Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Seven

As smoke, Dirkin hadn’t been able to sleep – it wasn’t as though he needed to do it when he had no substance or a need to heal. And demons didn’t require as much sleep as many of their paranormal friends. But after making love to his new mate many times through the night, Dirkin found himself falling asleep as the first rays of the sun started peeking over the horizon, confident he’d at least partially made up for all he’d missed in the previous ten years. Reggie was definitely worth enduring his punishment.

But because he was demon born, Dirkin had a constant eye on life’s bigger picture, and when he woke later that afternoon, curled around his mate as though the hunky vampire was a hot water bottle, he knew the first few days of his mating were going to be difficult – for Reggie at least. Dirkin had centuries on his young mate. Dealing with vampires who thought their shit didn’t stink wasn’t a problem for him, and Bevan and to a lesser degree that annoying Fox, could easily be handled with a wave of his hand and a spot of malicious intent.

Perhaps not so much with Reggie around, though, Dirkin mused as he slid his hand down Reggie’s hard thigh. He didn’t think he’d get tired of touching Reggie anytime soon. Recalling what had happened before the claiming, Dirkin wondered about the sneaky cat shifter’s comments. If my dear mate is supposed to be vampire leader for this pokey place that could make life interesting.

Dirkin was aware that vampires were obsessed about hierarchy. There were coven leaders that led specific covens like the one Reggie was raised in, run by Bevan. Vampire leaders, which is what Fox purported to be, were considered the ranking vampire in a specific geographical area where there wasn’t a coven. Then there were the Coven Masters who were the head governing unit for all vampires on a particular landmass like the Americas. The American Coven Masters were based in some secret mountain hideaway somewhere in Montana and a more stuck-up bunch of assholes I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting.

How could they possibly know about my Reggie? Vampires didn’t have any magical powers, seer gifts, or anything else mystical in their blood-drinking lives. They were long lived, never seemed to tan, and required blood to survive – that was it. The town where Reggie lived wasn’t a major metropolis, probably no more than fifty thousand population at most. Hmm… Dirkin tapped his fingers on Reggie’s leg. Something wasn’t adding up.

Reggie stretched and moaned. “Oh, my gods,” he said with a yawn, “I finally understand what the expression ridden hard and put away wet actually means.”

“Is that a good thing, my precious?” Dirkin smiled at his new mate. Reggie rumpled with sleep, his hair a mess over the pillowcases, sent a warmth through Dirkin he’d never felt with previous partners. “I imagine you’ve worked up quite an appetite?”

“Hmm, I could definitely eat.” Reggie’s rolled so they were chest to chest. “I should probably think about getting up and going to work, I guess. Although…” Dirkin pressed into the hand Reggie had rested over his nipple. “I did work the extra shift yesterday and it was my birthday, so I have a pretty good excuse for skipping tonight.”

Dirkin wasn’t sure Reggie would ever be working at the club again, at least not until they’d had sorted out the little matter of Fox, fucking Bevan, and some of the life plans he’d been dreaming of while floating around.

“How about I take you out?” he suggested, catching Reggie’s hand before his cock took over the conversation. “I gotta admit. I want people to know you’re with me. Remember, I’ve seen how popular you are in this town, and I have this need to stake my claim on you in public.” Dirkin smiled to take any harshness out of his words. He didn’t want to come across as too much of a neanderthal, but he was also serious. The sooner people realized he was Reggie’s mate, the sooner the crackpots would come out of the woodwork, and he could deal with them.

The look Reggie gave him was quizzical. “I help people out and I work at a popular club. People wouldn’t know me at all otherwise. You’ve already seen how my so-called friends treat me – like I’m a brain-dead useless idiot because I kept my virginity for a guy I’d never met.”

“Hmm.” Dirkin slid his hand around Reggie’s back. “You kept it for me, and I for one, am not complaining.”

Reggie ducked his head. “I’m not either. Like you said, it was worth the wait. I doubt that little Donny could’ve ridden me like you did.”

Dirkin tensed, his teeth grinding, taking a breath or two before he felt he could speak. “We won’t talk about the slutty cat while we’re in bed together, okay, sweetness,” he said, barely managing to get his words out his mouth. “And, there’s a good chance that cat wanted you to ride him, not the other way around.” I’ve seen his type before. I’ve probably fucked a hundred of them. Power crazy kittens.

“Why’s that?” Reggie was wearing his puzzled look again and Dirkin brushed a kiss over his brow line. “Why would Donny want me to do him? Fox quite often picks bigger guys for his hook ups and he’s always the one… you know… who does the fucking.”

“Being a top or bottom isn’t just about physical size, precious.” Dirkin thought about how best to explain. “With men, there’s a whole lot of things that go into that decision. For some it’s personal preference, a lot of guys are versatile so they will top or bottom depending on their partner. With paranormals like us, there’s also power levels and position to consider, age, experience, and then of course, there’re men who don’t like anal sex at all and there’s nothing wrong with that either. Being a demon means it’s easy for us because I can take care of any messy bits.”

Reggie’s face flushed bright red. “Are you versatile? Is there a chance I can top you one day soon?”

Dirkin grinned, his earlier anger forgotten. My mate is so cute. “Yes, precious, I can be versatile for you. Perhaps after we’ve gone out and had something to eat?” He wiggled his eyebrows and Reggie laughed which is what he intended.

“I still can’t believe you’re mine,” Reggie admitted in a low voice. “Seems kinda surreal if I’m honest. I used to spend more time than I should have wondering who was sending me my cards and gifts, but I couldn’t dream up someone like you.”

