Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Twelve


“Huh. That’s weird.” Reggie watched as his beloved disappeared outside with Balthazar, before making his way back to their booth. He didn’t have a clue what ‘demon business’ meant, but he trusted Dirkin would tell him all about it when he got back. Ooh, maybe he’ll take me to the Underworld so I can see where he used to live… or does live… hmm. Will he even want to live full time on Earth with me?

Sliding into the seat, Reggie picked up his water, swirling the bottle around as he wondered what the Underworld would look like. He assumed Dirkin had a house, well before he’d been banished to the shadows, and his beloved had said something about ruling legions when they met. Pulling out his phone, Reggie clicked on the paranormal search engine, typing in the words “Underworld princes under Balthazar”.

The paranormal version of Google (ParaGool) was good in one respect in that it didn’t provide any information on the various weaknesses all paranormals had in one way or the other. When it came to demons, their only weakness was that they could be summoned, and when under a summons could be forced to commit illegal acts. Consequently, none of the information about demons included their real names.

Reggie noticed an article about the role of Balthazar, one of the few demons who were named, purely because it was difficult to hide the son of Lucifer himself. Clicking into it, he was just about to start reading when someone rapped hard on his table. Looking up, Reggie put his phone away. It was Fox and he didn’t look happy, and neither did the four acquaintances he had guarding him. He didn’t recognize any of the four vampires which was unusual.

“You’ve gone too far this time, Reggie.”

Yep, Fox was in a mood, and throwing his power around like it meant something. Usually, Fox’s power made Reggie feel on edge, but this time he was aware of it a bit like a person would notice a mosquito.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Reggie said calmly. “I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“You let that demon take you.” Fox showed his fangs. “You let him bite you, dirty you up, and fucking claim you, even after I told you not to.”

Reggie ran his fingers through the top part of his hair, wondering how to reason with his friend. “I’m not sure what you want me to say,” he said, keeping his voice low. The music was loud, but Fox had excellent hearing. “I told you Dirkin was my beloved. They’re sacred in our world. Of course, I was going to claim him the first moment I could, just as he wanted to claim me. I don’t understand why you’re upset about it. It was only two days ago you wanted me to bond with your cousin. What’s going on here, Fox?”

“What’s going on?” Fox raised his voice, spreading his arms wide. He always loved to perform for an audience and a crowd was gathering. The DJ had lowered the music, probably in deference to Fox’s position. “Are you that thick? You disobeyed a direct order from me, that’s what’s going on. I told you, I made it plain I would not condone you bonding with a scumbag demon.”

“Now hang on just a minute.” Reggie stood up, his fists resting on the table. “You can be pissed off at me, but you don’t insult my beloved – I don’t give a shit who you are.” The guards Fox brought with him all took a step backwards as if they’d just worked out how big he was.

“A vampire can spend hundreds of years waiting to find their beloved,” Reggie continued. “You know, as well as I do, that when that person is found, there can be no other. Within an hour of meeting my beloved, other blood types would’ve tasted like shit and within a week, I wouldn’t be able to take blood from any source except my beloved. You’re the leader here, you tell me what I was meant to do.”

“If you’d have bonded with Donny the way you were supposed to, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“Seriously, Fox? How can you of all people say that? I would’ve still met Dirkin, and you know why I would’ve still met him. A bond with that cat shifter would’ve been broken within two days. What is wrong with you?”

“With me?” Fox sneered, showing off his fangs. “You disobeyed my orders and there are consequences for that. I’m banishing you. You and your low-life demon have got two hours to get the hell out of town.”

“Hey, Fox.” Reggie saw Kyle come up. “What gives man? Why’re you ragging on Reggie?”

“None of your business.” Fox barely gave Kyle a glance. “This is all your fucking fault, anyway, getting Reggie plastered on your fucking home brew.”

“Good party.” Kyle gave Reggie a thumbs up.

“He got claimed by a fucking demon,” Fox yelled.

“You found your beloved, man?” Two thumbs up. “Where is he?”

Actually, Reggie was wondering that too. “Look,” he said moving around the table, “I’ve got things to do. Give me a call when you’ve calmed down…”

“Didn’t you hear me. I’m banishing you.”

“No, you’re not.” Reggie edged past and got free of the table. “You’re pissed off, probably because some uncle three times removed or something equally stupid is insisting on your finding a mate for your slutty cousin, and you failed at double crossing my previous coven leader, so yeah, things didn’t go your way. But if you think I’m leaving my home, and job, just because you’ve got some psycho bee in your bonnet…”

Reggie winced as Fox grabbed his arm, the pressure in his brain letting him know Fox was trying to compel him. “You will leave that demon. You belong to me.”

“I don’t know what you’ve been smoking, Fox, but you’d better let go of my arm.” Reggie shook his head to clear Fox’s efforts, and his arm, to get rid of the smaller vamp’s claws. “I suggest you get yourself home and sleep it off. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

“Submit!” Fox’s fingers snatched at his shirt, ripping it. “I’m the Coven Leader here. You submit to me.”

Reggie’s whole body cringed as Fox pressed against his side, his claws wrecking more of his shirt – his head feeling as though it was being squeezed in a vice. Worse, Fox was hard, his cock rubbing on Reggie’s thigh.

