Push by Sadie Rose


We didn’t wake up until late Saturday afternoon and when I woke up, I woke up to Roman’s head between my legs, his tongue sliding between my folds, licking long strokes up and down my clit. Now that was a way to wake up. I moaned and withered around on the bed. I twisted my fingers in his hair and hung on for the ride. I ground my hips into him harder and he sped up his pace. It didn’t take him long to get me to orgasm. My legs started to shake and my thighs clamped down on the sides of his head. He plunged his tongue inside me and kept it there as I rode out my high.

When I was done, he kissed my inner thighs and crawled up the bed. “Good Morning baby girl.”

“Mmm-hmm, that was a good morning.”

He kissed me and I could taste my arousal on his lips. I don’t know why but that turned me on so much that I deepened the kiss until we both pulled away gasping to catch our breath. When Roman’s breathing returned to normal, he sat up in the bed putting his backside against my headboard. He held out his hand for me to link mine in his. We sat like that for a few minutes and then finally he broke the silence.

“Do you have any plans today seeing as how you weren’t expecting me to be back early?”

I shook my head. “No, just random errands like the grocery store and laundry. Things you probably haven’t done in years.” My voice was teasing but the statement was more than likely true. I doubt he could even remember the last time he did laundry.

“Ha. Ha, very cute. So nothing you can’t move or postpone, correct?”

“Correct.” I didn’t know where he was going with this but I could already see his wheels spinning with some kind of plan. He had a look in his eyes that made me wonder what mischief he was up to.

He brought our intertwined hands up to his lips and softly kissed my knuckles. “Then it looks like we have an entire day that we can spend together and I plan to make the most of it since I haven’t seen you in a week. First up on today’s agenda, let’s go see if we can both fit in that tiny ass shower of yours.”

He helped me up off the bed and we walked to the bathroom. We soon discovered my bathroom and shower were, in fact, tiny. Roman’s strong arms and broad shoulders could barely squeeze into the shower. We had to leave the door slightly ajar which of course caused water to get all over the floor. It didn’t deter him. We made love in the shower nice and slow with the warm spray hitting our backs as he took me from behind.

We made it out of the shower and continued teasing each other under the disguise of helping each other dry off. We were completely wound up. This time instead of being slow and sensual we went hard and rough on the sink countertop. I loved every minute of it. No one had ever made me feel so sensual like Roman. He made me blush in all the right places. To think that I wasn’t going to give this a try a few weeks ago, made my chest instantly clench in a panic. He was real, we were real and I had to remind myself of that.

As I started to get ready, I realized I didn’t have a clue what Roman had in store for us. I threw on some white jeans and an off-the-shoulder pink crop top and some matching pink, canvas sneakers. Wherever we were headed, I was hoping it was casual. I sat down on the bed and waited for Roman. When he appeared a few minutes later he was dressed casually in jeans and a black button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows.

“I hope you don’t mind but my luggage is sitting in the middle of your living room.”

I smiled up at him from the bed. “I don’t mind and Madison won’t either.”

He reached his hand out to me to hold and helped me off the bed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked out of my bedroom. When we got to the living room, I noted his neatly stacked bags. I grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder. As we walked out of the apartment and I locked the door behind me I asked him, “Where are we doing this morning, or I should say almost afternoon.”

Roman took his arm off my waist and looked at his watch. “Brunch of course. I said I was going to occupy your entire day and I wasn’t kidding. I missed you a lot. I plan on spending every second of this weekend with you before we have to go back to work on Monday.”

Before my brain could even register the words coming out of my mouth I said, “Oh, I’m off Monday.”

“Really? You were off last week twice. I saw it on Helen’s calendar and you never mentioned it. I was surprised when I saw it. You hadn’t mentioned not being at work.”

Was he checking up on me? Was he having Helen give him reports on my work? She knew I was dating her boss. Everyone knew that now thanks to us going public and reporting our relationship to Human Resources. I didn’t know what to think with him looking at Helen’s calendar. “Were you checking up on me with Helen?”

“What? No. Not at all. I was looking at her calendar for a meeting that she mentioned and I just happened to see your time off requests on her calendar blocked off. That’s all.”

Oh. Okay. Well now I didn’t feel too paranoid but I was going to have to tell him the truth sooner or later about my mother and the fact that I had to sell the trip he gifted me. I absentmindedly stroked the bracelet on my wrist. Thinking of a way to tell him. Should I just rip the bandaid off right here in the hall outside of my apartment? No, I needed to be sitting down to tell him the sordid details of my financial woes and my mother’s health issues.

He would undoubtedly have questions and we couldn’t have that kind of conversation standing outside my front door. So I tried to push my thoughts aside and when the right time came up today I would tell him everything. I needed to change and skirt around my time off. “I’m starving. Let’s get to brunch. Do you have a place in mind?”

Roman tilted his head and looked at my face. I felt like his eyes could bore into my soul right now and he could see all of my thoughts and my feelings. I could tell he had more questions and that he was curious as to what I was doing in my time off from work. Thankfully, all he said next was, “Yeah, I know a really good place we can go and it’s not too far from our next activity for the day.”

