you are kind of freaking me out right now. Who just takes someone’s hand in theirs when they don’t know the person?” the woman asks.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m harmless. I’m Trask Stillman and I would like for you to have lunch with me, please. I promise, I just want to get to know you.” I’ve never felt this way before. This woman has cast some kind of spell on me. She’s breathtaking. I hear her laugh.

“Are you alright? I mean, I don’t know you. Do you always ask strangers to lunch?” The woman looks shocked and I am sure I look like some crazy person. I’m acting like one for sure.

“I promise, it’s just lunch and I am harmless.” I try to assure the lady that has all my attention. I see Cheryl approach us.

“Trask Stillman is about as harmless as a rattlesnake. Take it from a woman that has lived here a while, steer clear,” Cheryl says with a hateful voice.

“Please, just sit with me for lunch?” I almost beg. What is wrong with me? The woman tilts her head to the side, and she looks like she is thinking about my request.

“Alright, but only lunch.”

I want to fist bump myself. The woman that I can’t take my eyes from said yes. I take her hand and she follows me to the booth I was sitting in. I take my phone out and send Botie a quick text and tell him lunch is off, but I would meet him in about an hour. That will give me enough time to dine this lovely in front of me and get her number for a quick hookup tonight. I thought I was a goner there for a minute, but I am back to myself now. I just need to work my magic and by tonight or in the morning, I will have this beauty out of my system, and I can move on to my next conquest. Priorities man, I need to keep them straight.

“My name is Trask Stillman as I told you, but what name do I need to call you in my dreams tonight?” She laughs again but sits down.

“I’m Kelly and I agreed to lunch but you need to drop those corny lines. They won’t work on me and you can do much better if you just be yourself.” Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. “I take it that you have already used those lines on the waitress who doesn’t like you much. How is that working for you?” She’s challenging me with that sexy smile of hers. Challenge accepted.

“Oh, darlin’, I was just having a little fun with Cheryl and she knows it, but you, you take my breath away, sweetheart.” I lay it on thick with my good-old-boy charm.

“I’m not sure that Cheryl would agree with that. Look, Trask, I’m new in town and I don’t know anyone. I would like to make a few friends, but I can guarantee you that I am not your darling or your sweetheart and the only way I will take your breath away is if I punch you in the gut or pop that overly swollen head of yours. I would like to be your friend not your booty call at two in the morning.” Kelly gives me a too-sweet smile. Damn, blunt much?

“If I say no to the friendship thing, does that mean no lunch?” I ask, hoping I can still convince the woman I am too loveable to turn down.

“That’s exactly what it means. A good friend is worth ten meaningless hookups. I mean, we could go and have some meaningless sex that would be spectacular, I’m sure, but then we would never get the chance to know each other. I need friends.”

The spectacular sex part sounds good but there is something about the way Kelly says she needs friends has my attention. She sounds almost lonely. Can I have a female friend? Just a friend.

“I’ve never had a female friend except for my best friend’s wife. I can give it a try, but I would like to talk about that spectacular sex. I knew you wanted me.” I smile this time to lighten the mood a little. I see the sadness in Kelly’s eyes, and it is killing me to think this woman is lonely. I won’t be friended by her, but I know when to bide my time. “I’m up for a new friend but we will revisit this subject later.” Kelly relaxes a little.

“Now that we settled that, what is good to eat?” Kelly picks up a menu from behind the napkin dispenser.

“Everything is good here. My favorite is a burger and fries. Can’t go wrong with that,” I tell her while studying her face. She doesn’t wear makeup and I like that. She has a fresh look with an edge to it. Her hair is a light brown almost a dark blond with red highlights. Her eyes come to mine and they are beautiful brown eyes.

“Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?” Kelly wipes at her face.

“No, darlin’, your face is just so beautiful and that isn’t me flirting, you’re a natural beauty.” Kelly’s cheeks turn red and I notice the adorable freckles across her nose. I never knew freckles could be so damn cute.

“Thank you, that is sweet of you to say. Tell me, Trask, besides pissing off waitresses in this diner what do you do around here? Have you lived here your entire life or are you a transplant like me? What do you do for fun besides the obvious?” That makes me laugh.

“The obvious being?” I ask her without hesitation.

“Pissing off the single women of Comfort. Texas,” Kelly states bluntly.

I like it, she doesn’t back down when challenged. I know this woman must have a flaw somewhere.

“I don’t intentionally piss anyone off,” I say as Aggie walks up to our table.

“What can I get the two of you to drink?” Aggie asks us.

“Water for me, please,” Kelly answers.

“Iced tea, please, and I think we are ready to order.” I look at Kelly and she nods her head. “We both want a cheeseburger basket and I want steak sauce on mine.” Aggie knows my order. I am a regular here and for lunch I always eat a burger and fries.

“Would you like steak sauce also?” Aggie looks at Kelly.

“Sounds good and ranch dressing for my fries.” Aggie writes it down without saying anything and leaves.

“Ranch dressing for your fries? Is that a thing from where you come from?”

