Push by Sadie Rose


Less than two hours later we were pulling onto my street. Miller pulled up to the curb and I was out of the car before he could even open his door. I rushed up to the apartment and was winded from taking the steps so quickly. When I stepped into the apartment, I called out to Madison but didn’t get a reply. I walked down the hall and knocked on her bedroom door only to be met with silence. We respected each other’s privacy but we were also like sisters; I opened her door only to find an empty room.

I hadn’t seen her since Friday morning and we typically tried to let each other know our plans. I pulled my phone out and sent her a text to make sure she was okay before heading to my bathroom for a shower. I was drained—emotionally and mentally; my mom, the money—everything, but I held on to my excitement. A few hours shouldn’t have me longing to be in his presence, and the feeling that had taken root was screaming at me, telling me I was in too deep too soon. He wasn’t like the other boyfriends I’d had—he was an adult, and the fear that was taking root was also planting the seeds of anxiety. How would this end? The thought was lead in my stomach, and I pushed it aside, refusing to allow myself to jump to the end when we were barely at the beginning.

What was I supposed to wear? He hadn’t exactly given any indication of what we were doing, so I decided to wear what I normally would—skinny jeans, my favorite AC/DC tee, and a green satin bomber. When I got outside Miller was waiting, double-parked. “If you keep that up you’re going to get a ticket,” I joked.

“Yes, ma’am.”

I was beginning to think Miller was a hard nut to crack. Maybe this was just how he was but it was going to be hard having him around all the time if he was unwilling to engage in any conversation. Maybe this was what having security was like. This was all so new, I’d have to sit with Roman and ask him questions without looking too naïve. I was so lost in my thoughts on the drive, I didn’t even realize the car had stopped until Miller was opening my car door to let me out. I wasn’t exactly sure I knew where we were except in a parking garage and walking a few short steps to an elevator. Once we stepped in front of the elevator doors, Miller scanned a card and the doors opened.

Miller motioned his arm out for me to enter and I stepped inside. When I turned around, Miller was still standing on the outside of the doors. “Ma’am, press the top button. Mr. Devereaux will meet you there.”

I nodded, “Thank you.” I pressed the top button, the doors closed and I began to rise at a quick pace. My ears popped and I had to adjust. The anticipation of seeing Roman made my stomach feel like butterflies and my sex clenched in arousal just thinking of our previous night together. The thought of his tongue inside me instantly soaked my panties. Before I could get my thoughts under control, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Roman was standing in a small foyer right outside the doors.

I had no hope of controlling my sexual fantasies now. Roman was standing before me looking fine as hell. He walked towards me with the grace of a panther stalking his prey in the jungle. His feet were bare. He was wearing casual blue jeans, hung low on his hips, and a grey v-neck shirt that hung to every sharp curve in his muscles. Apparently this was his signature look when not wearing a suit. And lord did he look good. His face had a five o’clock shadow and the slight stubble on his cheeks made me remember the rising heat in between my legs. I clenched my thighs together and prayed he didn’t notice my current level of lust. From the look on his face I wasn’t hiding anything. Either that or he was matching my level of lust and need.

Roman bent down and engulfed me in a hug, nuzzled his nose into my hair and inhaled. “Hi baby. Is it silly to say that I missed you today?” He whispered into my ear. “I know it’s only been a few hours but I’ve thought about you all day.”

I smiled and blushed all at once. “No. No, it’s not. I missed and thought about you too.”

He started to walk me from the elevator further inside. When he opened the door, his apartment took my breath away. It was light, open, and huge. What drew me in was the amazing views of the city below. Without even thinking, I rushed over to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked out at the city below. The lights of the city shined and I could see my reflection on the glass. Roman was walking up behind me and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“The view is something isn’t it?” he asked.

It hits me where we are. “It is. We’re on top of Devereaux Industries aren’t we?” I watched his reflection in the glass. He tilted his head a little to the side and gave me a questioning look with our eyes meeting in the glass. I turned around, abandoning the view and looked up to him to meet his eyes.

“Yes, Ollie. This is my home usually during the week when I’m working. I typically stay at my house outside the city on the weekends but with our date Friday night, I wanted to stay to be near you.”

“I wasn’t paying attention in the car. I had a lot on my mind and didn’t even realize we were here till I was in the garage. I never realized you had an apartment in the building.”

Roman takes my face in his hands, he gently strokes my bottom lip with his thumb. He bends down to meet my height and gives me one of the sweetest kisses. It makes the day fade away. It makes me forget all of my fears and worries that have plagued my thoughts today. It’s the most intimate and sweetest kiss I have ever experienced and at that moment I feel myself falling for him even more than I could imagine. When he pulls away, the look in his eyes reveals the raw passion and deep feelings.

