Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Twenty-One

Pulling Reggie into his chest, Dirkin glared at the concerned looking vampire. “What possible value can you get out of telling Reggie this shit, and on his first day here?”

“It’s crucial to the story.” Lorenzo twisted his hands together. “I didn’t mean to upset him.”

“My beloved mate hasn’t had anyone in his corner his entire life. The vamp who raised him planned to use him in ways you don’t even want to think about, and when Reggie transitioned, he was discarded purely and simply because of his size. Later, he was betrayed by the one vamp he thought he could depend on and now you’re shitting on him too. Why do you think there’s only one vampire in our party? At least he hasn’t met a demon who’s shit on him yet. You’d better make this right,” Dirkin pointed his finger at Lorenzo. “You’d better make this right or I’ll whisk him away from here and you’ll never see him again. You have my word on it.”

“You have no idea what it means to us all to have him here,” Lorenzo said quietly, looking down at his hands. “Our king wasn’t stupid. He never kept what the Oracle said from his court or Seraphina. But you see, they truly were in love, a love as pure as any mated couple could hope to find and eventually the family heads agreed to their union. It was Seraphina’s doing in the end – she stood up as proud as you like and said if she could have just ten minutes in Stephano’s arms, she’d die happy. Her passion and Stephano’s response that he felt the same way was enough to sway the meeting.”

Dirkin’s mind flicked to the bigger picture, slotting the new information into their places. “The trip. I could never understand why a vampire family, with a new baby, would travel overseas. It would be a logistical and security nightmare.”

“It was, and after I heard about their deaths, I often wondered if Seraphina had a spot of the sight. She called for volunteers to travel with them, rather than appointing her own personnel, or Stephano’s.”

“She knew there was danger around them and wanted to lure it away from the court itself.”

“You have to understand if the couple had died here in Italy, or anywhere in Europe for that matter, it would’ve caused an international incident of epic proportions. The Italian vampires would’ve gone to war. It wouldn’t have mattered that the killers were from here… they wouldn’t have cared if it was the Oracle’s prophecy coming to fruition. The mood here, when we got word of their deaths was chaotic to put it mildly. After they investigated to make sure there was no liability for the deaths being held by any of the covens in the States, the Coven Masters in the US forbade any Italian vampire from hitting their shores, to stop any wars from starting. It was then we were informed that our young prince would be raised in the US to ensure no retribution to any American vampire, until he came of age.”

Oh, Lucifer, what a tangled web you wove with my young mate. Dirkin nodded.

“To have him home, and with his beloved by his side, can you see how that is such good news for the vampires here?”

“How can you accept me when you know my very existence killed your loved king and queen?” Reggie lifted his head, his face streaked with tears.

“My prince,” Lorenzo leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “Please believe me. It was never my intention to upset you in any way, or to imply your birth was the catalyst for your parents’ deaths. That was not the case. The Oracle told Stephano that his time with Seraphina would have to be limited because they both had beloved’s they hadn’t met yet, walking the world alone. The Fates would grant the pair one life together because they loved each other so deeply. But only through death would they end up with the loves they were intended for.

“They both knew and accepted that risk for the chance to have you. Their death wasn’t a punishment, and your birth wasn’t a curse. Their love, I just wish you could’ve seen it – it was tangible, and you are the result of that love. And now, unlike other vampires who are simply very long lived, you’re immortal thanks to you claiming your demon. The stability this will bring to your people is incredible.”

Reggie was quiet, probably processing what Lorenzo had told him, and thinking about the letter Seraphina had left for him. Dirkin thought about her too, and the love she had for her husband – the one she would and did die for. But there was still one thing that didn’t make sense.

“What motive did the person or persons who killed Stephano and Seraphina have if they were as loved as you claimed they were? It was Italian vampires that killed them, am I right?”

“To our shame it was.” Lorenzo nodded, his lips pursed. “The thing is, there are bad apples I think you call it, in every bunch. Someone in a rather prominent family here offered to marry Seraphina when Stephano explained what the Oracle had said. The degenerate claimed it was to protect the monarchy, but Seraphina refused him outright, making it clear that if she and Stephano couldn’t wed because of his responsibilities she wouldn’t partner with anyone at all. The bastard did not take the rejection well and it is learned over time, his obsession with her grew worse.”

“Are there any family members related to the killers in this court?” Reggie asked, his body tense.

“The immediate adult family line was obliterated, the extended family along with two children were spared and sent to England with firm instructions never to set foot outside of Britain again.” Lorenzo shrugged. “We had to diffuse the tension here somehow, but we’re not monsters. They, the banished family, were horrified with what one person with their name had done and went willingly. I believe they found it difficult to live with the shame. They refused help to join another coven and still live quietly, almost as recluses, on a small remote estate somewhere in Yorkshire.”

Reggie sunk back against Dirkin’s chest. “I appreciate you telling me all this. One of my biggest regrets was that my parents died too young for me to have memories of them. But I can tell, just being here, and the way you all welcomed me, that this is my home – me and my beloved’s. But if you don’t mind, it’s been an emotional day. I’m sure I have responsibilities, but if you could show us to a room we could use and see to my friends…”

Lorenzo stood and bowed. “You are home now, my prince. We’ll take care of everything.”

And what you can’t do, I fucking can and will do. Dirkin would decide just how friendly Reggie’s coven was in his own time. In the meantime, spending some time alone with his mate was never a hardship.