Push by Sadie Rose


Sunday rolls around and I’m fully prepared to go home early since Roman will be leaving for Japan. He will be gone five days but he said it could turn into seven if he can’t get the deal settled. I know he is already ready to get the trip over and I suspect that it’s because I am not accompanying him. I sat silently while he packed, a little shocked he was doing it himself. I’m sure he has someone who does things like that for him and I suspect that he’s doing it for my benefit.

We ate breakfast together in his kitchen nook and it made the house seem not so intimidating and when our meal was over, I suggested going home and he was having none of it. He wanted to spend every minute of the day with me until he needed to go. When seven o’clock rolled around, and it was time to leave, I watched Miller load the Maybach with his bags and Roman check his jacket pocket for his passport.

“Ollie baby, are you sure you won’t come?” He asked me.

I shook my head, “I can’t. I would love to go. Next time I will. I promise.”

Roman reached out for me and pressed me up against him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed. He put his nose into my hair and inhaled. I did the same thing to his chest smelling his cologne and woodsy scent that he always smelled like. I knew when he started to reluctantly pull away that it was time for him to go.

“Ollie baby, I’ll message you as soon as I land. The time difference will make it hard to talk and with all the meetings I have but we’ll make it work.”

I don’t know if he’s saying this to reassure himself or me but I knew what he needed to hear. “We will be fine and when you get back I’ll be here waiting for you. I’m yours and you are mine.” With that he gave me a soul-wrenching kiss that had so much fire behind it, I was sure that I had just melted to the ground.

“Alright baby, I gotta get in the car. Miller will be back in about an hour and if you want you can stay here tonight. He’s got a key for you. If you want you can stay here or even the apartment if you don’t want to go to your house without Madison there. I want you to do me one favor while I’m gone.”

“Of course! What do you need?” I knew whatever it was he asked me I would do for him. I could tell he was nervous leaving me and since it was in his nature he was worried.

“No matter where you go if it’s out to dinner, the bank, no matter where, you always have Miller with you. I’m going to be sixteen hours away from you and I need to know that you are safe while I can’t be here with you.”

I thought about my mom’s treatments and there was no way I wanted Miller to know and tell Roman but I would figure something out. I didn’t want him to worry while he was away. So I did what I thought was best and assured him that I would have Miller with me no matter where I went. He gave me another hug and a soft kiss and off he went to the airport. I went back inside to his bedroom to curl up with my kindle app and read.

Since I had worked it out with Helen to take Monday off for my mother’s first treatment, I didn’t need to worry about work; and with Roman’s offer to have me stay at the house, I figured since it was late that I’d stay put for the night. Miller could drive me back to the city in the morning and then I could shake him off my trail and drive over to Sacramento to get my mom in time for her appointment.

I settled in that night without a care. I had learned over the weekend that Roman’s house was like Fort Knox. There were cameras everywhere, Roman had made a point to show me where most of them were located so I wouldn’t be caught walking into any compromising situations. He didn’t want me deciding to walk around the house naked for all of his employees to see. While his bedroom wasn’t supplied with a camera there was a camera on the door and the hallway at all angles. Then there was one on the stairs, the dining room, and so many others I honestly lost track. Then there was Miller who stood guard most of the time at the front door. Several other men were walking the perimeter and monitoring the cameras. I started to drift off and that’s when my phone vibrated from a text message.

Roman: On the plane. Miss you like crazy already.

I tried to shake the sleep off and send him a quick reply.

Sleeping in your bed. It smells like you. I miss you.

I saw the three dots so I knew he was going to respond.

I’m so happy you stayed after I left. I want you to feel at home. I’ll text as soon as I land, beautiful.

I set the phone down and went to sleep with a smile on my face even though I was missing Roman’s arms wrapped around me.

I shot up in bed at the sound of knocking. I rubbed my eyes and took in my surroundings. Light was coming in from the windows and when I looked over for my phone it wasn’t there. I moved the covers around and found it under one of the pillows. The screen was blank and no text from Roman. There was more knocking on the door. “Who is it?”

“Ma’am, it’s Miller. If you want to make it on time this morning to work we need to be leaving soon due to traffic.”

Shit. I need to figure out something to say to Miller that’s going to let him ditch me for hours so I can get over to my mom’s house. “Miller, I’m not working today but I do need to get back so I’ll be ready to go in about 15 minutes.”

“I’ll have the car waiting ma’am.”

I pulled the covers back and jumped down from the high bed. I found my clothes and took a quick shower. I pulled my wet hair up into a bun and shoved my things into my bag, throwing it over my shoulder as I bounded out of the house. I could see Miller waiting and once I was outside he took the bag from my arm.

“Let me put that in the trunk for you.”

“It’s no trouble but ok. I feel like I say this a lot but I’ve got to go back and I can’t be late. I’ve got an appointment that can’t be missed.”

I slipped into the back seat of the car and looked at my phone, still no message from Roman but since his flight was going to be over 11 hours long, I shouldn’t be surprised. He probably hadn’t landed yet. The clock also told me that it was going to be tight getting to my mom’s. I needed to get Madison’s car from a garage down the street from the apartment and that usually took a few extra minutes depending on the attendant. I needed to make a decision and weigh the pros and cons quickly. I groaned at the thought of having to tell someone else about something I kept so private.

Miller got into the driver’s seat and met my eyes in the rearview mirror. “Where to ma’am?”

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. I was going to have to trust Miller and since I hadn’t been able to find the right time to tell Roman over the weekend about my mom, I didn’t want him to find out from Miller. “We’re going over to Sacramento this morning. We’ve got one stop and then it’s on to the hospital.”