He touches his forehead to mine and when he speaks his voice is filled with lust, “Ollie baby, I’m here for you no matter what you need. Let me clear your mind. I wanna make you feel good. Do you want that baby?”

I almost don’t recognize my voice when I speak, it’s so full of need and lust for the man before me. “Yes, please. Yes, yes, yes.”

“Are you wet for me, baby? I bet your panties are soaked.”

“I’m not wearing any.”

He groans in response. Then he’s bending down and getting on his knees before me. The fact that he’s on his knees before me is not lost on me. He is a man of power and I doubt he gets on his knees for anyone or anything. He unbuttoned my jeans and peeled them down my legs. He leaves them bunched at my knees, He reigns kisses up and down my thighs as goosebumps prickle over my skin. His slight stubble scrapes my legs and it makes my clit throb with need. When he puts his mouth on my mons I almost come right then and there. It’s when he takes a breath and the heat from his mouth melts me that I’m almost panting with want. A moan escapes my lips and I suck in a sharp breath.

“Fuck baby, the sounds you make get my dick so hard.” His fingers fly to my clit where he begins to rub circles on it. I’m so lost in the moment, I didn’t realize that he’d backed me up against the glass window. The cold glass hitting my warm skin as I’m pressed up against it. He moves his fingers and plunges one inside me. My eyes roll into the back of my head. He moves it in and out, in and out and I begin to feel my orgasm build with his rhythm.

He pulls his fingers out and before I can protest he’s pulling my jeans off and throwing my right leg over his shoulder. He’s got his tongue on me licking me in long, slow strokes back and forth. He thrusts his tongue inside me and I start to feel my legs quiver. I splay my hands out beside me on the glass to support myself. I look down at him and he’s staring straight into my eyes. “I’ve got you, baby,” he tells me.

His tongue is magic, pure magic and I lose myself to it. He devours my pussy and I’m so lost I grind myself against his face, burying my hands in his hair. He puts his teeth on my clit and gently bites down and that’s when I combust. I close my eyes and see stars shoot across the universe. I clamp my thighs to the sides of his head and he forces my legs to stay open. “Oh fuck Roman, I’m coming,” I scream out.

“Yes. Come for me, baby. I love the way you taste.”

His words undo me. I come hard and Roman laps up all of my juices and licks my inner thighs. Then he collects my jeans off the floor and pulls them up my legs. He stands up before me like nothing happened. Like he didn’t just make me almost blackout from the most intense orgasm of my life. Just like it’s some typical Saturday.

We are eating dinner at his insanely long dining room table. The table could easily seat 14 people and when I look back to Roman, I decide to be bold and ask him all the personal questions I can think of but have been too shy to ask. I want to really get to know him and not just on a sexual level that we seem to find ourselves quite good at together. “Can I ask you a question?” I set my fork down after just finishing the best piece of chocolate cake I’ve ever had in my life.

He looks up at me and sets his fork down and places his napkin on the table. “You can ask me anything Ollie. I mean that. Anything.”

“Well… I was wondering.” I feel nervous like I’m going to come off as insecure but in reality I’m not, it’s just curiosity getting the best of me, “Have you had a lot of girlfriends in your life?”

He looks at me as a slow smile appears on his face. “Girlfriends?”

“Let me rephrase that. Have you had a lot of women in your life?”

He sits across from me looking pensive. He blows out a small breath and I get the feeling that I’m not going to like what comes out of his mouth next.

“Ollie, when I was younger, I loosely dated women. I didn’t have a girlfriend and I would only go on a few dates with someone before moving on to the next. Then I started getting older, getting into business and I started leaving that kind of life behind. I haven’t had a girlfriend since I was probably 30 years old but I have dated women and nothing was ever serious.”

I appreciate that he was honest with me but I feel deflated. Is that what I’ll be with him, just another girl that he dates for a while before moving on to the next? Roman gets up from his chair and comes around the table to sit next to me. He sits sideways in the chair and takes my hand in his. “Ollie, I want this with us. You are my girlfriend and you are the only woman who has captivated my every thought. Ever. None of those other women were you.”

I blush under his gaze and intertwine my fingers with his in my lap.

“Please do not doubt the sincerity in my intentions. You’re different from any other woman and that’s a good thing. I think you are more than beautiful and everything I learn about you, I like even more than what I see.”

I nod my head in acknowledgment.

He arches a brow and smirks at me. “Now is it my turn to ask you a question?”

“Ok…” I trail off my thoughts because I have no idea what he might ask me. We had talked for hours last night and I felt like he already knew a ton of information about me. He wasn’t nearly as forthcoming in the information department as I was and I could tell he was holding back. He did have some sweet pillow talk last night and his mouth was wicked on my body.

“Does our age difference bother you?”

