Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Five

Dirkin had never liked Fox, even though he knew from watching them all that Reggie was blind to his manipulations. The vampire was shrewd, cunning, and only ever out for his own pleasure. When Reggie first moved to town, Fox latched on like a leech – Reggie was bigger and stronger than he would ever be and yet Fox always had a way of making Reggie feel bad about himself. His gut clenched at Reggie’s open smile and Fox’s glance at their hands.

“Reggie,” Fox’s smile was as fake as the watch he was wearing. “I thought I said we’d see you down the club tonight and yet, here you are… slumming.”

Reggie frowned at his friend. “There’s nothing wrong with this place. We’ve eaten here a hundred times. I was hungry after my shift.”

“I wasn’t talking about the food. I was referring to your company. Honestly, Reggie, I don’t know what’s going on with you. You turned down someone as fine as Donny last night, now you’ve resorted to consorting with this?” Fox waved a hand in Dirkin’s general direction. “If it was a bit of rough you were after, why didn’t you say so? I could’ve arranged that without you resorting to desperate measures.”

“You know, I haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about.” Reggie stood, and Dirkin followed suit, keeping a close eye on Donny who seemed to be having a problem with one of his eyes.

Is he winking at me?

“It’s not up to you to decide who I date or spend time with. You’re not my coven leader. I thought you were my friend. But if you’re going to be rude about my beloved, I might have to rethink that decision. Excuse me.”

Dirkin saw it, the moment Fox lost his temper, grabbing Reggie’s arm as he tried to move past. “There’s no way your beloved is a demon,” Fox growled.

“Why does it matter to you who my beloved is?” Reggie tugged his arm out of Fox’s grip easily. “I realize I don’t rank as anyone important in the vampire world, but until now, I cared about you as a friend and with your lifestyle, believe it or not, that’s something fucking precious. Now let me and my beloved out of here, before you say something you’ll regret.”

“I’ll regret?” Fox laughed as he pressed closer to Reggie, lowering his voice. Clearly, he hadn’t got the memo about a demon’s sharp hearing. “I know you’ve been holding a torch for me for years, don’t do this to yourself. You know the only reason I haven’t fucked you yet….”

“Get the fuck off me.” Reggie pushed back angrily. “This is not about you, Fox. My virginity or who I choose to give it to has nothing to do with you. I don’t pine over you. I don’t lust after you. For the last time, I thought we were friends. Coming near my ass was never an option as far as you’re concerned, so just back the fuck off and let me and D… my beloved, leave.”

Dirkin appreciated Reggie not giving his name to someone like Fox, although trying to summon a “Dirkin” wasn’t going to get the vamp anywhere. “I think maybe your goth friend has been trying to pull the wool over your eyes, babe,” he said, lifting the corner of his lip at Fox’s glare. “The pining, the lusting after, and wondering who you’re sleeping with seems to be on Fox’s part, not yours. In fact, if you think back over the past six months or so, your friend seems to be overly obsessed with you, not the other way around.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, hell’s spawn,” Fox spat. “I’ve been friends with Reggie for years. Our whole group knows how much he lusts after me. I was trying to prove I wasn’t a bastard by setting him up with my cousin. At least that cat wants a mate. I don’t.”

“I have watched my mate from the shadows for ten long years,” Dirkin smiled. “Far longer than you’ve known him. The only person who ever mentions my mate lusting after you is you. Why is that do you think? Is your confidence in yourself so shallow, that the only way you can feel better about yourself is to joke about another’s feelings and trash them like I’ve watched you do with Reggie a thousand times?” He moved closer, catching his mate’s hand in his, holding Fox’s stare.

“The only thing you’ve got going for you is your own PR campaign.” Dirkin showed his fangs as he reached over and poked Fox in the chest. “Reggie held onto his virginity for me, not you. It’s me he dreams about in bed at night, not your scrawny ass. We haven’t been able to be together until now because of another jealous fucking vampire, but we’re together now, and you can take your pining, whining, and shallow opinions, and go jump in the nearest lake.”

“Er… D,” Reggie said slowly. “Vampires can’t swim. It’s got something to do with our bone density.”

“I know,” Dirkin snarled. “You haven’t seen it, my darling Reggie, because your heart is as big as the rest of you. But this scrawny little tramp has been systematically putting you down since the day you two met. Are you going to tell him why, goth boy? Or am I?”

“You’ve got no power over me, scumbag.” Fox lifted his chin, but even then, it barely made it to the middle of Dirkin’s chest. “I’m the ruling vampire in this town and if I say Reggie can do better than a two-bit demon, then he’d better listen to me.”

“What are you going to do if he doesn’t?” Dirkin rested his arm on Reggie’s shoulder. “We all know Reggie is a far stronger and more powerful vamp than you’ll ever be, and he became a legal adult as of about two hours ago.”

“How does the demon know about the Master Vampire’s orders about the leadership change? You hid the letter meant for Reggie, right? He didn’t know about it.” The previously silent Donny had gotten over his eye twitch. “Does this demon have special powers, or has someone been blabbing?”

“Shut the fuck up!” Fox turned on his cousin. “You had one simple bloody job, and that was to befuddle Reggie with sex, and you couldn’t even get that right. His first day as an adult and Reggie should’ve already been mated – to you. I had it all planned, but no. Seems you can’t live up to your own hype.”

