Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Twenty

Italy was sunny – Dirkin didn’t expect anything else. The cliff the vampire royal family estate sat on lent itself to a beautiful view of Portofino with quaint shops, golden sands, and the incredible deep blue Ligurian Sea Dirkin could imagine himself swimming in. The mansion itself, and it truly couldn’t be called anything else, gleamed white from every corner and the gardens were immaculately detailed. Someone had been looking after the place.

“Surprised to see there’re no guards,” Balthazar said, looking around as they wandered through the gates. “You’d think somewhere like this would be teeming with them.”

“Maybe they have dogs?” Reggie suggested. Dirkin thought he looked so smart in his sharply tailored suit, with his polished boots and his hair tied back with a leather strap. Smart, sharp, and every inch a royal vampire.

“It’s hot here,” Kyle complained tugging at the collar of his own shirt. “I thought the Underworld would be hot, but this place beats it hands down. What’s the bet everyone’s around the pool. This place would have to have a pool, surely.”

“We’ll try the front door first,” Dirkin cautioned. “If we get no answer, we’ll try around the back.”

There was no answer from Dirkin’s loud knock, but there was a helpful pathway leading from the front steps around the side of the house. As they followed the path around, flanked by a dozen of the fittest demon guards Balthazar could find, it was obvious something was going on around the back of the house. Someone was playing what sounded like dance music, and the sounds of people having fun got louder the closer they got.

Rounding the second corner, it was like a scene from a summer break movie. It was easy to tell who were vampire and who were “others” due to variations in skin tone and there was a lot of skin on show. The pale vamps were all shaded by huge umbrellas dressed in little more than speedos and string bikinis while various other people, men and women alike, were braving the sun and Olympic sized swimming pool showing off their deep tans. There was a pile of foods spread on large tables in the shade of the house and there was even a band.

“Oi! Who’s in charge here?”

Balthazar’s yell was like flipping a switch – dead silence and then a blur of movement as vamps herded their blood sources into a group, standing in front of them.

“Demons.” The lead vampire, who looked a lot older than his companions, hissed. “What brings you to our doors?” Polite, with a hint of “watch yourself.”

Reggie, who’d been standing silently surrounded by demons, pushed forward. Dirkin quickly waved his hand, sending Reggie the gift of translation. His mate probably had it already, but Dirkin didn’t want to take the chance.

“These demons are with me, and they’re my friends. I’m Reginald Forsyth… that is Forsyth-Willis. Is it you I have to thank for taking such good care of my parents’ estate?”

“Little Reggie?” The older vamp’s eyes widened in shock. “Our baby’s come home? Blessed mother, you’ve grown. Oh, my gods, how you’ve grown. Last I saw you…” he indicated a small baby in arms. “You have… you look just like our Stephano. Oh, my gods. Oh, my gods. Everyone, our prince has come home! Oh, Reggie.”

There were tears in the old man’s eyes as he stumbled forward, wrapping his arms around Reggie as if he couldn’t bear to let go. The other vampires came forward, surrounding him, touching his hair, hugging his arms, stroking his face as if they couldn’t believe Reggie was real.

Looking over their heads at Balthazar, Dirkin shrugged. From the hugging and carrying on, it was going to be a while before they were going to be introduced. And just this once, Dirkin was going to restrain his urge to tear the hands off everyone that touched his mate. It was clear from the look on Reggie’s face, he’d finally found his people.


“You do realize I’ll probably never look that regal,” Reggie said as he gazed up at the larger-than-life painting of his parents. Stephano was wearing a deep blue robe with a large crown, while Seraphina was dressed in a white crystal gown, her hair swept up in an elaborate do complete with a gorgeous tiara that held a large diamond in the center of it. It was almost surreal – these are my parents.

The painting was hung on the wall of the first landing of an amazing sweeping staircase. After the exceedingly warm welcome he’d received, he and Dirkin had left Balthazar, Kyle and the guards gorging themselves around the pool. He’d accepted the offer of a guided tour from the older vampire, Lorenzo, who’d been first to greet him. Reggie waved at the painting. “I’m more of a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy.”

Lorenzo laughed. “Your sweet mother raged at Stephano for a whole week before he would pose for this painting. He did not want to wear the robes, was determined it wasn’t necessary. But your mother wanted a reason to wear her tiara and an elegant gown, and she wasn’t going to let Stephano get out of it. He was always more comfortable in what he called his working clothes. This was painted not long before she knew she was expecting you,” he added with a smile. “She swore it was why the artist included the twinkle in her eye.”