I instantly purse my lips and frown at him. That wasn’t what I was expecting to come out of his mouth. “Honestly your age hadn’t even crossed my mind. I mean… I know you’re older than I am but it doesn’t bother me. If people have a problem with it then that’s exactly what it is, their problem.”

A flash of emotion crosses his face and I can’t place it. If I had to guess it looked almost like relief. He reaches out for me and puts his arms around me. Then he’s pulling me onto his lap. His kisses are soft on my lips and he cradles my face in his hands like I’m breakable as glass. It’s moments like this I feel so close to him and intimate. I may not know everything there is to know about him but I feel deep inside myself that I know who he really is and he’s a good man.

When my lips are swollen and wet from his kisses and slightly red from his stubble, he pulls away from me and tells me I’m the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. Then he says something to me that makes my heart soar. “Will you stay the night?”

“I’d love to,” I say, flashing him a big smile. “Are you going to give me a tour of your place?” I ask him.

He stands up but never lets go of my hands. “I have to warn you, I don’t have a lot of personal stuff here so it’s pretty bare. I usually only stay here when I’m in the city late for business. Next weekend you can come out to my house outside the city. I’ll show you where I actually live and spend my time.”

We walk around his apartment and it takes far longer than the tour of my place. He has everything you could want or need in this space and it’s not even his real home as he says. I guess this is what being rich looks like from the inside. It’s vastly different from my humble upbringing. Around the third or fourth room, Roman could tell that I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable so he stopped the tour and took me to the room that he thought I’d feel most comfortable with him in. His bedroom was immaculate. All-white furniture where the king bed is the focal point. The bedside tables were home to a pair of chrome lamps and a white shag rug was at the foot of the bed under a white bench. The maple hardwood floors gave the room a warm feeling in contrast with the stark white.

Roman closed the bedroom door behind us and I sank down on the bench at the foot of the bed. It was odd how comfortable I felt in his bedroom. I wasn’t nervous or scared to be here with him. I felt at home. I slid my shoes off and ran my feet through the fluffy rug underneath my toes. When I looked up at Roman’s face he was smiling at me. He sat down on the bench beside me, took off his shoes, and did the same. I couldn’t help but laugh. He started laughing too and I couldn’t help but think about how adorable he was and how he always tried to put me at ease.

That’s how we spent Saturday evening and all day Sunday; laughing, kissing, making love, and learning everything there was to know about each other. The one thing I couldn’t bring myself to talk about was my mom’s health. It was probably the most perfect weekend I had ever spent with a man. So when Sunday night rolled around and Roman asked me to stay again, I shook my head and told him I had to go home. The pout he gave me almost had me reconsidering.

“Why not?” He asked, giving me his best impersonation of puppy dog eyes that he could muster.

“Well it was one thing to run around here in just your t-shirt yesterday but I don’t think my colleagues would appreciate that.”

“Actually, I do think they would. Definitely the men and maybe even some of the women. But Ollie baby, no other man is ever gonna see you like that again. Only me.”

He put his hand on my neck and pulled me close to him. Giving me a soul-melting kiss that had me changing my mind before I could even take two steps towards the door. When he pulled away from our kiss, his lips were swollen and I knew mine mirrored his. “I have an ace up my sleeve to get you to stay…”

I playfully pursed my lips, “And what would that be Mr. Devereaux?”

“There’s a garment bag hanging on the back of the closet door, why don’t you go take a look at what’s inside.”

My heart skipped a beat. I walked over to the door and saw the bag hanging. I slowly slid the zipper down and when I caught a peek of what was inside an audible gasp fell from my lips. Inside was the most beautiful two-piece women’s suit I had ever seen. It was a black silk, Armani pantsuit with a two-button jacket. I. ran my hand over the material and sighed. This had to easily be a two thousand suit minimum. There was no way I could accept this over. When had he done this? We had spent the last 36 hours together and I never saw him on his phone. While the gesture was heartfelt, I didn’t think it was right for me to accept it.

“Roman this is beautiful but I can’t accept it.”

“And why not? Do you not think it will fit? Let’s try it on and then I can peel it off of you here and at work tomorrow.”

Roman’s eyebrows were still wiggling as I looked at him. He had to know what I was thinking. He wanted me to say it.” This is too expensive. I can’t accept this.”

“Ollie baby, nothing is too expensive for me. I think you should get used to that.”

“That’s why I can’t accept it. I’m not here for that Roman. I don’t care about your money. I mean it’s great that you have it for you, but that’s not what I’m hoping to gain from dating you. I don’t need fancy gifts for me to like you. I already do and it isn’t because of your money.”

Roman got up off the bed, walked over to me and took both my hands in his and pulled me to his chest. “And that Ollie is exactly why you deserve that suit and one of the many reasons I’m falling hard for you.” The kiss he planted on my lips was hot and searing. His words had me agreeing to the suit and staying the night.