Assistant for the Alien Prince by Tammy Walsh


Sex with Jessicagot better the more we did it.

We shared a long hot shower and never bothered to dry ourselves off before moving to the bedroom.

This time, it was slow and sensual.

I instinctively sensed that was how she wanted it to be, having returned to her favorite place in all the world.

It was a nice place to retire and hang up your hat after a hard-lived life but Jessica was far too young to succumb to that, I thought.

I didn’t like the idea of her living there by herself, missing out on all the action and adventure an exciting life could have provided her with.

When I pumped my final few thrusts into her, we flopped back on the bed and lay staring at the ceiling, her curled up on my chest and running her fingers over the outline of my muscles.

“We can’t stay here all day,” Jessica said.

“Sure we can.”

“Maybe you can. We common people have to work for a living. I have to organize your Pairing Ceremony.”

The Pairing Ceremony…

I already knew who I wanted to pair with.

The one I was sharing my bed with right now.

But duty forced me to do what was right for the kingdom, not my heart.

I nodded and let her get up, sad to see her naked body leave.

She showered, dressed, and pinned her hair back, adopting the same look she had when I first met her.

She moved to the wardrobe and dressed in a thick and unflattering dress.

As she drifted downstairs to begin work, I peered over at the photos on the side table.

One was of a striking, if severe-looking, woman, her grey hair pinned back firmly from her face.

She wore a dark dress that covered her head to toe and gave no indication of the body she had underneath.

It was what Jessica would look like in the years to come, I realized.

A life wasted in this house in the middle of nowhere like a ripe inn’ah fruit left to die on the vine.

It couldn’t be allowed to pass.

But who was I to issue commands on how Jessica chose to live her life?

Soon, I would be the king, reigning over my kingdom, a million galactic miles from her and her world.

A shrill bell rang up and I heard Jessica answer the door.

Soon after that, screams issued forth and I hastily scooped up my pants and rushed downstairs.

I knew living out in the middle of nowhere like this was a bad idea!

Who knew what kind of danger might rear its ugly head!

I bolted down the stairs, turned, and prepared to take on the assailant head-on when I came to a stop and saw two female figures clutching each other’s arms, sitting side by side on a small sofa.

The mysterious woman had all the hallmarks of being a true beauty—the delicious curves that she, at least, was not nervous about showing off, her fiery red hair tickled her shoulders and her eyes were big and wide and somehow challenging all at the same time.

Her emerald eyes widened at the sight of me standing there topless, my horns lowered to skewer whoever forced their way into the house to do Jessica harm.

She bolted to her feet and allowed her eyes to run over me, catching on my abs and defined chest.

I had never been made to feel self-conscious before, but by the hungry look in this female’s eyes, I was beginning to succumb to it.

I suddenly felt very exposed.

Whatever unease I felt wasn’t reciprocated by the mystery woman who just kept on staring.

“You must be Zai,” she said, approaching me and extending her hand in the traditional human fashion.

Was greeting a half-naked male normal to this species?

The mystery girl didn’t seem to take much notice of me being in my current state of undress.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, her eyes drilling into mine, and not once did she let her eyes drop down. “I’m Tina. Hey, Jessica? Why don’t you introduce us?”

“What’s the point?” Jessica said. “You already know each other’s name.”

Tina placed her hand in mine and still hadn’t removed her eyes from me.

“Don’t mind her. She’s a little tense. She probably never wanted me to meet you.”

Her eyes sparkled dangerously.

I’d seen plenty of girls like her in the past, those who knew how attractive they were and the effect they had on males, and the promise in their eyes that they would make all my bedroom dreams come true… if only I give myself to them and support them in the lifestyle they believed they were entitled to.

In my language, we referred to them as osle’rgen and it roughly translated as “gold digger.”

“I should… probably put a shirt on,” I said.

“Should you?” Tina said, pouting. “I’m not sure it’s necessary.”

“Tina, let him go,” Jessica said, rolling her eyes. “He’s the crown prince. He doesn’t have time for your games.”

“No?” Tina said, peering up at me through her long eyelashes. “That’s a pity.”

I hastened out of the room, tripping over my own feet, as I hurried back up the stairs and into the safety of the bedroom.