Deeper Than The Ocean by Julie Ann Walker



Chapter 26


2:12 PM…


When Wolf kissed Chrissy, it started out as a soft brushing of lips. A gentle melding of mouths. He wanted to memorize the moment she truly gave herself to him. And he tried to draw it out.

Lord, how he tried.

But he was greedy with want, ravenous with need, and soon any semblance of gentleness, any illusion of politeness was gone. He devoured her like she was an MRE and he’d been stuck out on a mission for days with nothing to eat.

His kisses grew deeper, hungrier, wetter. And when she groaned her pleasure, he lost his ever-loving mind.

The animal in him wanted to rut. Wanted to spread her legs, notch the heated head of his cock against her wet opening, and plunge inside. Just screw and bang and breed until they were shaking and breathless and completely spent.

But no. Not this first time.

Later he would give in to his baser instincts. Later he would show her how wonderful and wicked straight-up fucking could be. But this first time…

This first time he would show her how extraordinary making love could be. What it was like when two people who cared deeply for one another finally, finally brought their bodies together in a physical act that expressed what words never could.

With reluctance, he pulled his mouth from hers. She hummed her impatience.

“Shh, darlin’.” He whispered against her cheek as he pressed a line of soft, lingering kisses back to her succulent little ear. “I’ll get you there. Don’t you worry. But let’s make this first time about the journey, not the destination. Is that okay with you?”

He lifted his head so he could see her eyes. Those ocean eyes that were dark with passion and sparkling up at him with such…trust.

She might not have faith in him when it came to forever. But when it came to this? It was all there on her face. Her words only confirmed it. “Everything you do is okay with me. Except when you stop kissing me or touching me.”

He chuckled, in love with her ever-mobile mouth. How it was usually laughing or smiling or skewering him with a witty quip. But he loved it best as it was right now. Wet and swollen from his kisses.

The soft glow of the afternoon sun slanted in through the closed slats of her shutters. As always happened in the Keys, that gilded orb had fought the rain and won. He was glad, because its light highlighted the hills and valleys of Chrissy’s delicious body—a landscape he intended to thoroughly explore before claiming it as his own.

“You are so incredibly gorgeous.” His words were reverent as he traced a finger over the elegant line of her jaw.

Her gaze searched his. “When you say it”—her voice was breathy—“I believe it.”

God love her.She has no idea.

She was a goddess, a water sprite, and ethereal creature possessing mile after mile of smooth skin. Her sun-kissed flesh was only disturbed by the little triangles around her breasts where her bikini tops protected her from the tropical sun. There was a matching triangle of pale skin over her pubic bone. It perfectly framed the neatly trimmed landing strip of dark blond hair that pointed the way to heaven.

Her nipples were cotton candy pink, crowning breasts that were full and firm. Then there was the perfect oval over her belly button. The neat tuck of her waist. The thrilling curve of her hips.

Christina Szarek was all woman. And he wanted all of her.

Starting now.

Claiming her mouth in a kiss that curled his own toes, he let his fingers explore all that glorious geography his eyes had been drinking in since the moment he removed her clothes. He started with her long neck, then worked his way to the line of her collarbone before slowly, slowly rubbing his hand along the side of her warm breast.

She moaned in encouragement when he softly cupped her, luxuriating in the weight of her in his palm. Then she gasped when he passed the callused pad of his thumb over her tip, feeling his balls tighten up in direct response to the furl of her responsive little nipple.

Back and forth he flicked that darling, ruched bud until she was squirming and squeezing her thighs together around an ache he understood. He was aching too. But he refused to rush.

Instead, he continued to slowly, thoroughly explore her with his fingers. And if his moves seemed calculated, that’s because they were. He’d been planning this for a long time. Had gone over and over it in his mind. What he wanted to do to her. How he wanted to do it.

“I’ll tend to the bits under here”—he softly skated a finger around her sling, which kept her arm immobile across her midsection—“after you’re healed,” he whispered. Then he circled the hollow of her belly button with his fingertip.

She tilted her hips, inviting him to continue his journey south. He did, but at his own pace. And he was leisurely.Tracing her hip bones, smoothing the sweet little curve of her belly, following the creases where her legs met her body.

By the time he smoothed that little landing strip of hair, her breaths were coming in shallow pants and her thighs were wide in invitation.

He couldn’t help himself. He had to look. Had to see the moment his fingers touched her most intimate flesh.

Pulling his mouth from hers, his breath strangled in his lungs when his fingertips parted her delicate folds.

Fuck me, he thought a little hysterically. She was everything he’d dreamed and more. So sweet and compact, the deeply blushing pinkness of her skin glistening with wetness. With readiness.

And it was all for him.

A wave of possessiveness broke over him. He wanted to tattoo that pretty mound with his name. Brand her soft flesh with his signature. Put his mark on her most intimate parts so that no one could ever think to claim what was rightfully his.

“Touch me, Wolf.” Her voice sounded drugged. A quick look at her face showed her cheeks flushed prettily and her bottom lip caught between her teeth. “Touch me, rub me, put your fingers inside me and stroke me until I cum.”

“My pleasure.” He reclaimed her mouth in a sensual kiss at the same time he rubbed his finger over the swollen little nub of her clit.

She groaned, her hips arching off the mattress, seeking more, needing more.

He gave it to her, subtly increasing the pressure but not the rhythm. Drawing out her pleasure, winding her tighter and tighter, lifting her higher and higher. Knowing the moment he put his fingers inside her would be even more glorious if he first primed her pump. Got her intimate flesh absolutely buzzing with need.

She seemed to agree, because she moved in rhythm to his hand. But after a few moments of this exquisite torture, she ripped her mouth away. “Wolf! Stop teasing me!”

