Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Six

The brief hand job he’d shared with Reggie only had Dirkin thirsting for more. His mate’s face, the raw passion showing in every muscle tugged at something deep inside Dirkin’s renewed heart. He’d learned to love his mate over years of watching him, but seeing him in the flesh, and being able to touch him… My dreams of this didn’t do him justice.

Reggie stood out among others and not just because of his height. Most vampires had a vapid, thin look about them that Dirkin always despised. Combine that vapidity with arrogance that most vampires had in spades and Dirkin was more inclined to swipe a vamp’s head off than talk to them. Bevan was just one example. Reggie was nothing like his peers. His shoulders and arms were muscular and firm, his chest wide, his waist slightly narrower. Dirkin’s hands were already on Reggie’s solid ass – there was no jiggle there, but plenty of give under Dirkin’s squeeze.

There were other differences; unlike other vampires, Reggie’s black hair was almost as long as Dirkin’s own, although his had more of a wave in it. His face was more square than elfin with a solid chin and a razor-sharp jawline. His skin was pale – all vampires were, causing Reggie’s dark pink lips and brilliant blue eyes to stand out. The contrast was even more pronounced when the tips of sweet fangs were pushing out from those lips, and those eyes were flashing red like they were now.

“Naked now?” Reggie was back, plastered against him, his fingers looking for a way through Dirkin’s magically enhanced shirt.

“Done, precious.” Oh, I love having my powers back.

“Bed or wall?” Reggie groaned as their cocks bumped together. “I don’t care. Can’t go slow. I need you in me. I have to know what it’s like.”

They were still just inside the front door – thankfully closed – and while the door was sturdy enough for his needs, Dirkin wanted Reggie in his bed for their first time. It would have been simple enough to relocate them into his room, but Dirkin didn’t want to miss a micro-second of feeling his mate’s skin against his own. Catching his mate’s head in one hand so he could feast on those luscious lips, the other one still plastered over Reggie’s butt cheek, he maneuvered them both down the small hallway, bouncing off the walls and knocking a few pictures down in the process.

Reggie didn’t flinch, he wasn’t holding back. His hands were like brands on the top of Dirkin’s hip bones, and Dirkin growled in pleasure as he felt the sharp dig of claws in his skin. The sensation of Reggie’s solid mass against his – it was indescribable – and Dirkin knew he was in danger of spilling his seed before he’d even got Reggie on the mattress.

The bedroom door smashed back against the wall from the force of their bodies and Dirkin turned them as he took the three large steps necessary to press Reggie’s knees against the mattress. The vampire fell backwards, as Dirkin intended, and he let go of Reggie’s ass so he could brace himself before he squashed his mate entirely. Rolling them both to one side, he pressed his thigh in between Reggie’s legs, encouraging his mate to hump against him.

Oh yes. Dirkin’s fingers were already at work, magically lubed, seeking the hidden hole in Reggie’s deep butt crack. He could’ve prepped his mate completely with magic, but after a full decade as a shadow, Dirkin wanted to experience every physical sensation. The little striations leading into Reggie’s hole, the strength of the muscles guarding the entrance, that glorious surrounding heat that clamped onto Dirkin’s finger as he pushed it inside.

Reggie tensed then – his big body trembling, his chest heaving, his eyes still flashing red, and his fangs fully extended. Dirkin had never seen anything so glorious in all his long life. “You gotta relax, precious.” Dirkin wasn’t scenting any fear, just uncertainty which was completely understandable. “Breathe out long and slow and push out. Let me in.”

There was a moment, and then Reggie pulled in a shaky breath, and slowly let it out. Yes, yes, yes. Oh darlin’, I’ve waited so long for this. Dirkin didn’t get pushy with his finger, just letting it slide inside until he hit resistance. They were breathing in tandem, Reggie’s eyes holding his – slightly wide, but still full of arousal. “That’s it, babe. Think you’re ready for two now?”

Nodding quickly, Reggie lifted his upper leg higher over Dirkin’s hip, his trusting nature shining like the sun. While every cell in Dirkin’s body demanded he plunge his cock inside his mate’s body and claim him quickly, he forced himself to be slow, to ensure Reggie could take three of his fingers comfortably before he lined up his fully lubed cock.

“Tilt back a bit, mate.” Dirkin didn’t want his cock snagging on Reggie’s virgin insides. Fingers were one thing, but the blunt head of his wide cock wasn’t going to be easy to take. Pressing firmly against the loosened hole, Dirkin whispered, “Breathe out, and push out…” as he pushed steadily forward.

FUCK! Ten years of living as a shadow disappeared in an instant the moment his cock breached Reggie’s body for the first time. Heat – glorious heat – surrounded Dirkin’s cock and seemed to flow from there through his whole body. He felt his wings pressing against the skin of his back, and he rolled Reggie onto his back, scooping under his mate’s legs so he could hold them up, his cock sinking into the hilt.

