Dirty Little Secret by S.E. Law



The next day.

I sit in my car in the building’s below-ground parking lot. My cell rests limply in the palm of my hand as I stare sightlessly straight ahead. I’ve just gotten off the phone with a police officer, and it’s the most incredible news. My brain shuts down as it replays the conversation, and with an excited jolt of electricity, I throw open the car door and jump out.

To be honest, today’s been crap up until a few minutes ago. James was a total ass at work, irritable and snarly, not to mention borderline unprofessional. I had three meetings in a row, and my personal assistant called out sick, leaving me to fend for myself. Plus, they didn’t have my usual turkey sandwich in the cafeteria, which pissed me off. But I don’t have to think about that now because there’s good news, and we can celebrate

I burst through the front door, looking around wildly. Where’s Patty? She’s usually at the piano, surrounded by sheets of music and holding a pen behind her ear, but the instrument sits abandoned. Weird. I peek in the kitchen, but she’s not there either. Normally, she’s within arm’s length, but the penthouse feels strangely empty today.

“Patty, sweetheart,” I call. “Where are you?”

“I’m here,” she responds in a muffled voice. “In the bedroom.”

I bolt to the master, and find her curled under the covers, in much the same position when I left this morning. Her eyes, her nose, and her cheeks look red, like she’s been crying, but maybe it’s a cold. After all, there’s a trash bin next to her side of the bed that’s full of tissues.

My eyebrows knit in concern as I sit next to her. I push away the hair from her forehead and look deeply into her eyes. “Are you alright, sweetie? What is it?”

She nods. “I’m just feeling a little under the weather is all.”

I touch her forehead, but she doesn’t feel warm. Then again, she’s seemed a bit off ever since the dinner last night. I frown. “I don’t think you have a fever, honey. Do you want me to take you to the doctor?”

She shakes her head. “No, no. I’m sure it’s just allergies. It’ll pass soon enough, and I’ve already taken some Claritin.” Then, the curvy brunette sits up and wipes at her watery eyes with another tissue before shooting me a small smile. “So, what’s up? You sounded like you were really excited just now.”

It takes me a moment to switch gears, but then I grin.

“Yeah, I’ll say. Jocelyn’s been arrested,” I say. “The police just called to tell me.”

The beautiful woman’s eyes go wide. “Really? What for?”

I shake my head. “One of our neighbors caught her trying to break into the mailboxes downstairs. He called the police and they arrested her because actually, tampering with mail is a federal crime. Can you believe it?”

A smile spreads across Patty’s lips and her eyes sparkle. “OMG, that’s great news! Are you planning on pressing charges?”

I shake my head. “I don’t think I’ll need to because a night in jail should have her rethinking her life. In fact, the police mentioned that Jocelyn’s parents have finally gotten involved. They said there’s been some preliminary talk about moving her back to Idaho to live with them, and putting her in therapy or home care. If that happens, she should be out of my hair for good.”

Patty smiles brilliantly, even if there’s something sad in her eyes. “You must be ecstatic, Luke. You can finally live your life without having to look over your shoulder all the time.”

I grin.

“Yes, and it’s all thanks to you, sweetheart.” I lean over her, taking in her beautiful features and committing them to memory. Even under the weather, Patty is the most gorgeous creatures that I’ve ever seen, and I’ve never felt more fortunate than I do right now. All I have to do is say that I want to make this official. I want the ring on her finger to be the real thing, and a decoy no longer. I reach forward to clasp her small hand in my own.

“I don’t know how I can ever thank you for what you’ve done for me,” I say softly. “These last few months have been amazing, sweetheart.”

She blushes a little, even if her gaze is still a bit sad.

“You don’t need to thank me,” she says in a quiet voice. “It’s all in a day’s work, after all.”

That makes me hesitate for a moment because those words were so professional. The air chills a bit, and suddenly time rewinds so that we’re two strangers in a bar again. I start to ask what’s wrong, but then Patty leans forward and closes the distance between us. She slips her arms around my shoulders, and presses those sweet lips against mine.

“I love you, Luke,” she whispers as we both sink to the mattress. My heart soars as I roll her onto her back, ready to conquer. But before I can say anything, my mind goes haywire as she hooks her leg over my hip and pulls me close. Then she inches her big sleep t-shirt upwards, revealing that there are no panties beneath the soft cotton. She’s slick and wet already, and I moan before undoing my pants and sinking deep into that glistening pinkness.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” I pant while easing into her, soft and slow. I stare into those big brown eyes as I pump, and Patty looks back at me, also caught in the dream. But before I can turn things utterly carnal, my girl beats me to it. She pushes me out, and then rolls her hips up to show me both of her holes.

“Put it in wherever you want, Luke,” she whispers, flexing both openings at me. “I belong to you, and this is yours to enjoy however you like.”

Why does it sound like she’s saying goodbye? But lust has overcome my brain, and I dive in, so grateful that this woman is mine.

* * *

Later,in the throes of satiation, I drift in and out of sleep. A few minutes pass, and I hear a sniffling sound. What is that? Lethargic, I turn to the pretty girl and wrap a strong arm around her waist before pulling her back against my chest.

“Are you okay?” I whisper.

“Yes, don’t worry about me,” she whispers back. “It’s just these drat allergies again.”

I nuzzle the nape of her neck. “Do you want me to get you the Claritin?” I ask. “It’s in the bathroom, right?”

She says nothing, but merely scoots closer to my huge form. I run my fingertips over her stomach as my eyelids grow heavy once more. I’ll be asleep before too long.

“Claritin, hon?” I try again. “It’s no trouble.”

“No,” she says in a soft voice. “I’m okay.”

Hmm, strange. I pull her close once more, my eyes already shut.

“Later this month,” I say groggily, “I want to take you somewhere special.”

“Like where?” she asks in a quiet voice.

I yawn. “Maybe France or the Bahamas. Any place will feel like Paradise if you’re there too, sweetheart. I’m going to take a couple of weeks off work and just enjoy being together.”

Another sniffle comes, but then Patty speaks. “Yes, that sounds good, Luke. I’d like that.”

Then I kiss the back of her neck and hold her close as sleep rushes up to meet me. In the second between wakefulness and dreaming, something pings my conscience, but before I can focus on the unsettling feeling, I’m out like a light.