The Anti-Crush by Harper West



Nathan yankedKyler off the couch and my drink tumbled into my lap, staining my pants with dark, pungent liquor.

I gasped, shakily getting up from the couch and backing against the wall behind me. Everyone turned to see what was happening and I was right in the middle of it. Basically, my worst nightmare. My face flushed in humiliation and I did my best not to cry. I shook my head in embarrassment.

Kyler was an ass, sure, and he was definitely coming on a bit too strong, but why did Nathan have to intervene? I could have handled the situation myself. I mean, I don't know if Kyler would have listened to reason. But, I could have at least tried. Even with my eyes closed and my hands cupped over my ears, I heard them scuffling. I could also hear the amused gasps from the crowd, punctuating every blow. It was an all-out brawl. Someone was going to end up in the hospital. This was a disaster, and it was all because of me. Everyone would blame me for it. Just like that test back in high school. Maybe it was a mistake to let Nathan back into my life after all.

Immediately, I wanted to take back the entire night. McKenzie always begged me to go to parties and I always said no, because I hated crowds and loud music and the drunken, foolish drama. However, I had some newfound confidence thanks to spending more time with Nathan, and I was trying to be more outgoing as of late. I decided to be be brave and get out of my comfort zone and now, I silently vowed to never let myself be dragged into a social situation ever again. This whole night was becoming a hard lesson in standing up for myself. I felt a panic attack starting, the alcohol doing nothing to ease my nerves.

Kyler broke free of Nathan's grip swung at him, but Nathan swiftly dodged and readied his own punch. Kyler was significantly more intoxicated than Nathan. Thanks to that, Nathan had a clear upper hand against the wasted neanderthal.

As much as I hated all of this, in the back of my mind, I silently wanted Nathan to clobber him. Kyler hadn’t crossed any lines yet, but I couldn't stand his gigantic ego or defensive he got when someone challenged him. Kyler was lucky he was hot because his personality sucked. He reminded me of every jerk I’d gone to high school with, but with no hope of ever growing out of it.

As Nathan landed another punch, Kyler flailed backward, and tripped over the table. His hand flew to his jaw, rubbing the red spot, furious. Nathan cocked his fist again and Kyle stumbled, unsteady on his feet.

"You just don't know when to quit, huh?" Kyler snapped. "You don't even know how badly you screwed up, man."

I heard a familiar voice hollering over the crowd."What the hell are you guys doing?" Tanner shoved his way through. "Nathan, you can't be serious right now. What is going on here?" he demanded angrily, reaching out and pulling Nathan back as Kyler geared up to throw another punch.

"Whoa, okay, I'm fine, everything is cool," Nathan conceded, putting his hands in surrender. "Tanner, let me go. I’m good. We're good. Promise."

I wondered if Tanner would be able to see through Nathan's cool façade. Nathan wasn’t just going to back down so easily. I could tell.

Tanner loosened his grip on Nathan, just long enough for Nathan to throw himself at Kyler again.

"I told you! Look at this crazy, stupid asshole!" Kyler howled. "I didn't do a damn thing!" He stumbled around as Nathan resumed his frantic attempts to pummel him.

"Damn it, Nathan," Tanner hissed at him. "Can I get a little help here, please?"

Four guys on the football team all looked at each other and shrugged, none of them wanting to get involved in the fight, especially considering that fight was with Kyler. Finally, one of the guys rolled his eyes and groaned, pushing his way through the crowd helping Tanner break it up.

"Grab his other side. Grab his arm, there," Tanner instructed, restraining Nathan while the other guy dealt with Kyler.

Nathan struggled in his grip, trying desperately to land a final blow to Kyler. Kyler smirked, taunting Nate, the right side of his jaw already swelling and turning purple.

"Jesus, that hurts," Kyler groaned, rubbing the side of his face again. "What? You going to attack me again? Crazy asshole.” Kyler spat as Nathan struggled against the two giant football players attempting to drag him out of the room. "Yeah, you better back off. This isn't over, Nathan!"

Nathan finally gave up, allowing himself to be pulled into the kitchen and away from the gawking crowd.

"Oh, I know this ain't over, Kyler," Nathan retorted, his voice cracking. "You better not so much as look in her direction ever again. If I ever see your ass again—"

"Jesus, Nathan, relax. What the fuck has gotten into you?” Tanner huffed.

I followed them into the kitchen, shaking my head, trying to ignore the crowd's whispers. People immediately suspected that I was at fault and started talking. It was the day of the English test all over again.

"I guess she's what caused it.”

"I've never seen Kyler so pissed!"

"What was Nathan's problem?"

I wanted to disappear, but also needed to console Nathan. As badly as he handled the situation, I knew he was trying to stick up for me, and I have to admit that I liked it.

Tanner and Nathan were standing in stunned silence.

I took a deep breath and approached them. Tanner looked furious, and Nathan was staring down at the floor, a fresh beer in his hand. I couldn’t tell if he was angry or ashamed. I just knew he was really drunk.

“Uh... so do you guys want to explain what the hell just happened?" Tanner asked.

I hung back meekly, my hands trembling. A tear fell down my right cheek. I hated that when I got anxious or upset, my first response was to cry. But I couldn’t help it.