Kelly laughs. “Not sure. I have lived all over but this will be the first I have eaten steak sauce on my burger. Is that a thing from here?” I guess she’s right.

“I don’t think so, but I like steak sauce. Sometimes I change it up and use barbeque sauce. I’m a weird duck.” My mom has always said that.

“I guess I am too. If I don’t eat fries with ranch dressing, I use gravy or honey. I have never liked following what everyone else does so I try different food combinations. I do like ketchup in my chili though.” Something we have in common.

“Don’t tell anyone but instead of liking lemon in my iced tea, I like raspberry. I don’t do it all the time but to me it just gives it a zing.” Aggie brings our drinks back to us and leaves without a word. Kelly looks at her water. “Something wrong with it?” I ask her.

“No, I was just making sure your other waitress didn’t spit in it.” That makes me laugh.

“Darlin’, if Cheryl is going to get back at someone, it’ll be me. Dan would fire her ass if she chased off his best customer. I’m a bachelor and this place is my home away from home.” I look at my tea a little closer.

“It’s good to know that you are single. I would hate to need to look over my shoulder for a jealous wife.” That makes me laugh.

“Since you are new around here, would you save a bachelor without a date for tonight? I have a cookout to help with.” Kelly raises her eyebrows.

“In the middle of winter, a week before Christmas, you’re having a get-together outside? You know it is supposed to rain and freeze again tonight?” Kelly looks like she doesn’t believe me.

“In Texas we have cookouts year-round. My best friend and his wife have an announcement to make and we are going to cook on their back deck but eat inside. It’s burgers and hot dogs—nothing fancy but all good people. You could go with me and then I can introduce you to the nice people of Comfort. It is a casual and small event. You can meet more potential friends. I know Lyric will love you. She was the last new arrival to our community so she can give you a quick rundown of everyone in town from a newcomer’s perspective.” Kelly looks like she is thinking about it. “I will be with you the entire time, so you know someone.”

“Alright. Do you know where Mrs. Lamb’s farmhouse is? I’m renting it from her.” I nod my head.

“That must be keeping you busy. It needs a lot of work.” That house has needed repairs before Mrs. Lamb’s mom passed away. I can’t believe she invested any money in the house.

“You’re telling me. The roof leaks in my bedroom. I listen to the dripping of the rain into my bucket, so I know when to empty it at night.” Now I know how I can get closer to this little lady.

“I can come over this weekend and get up there and see if I can patch it until Mrs. Lamb gets it fixed,” I volunteer.

“Why would you do that? Why would you want to be just my friend since you don’t have female friends?” Kelly sounds suspicious.

Wow, this girl needs to chill. This is what we do in Texas. We are neighborly and we help each other.

“I don’t know about where you come from but around here, what you just said is an insult. We help our neighbors around here because it’s the right thing to do. No ulterior motives and I will even let you pay me if you don’t just want me to help as a friend.” I can almost see the wheels turning in Kelly’s head. She’s overthinking this.

“I don’t know if I can afford your price. What’s the going price for a patch job on a roof of a friend?”

Aggie brings us our food. Cheryl is behind her and sets a small bowl of ranch on the table and then huffs away.

“Can I get you two anything else?” Kelly shakes her head no.

“That’s it for now, Aggie.” Aggie leaves us and I look at Kelly. “My price is a home-cooked meal and by home-cooked, I mean hot. It can be anything. I’m not picky. I would like to share the meal with you.” That makes Kelly smile. I know I am going to wear her down.

“You drive a hard bargain. You don’t even know if I can cook or not. I may be the worst cook in three counties, and you want me to feed you.” Kelly looks at her food and she seems shy.

“I’ll take my chances with the food to get the chance to spend more time with you.” I realize when the words leave my mouth that I am being truthful. I’m not just giving Kelly a line to be able to get into her panties. I genuinely want to get to know this woman. I don’t know when the last time that happened. I want to know more about Kelly that has nothing to do with getting her naked and beneath me. Okay, the thoughts of getting her naked are still there but I am intrigued by this woman. Color me surprised. I need to write this down, so I remember it.

“What time do I need to be ready by tonight?” Kelly asks as she cuts her burger in half.

“I’ll be there about five if that’s alright. I need to help Botie cook the burgers and hot dogs.” I pick up a fry and put the whole thing in my mouth and chew.

“I’ll be ready by then. Do I need to bring anything?” Kelly picks her burger up and takes a bite. I swallow my food in my mouth.

“Nope, just your beautiful self. I know everyone is going to love you and you and Lyric will get along famously. She’s kind of quiet until you get her worked up.”

Kelly moans as she chews her food. The sound goes straight to my dick. Damn, this woman is driving me crazy. Friends, I need to remember that. This is going to literally be harder than I thought.

“The steak sauce brings the flavor of the meat out. This is delicious. I can’t believe I have never tried this before. It’s going to be one of my new favorites. Thank you.” I smile.

“That’s what friends are for.” Now if I can just get that message to the rest of my anatomy. Hands-off? Who am I kidding? This will never work.