Push by Sadie Rose


Iwas startled awake. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to focus to read the clock I kept across the room on my dresser. My eyelids were heavy and it took me a second to adjust. It was just a little after 1:00 a.m. I fell back in bed and heard a noise. At first it was so soft that I wasn’t sure I heard or if my mind was playing tricks on me. I hadn’t been alone at night in the apartment since we moved in. Then it was louder, and this time I was certain, I was no longer alone in my apartment.

Fear clutched at my heart as I reached out for my phone. I had three missed calls and tons of texts but I ignored them trying to get my keypad open to dial 9-1-1. I hadn’t locked my bedroom door but I didn’t want to make any noise getting up from the bed. Then I heard the sound of furniture scraping the floor and a low, gruff voice curse.

A flash of recognition hit me and I realized I knew that voice. My bedroom door opened and Roman was leaning up against the doorway. I sat up and turned on my bedside lamp. Roman was still wearing his suit from the day but his tie was undone and hanging loosely around his neck. He had the top three buttons undone on his shirt and his hair looked like he had wrung his hands through it several times. “You scared the shit outta me! How did you even get in here?”

He stumbled toward the bed and I could tell he had been drinking. The knowledge of him being at a business dinner, and him showing up at one in the morning, clearly drunk, was the final straw. I grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it at him. He dodged it and sat on the end of the bed looking at me. “Ollie. Baby, I missed you. You said you wanted me here, so I’m here.”

“You are clearly drunk. Go home, Roman.”

“Baby, I’m not. I drank a shit ton of sake with the Japanese businessmen tonight but this is not drunk. Don’t make me leave. I want to hold you and breathe you in as we fall asleep. I love spending all the time I can with you. ”

My anger deflated, there was no use being angry when he was trying to be sweet. I growled out my frustration and flung back the other side of the beds’ covers. “Get in. And whatever key it is that you used to get in, I want that handed over to me in the morning.”

He chuckled and started removing his clothes. I turned my back to him and switched off the lamp. I felt the bed sink and his warm body slide up to mine. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me flush against his chest. He had completely stripped down because I could feel his hard dick pressing between my ass.

“Did you come over here for a late-night booty call?” I asked, trying to keep the laughter out of my voice.

“No. I came over here because you said I was the only person you wanted here and since Miller told me some fuckboy was here earlier, I thought it might be a good idea to come over and remind you of what a real man is like. You are mine, Ollie.”

I heaved a sigh, I had the suspicion that Miller was reporting back to Roman but now it was confirmed. What a snitch. “That fuckboy is one of Raymond’s friends and he only came over here to pick something up. First time I met him and probably the last.”

“Damn right that’s the last.” He said as he pulled my ear lobe with his teeth. “This sexy body, your smart mouth, and that pretty pussy. You are every man’s wet dream. Including mine. Now I know what’s on the inside of you and that’s even sexier than what everyone else can see. I don’t want to ever let you go.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. I was partly shocked and partly in awe. He was articulating a lot of what I felt about him and I just didn’t know how to say it. If he could have seen me in the light of day, I probably would have blushed. Here in the dark, cuddled up against him, I felt safe and loved. Did he love me? It sounded like he might. I pushed the thought out of my mind. We had only known each other a few weeks and had been dating even less than that. With a man like Roman I needed to take it a day at a time.

“Baby, I have to fly to Japan on Sunday for work.”

“Ok. Do you still want me to come to your house tomorrow night?” My stomach sank at the thought he would want to change our plans.

“Of course. I just wanted you to know because I just found out tonight.” I could hear the hesitation in his voice but it was gone when he spoke. “Do you want to go with me?”

“Wow. Really?”


I tried to play coy to give myself a second to think, “Do you take all the girls you see on work trips?”

He pinched my nipple through my shirt in response. I hissed at him, pretending to be annoyed. “Roman, I’d like to go with you but I have too much going on right now. Madison’s dad had a heart attack and unlike you, I have a boss I report to that I can’t just give twenty-four hours notice to that I’m taking off with my boyfriend and flying to Japan.”

“Do you want me to call Helen and tell her I desperately need you to close this deal? I will.”

I rolled over so I was facing him and playfully smacked him in the chest, “You will do no such thing!” I couldn’t help but laugh into his chest. “Roman… I have some family things…” He put his thumb on my lip and gently rubbed it.

“Shh… you don’t need to explain anything to me, Ollie. I know that you work hard and have a busy life.” His lips crashed into mine and he gave me a searing kiss that made my panties felt. When he pulled back, he looked into my eyes and said, “Besides when I get back you can clear your schedule and give me a weekend of undivided attention to make it up to me for missing Japan.”

And with that he was done talking about it. He slipped down the bed and put his head between my legs.