Running For It by Allyson Lindt


Ramsey dropped a large bill on the table and tugged both Hunter and me to our feet. “You wanted to go home. Let’s get out of here.”

“I want to finish this conversation.” I reluctantly pulled my hand away and crossed my arms, mostly to keep temptation at bay.

Ramsey held my gaze, never letting go of Hunter. “So do I.”

I tapped my toes inside my shoes, as my brain followed a series of possible outcomes based on hope, experience, and cynicism. I couldn’t argue that this was a private conversation, but there was no one here to eavesdrop, unless the staff got bored with their gossip about their co-workers. Having this conversation in the car meant I couldn’t look them in the eye while we talked, and I needed that. Going to someone’s house meant the temptation of clothes coming off, given the topic, or disappointment I shouldn’t feel if the clothes stayed on.

“Talk to me now,” I said.

Ramsey sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. “This is not the way I wanted things to go.”

“Sorry you can’t control every single little bit of life.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You talking to me or yourself?”

I opened my mouth to retort, and he held up a finger. “I’m not trying to pick a fight,” Ramsey said. “Sit back down, at least?”

“Fine.” It was a reasonable request, given I was refusing to leave without answers. We took our spots around the table again.

Ramsey leaned in, but there was no contact. “You know I miss you. I’ve never hidden that.”

And yet, you’re with someone else. I swallowed the retort. Did I expect him to wait for me, when I’d made it clear we weren’t happening? Especially if he had a chance with Hunter?

“Two nights ago was amazing,” Ramsey said. “We had a long talk after.” He indicated Hunter. “You and I are good together, Taffy. We need to try again.”

And I was the idiot who wanted to. Fortunately, I didn’t have to decide. “Hunter said he didn’t want an open relationship.”

“I don’t. This isn’t open. It’s for you alone, and we’ll talk about what that means if you’re interested,” Hunter said.

Exclusive offer. Limited time only. Step inside for details.I stifled a barking laugh at the rush of random thoughts and stood again. “I can’t…” Couldn’t what? Give him a part of me again. As much as I ached to pursue this topic. “I’m gonna catch a bus home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Fuck. I had to see them tomorrow.

I needed to make sense of my thoughts before I could look them in the eye. The jumbled mess in my brain wouldn’t do at all.

I strode toward the door.

“Violet.” Ramsey’s call hit my back, as I stepped outside.

The cold blast stung against my hot cheeks, but I didn’t pause.

“Violet.” Ramsey had caught up to me now, his voice near enough he didn’t have to shout.

I still couldn’t look.

He grabbed my arm as we passed his SUV, and he spun my back to the vehicle so I faced him. We stared each other down, as my desire warred with fury over how he’d restrained me. I swore sparks raced between us. I could step closer, but I’d be hard pressed to move away, the way he had me boxed in.

Ramsey let go of me and moved away a few paces. “Don’t take the bus.” His voice was flat. “Let me drive you home.”

I’ll be fine.“All right. Thank you.” I climbed into the back seat before he could offer another option. Hunter was his boyfriend. They should be sitting next to each other.

No one said anything, as Ramsey pulled onto the main road. With as little production as possible, I took off Hunter’s shirt, folded it, and handed it to him.

“Thanks.” His voice was impossible to read.

This wasn’t what I wanted. I wasn’t upset at either of them. Maybe I should be about the way they’d hidden their relationship—I would have liked to know that before I climbed into bed with them—but in a certain light, I understood.

So what was my problem? Why couldn’t I talk to them or even look at them?

Because I did still want something more with Ramsey, and my reasons for leaving him hadn’t changed. I was immensely jealous of Hunter. Was this what it had been like for him? Occasionally being invited into our bed? Having to watch from the outside, the rest of the time?

There are no regrets about what happened. Ramsey’s words snuck into my thoughts.

I didn’t regret it either. I wanted more of it. If I had them drop me off tonight, and kept this conversation closed, would I regret that?

“What you’re talking about…” My voice came out wobblier than I wanted, and I licked my lips. I hadn’t wanted to do this without being able to look them in the eye, but I’d rather that than not doing it at all. “It’s not like what Lyn has with Kingston and Owen.”

