His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Twenty-Two - Chad

My mind was as a dark raging sea. Indecision crashing against suspicion in a roaring squall of love and affection. All that was best of both dark and light meeting in a single aspect. My desire to be with Nina was counter-acted in equal measure by my fear of losing her. A classic and real catch-22.

On the other hand, I knew what I wanted but was too chicken shit to really go after it. Afraid of getting hurt again. Love leading to pain in my estimation. Loving the wrong woman had basically killed my dad. Though I shouldn’t be busting out the Buzzcocks just yet.

The crew was waiting with the addition of Will and the other pros. I felt like a royal rolling through a rural town. The citizenry waiting for a glimpse with bated breath.

Nina was lurking in the back, the poor lamb. No doubt as nervous about seeing me as I was about seeing her. Our last meeting was far from a paragon of the courtly arts. I hadn’t actually been mad. There wasn’t really anything to be mad about. She’d never actually lied. Just told the selective truth, which was fair enough indeed. There was still lots she didn’t know about me while she had come to bare her soul to me. Which was never easy and seemed to be particularly difficult for her. How did I repay her? Icy silence that left her even more in doubt. I would kick my ass if only it were possible.

I avoided her gaze as I opened up the shop — the usual mob rolling through the garage door before I was granted entrance.

It would be a lie to say I ignored her, falling right back into my video-stalking tendencies. Watching her every move as she worked and socialized, fitting in better with the crew than I ever could have hoped or expected. Were it not for her feminine features, I would have found it difficult to tell her from any of the other trainees.

Respite for both of us came when they went for lunch, leaving Will and me to watch the place should anyone happen to come in. Though most of our regulars knew when we were there and when we weren’t.

Despite the potential for boredom, there were certain advantages to patterns — a comfort in predictability. As with nearly every other day, Nina waited. Or, at least, she stayed behind. Whether she was waiting for me or so far in the zone, she hadn’t noticed the others leave was still was to be seen.

I felt light a ninja, sneaking up behind her, my boots impossibly light on the shop floor. I wasn’t trying to scare her. I was the one who was afraid that she might scream and run or tell me off. In either case, I would have deserved it.

She didn’t turn around. Not until I touched her shoulder. Her reaction was surprisingly calm. Had she heard me coming? Every such question or consideration was driven from my mind when I saw the tears in her eyes — tears of sadness, as well as pain. Ones I knew in an instant I had caused.

“I-I can’t do this anymore,” she said, “I need to know what you want. Please tell me so we can work this out.”

“I want you to come home with me.”

Suddenly as the clouds breaking, Nina threw her arms around me and squeezed tight as though afraid I might disappear if she ever let go. I picked her up so we could more easily kiss. Each contact soft and pure. Joy pouring from both of us. My own heart seemed to grow three sizes that day, and I knew finally and for sure that I loved Nina, deeply and truly. The past didn’t matter — either hers or mine. The most important thing at that moment was that we were together.

My truck rumbled to a halt outside my dad’s old house. The one I’d grown up in. The one I’d inherited after he’d died. The one I’d planned to bring Nina back to after we were married. Usually, the ‘m’ word would have been like kryptonite, though it was beginning to have a lot more appeal.

It was honestly all I could do not to fuck her right there in the truck cab, though I thought the bed would probably be more comfortable. Helping Nina down from the truck, I carried my sweet love to the house and straight to the bedroom. Closing the front door with my heel as we went.

Nina was still wearing her overalls, so it was a bit of a production to get her undressed. Despite my urgency, I wanted to take my time, removing each layer like opening a present.

I started with her boots placing them carefully by the bed one by one. Then came her overalls. Nina tried to help by wiggling up as I pulled down. Soon enough, she was down to her jeans and T-shirt. Pulling her up into a sitting position, I slowly lifted off her shirt and then her sports bra, letting her beautiful tits make an appearance.

Then it was time for the jeans. They were looser than what she usually wore and pulled down relatively easily. Which only left her panties clinging to her sweet body, giving a clear impression of her pussy in the soft cloth. Lovely little Nina was already wet.

With all due care, I tenderly pulled down her briefs, revealing her tender pink girlhood inch by inch, until it was on full display. Nina spread her legs wide in welcome.

Her first gasp was soft but heartfelt. My tongue delicately licking her outer lips, savoring her taste. After a bit of teasing, I started in earnest. Giving her long, firm licks from bottom to top, making her almost roar with pleasure. I was surprised such a big sound could come out of such a little body but was pleased just the same.

It was an incredible orgasm. Nina moaning and screaming, her hands lovingly stroking through my hair. It was nice to be somewhere that she could really let go.

While she recovered, I undressed, my cock standing firm and proud in the darkness of the room. I hadn’t even thought to put a light on before bedding her. An oversight I rectified immediately, clicking on the bedside lamp, so I could really see her. Nina covered her eyes and moaned at the sudden brightness but soon forgave me when she saw my cock.

“Come here, sweetheart,” I said softly.

She immediately obeyed. Scooting up, so she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Gently taking my massive member in both of her soft, warm hands.