“It’s fine," Nathan said flatly, gulping his beer. "You didn't have to interfere. I could have handled him myself." He glared at Tanner.

"Yeah, and when you're hit with a lawsuit from Kyler's daddy, you’d still be thinking punching him was a good idea?” Tanner retorted, furiously. "You're lucky as hell that I was able to pull you two apart. You probably would have destroyed him, but you know damn well Kyler wouldn't let something like that slide. He's a sneaky bastard, and his family would have completely buried you! Hell, they still might. Why would you ever pick a fight with him like that?"

Nathan rolled his eyes. "He was smothering Elizabeth," he explained. "Would you let some random dude hang all over McKenzie like that?"

"Hey, I could have handled it," I said, finally finding my voice. "He was being kind of a creep, but you didn't have to throttle him like that," I heard whispers coming from outside the kitchen, no doubt gossiping about me and the spectacle I had just been part of.

"Elizabeth, he was practically forcing himself on you!" Nathan reasoned, anger in his voice again. "You don't know Kyler like I do. He's an egotistical asshole, and he just walks all over anyone he feels like. He knows his rich daddy can fix anything for him, so he just takes advantage of any girls he wants, and I'm sick of it.” Nathan slammed his beer down on the counter.

I flinched, quickly wiping away a tear that threatened to roll down my cheek. "Nathan," I whispered, my voice cracking, "I've never seen you act like that before. I know you were trying to help, but you made the whole situation worse."

Nathan's expression softened. "Elizabeth, I'm sorry, but I didn’t think you were going to speak up. I didn’t want to see him walk all over you. God knows what would have happened if I hadn’t stepped in," he said, his voice lowering to a whisper. He looked down at his feet sheepishly as he shook his head. "I'm sorry. I really am. But Kyler is horrible. He's not a nice guy, Elizabeth."

"Okay," I replied, caught somewhere between irritation and appreciation.

Nathan didn't make eye contact with me.

"I'm going to leave this to you guys," Tanner spoke up. "I don't wanna be involved this lovers quarrel."

"I never asked you to!" Nathan growled. Tanner stormed out of the kitchen and I could tell that Nathan regretted yelling at him. "Damn it. Tanner, I'm sorry," he called after him, but Tanner didn't respond. "Elizabeth...I need a few minutes to calm down. I'm sorry for all of this, but I can't talk about him or you right now without getting really, really pissed off.” Nathan grabbed his beer off of the kitchen counter and walked out of the room.

I stared at him as he shoved his way through the crowd and opened the door leading out to the back porch. As horribly misguided as he was, Nathan's intentions were good. He had been making a serious effort to mend things between us, and tonight had been about protecting me. Something he never would have done in high school.

After Nathan walked out onto the porch, I decided not to follow him. He obviously needed some time to think and be alone.

"Well, that sucked," I said to nobody in particular, grabbing a beer out of the fridge and cracking it open. I hated using alcohol as stress relief, but this was an unusual situation. I pulled the bottle to my lips and took a sip.

I was alone with my thoughts for a few moments before I heard another familiar voice from outside the room.

"Oh, my gosh, what? Where is she? Where is Nathan? Are they okay?" It was McKenzie, searching desperately for me.

"I'm in here, McKenzie," I yelled over the sound of the party that had quickly resumed. The stereo was blaring so loud, I knew I was going to get a headache. “I’m in the kitchen."

"Elizabeth? Are you in here?" McKenzie appeared around the corner. "Oh, my God. I lost track of you, then Nathan got dragged off… That was crazy,” she sighed and pulled me in for a comforting hug. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Like, emotionally or physically or anything?" she asked frantically, running a hand through my hair. "Oh, God, you've been crying. I'm sorry I always talk you into these stupid parties.”

I brushed her off and offered a polite smile. "I'm fine. Nathan is outside. Just leave him alone for now. I think he needs some time to cool off."

“I'm not worried about some guy. I’m worried about my best friend," she assured me. "I guess Kyler was flirting with you, and once Nathan saw him put his arm around you, he blew up." She grabbed a beer out of the fridge for herself and leaned up against the kitchen counter next to me. "I know he kind of screwed up, but his intentions are good, Elizabeth. He's kind of crazy about you."

Once again, heat rushed to my cheeks. But, for a different reason this time. "You think so?" I asked, looking up from my beer.

"Oh, yeah. You should have seen his face when he saw what was happening between you guys," she said. "He was pissed. But, hey, that probably means he's really into you, you know?"

"Yeah, but now people are going to be talking about this for months," I whined. "You know how I hate drawing attention to myself."

She ignored my whining. " I don't think Nathan really considered how you would react. And, yeah, that wasn’t great,” she conceded. "I think he just saw Kyler coming onto you, and he could tell you were really uncomfortable and… he reacted on instinct."

I nodded. "It was really weird," I said, shuddering a little. “Honestly, I don't know if I would have been able to tell Kyler off by myself. He's just so persuasive and charming that I kind of forgot how to speak up, despite how uncomfortable I was, The guy took invasion of personal space to a whole new level."

"Well, I guess… it was a good thing that Nathan stepped in, huh?" she asked with a sly smirk. “And, you know, defended your honor?”

"Maybe," I replied, tossing my empty beer bottle into the trash.