The three of them loved each other. They were happily exclusive. Hunter was a friend, but he wasn’t more, even if it was tempting to think of him as the competition.

“I don’t know what it is,” Ramsey said. “I want to see you again—date you, before you tell me I can already see you. I’m not going to ask that you don’t see anyone else, even if I want to. That’s not fair of me, because I’m not giving up Hunter.”

It sounded straightforward. Could I do it? I was more torn on the letting-Ramsey-back-into-my-life thing than I was about sharing him with Hunter. “It doesn’t erase the problems we had before.”

“We’ll work through those,” Ramsey said quickly.

I fiddled with the hem of my dress. The short, flared skirt I’d worn specifically for him. I tapped Hunter on the shoulder. “And you’re okay with this?”

“I already have the guy. Hard to argue with the position I’m in.” He glanced back at me.

Fuck it.“All right. Let’s give it a try.”

We pulled into my apartment parking lot, and Ramsey opened the back driver’s side door for me. As I swung my legs to the side, to climb out, he moved in, pinning my wrist to the seat. He slid between my legs, the fabric of his trousers teasing my thighs.

He licked a slow line up my neck, to my ear. “Tell me you didn’t wear this dress for me.”

“I did.” My anticipation was back, whimpering for more. It was different, knowing Hunter sat in the front seat, where he could watch but it wouldn’t be easy for him to participate. What did he think of this?

Ramsey let go of one of my wrists, to move his hand under my skirt. He teased the elastic of my underwear. “And yet, you wore panties.”

“Never stopped you before.”

“And it won’t stop me now.” Ramsey glided his finger along my skin then lower over the lace. He stroked along the crotch, pressing enough to tease, and drew his mouth to mine, claiming my lips in a series of hungry pecks.

“What about Hunter?” I asked between kisses.

“I rarely mind a good show.” His voice from behind me was husky. “And I always enjoy you two.”

A good show. We were in the visitor parking of an apartment complex, half hanging out of an SUV, and anyone could walk by. The thrill of getting caught, putting on a show for a random stranger, made my pulse race. But, “Are you worried about being seen. You being you?” It never stopped Ramsey before, but who knew now?

“No.” His reply was hot against my neck. He shoved my panties aside and slipped his fingers to my clit. “I’m not whipping out my dick, just giving my date a goodnight kiss.” He teased lightly.

“While your fingers wander,” I managed between gasps.

He dipped lower, gliding inside me to thrust over and over. “Exactly.”

My hips swayed to his touch. My breath came in short pants. We might not be visible to most people, but Hunter knew exactly what we were doing. That made me clench with need.

Ramsey withdrew his fingers and moved back to my clit, stroking hard this time. Drawing tiny circles. Pressing and teasing and nudging me to teeter on the edge of climax.

“Come for me, Taffy,” he growled into my neck.

My laugh was shaky. “I don’t do that on demand. That’s not how this works.”

“No?” Ramsey worked faster. “What if I tell you once you’re inside tonight, I’m going back to Hunter’s.” He pushed me closer. Orgasm was just out of reach. “I’m going to fuck the hell out of him, while this moment is still fresh in our minds.”

Yeah, that was pretty fucking hot. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out as Ramsey’s words and touch sent me topping into ecstasy. Every inch of me shuddered with the release of desire, and I ground into his touch until I was spent, and my body shuddered away.

I rested my hands on the seat behind me to keep myself upright.

Ramsey pressed two slick fingers to my lips and I drew them in, greedily sucking myself from his skin. He kissed me around the touch. Around the licking. Sharing my flavor. His tongue dancing with mine and around his fingers.

We finally broke the kiss and he rested his forehead against mine. “I wish I could take you home with us tonight. I can, can’t I?”

I wanted to. So desperately. “I have to work in the morning, and I won’t get any sleep if I go with you.”

“No, you really won’t.” He pulled away with one more kiss. “At least let me walk you to your door.”

I couldn’t argue that request, and I really couldn’t ignore how badly it sucked to stay here after they left.

Only a few days back in my life, and I was already completely smitten with Ramsey again. I was so fucked. In more ways than one.