Running For It by Allyson Lindt


Ramsey leaned in, to hover his lips near my ear, his warm breath teasing my skin. “You need a little pampering, in case there’s more agony later,” he said in a stage whisper.

“I have no idea what that means.” Was it supposed to be sexy? Threatening? I was pretty sure it meant he wasn’t offended by my comment.

He chuckled. “I thought it was a clever segue, but maybe not. You have an appointment at the hotel salon in about”—he looked at his empty wrist—“fifteen minutes.”

If pressed by the right person, I had to admit I missed this part of dating Ramsey. The part where certain things that I considered luxuries and he considered necessities were paid for by default. I’d have to be pressed hard, though, because even admitting it to myself made me feel selfish. “If you insist.”

“I do.”

We reached the hotel, and Ramsey gave my hand a quick squeeze and promised they’d see me in a few hours, and a member of the staff showed me to my appointment.

The stylist yanked the scrunchie out of my hair with a sigh. “At least it’s not elastic. Says in your appointment notes you can do whatever you’d like, as long as you don’t cut more than a couple of inches off.”

Because of course Ramsey sent instructions. Those weren’t as specific as usual, though. “I could have you dye it blue?”

“In the amount of time we have? Yes, if you want to destroy these gorgeous curls.”

I didn’t. “I trust you. Make me look like a princess, going to a ball. More Meghan Markle than Cinderella,” I added as an afterthought.

“You got it, hon.”

The next few hours were almost enough to make me forget the looming party, from having my scalp massaged, and my fingers and feet soaked and rubbed. The stunning blue polish… I didn’t even have to ask. I hoped the color raised a few eyebrows.

When I handed my personal stylist a tip, she gave me a keycard with a room number.

“I’m told your things are already up there,” she said.

“Thank you, for a wonderful experience.”

I checked my phone as I took the elevator up. How was it already four? The party didn’t start until seven, but I couldn’t walk in there—couldn’t let guests arrive—without looking everything over first. And now my nervousness was back.

I stepped into the kind of hotel room I thought only existed in movies. The living room was bigger than my entire apartment, with three couches, white carpet, and gold everywhere. A door at the far end led to a bedroom, that I assumed was equally as overwhelming.

Ramsey was waiting, already dressed for the night in his tux. Goddess, he was breathtaking.

“You look incredible. And you probably want to get downstairs ridiculously early,” he said. “Hunter will meet us there.”

“You know me so well. I’m feeling a little underdressed, though.” I gestured down.

Ramsey reached for a long bag hanging on the back of a nearby door. “Clothes off.”

I raised an eyebrow, and he stared back at me with a look that said, Argue with me. I dare you.

It was tempting, but the clock was ticking, and if I pushed back, we’d be here for a while. Oh, and I’d mess up my hair. But the way Ramsey was watching me, with barely hidden desire, I didn’t care.

“Can we pretend I argued, and you can punish me later?” I asked sweetly.

He huffed. “I guess.”

I kicked off my shoes, then stripped off my shirt, intently aware of how he watched my every movement. “How much is everything?” I asked.

“Everythingis everything.” Ramsey’s tone was hard.

Right. Desire roared over me, as I removed my jeans, my bra, and finally my panties, leaving me naked and on display in the middle of the room.

Ramsey closed the distance between us, stopping far enough away I couldn’t feel his heat, but I could reach out and touch him.

Self-consciousness wanted me to cover up, but I fought the impulse.

He dragged a finger along my jaw, down my neck, to my arm, and lower, to grasp my fingers. He kissed the tips. “Love the blue.”

My entire body was probably flushed pink, but I didn’t dare look.

Ramsey smirked and returned to the dress bag. He unzipped it, to reveal swaths of black underneath. It was a stunning gown. I’d never worn anything so elegant.

He unzipped the dress and beckoned me with a finger, as he removed the dress from its hanger. “Arms up.”

“I—” didn’t have any panties on.

“Yes?” He watched me with that look of challenge again.

I put my arms up. “Nothing.”

Ramsey moved behind me, to slip the dress over my head. He slid his palms down my sides, smoothing out the skirt even though it mostly fell to the floor on its own. He zipped up the back, sucking everything into place. Looking down, I could see the scooped neck, the skirt with a slit almost the hip, and the off-the shoulder short sleeves.

I wanted to see the whole deal from a better angle, though. I stepped toward the three-way mirror, and Ramsey grabbed my arm. “Not yet.”

I heard some light shuffling and a faint click. The cool touch of metal met my neck, and I looked down to see a strand of diamonds and sapphires that fell to a stop right in the middle of my cleavage. The light danced off the gems in tiny rainbows.

“It’s only a loaner.” Ramsey trailed his fingers down my spine. When he took his hand away, the weight of another chain rested on my back. “Now you can look.”

I moved in front of the mirror and gasped. I really did look like a princess, including the stunning back necklace that was undoubtedly worth more than the sum of my worldly possessions. After a few spins, so I could see myself from every possible angle, Ramsey joined me.

He rested his hands on my shoulders, just below the sleeves, and pressed into my back. “You’re breathtaking.”

I really did look incredible. “This sets a new bar in the little-black-dress department.”

“I don’t mind.” Ramsey dragged his lips up my neck, to rest in the hollow behind my ear.

I met his gaze in our reflection. We were straight out of a fairytale.

“The last few days have been a whirlwind, even by our standards.” He moved his hands to my hips, holding me tight. “I want to make sure you’re still okay with what we talked about last night.”