“A demon?” Dirkin teased. He was well aware of how he appeared to others.

“Not the demon part, no.” Reggie wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Someone who never forgot about me over ten years. Someone who’s caring and sexy, and handsome, and sexy and who’s really decent inside, you know.”

Dirkin was touched. He’d watched Reggie for those ten years – it hadn’t taken that long to realize how loveable his big vampire was. But for Reggie not only was their relationship completely new, but Reggie was new to relationships too. “Thank you,” he said, lowering his voice and cupping the side of Reggie’s face with both hands. “Not many people think that about me. But, did you notice, you mentioned sexy twice.”

“With your amount of sexiness, it was worth mentioning twice.” Reggie leaned in, and Dirkin took the kiss offered. He’d always believed actions spoke louder than words.


Where the heck did I leave my phone? Dirkin was in the bathroom, after warning Reggie he might be a while. Already showered, Reggie got dressed and then picked up his dirty clothes from the floor, patting his pockets, looking for his phone and wallet. The wallet was easily found, and Reggie slipped it into the pocket of the pants he was wearing, but his phone wasn’t in the opposite pocket.

Throwing the clothes into the hamper, Reggie left the bedroom and headed down the hallway, smirking as he straightened a few pictures as he went. Dirkin had shown him the definition of want – Reggie hadn’t ever felt anything like it - and just thinking about it had his cock tingling as if hoping they could do it again.

Later. Reggie patted his crotch area. His inner thighs were aching, there was a definite twinge in his ass, and he might have been rocking a cowboy walk as he went down the hall, but nothing was going to dent his good mood. He was clearly bitten – claimed - and nothing would take away the quiet buzz of the connection he could feel with his beloved in the back of his head.

I didn’t drop my phone on the floor. Reggie scanned the floor from the end of the hallway to the front door, and he couldn’t see it. Wandering around to his small kitchen space, he double blinked. His phone was sitting on its charger on the counter next to his coffee machine which was also turned on. Who knew a demon could be such a sweetheart.

Taking out two mugs from the overhead cupboard, Reggie poured himself a cup, leaving the other one on the counter. Holding the mug in one hand and taking a sip, Reggie picked up the phone with the other, almost dropping it as it started to ring.


Can’t keep avoiding him forever. Inhaling sharply, Reggie swiped to accept the call. “Good morning, sir,” he said, keeping his tone respectful. “Did you call to wish me happy birthday, or to congratulate me on claiming my fated mate?”

There was a long silence and then Bevan’s gruff voice said, “The demon found you then?”

“Apparently, Dirkin never left me, sir.” Reggie took another sip of coffee. “Unlike others I could mention, he wanted to be around me, and he stayed with me, keeping an eye on me from the shadows from the day he first saw me, ten years ago.”

“Don’t forget who you’re speaking to, whelp,” Bevan snarled.

“I’m haven’t forgotten, sir. I’m speaking to my ex-coven leader, the man who kept the knowledge of my beloved from me for ten years. The man who broke the law, summoned Dirkin’s boss to keep him tied to the shadows for ten years and one day.” Reggie lowered his voice. “The man who tried to restrict my blood intake the day I transitioned so I’d stay the weak skinny little runt I was back then.”

“You’ve got no idea what you’re talking about. You always did listen to foolish nonsense, even as a kid. Did that demon tell you what he wanted to do? Everything I did was saving you.”

Leaning back on the counter, Reggie said calmly, “Dirkin told me he was rude, cocky, and arrogant towards you. That he told you he wanted to take me away and protect me and you wouldn’t let him. He also told me I was naked during my transition…”

“Which is perfectly normal.”

“And that you were stroking my whole body, trying to dissuade me from having any more blood, even though there was plenty available. When I started to change, and got a lot bigger than your preferred type, you stormed out of the room, and then the man I considered my father in all but name ignored me completely from that day forward until I asked you to sign the papers so I could go to college.”

“I see the demon has managed to turn you against me already.” Bevan sounded bitter and Reggie couldn’t work out why.

“You know any form of mates are incapable of lying to each other and I fully believe Dirkin’s description of events.” Reggie could feel his anger rising. An anger born from years of hurt. Squashing it down was habit. “What does it matter anyway? I barely hear from you. I don’t belong to your coven anymore. Why call me at all? You made your feelings about me perfectly plain when you abandoned me to enforcer training the day after I transitioned.”

“You always were a wimp,” Bevan muttered, although Reggie heard him clearly. “I’m calling,” he said in a more normal tone, “because there’s the matter of your parents’ estate to settle, now you’re legally an adult.”

“My parents had an estate? I knew about the house and money, but now you’re saying there’s more?” That was the last thing Reggie expected to hear. He always believed his parents had been members of Bevan’s coven, and that’s why Bevan took him in and looked after him when they were killed. But he had no memories of the people responsible for his genetics.

“You’ll need to come here. There are papers to sign and some personal effects to pick up. There’s also a sealed letter for you – I believe your mother wrote it not long after you were born. Likely a hormonal woman’s ramblings about her hopes for your future, but I promised your father I would give it to you, so it’s here for you to collect.”

Reggie’s grip on his mug handle tightened. He wasn’t sure what to do with that new piece of information. “I’ll speak to Dirkin. I’m sure…”

“That demon is not welcome on my land,” Bevan snapped. “You’ll be here by Friday at the latest, or I’ll advise the Coven Masters you’ve forfeited your rights to the remainder of your parents’ estate.” There was a click, and then all Reggie could hear was dial tone. Closing down the call app, Reggie slid his phone into his pocket and wrapped both hands around his coffee mug. He just didn’t know what to think.