His voice was barely a rasp as he sank a finger into the soft, hot center of her arousal. “Is this what you want, darlin’?”

“Oh, my god!” she cried out, her walls clamping around his intrusion. Her intimate muscles rippling along the length of his digit as if to welcome him in.

His cock jerked so hard it slapped against his stomach. His heart raced so fast he could feel the hum of his blood through his veins. And every inch of his skin was on fire.

Curling his finger slightly, he found the rough, satiny patch of flesh that was sure to send her careening into ecstasy. He knew he’d found the correct spot even before she drew in a sharp breath because her stomach muscles contracted.

Setting up a slow, steady rhythm, he loved the way her body clung to him with each retreat and then softened with each advance. Retreat and advance. Retreat and advance.

Her hips matched the thrusting of his hand. His own hips jerked slightly, rubbing his erection against the skin of her hip.

All he could think was…

Wet. Silky. Mine.

She lifted her chin to watch what he was doing to her. And the instant she did, her pupils dilated so wide they nearly eclipsed the blue of her irises.

It was an incredibly erotic sight. His arm stroking so the muscles and tendons stood out. Her hips pumping in a motion as old as time. Wetness glistening on both of them.

His cock bounced rudely, as if to catch her attention and remind her of its readiness. Wolf pressed it into the mattress, telling it to be patient.

The bastard only throbbed painfully in protest.

Her head fell back against the pillow then, her eyes screwed tight. And he watched as rivers of pleasure flowed through her body, rushing sweetly, building speed.

He could feel how close she was in the undulating grip of her womanhood. Hear it in her thready, mewling breaths. See it in the bright wash of red that mottled her skin.

“Go on and help yourself,” he growled, low and hungry, and then felt a drop of pre-cum leave the tip of his cock when she reached down and pressed two fingers against her clitoris, moving them in a quick, circular motion.

“That’s right, darlin’,” he whispered. “Let it happen. Don’t fight it.”

Each of his thrusts pressed a groan from her lips. And when he added a second finger to the first, she finally gave it up for him.

Her groans became a long, shattering cry. Her hips arched high off the mattress. And her inner walls squeezed so tight around his marauding fingers that his knuckles rubbed together.

Holding his fingers deep and high inside her, he massaged that rough, swollen patch of flesh. Drawing out her climax. Milking every last ounce of pleasure from her until slowly, ever so slowly, her hips sank back into the mattress and her muscles loosened.

He only allowed her a moment’s reprieve, a second or two to slide from the heights of orgasm, before reclaiming her lips.

Women, at least some of them, had the ability to cum over and over again. The trick was to take advantage of that refractory period. Let them drift down. But not too far before pushing them back up.

He was determined to discover if Chrissy was one of those women. He hoped so.

Because I’m only gettin’ started.

He stroked his tongue into her mouth, and at first she was passive, still recovering. But then a hungry little growl sounded at the back of her throat and she began returning his caresses, her hand sneaking down between them to take hold of his restless dick.

Holy fuck! Her palm was warm. Her fingers were curious as they traced his veins and explored his swollen, weeping head.

It was only through manful focus and discipline he didn’t go off in her hand. That’s how horny he was for her. And he would go off if she kept it up.

“Not yet.” He encircled her wrist and pulled her hand away. If his cock had a voice it would’ve cried out in disappointment.

She pursed her wonderfully kiss-swollen mouth. “But why?”

“I won’t be able to hold back if you keep touchin’ me, darlin’. I’ll have to fuck you. And I’m not ready for that. Not yet.”

“Why?” There was a recklessness in her eyes. And a hunger he knew was reflected in his own.

“I’ve touched every inch of you. Now it’s time to kiss those same sweet inches. And when I make you cum again, I want to taste it on my tongue.”

She shuddered, and he didn’t wait for her permission before kissing a path down her throat. He didn’t need her permission. The way she tunneled her fingers through his hair when he caught her nipple in his mouth was consent enough.

By the time he’d licked and laved his way to her belly button, she was once again writhing and begging him to ease the ache he’d built.

“Shh, darlin’. We’re gettin’ there.” Fitting his shoulders between her spread thighs, he was hard-pressed not to spend himself on the mattress.

She was so pretty and swollen. And her scent was glorious. A mixture of soap, clean skin, and that unmistakable smell of fully aroused female flesh that every man fantasized about and craved.

“Wolf…” Her fingers pulled at his hair. Her hips thrust up at him in entreaty. And when he allowed his eyes to travel up her body, his gaze collided with hers.

He didn’t look away when he leaned close, pressing his mouth over her waiting flesh, finding and softly flicking the bud of her arousal.

She jerked as if she’d been hit with a cattle prod. And he lifted his head ever so slightly, making sure his hot breath bathed her wet flesh when he asked, “More?”

She nodded, unable to speak.

He chuckled lowly, gratified as only a man who’d set a woman on fire could be. When he sampled her again, her fingers left his hair. She grabbed the headboard for leverage and cried out in helpless need.

He settled into the task then, loving everything about it. The softness of her flesh against his tongue. The warmth of her thighs on either side of his face. The way she bucked and quivered and kept saying, “Oh, yes! Yes! Oh, yes!”

Each press of his lips, each swipe of his tongue undid her a little more. And when he shoved a finger inside her, she was flung over that cliff once again.

The smell of her release tunneled up his nose. The sound of her cries were muffled since she’d clamped her legs around his ears. And the taste of her?

Oh, the taste of her was unbelievable. Salty and sweet. Clean and bright.

The last thread of his restraint broke. He pressed up from his sprawl between her legs and found his place between her hips, pressing his hot manhood against her belly.

It was a primal move, dominating and coarse.

He couldn’t help it.

In fact, the only thing that kept him from plowing into her was…

“Condom,” he rasped, every muscle in his body twitching with barely held restraint.