Dirty Little Secret by S.E. Law



Six months later.

We’re having Martha over for dinner again, but this time, I’m not the one straightening and tidying things in our house. Instead, Luke bustles around the apartment putting the food out and setting the table while I sit at the piano, dreaming as my fingers drift over the keys.

After all, I released my first EP a few weeks ago, and it’s actually doing really well. A few critics have reviewed it, and their assessments have been glowing. Even more, I’ve attracted more than a thousand new followers on Instagram, and doubled the number of people reading my Twitter feed. Maybe my EP’s not double platinum, but I’m over the moon with excitement regardless.

But now, I’m in my third trimester, and it’s time to kick my feet up and begin nesting in anticipation of the baby. We’ve already converted one of the guest rooms into a nursery, and it’s been set up with a crib, a changing table, and a huge, oversized giraffe that’s at least five feet tall. I have no idea how our son or daughter will play with it until they’re at least three, but it was a loving gift from my mother-in-law.

Speaking of which, Martha should be arriving soon. We’ve ordered from Dominina’s again because Luke and I are both hopeless when it comes to cooking, although we’ve been practicing our mashed carrots and peas for the baby. Still, we order from Dominina’s at least once a week, and it’s quickly become one of our favorites.

Luke walks past me with a broom and dustpan. He rolls his eyes playfully as I sit at the piano and smile. I love how my man is so domestic now, and stick my tongue out at him while continuing to play. After all, it’s not like I can help because at the moment, my tummy is so big that the piano bench is pushed back almost three feet. These days, I can’t even bend over to tie my shoes, so my husband has to help me with that too.

Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door. Ah, that must be Martha! I stop playing and close the fall-board and then waddle over to the front door. Sure enough, Martha’s standing there with a cheery expression and a bottle of sparkling apple cider.

“I’ve got the goods!” she exclaims, pulling me into a quick, warm hug. “No alcohol, but the cider’s delicious nonetheless. How are you feeling, dearie?”

When we separate, I take the bottle from her with a giggle.

“Oh Martha, you know you don’t have to stop drinking on my account, although I appreciate the gesture.”

She shakes her head. “No, no. I feel that I’ve been drinking a bit too much since my husband died, so this is good,” she says. “Besides, I love sparkling drinks! It’ll be fun.”

I smile and nod before taking the bottle into the kitchen while Martha gives Luke a long hug and kiss. Then, the three of us sit down at the dining room table, and dig in. Mmm, the food is so good, and I eat three giant meatballs and a plate of spaghetti before Luke and Martha have even finished their appetizers.

“I was famished!” I declare while patting my lips.

Luke looks on approvingly.

“Of course, honey, because you’re eating for two,” he growls. “We’re going to have a very healthy child.”

“Yes, I can’t wait to meet my grandbaby!” Martha declares. But then she winks at both of us. “You know,” she says in a sing-song voice, “I always suspected that your engagement was fake. But then this baby came along, so I figured at least part of it had to be real.”

Luke swallows his cider too quickly and I reach over to pat him on the back as he sputters. He gives me a grateful look before turning to his mother.

“Mother, what are you talking about? Where is this even coming from?”

Martha waves away his question. “You never brought Patty around before, Luke, so that was suspicious. Plus, it didn’t seem as if you knew each other that well at the beginning. A mother has a sixth sense,” she says knowingly.

We both stare at Martha.

“But why didn’t you say anything?” I ask tremulously.

The elderly lady merely grins.

“Because you were good for my son, my dear,” she says simply. “I could see that from the start, so I decided to keep my mouth shut.”

I duck my head a bit sheepishly, but then smile. My mother-in-law accepts me, so what good would it do to hide now? It’s all in the past anyways, so we might as well acknowledge the fib. But does Martha know about my former life, too?

As if reading my mind, my mother-in-law reaches over to pat my hand comfortingly. “There’s no shame in the work you used to do, dear. Why, even in my day, I considered paying my way through college as a lady of the night. But then, of course, I met my husband, and money was no longer an issue. Yet we all do what it takes to make things work, and I’m not going to judge you, Patty,” she says in a kind voice.

Tears fill my eyes then.

“Thank you, Martha,” I say in a choked tone. “I appreciate your understanding.”

“Of course, honey,” she says sympathetically. “Life is strange, and no one can predict how things will turn out.”