“I… Er…” Reggie turned to him and Dirkin wasn’t surprised to see his mate’s stricken expression. It’s been a night for revelations, that’s for sure. “It’s time for us to go,” Dirkin said gently, turning him away from the still arguing couple. “For what it’s worth, you do have some friends without a hidden agenda, babe. Kyle’s one, although he does spend too much time sniffing his hops to think up any hidden schemes. I think it’s time you showed me your cute little apartment, and we spend our time getting to know each other more intimately. You can worry about being the head of vampires in this quaint town or any other shit the Coven Masters might want of you tomorrow, can’t you, sweetness?”

“Tomorrow,” Reggie whispered. “I should….” He tried to turn back to his arguing friends.

“No, you shouldn’t,” Dirkin turned him back the other way. “Claim first, us first, Coven Master hassles tomorrow.”


This is an alternate reality. Reggie barely noticed Dirkin walking him home. I’ve wanted to meet the writer of my notes for so long, I’ve somehow conjured the sexiest demon in existence and my creativity has gone into overdrive. Although, he wasn’t sure why he’d pegged Fox as a bad guy in his dreams. Latent resentment because he’s stronger than me? But Dirkin said he wasn’t. Shit, shit, shit, shit, sh…. “Oomph.”

Dirkin’s lips were hot, demanding, and held the power to completely empty his brain. Reggie moaned, his subdued arousal suddenly firing hotter than the fires of Tartarus. He had no idea where they were, what day of the week it was, or even his own name. Every active molecule he had was focused on the places his and his beloved’s body met – chest, legs, and oh my gods, groin. Reggie’s fingers gripped at Dirkin’s waist, pulling his demon closer, the whole front of his body pressed against cloth covered hardness.

This was the stuff of Reggie’s dreams. Ravaging lips owning him completely, a hard length pressing against his as capable hands found their way under his shirt. Scorching fingers ran up and then down his back, easing their way into his pants – pants that were strangling his groin. He groaned against Dirkin’s tongue, dropping his hands to fumble with belts and zippers. Even with his eyes closed, he sensed a reduction in the light around him, but the soft leather of Dirkin’s wings brushed against his hair, and he knew they were safe.

Dirkin’s cock fell thick and heavy into his hands. Velvet smooth, so like his own, only bigger and uncut. Thanks to porn, Reggie knew what to do with a foreskin. He grabbed his beloved’s length alongside his own and tugged.

Growls punctuated Dirkin’s kisses as his lips were suddenly freed and Dirkin’s tongue licked along his cheeks, dropping down to his jaw line. “I could eat you up and come back for seconds,” Dirkin rasped, his hot breath tingling Reggie’s ear. “Fuck, your hands. I’ve dreamed of this. Harder, mate, harder.”

Caught up in his own passion, Reggie had no problems complying with his beloved’s demands. Safe within the cocoon of Dirkin’s wings, it was like they were in their own little bubble – a bubble filled with the scent of sex and need. His hands grew slick with the evidence of their precome, and instinct took over. Reggie pumped his hips, glorying in the friction.

Dirkin seemed to be caught in the same grip he was, the deep growls more intense, his licking morphing into nips as his mouth ravaged Reggie’s throat. Usually so cautious about letting anyone near his exposed neck, Reggie threw his head back, his only thoughts of the cock in his hands, the ache in his balls signaling his release, and Dirkin’s solid hold on his back keeping him steady.

“You’re glorious like this. Give it up. Bite me, Reggie.”

No thought, just instinct. Reggie’s head straightened, his fangs dropped, and he slid them effortlessly into the side of Dirkin’s neck. Immediately, his mouth filled with hot enriching blood, and Reggie swallowed, feeling his soul and Dirkin’s meeting, merging, becoming one. A bellow of triumph and a warm stickiness coating his hands let Reggie know his beloved had come. He was quick to follow. Releasing his fangs, Reggie licked the wound clean, opening his eyes to see the clear evidence of a scar marking his demon for all to see.

Pride. Comfort. Strength. Catching Dirkin’s eye, Reggie licked his fang and winked. “Mine forever.”

“Finally.” Dirkin buried his face in Reggie’s neck, and for a moment he thought he’d be bitten, but Dirkin sniffed deep and chuckled. “I’ll do that, mate of mine, when I’m balls deep inside that luscious body of yours.”

“Then you’d better take me to bed,” Reggie couldn’t stop grinning. “I’m not letting you out of my sight until we’re both solidly bound to each other.” He looked around, but he couldn’t see anything but wings. “Where are we?”

Dirkin snapped his wings back. They were standing outside of Reggie’s front door. “I couldn’t wait for you to unlock it. You’re just so sexy,” Dirkin shrugged.

“After a ten-year abstinence, I’m sure you’ve got an amazing recovery time.” Reggie found his key and got the door open. “Will you come in?”

An arched eyebrow was a good look on Dirkin. “Into your house, your life, your heart, or your bed?”

“All of the above,” Reggie assured him. He’d had a rough night – everything he thought he knew about his friends and his coven leader were lying smashed like the glasses he’d dropped when he’d first seen Dirkin. But being with a beloved was forever, and when Dirkin claimed him as a demon’s mate, he’d think about what to do with everything else. Despite what Fox had said, Reggie wasn’t stupid. “Let’s start with the bed.”