Deeper Than The Ocean by Julie Ann Walker



Chapter 25


2:00 PM…


Wolf slowly unbuttoned his fly. And the calculated, lazy way he did it with one hand made the act look like pure, denim porn.

Chrissy had been teasing about the striptease. But the moment they stepped into her bedroom and Wolf indicated she should lie down on the bed, she’d known he hadn’t been teasing.

Thank you, Levi Strauss!

Although she would never cop to being a theater buff—not much call for Broadway musicals on the island—she could say, without a doubt, that this right here was the greatest show on Earth.

She licked her lips when the last button popped free. Felt her breasts grow heavy when he hooked a thumb in his waistband. And squeezed her thighs around her hot, swollen sex when he tugged, ever so slowly, and she was gifted with a view of the SAXX logo on the waistband of his black boxer briefs.

“Why did you stop?” Her voice was husky with anticipation when he got his jeans down the barest inch before pausing.

“It occurs to me that maybe we should hold off on this until after you’ve had some rest. Weren’t you sayin’ you felt like a can of smashed assholes?”

“That was before.” She waved away his concern.

“Before what?”

“Before I knew sex with you was on the table. I couldn’t nap now if you hit me over the head with a two-by-four. So kindly…” She made a rolling motion with her hand. “Continue.”

He chuckled, tugged his jeans the tiniest bit lower, and then…

Stopped again!


“Now what?” she demanded, unable to keep the impatience from her voice.

“Just makin’ sure you’re ready for what’s comin’.” A seductive glint fired in his eyes.

“Hopefully what’s coming will be me,” she told him cheekily. “AndI’ve been ready for that since the day we met.”

“Holy hell, woman. When you say things like that…” He trailed off and she watched him grab the thick length of his cock through his jeans.

Soon she would get a chance to see and feel that hungry column of flesh for herself. Of course, if he kept talking, it wouldn’t be soon enough.

“Stop flapping your lips and keep going,” she grumbled. “Why are you stalling?”

“I’m not stallin’.” He teased her by hooking a thumb in a belt loop and pulling his jeans down far enough so she got a spectacular view of his Michelangelo muscles, those creases on either side of his lower stomach that separated his abs from his hips. “I’m takin’ my time. There’s no need to rush.”

“What if I want you to rush?” She was going to follow those creases with her tongue. And then she was going to use her tongue on what was smack-dab between them.

“Then I’d say you’re goin’ to be mighty disappointed. When it comes to makin’ love, I like to go slow. Touch every inch. Kiss every inch. Taste every inch.”

She shuddered. “Then get to it.” She threw her uninjured arm wide. “I’m ready to be touched and kissed and tasted.”

She was past ready. So far past ready, in fact, she was tempted to reach down and touch herself through her sleep shorts. She’d never been this horny. If she didn’t get some relief soon, she worried she might explode.

Poof! Chrissy goo all over the windows and the walls.

“Good things come to those who wait,” he assured her, his voice low as he slid the wet denim down his legs and left his jeans in a pile on the floor.

When he stood, a breath shuddered out of her. She’d seen him in swim trunks. She knew all about his broad, hairless chest, his long, strong legs, and his six-pack abs. But this was different. Unlike his swim trunks, which hung loose around his hips, his boxer briefs clung to every inch of him.

Every. Single. Inch.

And there were many.Both in length and girth.

When she swallowed, her desert-dry throat made a clicking sound.

Again, he cupped his cock in his hand, giving it a squeeze. He knew she was waiting with bated breath to see what he held, but he didn’t make a single move to shuck his drawers.

The infuriating man!

“Alex informed me the clitoris has 8000 nerve endings,” she told him. Deep Six’s resident historian had a head for trivia, and she seemed determined to share it with anyone who would listen. “So if you’re going to drag this out and get on my nerves, I would appreciate it very much if you would make sure it’s one of those.”

He stopped stroking himself and blinked at her. Then a long, low laugh rumbled in his chest. When he pulled down his boxer briefs, every last thought fell out of her head.

She was speechless.


He was… The only word that came to mind was beautiful.But in an unabashedly masculine way.

He was thick and long, his intimate flesh darker than the rest of his skin. Heavy veins snarled up the sides of his erection to feed its substantial weight.

“Need was the breath in my lungs. Want was the blood in my veins.” Winston’s words came back to her, and she scooted over to pat the mattress in invitation.

“Guess I finally figured out what it takes to leave you speechless.” He chuckled as he walked the few steps toward the bed, his manhood bouncing between the muscled columns of his thighs.

In response, her own thighs fell open in readiness. An unwitting proposition that Wolf didn’t miss.

Standing beside the bed, gloriously nude, magnificently male, he let his gaze rake down the length of her. She was sprawled before him like an offering, like a supplicant. And she supposed she was both.