Miller stopped the car at the gate that was slowly opening and turned fully around to look at me. “Are you alright ma’am?”

“I’m fine but before I tell you all my secrets, I need to know that you can keep this between you and me? Roman doesn’t know this and I won’t have him finding out from someone other than me. Do you get me?”

“Ma’am if you’re in danger then it’s my job to…”

I cut him off with my hand. “It’s not dangerous. My mom has cancer. She’s starting her second round of chemo today and I need to be with her. In fact there’s going to be several over the next few weeks and sometimes I might need a ride.”

Miller’s eyes turned soft and his lips turned down. “Ma’am it’ll be my honor to drive you to all of the appointments. I’m sorry to hear that about your mother. And it’ll be our secret until you’re ready to tell Mr. Devereaux.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it. So we need to shake a leg and get over there to pick her up and I’ll have to explain the fact that I’m in this car and with a driver.”

He lingered for a moment, looking like he was torn between saying more and keeping quiet due to the situation. Whatever it was he wanted to say it didn’t win out because he gave a sharp nod and turned around. The gate had fully opened so we drove through and started the drive back to Sacramento. My thoughts were scattered and since I had almost two hours to fill in the car, I set about taking care of things that I could from the car. I let my mom know I was on my way but didn’t break the news of my car and driver. I also got a hold of Madison who was surprisingly upbeat since they had received some good news that her dad should make a full recovery with physical therapy. She was going to spend another week in L.A. but then she would be back.

About an hour into the drive, my phone vibrated with a message from Roman. He had finally landed and cleared customs.

Miss you like crazy. Did you think of me this morning in our bed?

Whoa. Our bed? He must be sleep-deprived.

Did you get some sleep on the plane? Our bed? It’s your bed boo.

His reply came almost instantly.

It’s our bed, Ollie. No one has ever slept in it besides me and you. Only people who ever will. Counting down till I can get back there with you.

Hmm. That’s some new information. Now I wondered if my initial thoughts on that apartment being the place that he always took women were correct. I also wondered how long he had owned the house, I know he said he was young when he decorated it but how long had it been since he opened up to anyone to let them into their house? I couldn’t help but wonder since I was the only person to have slept there.”Miller, how long has Roman owned the house in Marin?”

Miller met my eyes in the mirror again before looking back to the road. “A few years ma’am.”

I blew out a long breath through my nostrils. “Please call me Olivia. Or even Ollie. Most of my friends call me Ollie but no one calls me Ma’am.”

He cleared his throat. “Ma’am, respectfully, I don’t think Mr. Devereaux would appreciate me calling you anything other than Ma’am or Miss Monroe.”

“Well good thing he’s not here. Miller, my name is Olivia or Ollie. You pick. And you let me worry about Mr. Devereaux. Okay?”

He chuckled, “Yes, Olivia.”

That’s more like it. Now it didn’t feel so formal between us. Now to just explain all of this to my mother.

When the car rolled up to the curb outside my mother’s house, she was waiting on the steps. My mother despised being late to anything and was perpetually ten minutes early everywhere she went so the fact that we were going to barely make it on time was not lost on her, nor I for that matter. When she realized it was me in the car she started towards the passenger door. I quickly opened the door and scooted over for her. Once she got seated and closed the door, I let Miller know we could go.

“Ollie dear, you should have saved your money. We didn’t need the fancy Uber for this trip but oh my, that eye candy driver.”

Oh lord, here goes nothing. “Mom. Oh my God. Stop talking. There’s something I need to tell you. This isn’t an Uber and our driver’s name is Miller.”

She gave me a confused look. “Is he your friend honey?”

“Sorta. He’s Roman Devereaux’s driver and security. But Miller isn’t what I need to talk to you about.”

“Ollie, spit it out, honey. What’s going on? Are you in trouble?”

My mother’s confusion was starting to spiral into worry and with today being what it was, I didn’t need to add to her burden. I just needed to confess. “Mom, I’m seeing Roman. We’ve been officially dating for almost two weeks now.”

She gasped but said nothing. I had to give Miller some credit, he was stoically staring straight ahead, pretending he couldn’t hear every word of this very awkward conversation for me to be having with a third party present.

Mom found her voice. “Olivia Michelle Monroe. You need to start talking and tell me everything. First of all, how old is that man? Isn’t he my age! And he’s your boss. Are you going to get fired? What if this ends badly? Oh Lord, did you even think before you jumped into this mess?”

It took everything I had to keep my sudden anger in check. “Mom, please try to remain calm. First of all—no, he is not your age. Yes, he’s older than me, yes he’s my boss but I’m not going to get fired. And maybe this will be my relationship that doesn’t end. Give me a little bit of credit Mom, of course I thought about it. I tried to avoid him but there was this magnetic pull. If it makes you feel better he feels the same way. He even asked me to go to Japan this week.”

My mom reached out and held my hand. “I just want you to be okay dear. I know how hard you worked to get where you are and I also don’t want to see you get your heart broken. Just try to keep your eyes wide open and not wear rose-colored glasses to see him through. I know that you won’t allow yourself to be pushed into anything you don’t want to do. I raised you better than that.”

Miller had pulled up to the treatment center’s curb. I tried to digest my mother’s words, settling down to deal with the next few hours. We got out of the car and walked hand in hand through the doors to the place that held our hopes and fears. A part of me wished Roman was here but that would have required me to tell him. One last deep sigh escaped my lips as I pushed it all aside in my mind to stay present for my mom.