“It’s a beautiful likeness,” Dirkin agreed, standing close to his side. “I can definitely see their resemblance to you, my mate.”

“Mate, demon? This man is your beloved?” Lorenzo seemed surprised.

Reggie frowned and reached for Dirkin’s hand. “Yes. I’m sure I mentioned it when I introduced him. Lucifer’s son, Balthazar, has just claimed my friend Kyle, the other vampire who came with me, and Dirkin is my beloved. We haven’t been claimed very long, but our bonding is complete in every way. Is that going to be a problem? Please don’t tell me you have some ridiculous succession laws that says I can’t rule my parents’ vampires unless I am mated to a woman and have an heir, because that’s never going to happen.”

“No, it’s not a problem to me. In fact, it might work in your favor. Hmm…” Lorenzo stroked his chin. “Has anyone told you why your parents were killed in that horribly cowardly way so many years ago?”

Reggie shook his head. “I assumed it was political. The Italian vampires are the only ones ruled by a family rather than elected Coven Masters which seem to be the norm every where else.”

“There are some other royals in a few of the smaller countries around Europe, Africa, and some provinces in Asia,” Lorenzo said thoughtfully. “Europeans especially love their royal families.”

“What does Reggie mating with me have to do with his parents’ deaths?” Dirkin growled.

But Lorenzo didn’t seem fazed by Dirkin’s protective behavior – if anything it made him smile. “Come on through to your mother’s private sitting room,” he said waving an arm at the closest door. “It appears whoever raised you hoarded the information that could’ve been useful to you before coming home.”

“Hoard is an interesting word,” Reggie said. He hadn’t let go of Dirkin’s hand, but he couldn’t read any malice coming from the older vampire. “I will confess I don’t know anything about my natural family, something I’d hoped by coming here I could change.”

Stepping into his mother’s old room, Reggie felt a pang for all he’d lost. The room was bright and sunny, with huge curtains pulled back from the windows letting in the maximum amount of light. The marble on the floor was done in gold, but it was muted rather than gaudy. The room just held a small writing desk with matching chair, and a large, deep couch. The pale lemon walls were broken up by dark wood shelves and a small bookcase, but it wasn’t cluttered. Reggie breathed in deeply, wishing he could remember his mother’s scent at least. Dirkin hugged him, and his scent definitely helped.

“The first thing you have to know,” Lorenzo started once Reggie and Dirkin were seated on the couch, and he’d taken the chair at the desk, “is that everyone, and I mean everyone loved your mother and father. Vamps, other paranormals, humans… you name it. They might have been wary of Stephano at first, as he took his responsibilities seriously and could come across as intimidating, but the moment anyone saw Seraphina they were immediately put at ease. She had that knack about her – the ability to see good in people and her smile could brighten any mood.”

“Were my parents beloveds?” Reggie frowned. “I didn’t think that was possible for two vampires.”

“No. No, they weren’t.” Lorenzo shook his head. “But if you saw the two of them together, you’d never know they weren’t. They refused to have sex with any of their donors, always took blood from the wrist and always insisted on being together when it happened. Stephano was so worried about losing the love of his life he made sure no one could ever suggest that he’d strayed on her, and she was just as devoted.”

“But what if…?” Reggie glanced at Dirkin, worried he was going to put his foot in it. Dirkin’s small nod and the approval in his eyes helped Reggie ask, “if either one of them found their beloved, what would’ve happened then?”

“A number of the heads of some of the more important families around asked the same question. They strongly objected to the union at first.” Lorenzo seemed lost in his memories. “Stephano was furious at them. He loved Seraphina with everything he was, and he didn’t want to give her up. But as I’ve mentioned before, he also took his responsibilities seriously.”

“No one can ever predict when they might meet a beloved or mate,” Dirkin noted calmly. “You can understand his people’s concern.”

“As a rule, I’d agree with you.” Lorenzo nodded. “But Stephano heard of an oracle in Rome and paid her a visit. Apparently, and you must understand he went alone so we only have his word for it, the oracle told him that if he took Seraphina as his wife and queen, they would ensure the line of succession, and they would be together until death, but that their lives would be shortened because of it.”

“They died because they had me?” Reggie’s hand flew over his mouth, his stomach churning and the lump in his throat threatening to come out. “Oh, my gods no…”