“The dating again, or the fact that we’re explicitly non-exclusive?” My non-answer was a stall, and it shouldn’t have been. I should have been able to say absolutely without hesitation.

“I was thinking the latter, but now that you ask, both.”

I frowned. This was when I should move away, but I didn’t want to lose his touch. “I want to be okay with it.”

“But you’re not.”

“I don’t know. I’m not not okay with it. It feels like it’s worth seeing through.”

Ramsey pressed his lips to my neck again, letting the kiss linger. “I feel it’s worth it too. When we get home, we’ll have some alone time, just you and me. Catch up. Actually date.”

I leaned more of my weight into him. It was a lovely suggestion. “When are you going to have time for all of this? Me. Hunter. Alone. Together. Campaigning.”

“When are you?” he countered. “Loading Java. The shelter. You’re about to move into either a massive remodel or a construction project…”

Touché. “I’ll figure it out.”

“Exactly.” Ramsey tangled his fingers with mine and pulled us from the mirror. “I almost forgot…” He pulled a shoe box from the dresser.

A pair of stilettos sat inside, with straps that wove in a crisscross over the foot and had ridiculously long leather laces.

He set them on the floor. “I’ll tie you up.”

“Frequently.” I laughed and let him slip on the first shoe. He wove the laces up my calf and tied them a few inches below the knee. With the slit in the dress, only a hint would show when I walked. It was the perfect subtle touch.

Ramsey secured the second shoe and stood. “Those, you can keep. In fact, only the necklace has to be returned tomorrow.” He held out his bent arm. “Shall we?”

I hooked my hand near the crook of his elbow. “Let’s.”

Our path took us downstairs and out back, to a set of tents. It didn’t look very fancy from the outside, but stepping into one was like moving into an entirely different world. I had no idea how they put chandeliers in the middle of a tent. Crystal lined the tables. There was silk and linen everywhere.

“It’s stunning.” My awe tumbled past my lips.

“Isn’t it, thought?” Hunter joined us. He looked me over, brows raised. “Though… no competition. You look incredible.”

“Thanks. Ramsey has good taste.”

Hunter nodded. “So much truth there. You ready for the grand tour, to set your mind at ease?”

If the main hall looked like this, I wasn’t too concerned about how everything else looked, but I did want to see for myself.

For the next hour or so, Hunter led us through to the kitchen and the staging area, and gave us a sample of the hors d'oeuvres.

It was all amazing. I grasped for words but couldn’t find them.

“You okay?” Ramsey asked.

“I can’t believe you made all of this happen. Because I asked.” It was so much.

He settled his hand on the small of my back. “Of course I did. You asked. The cause is as important as it gets as well, but…”

I kept my mouth shut, waiting for him to finish the thought.

Hunter leaned in. “But you are and always have been at the center of his universe,” he said softly.

Was that envy I heard in Hunter’s voice?

“Ah. Violet.”

I cringed at the woman’s familiar voice, but pasted on a flat expression before I turned to face her. “Debbie.” I extended my hand. “Good to actually meet you.” For all I knew, she was a nice person, and the other night really had been an honest mistake.

Her grip was too firm, and her hands hot and dry. Her smile looked painted on. “Same. Will we be seeing a lot of you, going forward?”

“Absolutely.” Ramsey spoke before I could consider the appropriate answer.

Why wasn’t that my default reply?

“Fantastic.” Debbie’s smile was as fake as the little rhinestones glued to the roots of my nails. She gave all her attention to Ramsey. “I need to borrow you for some photos. I promise to return you intact when I’m done.”

“No problem. I’ll catch up with you two soon.” Ramsey was cool and professional, as he walked away.

That was new. Sure, he wore a mask in public when we dated, but he never shied away from contact. Small affections. Except the equation was more complicated now. Did that devour Hunter—having to hide who he was? Who they were? I already didn’t like it.

“Debbie seems nice.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

Hunter looked at me with surprise. “Really?”

“Shouldn’t she?” So I wasn’t the only one she rubbed wrong.

“To each their own. I’m not a fan, but she’s the best at her job.”

“Being pushy, possessive, and bitchy?” I should have kept the thought to myself, but Hunter wouldn’t mind.

He laughed. “Getting people elected. Never doubt for a moment that I’m the queen of possessive and bitchy in Ramsey’s life.” His tone was light, but it tugged on his comment from earlier, about me.

“I’m not trying to move in on your relationship.” There were more people now, so I kept my comment vague.

“I know.” Hunter steered me to the edge of the room, away from the staff. “I also know when Ramsey sets his sights on a goal, he doesn’t stop until he’s met it. His sights have never left you.”

Ramsey’d moved on, though. “But you and he…” Weren’t just close, they also shared bits of their life I’d never be a part of.

“Yeah.” Could Hunter read my mind? Or did he recognize both halves of the equation? “And I believe him when he tells me how he feels about me. But there’s always a sliver of envy and resentment.”

“For me?”

“I assume the question is rhetorical, but yes.”

Hunter’s statement gripped me hard. I didn’t want to be that stumbling block in someone else’s relationship. It made me feel dirty and uncomfortable, and the fact that Hunter had been part of the sex made it worse. Had I been fucked a guy who didn’t like me? Who didn’t want me around? But he’d assured me it was fine. “You said… about the last two nights… Was that…” A lie for Ramsey’s sake?