Placing one knee on the mattress, he proceeded to crawl onto the bed. No. He didn’t crawl. He prowled.Like the animal he was named after.

And never once did his eyes leave hers.

When he stretched out next to her, his naked dick pressed against her hip. Even through the fabric of her sleep shorts, she was scalded by the heat of him.

And holy crap!He looked even longer and thicker up close.

Is it possible to die from lust? she wondered. And then decided, I guess I’m about to find out!

And honestly, what a way to go.

She smoothed one finger along the scar at his temple, thinking how close she’d come to losing him. The emotion that twisted in her heart at the feel of that tight, raised flesh wasn’t lust or longing. It was tenderness.

He stilled at her touch. And when she leaned forward and kissed his scar, he sighed.

His warm breath fluttered the hair around her face and the next moment every muscle in his big body relaxed. He sank fully into the mattress.

“Now, it’s your turn,” he whispered, playing with the hem of her shorts.

She opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn’t remember what. The words strangled in her throat when he began to slowly, ever so slowly, tug the cotton material down her legs. The air from the vent felt cool against her newly exposed flesh, but the goose bumps that peppered her skin were caused by Wolf’s fingers.

After tossing her sleep shorts onto the floor, he softly rubbed his hand up her leg. From the turn of her ankle to the muscle of her calf. He dipped his fingers behind her knee—holy shit! She never knew the backs of her knees were erogenous zones!—before continuing his explorations and drawing a pattern on her thigh with the barest tips of his fingers.

“You want to leave this on?” He lifted the hem of her tank top.

She shook her head.

“Hmm.” He stared lazily down her length. “Okay then. Work with me here.”

She obliged him when he carefully removed her sling. Then, with the tenderest of touches, he pulled her tank top overhead, doing some magic there at the end that saved her from having to move her injured arm too much.

Then she was as naked as he was.

His gaze fixed on her nipples and a harsh, shuddering breath escaped his lungs. When he licked his lips, she felt the tips of her breasts grow so tight they hurt.

In fact, all of her hurt.

Hurt so good.

Oh, and great! Now I have a John Mellencamp earworm!

Her breaths came fast, which made her breasts rise and fall. One second, they were tantalizingly close to his lips. The next second, they dropped away.

She thought, given the desperate look in his eye, he would take a nipple into his mouth. She badly needed him to take a nipple into his mouth. So she was disappointed when he started putting her sling back on her arm.

“Please, Wolf. I need you to—”

He covered her mouth, darting his tongue between her lips to stop her talking. And that was fine by her. If she couldn’t have his mouth on her boobs, then having it on her mouth was just as good. Especially because the man knew how to kiss.

Like, seriously, he should host a webinar on the subject.

He used his tongue in a slow, steady pace. Licking into her over and over and over.Setting a rhythm she knew would translate to other pleasurable activities.

She sighed her passion and he swallowed it down. She tangled her tongue with his and before she knew it, her arm was back in the sling.

“I only want you feelin’ pleasure, darlin’,” he whispered against her lips. “No pain.”

She frowned down at her body, naked except for the sling and its strap that angled between her breasts. “Not exactly the sexiest piece of lingerie, is it?”

“Christina Szarek, you could make a garbage can look sexy. You have the most beautiful body I’ve ever seen.”

If anyone else had said those words, she would have rolled her eyes and scoffed. But because they came out of Wolf’s mouth, she believed. At least she believe he believed. His gaze was liquid with lust.

“Now”—he kissed his way back to her ear—“I’m going to enjoy every inch of you. And if I do somethin’ you don’t like, tell me. And if I’m not doin’ somethin’ you want, tell me that too.”

Her heart tripped over itself. Never in her life had a man been willing to listen to her in the bedroom. In fact, her last boyfriend, Drummer of the Dick Pics, had hated when she asked him to change position or slow down or…anything, really. “I don’t need instructions, Chrissy. I know what I’m doing.”

Wolf mistook her stunned expression. “I know men have a reputation for bein’ bad at communicatin’. But contrary to popular belief, we actually have ears. Tell me what you want, Chrissy. We’ll both come out the other side of this more satisfied if you do.”

“I want you to do what you promised,” she whispered desperately. “I want you to touch every inch of me. Kiss every inch of me. Taste every inch of me.”

He licked his lips again and she would swear the skin over his cheeks pulled so tight the bones beneath became razor-sharp.

She thought he’d say your wish is my command.So she was surprised when he cupped her face instead and whispered against her lips, “My island girl.”

There was possession in his voice right before he claimed her mouth. And even though she knew she shouldn’t, she liked hearing it.

Oh, baby girl. Her mother’s voice sounded in her head. You are in so much trouble.