But then my mother-in-law looks up brightly.

“Oh, and I also popped by Jamie’s a few weeks ago. You know, the piano bar where you used to play?”

My eyes widened. “You didn’t!”

She grins.

“I did, and it was fun! There was a lovely woman there named Big Momma, and she had some of the most interesting stories to tell.” Martha tops up her glass. “It’s not the most conventional piano bar, I’ll admit, but they have delicious food, and I highly enjoyed myself. Their tuna melts in particular are quite delicious.”

I smile happily at her. “OMG, I think so too. The next time you go there, would you mind bringing me one?”

“Of course, honey. And I’ll tell Kid Cuzo that you say hello too.”

With that, the conversation continues. Dinner with Martha is always so easy, and the food is appetizing. After I’ve devoured another plate of spaghetti, I clear my throat and reach for my cider.

“How is James?” I ask tentatively. “Have either of you heard from him?”

Martha and Luke pause and exchange a glance. I tense, bracing for the worst. After all, Luke’s hunch about Jocelyn was true; his stalker was the one who revealed the truth about me to James, and in a drunken moment, James decided to proposition me. But since that fateful dinner party, James has quit Montgomery Holdings in order to travel the world. I hope he finds himself while exploring these far-flung places, and that he returns with a newfound sense of peace and calm.

“I don’t like speaking ill of my own flesh and blood,” Martha says in a slow voice, “but to be honest, my son has always been a bit of troublemaker. I could excuse it with some ‘boys will be boys’ bullshit, but what he did to you was unforgivable honey.”

I take Martha’s hand in my own, my expression sympathetic.

“Yes, but I do forgive James, and I think Luke does too.”

My husband makes a face and makes a “so-so” movement with his hand, so I kick him lightly under the table, but he just shrugs. Then I sigh and turn my attention back to Martha.

“Someday, we’d love for James to meet his new niece or nephew. He’s made mistakes but everyone deserves a second chance. We will welcome him when he decides to come home.”

“Thank you, my dear,” Martha says in a soft tone while tears fill her eyes. “You are more than what an old woman deserves.”

I merely pull my mother-in-law close and pat her back as she cries silently. No family is perfect, but this one is mine, and I want to contribute to its recovery.

* * *

After Martha leaves,Luke wraps his arms around me from behind and rests his hands on top of my round belly. At his touch, our baby kicks.

“I’m sorry, sweetling,” he murmurs into my ear. “Should I have had my mom leave earlier? Are you tired?”

I shake my head. “No. I love having Martha over because she’s a hoot.”

He chuckles.

“You mean, you like hearing all of the embarrassing stories she has of me.”

I giggle. “Is there a difference?”

My handsome husband trails kisses down the side of my neck and shifts the strap of my dress to the side so he can kiss my shoulder.

“Probably not, but it’s all good. I have nothing to hide,” he winks. Then he straightens and gives my belly another soothing rub. “By the way, honey, I bought something for you,” he adds with a wink. “A ‘push’ present if you will.”

I smile.

“OMG, a push present? You love shopping for me, don’t you?” I tease. “Not that I’m complaining.”

Luke smiles and pulls out a pair of sparkly diamond earrings. They’re enormous and glint even in the low lighting of our bedroom, and when I put them on, they’re absolutely beautiful.

“They’re beautiful,” I whisper, staring at our reflection in the mirror. “Thank you, Luke.”

He merely leans in to press a tender kiss to my neck, his blue eyes filled with love.

“Thank you, Patty. For everything. For this marriage, for the baby on the way, and most of all, for being my wife. Thank you, honey, for making me the happiest man in the world.”

With that, I turn in his arms and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. After all, none of this was supposed to be real. We were two people who were going to use each other for our own purposes, but instead, two hearts met and then joined. Now, Luke Montgomery is my husband, and with his baby in my belly, I know that our lives will be filled with contentment and joy from here on out.


Did you hate James, Luke’s gorgeous yet arrogant younger brother? Well, he comes back from his travels with a taste for filth that only one woman can satisfy. Pick up Dirty Sexy Daddyhere!

Patty’s been with other men before, and that includes Brandon, a handsome older man who falls in love with a woman who’s strictly off limits. Read about Brandon’s exploits in My Boyfriend’s Dad, available here.


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