She stroked like a champion milkmaid, almost making me cum right then and there. Luckily I got there in time, lightly taking hold of her wrist to stop her for a moment, so I could gather myself.

Early orgasm successfully thwarted, I guide her head down to my cock. For a moment, I was afraid she might hurt herself, but she did really well. Making only sexy little gulping sounds as she swallowed most of my cock.

Nina took my load into her mouth with class and grace, pulling back and swallowing it all down, continuing to stroke me as she did so. I kissed her passionately as I lay her down. Actually lifting her up from the bed before laying her flat on her back. Placing ankles up onto my shoulders, I got into position. Stroking up against Nina’s pussy, I made her moan.

“Ready, sweetheart?”

“Yes, please, fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

That was all I needed to hear. I didn’t fuck her hard at first, though. It was still essential to ease into it and let her adjust to my massive cock moving inside her tight little pussy. I slipped in about a quarter of my full length and moved in her like the tide on the shore. Rolling in and out in a smooth, gentle rhythm. Making sure the top of my shaft rubbed up against both her clit and her g-spot.

Working up to it gradually, I started to fuck her hard. Pounding my cock deep inside her. Nina screaming her joy at every thrust. Her pussy getting even tighter around me, not wanting to let go.

We came at the same time. A sweet shudder trebling through Nina as I blasted my cum deep inside her. I knew I should have worn a condom. She was a virgin, and I had regular tests, but there was still a pregnancy risk. Thought that really wasn’t how I saw it anymore. I’d never really thought about being a dad before. One of many once firm positions Nina was making me reconsider. I knew we would make a beautiful baby.

“Want to try something. It is a bit different, but I think you’ll like it.”

“O-okay,” Nina panted, still recovering from the pounding I just gave her.

I opened the drawer in the drawer in the bedside table and got it out, along with a bottle of lube.

“What the heck is that?” Nina asked.

“It’s called a butt plug, sweetheart. It’s to help with anal sex.”

“Anal sex? You mean you’re going to put it in my—”

“Only the butt plug for now. I will want to fuck you there eventually, but you need to be prepared so it doesn’t hurt. Understood?”

“It hurts?”

“It can if it’s not done right. That’s why we’d do the but plug first with lots of lube. If you don’t like it, we’ll stop.”

“Okay,” Nina said, sounding more excited about the idea.

Lubing up the butt plug, I got Nina onto her side and pulled her knees up to her chest. Then, gently holding her ass open, I touched the cool, slick tip of the butt plug to her tight, virgin asshole. Sweet Nina moaned and raised as it slipped in inch by inch, though she gave no signs of pain.

“You okay, sweetness?” I asked, delicately stroking her pussy when the plug was in place.

“Yes,” she moaned.

“Feels good, right?”

“Oh, fuck yes!” she cried.

I slipped two fingers into her wet little pussy and fingered her to a massive orgasm. The stimulation from the butt plug intensifying the pleasure. Though I still had other tricks up my sleeve.

“You know, this is a special kind of butt plug.”

“I-it is?”

“Would like to see what else it can do.”


At her word of command, I engaged the vibrator function, sending my young lover to a new dimension of ecstasy. I held her hand and stroked her hair as she came more than ever before. When she’d hit her final peak, I switched off the toy and very carefully withdrew it from her. Nina’s asshole stayed stretched open long after.

“This is how anal can feel good,” I said, tracing the outside of her stretched out asshole with my finger, “the giver still needs to be very careful, and there can never be too much lube, but it is vital that the receiver is properly stretched.”

“Yes, sir.”

The spank wasn’t hard but enough to make a sound — Nina’s yelp a combination of pleasure and pain.

“What have I said about calling me sir? I’m not a knight or your overlord.”

“Sorry, Chad.”

“That’s better,” I said, stroking the assailed area.


I thought they were going to knock the door down. The knocks loud enough to wake the dead. I rolled out of bed, pulling on a pair of jeans on the way to answer the door. I recognized him immediately. He was certainly in the news enough. He looked like Colonel Sanders with even worse fashion sense — his headgear the very epitome of all hat, no cattle.

“I know she’s here,” Dunn said, “the grunts at the garage told me where you were. I must say, I’m surprised she would go with such a brute. Particularly when she has a man like Arthur, a proper suitor who doesn’t have to get his hands dirty.”

“Odd, I thought you candy ass fops were supposed to be polite.”

“The time for politeness passed when you soiled my princess. I’m not leaving without her,” he said.

“No. You probably aren’t used to hearing that word, so I’ll give it time to penetrate that practical joke of a hat.”

“Listen here, you worthless piece of shit,” he said, shoving me back into the living room, closing the door behind him.

“No, you listen,” I said, recovering quickly, “I’ll give you ten seconds to get fuck out of my house before I beat you to death.”

“Is that right?” Dunn asked, putting his hands on his hips, revealing the grip of the revolver holstered under his jacket. Of course, the fucker hand a gun.

“Daddy, no.”

We both looked as Nina came out of the bedroom, fully dressed. Her eyes not leaving the floor the whole time. I watched in mute shock as Nina walked out my door, her smirking father close behind. Were it not for the gun, I would have broken every major bone in his body in at least two places.