“Get off me!” Reggie didn’t even think. He grabbed Fox by the shoulders and threw him across the floor. Two tables crashed over, glasses smashing, and Fox roaring like a wounded bull. But the vampire was demented, springing to his feet as soon as he landed, blurring back with incredible speed.

Reggie was no slouch. He’d gone through enforcer training for three years before he went to college. Fox leapt at him, reaching for his neck, his face twisted in rage. Reaching behind him, Reggie grabbed the booth table with both hands, swinging it around, collecting Fox in the gut and sending him flying.

Fox kept coming back and as Reggie fended him off there was a part of him that was breaking inside. Fox wasn’t a warm and cuddly type, and his put downs often hurt, but Reggie had considered him a friend. Currently, Reggie wasn’t sure if Fox was trying to kill him or hump him, but he didn’t want either. I just want him to stop.


Dirkin stood at the edge of the crowd that’d gathered watching two blurs as the vampires fought. It was clear Reggie was holding his own, but Dirkin’s protective juices were boiling. “Is this a challenge fight?” he asked a blonde who was trying to capture the action on her phone. Her shrug wasn’t helpful. Scanning the crowd, Dirkin saw someone he did know, on sight anyway, and taking care not to interfere with the fight he pushed his way to Kyle’s side. “Did Reggie challenge Fox?”

“Hey what?” Slow eyes looked him up and down. “Oi, you’re a demon fella – are you Reggie’s?”

“Yes, name’s Dirkin, and you’re Kyle, Reggie’s friend. What’s going on? Did Reggie challenge Fox?”

“Not that I heard.” Kyle looked back at the fighting pair as Fox went smashing into a booth. “Fox is going apeshit man – he’s like got this weird obsessive vibe going on with your Reggie. God knows why because he never had it before. I did hear them earlier and tried to intervene. Fox being all ‘you’re banished, and you have to submit to me’ and Reggie’s like being all laid back like he’s telling him to go sleep off whatever he’s smoking. Then this happened.”

This being Fox clinging to one of Reggie’s arms like a limpet, howling with rage and trying to snap at his neck with his fangs, while Reggie was trying to disengage Fox’s claws from his biceps. Streaks of blood dripped down Reggie’s torn shirt, and that was enough for Dirkin.

“Definitely not a challenge?” He checked with Kyle one last time. The thing was, if Reggie had challenged Fox, then Dirkin absolutely could not interfere, or Reggie would lose by forfeit.

“Not a challenge, man. Just Fox losing his mind because Reggie lost his v-card to someone else, I reckon.”

Which doesn’t make sense at all. Dirkin spotted Balthazar, and held up his hands, his fingers making a circular shape. Balthazar nodded and they both translocated, hands clasped on either side of Reggie and Fox who were still fighting.

“And we’re out of here,” Dirkin said grimly. Reggie was a mess and Fox wasn’t much better. The tell-tale tingle of translocation hit him, and the club noise disappeared. When Dirkin scented the familiar smells of his old living room, he relaxed, dropping Balthazar’s hands. Plucking Fox off Reggie, and damn if that tiny vamp wasn’t humping Reggie’s leg again, Dirkin thrust him at Balthazar. “Hold this one. I’ve got to check my mate.”

“Dirkin…” Reggie was panting hard. His hair was all over the place, but Dirkin was more worried about the scratches on his face, and the blood oozing from different spots around his arms and down his torso.

“You need to feed.” He ripped his shirt down the middle, buttons pinging everywhere. Pulling Reggie close, he tilted his head to one side, making sure all his hair was falling on the other side.

“I was handling things,” Reggie insisted, his harsh breath skating across Dirkin’s neck.

“You were. I get that. But you’re bleeding.”

“I didn’t want to hurt him. I just wanted him to stop.”

Dirkin rolled his eyes, twisting his head around so he could meet his mate’s eyes. “Stop what? Killing you or fucking you because from what I saw, he couldn’t make up his fucking mind. Now, are you going to feed from me? Only my neck is getting a crick in it.”

“I didn’t want you thinking I couldn’t handle myself.” Reggie’s voice had dropped to a sexy growl, his breath more concentrated on Dirkin’s neck, meaning his mouth was a lot closer.

Dirkin opened his mouth to answer, but then he felt the slight pinch as Reggie slid his fangs into his neck. It was like a shot of electricity – that little nip sending a direct tingle down to his cock, tightening his balls. The careful suck… Oh Lucifer’s stars, it’s like he’s sucking the head of my dick.

It was automatic and Dirkin blamed Reggie entirely. He could hardly be blamed for tightening his grip on his mate while he was feeding, and if his hips were rocking, then it was all Reggie’s fault. The man’s body was so solid, giving Dirkin plenty to rub against and with the rhythm of the sucking…

A predatory hiss, the sound of a harsh slap and Balthazar’s aggrieved “ow”, totally ruined the mood. Reggie tensed, and his fangs gave a gentle pull on Dirkin’s neck as they were removed. An equally gentle lick and Dirkin knew their interlude was over. I’m going to kill that fucking Fox.