“Oh mate, oh mate.” Throwing his head back, Dirkin felt his wings spring free. “This was so worth waiting for.” He just wanted to savor…

Reggie’s hand came up, clinging to his neck, causing Dirkin to look down. His mate’s eyes were brilliant red, nostrils flared, and his lips twisted in a snarl. “Move,” Reggie growled.

Guess I’m savoring later. Dirkin was more than happy to meet his mate’s request.


Reggie didn’t understand what was happening to him. He rarely growled and there was a part of him that knew he shouldn’t growl at his beloved. But he was swamped with feelings – big, overwhelming feelings that started building when Dirkin kissed him and were getting more intense with every touch.

His insides were full – Dirkin’s cock felt massive as if it was pressing against his organs and his hole was stretched wide enough to split. But there was a sense of rightness filling his soul. Reggie didn’t know what he wanted, he didn’t have a clue what he was doing, but he was a bubbling cauldron full of sensations and emotions and he needed Dirkin to do something.

It had to be Dirkin. Reggie’s control over his own body was nonexistent with the inside of Dirkin’s elbows holding his legs wide and aloft. An unusual ache along his inner thighs let Reggie know he’d be feeling it in the morning, but for now he had other needs. He could feel it – every movement of Dirkin’s cock stroking his insides and he wanted more. Surely a guy who’s been a shadow for the last ten years needs a good fuck when he can finally feel his cock again?

Reggie groaned as Dirkin pulled out far enough to tug at his inner muscles. But the groan turned into a long moan as Dirkin slammed back in again. His legs were joggled, and Reggie thought he was going to fly across the bed with the force of the thrust, but with Dirkin’s hold on his legs, Reggie wasn’t going anywhere. He fisted his duvet, uncaring if his claws ripped the threads, anything to give himself something to hold onto.

It was like a scene from Reggie’s favorite paranormal porn sites. Demons were often featured in porn because their wings were considered exotic. Dirkin’s wings were huge, spread wide, so they didn’t catch on the bed, flexing with every thrust of Dirkin’s hips. Reggie had a random vision of Dirkin fucking him hard enough they’d be flying – the idea of him being hooked on Dirkin’s cock, completely weightless – oh my gods…

“You still with me?” Dirkin grunted, his lips pulled back, his teeth bared. Reggie was pulled out of the fantasies in his head and faced with the fantasy in his room.

“Move. More,” he panted back. “I won’t break.” Truth was, Reggie itched, his skin ached – something he never thought possible, but it was happening to him. He needed… needed… “I need to feel you everywhere.”

Maybe Dirkin had a few mind reading skills, maybe it was just the demon way, but at Reggie’s words, his legs were dropped and Dirkin leaned over him, his eyes blazing and nostrils flaring. “You want more from me?”

Reggie didn’t have a chance to answer. Dirkin sucked the air from his mouth, his fat tongue stealing his words and any thought he might have had. Surrounded… Reggie was completely surrounded by his beloved, and being as big as he was, it was an unusual feeling. But the heat from Dirkin’s heaving chest spread a glow throughout Reggie’s skin causing him to cry out, His cock, so far neglected as he’d struggled to come to terms with being taken, found a smooth surface to rub on – slicking it up in no time at all.

And still Dirkin’s hips hammered him, and Reggie still couldn’t move. There was a hand raking through his hair, and Reggie felt the sting zing straight down to his balls. His beloved’s other hand was firmly cupped around his hip – owning him – holding him open for Dirkin’s pleasure and Reggie reveled in it.

The strike came without warning. Dirkin was sucking his tongue one minute and the next his fangs were in Reggie’s neck and Reggie’s eyes flew open. No one had ever bitten him before, but even as his sex drunk brain was registering this was his mating bite, his body got the message, and he was climaxing – a whole body orgasm that shook his limbs right through to his finger and toenails. He might have screamed, but Reggie had no way of knowing because the only thing his senses registered was pure and utter pleasure.

Unsure if he’d passed out or not, the next thing Reggie noticed was Dirkin gently holding either side of his head, gentle kisses being peppered all over his cheeks and jaw. His body still shaky, Reggie lifted his arm, stroking over the bite he’d left on his beloved.

“You have no idea how happy you’ve made me, mate of mine,” Dirkin crooned softly meeting his eyes.

Reggie had a pretty good idea – he was feeling the same way. For the first time in his life, he felt complete, as though he had finally found his place in the world. He hoped his smile conveyed the words he couldn’t say, but then Dirkin ducked his head and was kissing him again. They could talk later. Much later.