“Perfect. Works for me.” And with that, we walked down the stairs and made our way to brunch.

At brunch Roman and I chatted about his time in Japan. It wasn’t the first time that he had been there for work but this time was the most draining due to the nature of the contract he was trying to secure. I knew from our texts and short conversations that he was working almost non-stop and with very little sleep in between. Negotiations hadn’t ended well and he explained that was one reason why he came home without the deal being complete.

He didn’t say it but I had a sneaking suspicion he came home early to spend time with me. He confirmed my thoughts when he said, “I’m never taking another long trip again without you coming with me. I missed you and wanted you sleeping beside me every night.”

“I missed you too. I’m glad you are back but does that mean you’ll have to go back again to finish the deal?”

He shook his head. “No, I’m sending my Chief Financial Officer—he can go sort out that mess. I just want it done. I think he’s heading there tomorrow to try to jump-start the talks again.”

Near the end of our meal, while we were waiting for the waitress to bring the check, Roman asked me the question I was dreaded but knew he would ask.

“Ollie baby, what are you doing tomorrow that you’re off work?”

It was such a lovely day and I didn’t know what we were doing next. I looked around the restaurant and while we were seated outside, we had people sitting at tables all around us. The last thing I wanted was someone overhearing me pour my heart out about my mom. Plus who knows if someone was taking our picture since we were seated outside. Last night was too fresh in my mind with someone selling my photo from the club and making up stories to go with it.

I appeased him for the moment—I told a half-truth. “I’m going to a doctor’s appointment. I know I won’t feel like coming back to the office after so I just took the whole day.”

He thought about my answer and simply shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head. “I can understand that.”

His understanding and his belief in everything I had just said almost made me cry with my lie of omission. I’m sure there were plenty of things I didn’t know about him but as far as I knew Roman had been completely honest with me since I came into his life. He shared everything with me and in all aspects of his life.

“Baby girl, did you hear anything I just said?” he said, smiling at me.

I shook my head to clear out my racing thoughts. “No, I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“I said, are you ready to go? I’ve got great things planned next.”

I smiled and nodded; we walked out the small gate the restaurant used to separate the seating area from the sidewalk. I didn’t immediately see Miller with the car so I asked Roman if we were walking to our destination.

“Yes, we are. It’s not far, only a few blocks and I see you have walking shoes.”

“Hey, these shoes are stylish and fun and comfortable.”

He laughed and pulled his arm around my waist. “Baby girl, I wasn’t making fun of your shoes. I think you’re sexy in anything. Those legs in those sneakers almost have me taking you home and showing you how much always turn me on.”

I raised my eyebrow and smiled. “Maybe we’ll do that after this mysterious excursion.”

We walked a few more blocks and came upon the Botanical Gardens. I had never been inside, but I had heard great things about the grounds. When Roman stopped outside the entrance and took both my hands into his, my breath caught at the emotions on his face.

“Ollie, this place is very special to me. Before my life became what it is now, I grew up without a lot of luxuries and my mother needed to occupy my time as best she could for free. She would bring me here to run around and burn off energy. She would walk around with me for about an hour when we would first get here and teach me about all the flowers. I try to come here as often as I can but it’s been a long time since my last visit. I wanted to share this part of my life with you. I’ve never told anyone about my connection to this place.”

Before I could stop it a tear rolled down my cheek. Roman reached up and swept it off with his thumb. I looked up into his eyes and his face was raw with emotion. He was sharing a part of him that no one else knew about. It made my heart palpitate. Right there at that moment, my feelings for him grew even deeper. I never wanted this to end. I wanted every drop of himself he wanted to give me and I needed to give him every piece of me. I reached up on my tiptoes and he bent down to meet my lips. Our kiss was soft and loving and I tried to tell him with that kiss that I was falling in love with him.

We entered the gardens and spent the next few hours walking around. He pointed out flowers to me that I didn’t know and shared memories of his mom. When we came upon them, I pointed out my favorites like the peonies and succulents. I could have walked around forever with him but as the end of the day grew closer we made our way back to the entrance. As we started to leave, Roman grabbed both my hands in his and pulled me close.

“Ollie,” he paused, “You mean more to me than anything and there isn’t one thing I wouldn’t do for you.” He kissed my hands and we walked out of the gardens. Miller was waiting outside the entrance with the car door open and as we slid into the seat, I thought about what he had said to me. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. I knew I should have been elated but all I could think about was the fact that Raymond’s friend Kenneth was probably on my trip right now. The trip that I sold without telling Roman and that I used for cash.

Roman looked over at me. “What is it, baby girl? What’s the matter?”

I shook my head and smiled at him. “Just thinking. I had a really great time here. I’m glad you shared this with me.”

He snaked his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. Like it pained him to not be touching me at all times. My entire right side pressed against him. “Well wait till I share even more of myself with you once we get back to your apartment,” he said in my ear, chuckling. We sat in comfortable silence the rest of the way and when we got home he made good on what he said in the car. And he made good on more of that promise the next day too.

I never found the right time to tell him. And for that, I would always regret it.